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MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations

Allows to find missing relations and entries with wrong episode/chapter count

< Feedback em MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations


Publicado: 03/11/2018
Editado: 11/11/2018

Missing Relations only for watching anime?

Script works only for anime on watching list

Publicado: 13/11/2018

Hello. The answer is in your picture. Make sure all the checkboxes in the settings are not set, and try again.

Publicado: 20/11/2018

@akarin said: Hello. The answer is in your picture. Make sure all the checkboxes in the settings are not set, and try again. same

Publicado: 23/11/2018
Editado: 23/11/2018

I've found the reason - you have the default list status set to Watching instead of All Anime.

I've fixed this bug, update the script and try again (you need to make a full rescan). Thanks for reporting it, apparently this problem persisted for several months.

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