Bypass Toate Linkuri scurte

Omite toate site-urile cu linkuri scurte Omite automat elementele de scurtare a linkurilor enervante, direct către destinația ta

< Părere la script-ul Bypass Toate Linkuri scurte

Recenzie: OK - script works, but has bugs

Postat în: 18-12-2022

Not Bypassing example(
this site automatically redirects into
can you fix this pls

Postat în: 19-12-2022

Not Bypassing example(
this site automatically redirects into
can you fix this pls

There's no problem with megaurl and megafly, try to c;ear your cache and make sure to use the latest script. And i've tried those link you put in comment and it's work. It's direct you to another shortlink meanwhile there's no problem with the bypass script

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