GitHub Trimiteți informații afișați vizualizarea web

Acest script va GitHub Informațiile de depunere pe HTML vedere,pentru a vedea detaliile trimiterii mai clar。Acesta va trimite automat lista de informații、Antetul de comitere și cele mai recente informații de comitere sunt convertite în HTML Format,Oferă efecte vizuale și experiență utilizator mai bune。

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GitHubSubmit information displayHTML

「 This script will GitHub The submission information on HTML view,to see submission details more clearly。It will automatically submit the information list、The commit header and latest commit information are converted to HTML Format,Provide better visual effects and user experience。 」


Download:Github | ⭐Greasy Fork

GitHub CommitMessage Html View


GitHub CommitMessage Html View is a user script designed to convert commit messages on GitHub into HTML views, providing clearer commit details. This script automatically transforms commit message lists, commit headers, and the latest commit information into HTML format to enhance visual appeal and user experience, and can be used in conjunction with Git.


  • Commit Message List Transformation: Converts commit messages in the commit list to HTML view.
  • Header Information Display: Shows detailed information about commit headers and the latest commit.
  • Enhanced Visuals: Improves the visibility and user experience of commit information.

Using PowerShell to Upload to a Remote Repository

Clickqinwuyuan.ps1 to download the PowerShell script.

 param (
$qinwuyuan_scriptPath = $PSScriptRoot
$qinwuyuan_rootDrive1 = [System.IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($qinwuyuan_scriptPath).TrimEnd('\')
if (-not $qinwuyuan_messageFilePath) {
    $qinwuyuan_messageFilePath = "$qinwuyuan_rootDrive1\path\to\change\commit.txt"
$qinwuyuan_oldCommitFilePath = "$qinwuyuan_scriptPath\oldcommit.txt"
if (-not (Test-Path $qinwuyuan_messageFilePath)) {
    exit 1
if (-not (Test-Path .git)) {
    exit 1
$qinwuyuan_newCommitMessage = Get-Content $qinwuyuan_messageFilePath -Raw
$qinwuyuan_oldCommitMessage = if (Test-Path $qinwuyuan_oldCommitFilePath) {
    Get-Content $qinwuyuan_oldCommitFilePath -Raw
} else {
if ($qinwuyuan_newCommitMessage -eq $qinwuyuan_oldCommitMessage) {
    $qinwuyuan_currentDateTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss"
    $qinwuyuan_commitMessage = @"">">

(UTC+8) $qinwuyuan_currentDateTime 
} else {
    $qinwuyuan_currentDateTime = Get-Date -Format "yyyy/M/d HH:mm:ss"
    $qinwuyuan_commitMessage = $qinwuyuan_newCommitMessage -replace '\$qinwuyuan_currentDateTime', $qinwuyuan_currentDateTime
$qinwuyuan_currentBranch = git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
    exit 1
git add .
git commit -m $qinwuyuan_commitMessage
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
    exit 1
git push origin $qinwuyuan_currentBranch --force
if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
    exit 1
Copy-Item -Path $qinwuyuan_messageFilePath -Destination $qinwuyuan_oldCommitFilePath -Force



This script is licensed under the MIT License.

After: 1.png Before: 2.png

you may be looking for⬇️GitHubRelated scripts

  • GitHubSubmit information displayHTML: This script will GitHub The submission information on HTML view,to see submission details more clearly。It will automatically submit the information list、The commit header and latest commit information are converted to HTML Format,Provide better visual effects and user experience。
  • GitHub File list beautifier: GitHub File List Beautifier is a user script,used to enhance GitHub Display effect of files in warehouse。It can add colors to files and folders,and replace the file type icons with small images,Makes the code base easier to browse and manage。
  • GitHubfolder下载: Add a download button,Allows easy downloading of specific GitHub 文件夹。
  • GitHubDownload single files and copy filesURL: Add button at the end of each file line,to copy the original file URL and download files
  • githubShow warehouse size: existGithubShow warehouse size when viewing and searching warehouses
  • GitHub Sort by Date: Change the sorting method of warehouse list files to descending date order,Conveniently view the latest updated files。


Recommended browsers and script managers:

  • Greasemonkey + Waterfox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Firefox
  • Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey + Chrome
  • Userscripts + ios Safari
  • Violentmonkey/KiWiBrowser + Android

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