YouTube Repeated Recommendations Hider

Hide any videos that are recommended more than twice. You can also hide by channel or by partial title. Works on both YouTube's desktop and mobile layouts.

< Părere la script-ul YouTube Repeated Recommendations Hider

Recenzie: OK - script works, but has bugs

Postat în: 24-03-2021

Running on an Android 7.1.1 phone, trying to install on the latest Firefox Nightly with Tampermonkey v4.12.6132 and modifying "@match " to "@match*", the scripts got started to work owing to that I could find 2 of new options in the menu. ("Hide video...")

Nevertheless, the repeated videos still appear even if trying setting the "maxRepetitions" to 1.

Postat în: 24-03-2021
Editat în: 24-03-2021

This userscript is intended to work only in, which is the mobile homepage. It indeed does not work for the related videos ( I may add an option to also filter the related videos.

Postat în: 25-03-2021

When directly using the scripts without any modification, it didn't run within Tampermonkey so that was why I adapted it. I also hide the repeated videos on Youtube homepage only.

Postat în: 26-03-2021

That's weird, it's working fine here. I just released a new version. Make sure that you test it on . If it still doesn't work, try to close YouTube's tab and restart Firefox (force close it then open again), and try again. If this doesn't work, try to test it in another script-manager, like Violentmonkey or Greasemonkey.

Postat în: 05-04-2021

After updating to version 1.9, it appeared another bug that both of "Hide videos..." options would produce continuously when clicking the menu, but it merely happened twice in the period of my use.

Postat în: 11-04-2021

I just released a new version with some new features and bug fixes. Can you update and test if it's still happening?

Postat în: 27-10-2021

Why make this to work only on the mobile website? Seems rather futile.

Postat în: 27-10-2021

@bloodgull Because I initially made this just for me and I just needed it to work on mobile, but then I decided to share it so other people could use it too. Any day I may release an update that makes it work on the desktop layout too.

Postat în: 09-01-2022

@bloodgull The userscript now also works on the desktop layout.

Postat în: 13-01-2022

The current v2.1 causes a empty block on left side.

Postat în: 13-01-2022

@bazrael That shouldn't be happening in the mobile version, thanks for the feedback, I'll release a fix soon.

In the mean time, just remove the = "100px" in line 172 from the code.

Postat în: 15-01-2022

@bazrael An update with the fix is now available.

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