CloudFlare Challenge


< Feedback em CloudFlare Challenge

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 27/08/2024

Needs some updating but look in the comments and it appears to work fine.

Publicado: 01/09/2024

Could you please be more specific about what to do? I tried doing what's said in the comments but doesn't work, I uncommented the lines, edited them, nothing said here got it to work

Publicado: 04/09/2024

Please share the working code.
I couldn't change it properly

Publicado: 15/09/2024

Cloudflare has been using ShadowRoot (closed) in the captcha code since July 2024 and this can't be fixed at the moment.
But there is a good point, now when you manually click you are quickly verified

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