Remove inoreader ADS

Remove's advertisement in reading list, upgrae button and some annoying dialogs.

< Părere la script-ul Remove inoreader ADS

Recenzie: Bun, script-ul merge

Postat în: 07-01-2019
Editat în: 13-01-2019

[FIXED] For the most part it works good, but breaks all settings.


It seems like all the settings that come up via from context menu via a popup won't appear. Only the screen gets darker. Not even the main settings menu seems to come up.

Postat în: 10-01-2019

@mzso 说道: Hi!

It seems like all the settings that come up via from context menu via a popup won't appear. Only the screen gets darker. Not even the main settings menu seems to come up.

yeap, reproduced, solving.....

Postat în: 10-01-2019
Editat în: 10-01-2019

@mzso 说道: Hi!

It seems like all the settings that come up via from context menu via a popup won't appear. Only the screen gets darker. Not even the main settings menu seems to come up.

This is something relative to ADBlock notify window ~ I can not reproduce this problem steadily ...., Just added one line code to ensure I'm deleting the correct div layer. Let me know whether the problem is solved after you upgrade this script to version 4.5 ;)

Postat în: 10-01-2019


I don't see a difference with 4.5. No settings windows appear. I still only see the website getting dark but not the settings windows themselves.

Postat în: 10-01-2019

@mzso 说道: Hi!

I don't see a difference with 4.5. No settings windows appear. I still only see the website getting dark but not the settings windows themselves.

Sorry to trouble u. I'll solve this problem as soon as I can reproduce it steadily~

Postat în: 10-01-2019

@Hacksign said:

@mzso 说道: Hi!

I don't see a difference with 4.5. No settings windows appear. I still only see the website getting dark but not the settings windows themselves.

Sorry to trouble u. I'll solve this problem as soon as I can reproduce it steadily~

It's weird that you say that. Because it always happens here.

Postat în: 11-01-2019

@mzso 说道:

@Hacksign said:

@mzso 说道: Hi!

I don't see a difference with 4.5. No settings windows appear. I still only see the website getting dark but not the settings windows themselves.

Sorry to trouble u. I'll solve this problem as soon as I can reproduce it steadily~

It's weird that you say that. Because it always happens here.

No, it's not, this situation disappeared after I manually resolved this prolbem. It's just not happing .... ;( I will try on another computer to reproduce this problem.

Postat în: 11-01-2019

Install uBlock Origin and enable all filter lists to reproduce the problem.

Postat în: 11-01-2019
Editat în: 11-01-2019

@blackz0r 说道: Install uBlock Origin and enable all filter lists to reproduce the problem.

@mzso 说道:

@Hacksign said:

@mzso 说道: Hi!

I don't see a difference with 4.5. No settings windows appear. I still only see the website getting dark but not the settings windows themselves.

Sorry to trouble u. I'll solve this problem as soon as I can reproduce it steadily~

It's weird that you say that. Because it always happens here.

thanks man, this problem should be resolved now after you upgrade this script to 4.6 ;) feed me back if there is any problem~

Postat în: 11-01-2019

@blackz0r said: Install uBlock Origin and enable all filter lists to reproduce the problem.

Thanks for the tip, I didn't imagine it would be a factor.

@Hacksign said: thanks man, this problem should be resolved now after you upgrade this script to 4.6 ;) feed me back if there is any problem~

Well, it got better. The setting window now appears, but none of the other options in the "gear" menu work, nor do any options in the feed/folder context menu. Even if I disable ublock on inoreader.

Postat în: 13-01-2019
Editat în: 13-01-2019

@mzso 说道:

@blackz0r said: Install uBlock Origin and enable all filter lists to reproduce the problem.

Thanks for the tip, I didn't imagine it would be a factor.

@Hacksign said: thanks man, this problem should be resolved now after you upgrade this script to 4.6 ;) feed me back if there is any problem~

Well, it got better. The setting window now appears, but none of the other options in the "gear" menu work, nor do any options in the feed/folder context menu. Even if I disable ublock on inoreader.

Emm... it seems there r much more work to do ~ Checkout version 4.7 again, feed me back if there is any problems.

Postat în: 13-01-2019

Excellent! Now all of these options appear correctly. Thanks!

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