skip dereferrer.me JS - hides advertising and skips the waiting time on dereferrer.me
Streamworld automatizer JS - Automatisiert die Weiterleitung von streamworld.cc zum Hoster. Funktioniert nur, solange ReCaptcha nicht durch ungewöhnlichen Netzwerkverkehr aktiviert worden ist.
Olpair.com Automatizer JS - Works only with ReCaptcha Automatizer! Pairs automatically as long as no suspicious traffic was registered. Leave the page open and you will allwas stay paired.
AliExpress JS - Reload page with free shipping selection and sorted price ascending
Remove doubleclick tracking JS - Use original links instead of "ad.doubleclick.net" links in the Google Search means a little less tracking!
vercanalestv1.com - cargar reproductor JS - entra la contraseña y procede al reproductor (funciona solo con canales que provienen de vergol.com)
streamango pairing - speedup JS - speeds up the pairing process by activating the pair button (works best with my ReCaptcha Automatizer)