Pixiv Previewer

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< Обсуждения Pixiv Previewer

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Can't open the setting menu at bottom-right

Can't open the popup setting menu at bottom-right. I tried change the pixiv language to japanese and chinese, but I still can't open it. Is anything wrong?

Создано: 13.12.2019
Отредактировано: 13.12.2019

@"Fizhbone 24" 说道: Can't open the popup setting menu at bottom-right. I tried change the pixiv language to japanese and chinese, but I still can't open it. Is anything wrong?

You can press the F12 on the keyboard to open developer tool, then switch to the console tab and click the setting button at the bottom-right of page. Copy all informations in the console to here, it's helpful. Thanks.

By the way, the setting button is a gear with black background(just like the picture), can you see that? If not, it means that the page you opened is not supported.

Yes, I can see the gear icon. But it didn't response when I clicked it.

Here, I give you screenshot of the developer thing from inspect element. It's from this page.

Создано: 14.12.2019
Отредактировано: 15.12.2019

@"Fizhbone 24" There is a bug when browser's size is less than 1280x720, fixed in v3.0.21.

I see, after you mention about the browser size, I tried to zoom out the page to 80%, and it works. Thank you very much for your help.


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