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Faucet claim

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Recenzie: OK - script works, but has bugs

Postat în: 29-05-2024

script working good but I guess has some bugs, because maybe 2 or 4 times claiming button and later not claiming to claim button only waiting in faucet page, when I see waiting of script I'm refreshing the page, then again claiming or not claiming , I guess has some bugs, when you have time can you check please?? thank you

Postat în: 29-05-2024

script working good but I guess has some bugs, because maybe 2 or 4 times claiming button and later not claiming to claim button only waiting in faucet page, when I see waiting of script I'm refreshing the page, then again claiming or not claiming , I guess has some bugs, when you have time can you check please?? thank you


Does the script incorporate error handling? If it encounters issues (e.g., network problems, button not found), can it recover gracefully or retry? Consider implementing checks for claiming success or failure and handling them appropriately (e.g., logging errors, retrying after a short delay).

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