koc aio script

hello on userscript there was an aio script that was pretty good i was wondering if some one could bring this script over from userscript and update it and sort out some of the bugs that is in the script i would update the script myself if i knew what i was doing
if you need a scopy of the current script version i can copy and paste the script for you

thank you

You can download the latest version of AIO from the FB group - https://www.facebook.com/Aio4Koc

It is still being maintained by the script author under a commercial commons non-derivs license. It's up to Mary if she wants to distribute it on Greasyfork or not, for anyone else to do so would be a breach of that license.

Direct link to latest version : http://www.AIO4KOC.com/media/source/AIO.user.js

With the recent update of the new TR item my AIO doesn't work. Do we have a fix for it or can you tell me what i need to do


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