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Hide notifications & Account name icons from Google Search Page for more privacy

Создано: 20.01.2017
Отредактировано: 20.01.2017

Hide notifications & Account name icons from Google Search Page for more privacy


The 3 icons on the right is what i don't wanna see, nor the "login" button,
cause i never login from a search page (they smoke a lot at google..)

This is what i used to use in adblock plus to help you locate the icons for the script:

& the only include urls should be:
// @include *www.google.*
// @include *encrypted.google.*

A good question: Why not using my adblock filters?..
Answer: I don't want "mail.google.com" to be affected, that page is excluded.
& i cannot exclude on a subdomain. this not working in adblock plus:

Создано: 20.01.2017
Отредактировано: 20.01.2017

To whitelist a subdomain in ABP use @@ prefix, see the documentation.

but a script would be better cause i can't have a single filter for tones of domain extensions using adblock plus


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