Goodreads Giveaway Helper

Goodreads Giveaway Helper 1) Can hide giveaways with poor chances. 2) Hi-light books by authors on your shelves. 3) Speed up entry, and even automatically scan giveaways for authors on your shelves. Now deals with Giveaways for which you can't uncheck "add to read shelf!"

Ниже показаны все версии этого скрипта. Показать только версии, в которых изменялся код.

  • v0.4.8 20.06.2018 v0.4.8: Fixed an issue where entering a giveaway would get stuck. Goodreads changed their submit button to be disabled after clicking, which prevented further clicks.
  • v0.4.6 28.03.2018 v0.4.6: Deals with a bug when it tries to enter a giveaway you already won in the past. It would start a second scan from the main giveaway page. That page is the "Featured" section, which has a lot less pages than all giveaway. That could lead to the full scan ending prematurely.
  • v0.4.5 08.03.2018 Nothing. work, greasyfork, work!
  • v0.4.4 07.03.2018 v0.4.4: greasyfork is not accepting my changes :( trying again
  • v0.4.3 07.03.2018
  • v0.4.3 07.03.2018 V0.4.3: Another attempt at same issue with undefined page opening
  • v0.4.3 07.03.2018 V0.4.3: Another attempt at same issue with undefined page openeing
  • v0.4.2 06.03.2018 V0.4.2: There was an issue with already entered giveaways. They could end up opening the page - which forwards to a user page of a person who adopted the nickname 'undefined'
  • v0.4.1 01.03.2018 v0.4: Now it can really deal with giveaways that don't give you the option to uncheck "add to to-read shelf". What happens now is that the book does get added to your "want to-read shelf", but the tool then immediately removes it. The one exception should be when the book was already on your "want to read shelf" prior to entering the giveaway, in that case it will remain there.
  • v0.3 12.02.2018 For some giveaways, Goodreads stopped offering the option wether or not to add the giveaway book to your "to read" shelf. It will always be added. The new version of the script restores that checkbox when the 'Auto uncheck "add to to-read shelf"' feature is enabled
  • v0.2 02.08.2017
  • v0.1 26.07.2017