[TS] Youtube Filter

Filter out users and channels from search with GUI. Include Auto-Paging and ScreenShot Links.

< Feedback em [TS] Youtube Filter


'[TS] Youtube Filter' Alternative

Block Youtube Users https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/11057-block-youtube-users

[TS] Youtube Filter

TimidScript April 27, 2018 Hi,

I am sorry, I have not been able to work on this or any other project. There are personal issues in RL that are taking priority and I do not know when I can or if I will come back to developing this. I will hide the broken scripts until I get time to work on it.

Publicado: 09/11/2020

Hi there you can check this post on how to fix youtube filters https://droidtheory.com/youtube-search-filters-not-working/

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