// ==UserScript==
// @name Ultimate Krunker.IO Hack Suite
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 4.0.0
// @description Full hack suite with aimbot, ESP, recoil control, teleport, kill aura, speed boost, invisibility, and more!
// @author FunBot
// @match *://krunker.io/*
// @exclude *://krunker.io/social*
// @exclude *://krunker.io/editor*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(() => {
const config = {
aimbot: { enabled: true, mode: 'headshot' },
esp: { enabled: true, color: 'rainbow', distance: true },
recoilControl: { enabled: true },
speedBoost: { enabled: false, multiplier: 2 },
invisibility: { enabled: false },
killAura: { enabled: false, range: 50 },
weaponModifier: { infiniteAmmo: true, noReload: true, noSpread: true },
teleport: { enabled: true },
gravityControl: { enabled: false, value: 0.3 },
antiBan: { enabled: true },
chatSpam: { enabled: true },
skins: { enabled: true },
const state = { scene: null, players: [], myPlayer: null };
/** Auto-Headshot Aimbot */
const aimbotLogic = (players, myPlayer) => {
if (!config.aimbot.enabled) return;
const closestPlayer = players.reduce((closest, player) => {
const dist = player.position.distanceTo(myPlayer.position);
return dist < closest.dist ? { player, dist } : closest;
}, { player: null, dist: Infinity }).player;
if (closestPlayer) {
const headPosition = closestPlayer.children[0]?.position.clone();
if (headPosition) myPlayer.lookAt(headPosition);
/** Speed Boost Hack */
const applySpeedBoost = (player) => {
if (config.speedBoost.enabled) {
player.velocity.x *= config.speedBoost.multiplier;
player.velocity.y *= config.speedBoost.multiplier;
player.velocity.z *= config.speedBoost.multiplier;
/** Invisibility Hack */
const applyInvisibility = (player) => {
if (config.invisibility.enabled) {
player.children.forEach((child) => {
if (child.material) child.material.opacity = 0.1;
/** Kill Aura */
const applyKillAura = (players, myPlayer) => {
if (!config.killAura.enabled) return;
players.forEach((enemy) => {
const dist = myPlayer.position.distanceTo(enemy.position);
if (dist < config.killAura.range) {
// Simulate instant kill logic
enemy.health = 0;
console.log('Kill Aura activated!');
/** Weapon Modifiers */
const modifyWeapons = (weapon) => {
if (!weapon) return;
if (config.weaponModifier.infiniteAmmo) weapon.ammo = Infinity;
if (config.weaponModifier.noReload) weapon.reloadTime = 0;
if (config.weaponModifier.noSpread) weapon.spread = 0;
/** Teleport Hack */
const teleportPlayer = (myPlayer, target) => {
if (config.teleport.enabled) {
/** Low Gravity Mode */
const applyGravityControl = () => {
if (config.gravityControl.enabled) {
state.scene.gravity.y = config.gravityControl.value;
/** Chat Spam */
const spamChat = () => {
if (config.chatSpam.enabled && Math.random() < 0.01) {
const messages = ["Oops, all headshots!", "Pro gamer mode activated.", "Is this game too easy?"];
const randomMessage = messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * messages.length)];
console.log(`Chat spam: ${randomMessage}`);
/** Skins */
const applySkins = (player) => {
if (config.skins.enabled) {
player.children.forEach((child) => {
if (child.material) child.material.color.set(`hsl(${Math.random() * 360}, 100%, 50%)`);
/** Anti-Ban Logic */
const applyAntiBan = () => {
if (config.antiBan.enabled) {
// Introduce small random delays to mimic human reaction times
const randomDelay = Math.random() * 0.3;
setTimeout(() => console.log('Anti-ban: Random delay applied.'), randomDelay);
/** Game Loop */
const gameLoop = () => {
const { players, myPlayer } = findPlayers();
if (!players.length || !myPlayer) return;
aimbotLogic(players, myPlayer);
applyKillAura(players, myPlayer);
// Modify weapon properties
const weapon = myPlayer.weapon;
/** GUI */
const createGUI = () => {
// Interactive GUI creation for toggling hacks
const gui = document.createElement('div');
gui.innerHTML = `
<button onclick="config.aimbot.enabled = !config.aimbot.enabled">Toggle Aimbot</button>
<button onclick="config.speedBoost.enabled = !config.speedBoost.enabled">Toggle Speed Boost</button>
<button onclick="config.invisibility.enabled = !config.invisibility.enabled">Toggle Invisibility</button>
<button onclick="config.killAura.enabled = !config.killAura.enabled">Toggle Kill Aura</button>
<button onclick="config.gravityControl.enabled = !config.gravityControl.enabled">Toggle Low Gravity</button>
gui.style.position = 'absolute';
gui.style.top = '10px';
gui.style.left = '10px';
gui.style.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)';
gui.style.color = 'white';
gui.style.padding = '10px';
gui.style.border = '1px solid white';
/** Initialize Script */
const init = () => {