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🐅 Theme In-Game Editor for 🐅

Modify the look and feel of your game, while you're playing it!

< Părere la script-ul 🐅 Theme In-Game Editor for 🐅


Deleted user 718704
Postat în: 14-03-2022

Licensing Violation

This script is exactly the same as Road's original, without the two URL metablocks that point to his repository, in addition to the replacement of his github username with your greasyfork name.

LICENSE (requires copyright notice):

Postat în: 14-03-2022

i did not copied anything i just posted this script in greasyfork and just changed username thats not mean i stoled it

Deleted user 718704
Postat în: 19-03-2022

Thank you for updating the @author metadata block.

Postat în: 20-03-2022


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