Greasy Fork is available in English.
The fastest Duolingo XP farmer, working as of July 2024.
Thanks for the feedback and sorry about the issues
That's definitely strange, and even stranger that I'm not coming across it. I'll recommend using Repeat Lesson Mode for now if the same problem doesn't occur with it. Other than that, would you be able to tell me how often this happens? 2 lessons, 4, 6 etc.
I have been using this script since the beginning. I love the "Solve All" and use it daily in PRACTICE mode just to get extra XP. I had let yo know yesterday that there was a problem with the script. It works part of the time, but sometimes it gets to the end of the lesson and then it just sits there forever without awarding the XP or moving on to the next lesson. Eventually it apparently times out and switches back to the main LEARN page. I have tried everything including restarting my computer, reinstalling the script, etc. Please, please help.