RARBG Advanced Filters

Additional quality of life filters: - Show or hide category icons; - Show or hide torrent thumbnails; - Show or hide movie and tv filters (Removes torrents with KORSUB and 720p); - Show or hide porn; - search for movies and tv shows by genre - Filter based on minimum IMDB rating;

< Обсуждения RARBG Advanced Filters

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Создано: 16.01.2019
Отредактировано: 15.03.2019

[Fixed] Don't show thumbnails on top100

Not showing thumbnails on this url.

Создано: 10.03.2019

Hi, I'm not sure I follow. Could you provide more information?

Создано: 10.03.2019

In the filters ensure these two are selected. https://i.imgur.com/oWJmWFl.png

Создано: 11.03.2019
Отредактировано: 11.03.2019

Yes I have selected the filters like that. But only this url is not showing the thumbnails:


Another problem, why is not showing up the thumbnails since yesterday?


Создано: 14.03.2019

Fixed the thumbnails on the general site. It appear the filters work for torrents.php but not top100.php. I am looking into that. In the meantime, get the latest to fix the thumbnails.

@Kxmode said: Fixed the thumbnails on the general site. It appear the filters work for torrents.php but not top100.php. I am looking into that. In the meantime, get the latest to fix the thumbnails.

Thank you! :)

Создано: 15.03.2019

Found and fixed the bug on the top100.php file.

Perfect, thanks a lot!


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