// ==UserScript==
// @name Remove livejournal-promo
// @name:ru Удаление промо-блоков livejournal
// @version 3.2020.4.11
// @description Remove livejournal's promo blocks, promo-posts, hide spam-authors by list in localStorage, fix CSS.
// @description:ru Remove livejournal's promo. Удаляет промо-блоки, промо-посты из френд-ленты, скрывает спам-авторов по списку, подправляет CSS (шрифт без засечек, размеры аватаров, общий светлый фон) на некоторые группы стилей.
// @namespace https://github.com/spmbt/
// @include http://livejournal.com/
// @include http://*.livejournal.com/
// @include http://*.livejournal.com/*
// @include https://livejournal.com/
// @include https://*.livejournal.com/
// @include https://*.livejournal.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
var spamSList = [
'fred2265','tonyhofstra','zaven926','eduard_456' //insert your own list of spammers
,wrapperS = ['.appwidget.appwidget-homepage-selfpromo'
,{q:'b-item-type-ad.i-friendsfeed-ad-close', parent: 4}
,{q:'a >img[src*="star-colored150.png"], a >img[src*="178679_1000.jpg"]', parent: 2} //some images
,{q:'.comment-wrap .comment-head-in >p .i-ljuser >.i-ljuser-username'
+',.comments-body .comment-meta .i-ljuser >.i-ljuser-username b'
+',.b-tree .b-leaf-inner .i-ljuser >.i-ljuser-username'
,spamS: spamSList //block spam by authors of comment
,parent: 5}
,{q:'.comment-wrap.partial >.i-ljuser >.i-ljuser-username'
+',.comments-body .collapsed-comment .i-ljuser >.i-ljuser-username'
,spamS: spamSList //block spam by authors of wrapped comment
,parent: 2}
,win = typeof unsafeWindow !='undefined'? unsafeWindow : window
,$q = function(q, f){return (f||document).querySelector(q)}
,setLocStor = function(name, hh){
if(!localStorage) return;
localStorage['removeLj_'+ name] = JSON.stringify({h: hh});
getLocStor = function(name){
return (JSON.parse(localStorage && localStorage['removeLj_'+ name] ||'{}')).h;
,removeLocStor = function(name){localStorage.removeItem('removeLj_'+ name);}
,cleaning = function(){
for(var i in wrapperS){
var wI = wrapperS[i]
,wObj = typeof wI !='string'
,wQA = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(wObj ? wI.q : wI) );
for(var j =0; j < wQA.length; j++){
var wJ = wQA[j];
if(wObj && wI.spamS){ //block spam
var isSpam =0;
for(var k =0; k < wI.spamS.length; k++){
if(wJ.innerHTML.replace(/<.*?>/g,'') == wI.spamS[k]){
isSpam =1;
if(wObj && wI.parent){ //block upper
for(var k =0; k < wI.parent; k++)
wJ = wJ.parentNode;
if(!wObj || wObj && !wI.spamS || wObj && wI.spamS && isSpam)
wJ.style.display ='none';
//TODO add grey blocks
//TODO add supress by click
spamSList = getLocStor('spamList') || spamSList;
//TODO button to add to spamList
var Tout = function(h){
var th = this;
if((h.dat = h.check(h.t) )) //wait of positive result, then occcurense
else if(h.i-- >0) //next slower step
th.ww = window.setTimeout(arguments.callee, (h.t *= h.m) );
new Tout({t:320, i:6, m: 1.6 //нижний баннер
,check: function(t){
return document && $q('.b-discoverytimes-wrapper');
,occur: function(){
var underBanner = this.dat;
underBanner &&(underBanner.style.display = 'none');
new Tout({t:370, i:6, m: 1.6
,check: function(t){
return document && $q('.s-body #comments .b-tree-root .b-leaf');
,occur: cleaning
(function(css){ //addRules
console.log('22221', typeof GM_addStyle, typeof addStyle);
if(typeof GM_addStyle !='undefined') GM_addStyle(css); //Fx,Chr
else if(typeof addStyle !='undefined') addStyle(css);
else{ //Op12
var heads = document.getElementsByTagName('head');
var node = document.createElement('style');
node.type ='text/css';
})('body{background: transparent!important} html, body, .comment-wrap partial, .comment-wrap, .comment-text{font-family: sans-serif!important}' //common BGs
+'#page{background: none!important}'
+'#page{background-color: #f6f6f8!important}'
+'.header a:link, .header a:visited, .sidebar a:link, .sidebar a:visited{color: #bbc!important}'
+'.lj-like, iframe[id], .pagewide-wrapper, div[id^="super_footer"]{display: none!important}' //likes under article
//ava sizes
+'.comment-head .comment-upic img, .comment-inner .user-icon img,.b-leaf .b-leaf-userpic-inner img, .b-leaf-userpic,'
+'.comment-text .comment-meta{width: auto!important; max-height: 45px!important; margin: 0 3px 0!important; padding: 3px 3px!important}'
+'.comment-head .comment-upic{width: auto!important; height: auto!important}.comment-text .comment-meta{min-height: 46px!important}'
+'.b-leaf-userpic-inner{width: auto!important; height: 49px!important}'
+'.b-leaf.b-leaf-collapsed .b-leaf-shorttime{margin-left:6px!important}'
+'.comment-body{margin-left: 3px!important}'
+'.b-leaf.b-leaf-poster, .b-leaf-username{margin: 0!important}'
+'.b-leaf{margin: 8px 0 4px!important}'
+'.b-singlepost-wrapper, .b-tree-twig,.content .entry-wrap,.comment-wrap{max-width: 800px}'