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YouTube Undo

Undo and redo changes in playback position on YouTube

// ==UserScript==
// @name        YouTube Undo
// @description Undo and redo changes in playback position on YouTube
// @version     0.2.0
// @author      Adam Thompson-Sharpe
// @namespace   MysteryBlokHed
// @license     GPL-3.0
// @copyright   2022 Adam Thomspon-Sharpe
// @homepageURL
// @supportURL
// @match       *://**
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
;(() => {
  var _a
  /** Whether to log basic debug events */
  const DEBUG_LOGS = false
  const debug = DEBUG_LOGS
    ? (...args) => console.debug('[YouTube Undo]', ...args)
    : () => {}
  /** The interval **in seconds** to check the player's current time */
  const ROUGH_TIME_RATE = 2
  /** Keep track of the current player time while no events are in the array */
  let roughTime = 0
  setInterval(() => {
    const currentTime = player.getCurrentTime()
    roughTime = currentTime
  }, ROUGH_TIME_RATE * 1000)
   * Track the index in the array that matches the current state of undo's/redo's.
   * Used to allow undoing and redoing back and forth
  let undoPoint = -1
  /** Time change events */
  const timeChanges = []
  const addChange = change => {
    debug('Adding change event to', timeChanges)
    timeChanges.length = undoPoint + 1
    undoPoint = timeChanges.length - 1
    debug('After:', timeChanges)
  /** The current time change event, using `undoPoint` */
  const currentChange = () => {
    var _a
    return (_a = timeChanges[undoPoint]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null
  /** The last time change event in the list */
  const lastChange = () =>
    timeChanges.length ? timeChanges[timeChanges.length - 1] : null
  /** Get the last change's time if it exists, otherwise use the rough time */
  const lastOrRough = () => {
    var _a, _b
    return (_b =
      (_a = lastChange()) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.after) !==
      null && _b !== void 0
      ? _b
      : roughTime
  // prettier-ignore
  const player = document.getElementById('movie_player');
  if (!player) {
    console.error('[YouTube Undo]', 'Player not found!')
  // Clear events on location changes
  window.addEventListener('yt-navigate-finish', () => {
    timeChanges.length = 0
    undoPoint = -1
    debug('New video, clearing event list')
  // Watch for playbar clicks
  ;(_a = document.querySelector('div.ytp-progress-bar')) === null ||
  _a === void 0
    ? void 0
    : _a.addEventListener('click', () => {
        const currentTime = player.getCurrentTime()
          before: lastOrRough(),
          after: currentTime,
        roughTime = currentTime
        debug('Added time change for playbar seek', lastChange())
  // Watch for keypresses
  window.addEventListener('keydown', ev => {
    if (ev.key.match(/^(?:\d|j|l|ArrowLeft|ArrowRight)$/i)) {
      // A key that might change the current time
      const last = lastChange()
      const currentTime = player.getCurrentTime()
      debug('Time-changing key pressed')
      debug('Last:', last)
      debug('Current:', currentTime)
      if (!last) debug('Rough Time:', roughTime)
      if (
        (last === null || last === void 0 ? void 0 : last.after) !== currentTime
      ) {
          before: lastOrRough(),
          after: currentTime,
    } else if (ev.ctrlKey && ev.key.toLowerCase() === 'z') {
      // Ctrl + Z
      const undoTo = currentChange()
      debug('Ctrl + Z pressed')
      debug('Full list:', timeChanges)
      debug('Undoing to:', undoTo, 'at index', undoPoint)
      if (undoTo) player.seekTo(undoTo.before)
      if (undoPoint >= 0) undoPoint--
    } else if (ev.ctrlKey && ev.key.toLowerCase() === 'y') {
      // Ctrl + Y
      if (undoPoint < timeChanges.length - 1) undoPoint++
      const redoTo = currentChange()
      debug('Ctrl + Y pressed')
      debug('Full list:', timeChanges)
      debug('Redoing to:', redoTo, 'at index', undoPoint)
      if (redoTo) player.seekTo(redoTo.after)