SaveAsZip for Patreon

Download post images and save as a ZIP file.

< Feedback em SaveAsZip for Patreon

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 07/08/2023

The script works fine. If feasible, please add the post date to the file name and save the post text in a txt file.

Publicado: 07/08/2023

post text not in plan
but you can modify the code in line 98

98:    let save_zip_name = `patreon_${user_name}_${user_id}_${post_id}_${post_title}`;
98:    let save_zip_name = `patreon_${user_name}_${user_id}_${post_id}_${created}_${post_title}`;
99:    save_zip.file('post_content.txt',;

Publicado: 07/08/2023

post text not in plan
but you can modify the code in line 98

98:    let save_zip_name = `patreon_${user_name}_${user_id}_${post_id}_${post_title}`;
98:    let save_zip_name = `patreon_${user_name}_${user_id}_${post_id}_${created}_${post_title}`;
99:    save_zip.file('post_content.txt',;

Thank you for your guidance. The script is now almost perfect for me.

Publicado: 18/08/2023


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