// ==UserScript==
// @name Huggingface Image Downloader
// @description Add buttons to quickly download images from Stable Diffusion models
// @author Isaiah Odhner
// @namespace https://isaiahodhner.io
// @version 1.4
// @license MIT
// @match https://*.hf.space/*
// @match https://*.huggingface.co/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=huggingface.co
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// v1.1 adds support for Stable Diffusion 2. It expands the domain scope to match other applications on HuggingFace, and includes negative prompts in the filename, with format: "'<positive>' (anti '<negative>')".
// v1.2 handles updated DOM structure of the site
// v1.3 adds support for more Huggingface spaces, including https://huggingface.co/nerijs/pixel-art-xl and https://huggingface.co/spaces/songweig/rich-text-to-image and https://huggingface.co/spaces/Yntec/ToyWorldXL
// These changes may result in false positives, i.e. unnecessary download buttons showing up. Let me know if this happens.
// Show-on-hover code is simplified (at some negligible performance cost), and this may fix some interaction issues.
// v.14 fixes detection of the prompt input (used for the download filename) for https://huggingface.co/spaces/songweig/rich-text-to-image which uses nested iframes,
// as well as some other spaces.
// It also fixes an unnecessary download button for the user-uploaded input image in https://huggingface.co/spaces/editing-images/ledits
setInterval(() => {
// assuming prompt comes before negative prompt in DOM for some of these fallbacks
// TODO: look for "prompt"/"negative" in surrounding text (often not in a <label>) before looking for any input
const genericInputSelector = 'input[type="text"][required], [contenteditable="true"], textarea, input[type="text"]';
const promptInputSelector = '#prompt-text-input input, [name=prompt], [placeholder*="prompt"], [placeholder*="sentence here"], .ql-editor';
const negativeInputSelector = '#negative-prompt-text-input input, [name=negative-prompt], [placeholder*="negative prompt"], [placeholder*="blurry"], [placeholder*="worst quality"], [placeholder*="low quality"]';
const imageSelector = ".grid img, #gallery img, .grid-container img, .thumbnail-item img, img[src^='blob:'], img[src^='data:']";
// #input_image is for https://huggingface.co/spaces/editing-images/ledits
// Other spaces probably have other IDs for similar purposes.
const excludeImageParentSelector = "#input_image";
let input = querySelector(promptInputSelector) || querySelector(genericInputSelector);
let negativeInput = querySelector(negativeInputSelector) || querySelector(genericInputSelector.split(",").map((selector) => `[id*="negative"] ${selector}`).join(","));
// console.log(input, negativeInput);
if (negativeInput === input) {
negativeInput = null;
// const dlButtons = [];
for (const img of document.querySelectorAll(imageSelector)) {
if (img.closest(excludeImageParentSelector)) {
continue; // don't add a download button for the input image
const existingA = img.parentElement.querySelector("a");
if (existingA) {
if (existingA._imgSrc !== img.src) {
// const index = dlButtons.indexOf(existingA);
// if (index > -1) {
// dlButtons.splice(index);
// }
} else {
continue; // don't add a duplicate <a> or change the supposed prompt it was generated with
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.style.position = "absolute";
a.style.opacity = "0";
a.style.top = "0";
a.style.left = "0";
a.style.background = "black";
a.style.color = "white";
a.style.borderRadius = "5px";
a.style.padding = "5px";
a.style.margin = "5px";
a.style.fontSize = "50px";
a.style.lineHeight = "50px";
a.textContent = "Download";
a._imgSrc = img.src;
let filename = sanitizeFilename(location.pathname.replace(/^spaces\//, ""));
if (input) {
filename = `'${sanitizeFilename(input.value || input.textContent)}'`;
if (negativeInput) {
filename += ` (anti '${sanitizeFilename(negativeInput.value || negativeInput.textContent)}')`;
filename += ".jpeg";
a.download = filename;
a.href = img.src;
if (getComputedStyle(img.parentElement).position == "static") {
img.parentElement.style.position = "relative";
// dlButtons.push(a);
// Can't be delegated because it needs to stop the click event from bubbling up to the handler that zooms in
a.addEventListener("click", (event) => {
// Prevent also zooming into the image when clicking Download
showOnHover(a, img.closest(".gallery-item, .thumbnail-item") || img.parentElement);
}, 300);
function querySelector(selector, doc = document) {
// Look in the current document, then in any iframes
// because for example https://huggingface.co/spaces/songweig/rich-text-to-image
// uses a contenteditable div in an iframe (file=rich-text-to-json-iframe.html),
// within an iframe (https://songweig-rich-text-to-image.hf.space/?__theme=light).
// This might not need to be recursive, since the images will be within the top-level iframe,
// and thus this script will work by injection into that iframe. Might as well though.
const el = doc.querySelector(selector);
if (el) {
return el;
for (const iframe of doc.querySelectorAll("iframe")) {
try {
const el = querySelector(selector, iframe.contentDocument);
if (el) {
return el;
} catch (e) { }
return null;
function showOnHover(revealElement, container) {
// Show the revealElement when hovering over the container
container.addEventListener("mouseenter", (event) => {
revealElement.style.opacity = "1";
container.addEventListener("mouseleave", (event) => {
revealElement.style.opacity = "0";
// Hide the revealElement when the mouse leaves the document,
// since the mouseleave event might not fire if the mouse moves fast enough outside the iframe or window
document.addEventListener("mouseleave", (event) => {
revealElement.style.opacity = "0";
function sanitizeFilename(str) {
// Sanitize for file name, replacing symbols rather than removing them
str = str.replace(/\//g, "⧸");
str = str.replace(/\\/g, "⧹");
str = str.replace(/</g, "ᐸ");
str = str.replace(/>/g, "ᐳ");
str = str.replace(/:/g, "꞉");
str = str.replace(/\|/g, "∣");
str = str.replace(/\?/g, "?");
str = str.replace(/\*/g, "∗");
str = str.replace(/(^|[-—\s(\["])'/g, "$1\u2018"); // opening singles
str = str.replace(/'/g, "\u2019"); // closing singles & apostrophes
str = str.replace(/(^|[-—/\[(‘\s])"/g, "$1\u201c"); // opening doubles
str = str.replace(/"/g, "\u201d"); // closing doubles
str = str.replace(/--/g, "\u2014"); // em-dashes
str = str.replace(/\.\.\./g, "…"); // ellipses
str = str.replace(/~/g, "\u301C"); // Chrome at least doesn't like tildes
str = str.trim();
return str;