// ==UserScript==
// @name florr megg timer
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.2
// @description shows 15s timer for mythic egg/yggdrasil
// @author bismuth
// @match https://florr.io/
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=florr.io
// @grant none
// @license none
// ==/UserScript==
class Automator {
constructor() {
this.index = 0;
this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(4);
this._u8 = new Uint8Array(this.buffer);
this._i32 = new Int32Array(this.buffer);
this._f32 = new Float32Array(this.buffer);
this.ready = false;
endianSwap(val) { return ((val & 0xff) << 24) | ((val & 0xff00) << 8) | ((val >> 8) & 0xff00) | ((val >> 24) & 0xff) }
u8() { return this.packet[this.index++] }
vu() {
let out = 0, at = 0;
while (this.packet[this.index] & 0x80) {
out |= (this.u8() & 0x7f) << at;
at += 7;
out |= this.u8() << at;
return out;
getConfig(bin) {
const unreachable = 0x00, block = 0x02, loop = 0x03, if_ = 0x04, else_ = 0x05, end = 0x0b, br = 0x0c, br_if = 0x0d,
call = 0x10, drop = 0x1a,
local_get = 0x20, local_set = 0x21, local_tee = 0x22, global_set = 0x24, i32_load = 0x28, f32_load = 0x2a, f64_load = 0x2b, i32_load8_s = 0x2c, i32_load8_u = 0x2d, i32_load16_u = 0x2f,
i32_store = 0x36, i64_store = 0x37, f32_store = 0x38, i32_store8 = 0x3a, i32_store16 = 0x3b,
memory_grow = 0x40, i32_const = 0x41, i64_const = 0x42, f32_const = 0x43, i32_eqz = 0x45, i32_eq = 0x46, i32_lt_s = 0x48, i32_lt_u = 0x49,
f32_eq = 0x5b, f32_lt = 0x5d, f32_gt = 0x5e,
i32_add = 0x6a, i32_sub = 0x6b,
i32_and = 0x71, i32_or = 0x72, i32_xor = 0x73,
f32_add = 0x92, f32_sub = 0x93, f32_mul = 0x94,
f32_demote_f64 = 0xb6;
const i32 = 0x7f, i64 = 0x7e, f32 = 0x7d, f64 = 0x4c;
const param = 0x01, local = 0x02;
Number.prototype.fromvu = function() {
let _ = this;
const ret = [];
while (_ >= 128) {
ret.push((_ & 127) | 128);
_ >>= 7;
return ret;
Number.prototype.fromfloat = function() {
return [...new Uint8Array(new Float32Array([this]).buffer)];
Array.prototype.countingOccurences = function(val) {
let count = 0;
for (const a of this) if (a === val) count++;
return count;
const wasmRegex = (regex, repeat = false, start = 0) => {
let ret = [], rets = [];
jump: for (let n = start; n < this.packet.length - regex.length; n++) {
this.index = n;
ret = [];
for (let p = 0; p < regex.length; p++) {
if (regex[p] === '*') this.vu();
else if (regex[p] === '+') ret.push(this.vu());
else if (this.u8() !== regex[p]) continue jump;
ret.index = n;
if (repeat) rets.push(ret);
else return ret;
return rets.length? rets: false;
const components = ['GUI','player'];
let entListPtr, offset, entSize, componentOffsets = {}, fieldOffsets = {}, animatedBasePtrPtr, animatedOffset, arenaDimAnimated, squadCodeOffset;
const c = [], fIndex = [];
const funcs = [];
const field_func = new Array(150).fill().map((_,ind) => ind & 1? '*': block);
let count = 0;
this.packet = new Uint8Array(bin);
this.index = 8;
while (this.index < this.packet.length) {
const id = this.vu();
const sectionLen = this.vu();
if (id !== 10) {
this.index += sectionLen;
const bodyCount = this.vu();
for (let i = 0; i < bodyCount; i++) {
const len = this.vu();
funcs.push(this.packet.subarray(this.index, this.index += len));
for (let funcIndex = 0; funcIndex < funcs.length; funcIndex++) {
let a;
this.packet = funcs[funcIndex];
if (a = wasmRegex([
f32_const, ...(10).fromfloat(),
local_set, '*',
end], true)) {
for (const b of a) {
const d = b.index;
this.packet.set([i32_const,0,f32_load,0,0], d);
f32_const, ...(10).fromfloat(),
local_set, '*',
if (a = wasmRegex([
local_get, '*',
i32_load, '*', '+'])) { c.push(a[0]); fIndex.push(funcIndex+358)}
if (a = wasmRegex([i32_add,
call, '*',
block, '*',
i32_const, '*',
i32_load8_s, '*', '*',
i32_const, 0,
if_, '*',
i32_const, '+',
i32_load, '*', '*',
i32_const, 0])) squadCodeOffset = a[0];
if (a = wasmRegex([f32_load, '*', '*',
local_tee, '*',
i32_const, '+',
f32_load])) arenaDimAnimated = a[0];
if (a = wasmRegex([br_if, '*',
local_get, '*',
i32_const, '+',
local_set, '*',
i32_const, 1,
local_set, '*',
block])) fieldOffsets.petalsCollected = a[0];
if (a = wasmRegex([i32_const, '+',
local_set, '*',
loop, '*',
local_get, '*',
i32_const, '+',
call])) [offset, entSize] = a;
if (a = wasmRegex([drop,
i32_const, '*',
i32_const, '*',
i32_store, '*', '*',
i32_const, '+',
call])) entListPtr = a[0];
if (a = wasmRegex([f64_load, '*', '*',
local_get, '*',
i32_const, '+',
f32_load, '*', '*',
local_get, '*',
i32_const])) animatedOffset = a[0];
if (a = wasmRegex([f32_load, '*', '+',
f32_store, '*', '+',
local_get, '*',
local_get, '*',
f32_load, '*', '+',
f32_store, '*', '+',
end])) {
fieldOffsets.x = a[0];
fieldOffsets.prevx = a[1];
fieldOffsets.y = a[2];
fieldOffsets.prevy = a[3];
for (let funcIndex = 0; funcIndex < funcs.length; funcIndex++) {
let a;
this.packet = funcs[funcIndex];
if (a = wasmRegex(field_func)) {
const start = this.index;
a = wasmRegex([block, '*',
local_get, '*',
call, '+',
local_tee, '*',
i32_load8_u, '*', '*',
if_, '*',
local_get, '*',
f32_load, '*', '+'], true, start)
for (const [compFunc, offset] of a) {
if (fIndex.indexOf(compFunc) > 6) {
componentOffsets.renderable = c[fIndex.indexOf(compFunc)];
fieldOffsets.radius = offset;
a = wasmRegex([end,
local_get, '*',
call, '+',
local_set, '*',
block], true, start);
a = a.map(_ => _[0]);
let b = [];
for (let values of a) if (a.countingOccurences(values) === 3 && b.indexOf(values) === -1) b.push(values);
if (b[0] < b[1]) componentOffsets.mob = c[fIndex.indexOf(b[0])];
else componentOffsets.mob = c[fIndex.indexOf(b[1])];
a = wasmRegex([end,
local_get, '*',
call, '+',
local_set, '*',
local_get, '*',
local_get, '*',
call, '*',
local_get, '*',
local_get, '*',
i32_load16_u, '*', '*',
i32_store16, '*', '+'], true, start);
for (const [compFunc, offset] of a) {
if (fIndex.indexOf(compFunc) < 10) {
componentOffsets.drop = c[fIndex.indexOf(compFunc)];
fieldOffsets.dropID = offset;
fieldOffsets.dropRarity = offset+1;
a = wasmRegex([block, '*',
local_get, '*',
call, '+',
local_tee, '*',
i32_load8_u], true, start);
a = a.map(_ => _[0]);
for (let values of a) if (a.countingOccurences(values) === 2) componentOffsets.position = c[fIndex.indexOf(values)];
const mobFunc = fIndex[c.indexOf(componentOffsets.mob)];
const dropFunc = fIndex[c.indexOf(componentOffsets.drop)];
const playerFunc = fIndex[1];
local_get, '*',
call, ...dropFunc.fromvu(),
local_set, '*',
block], false, start);
fieldOffsets.dropRenderFlag = wasmRegex([i32_store8, '*', '+', br],false,this.index)[0];
local_get, '*',
call, ...dropFunc.fromvu(),
local_set, '*',
local_get, '*',
i32_load], false, start);
fieldOffsets.dropCount = wasmRegex([i32_store, '*', '+', br],false,this.index)[0];
fieldOffsets.petalCooldown = wasmRegex([call, ...playerFunc.fromvu(),
i32_const, '+',
local_set, '*',
local_get, '*'], false, start)[0];
fieldOffsets.inventory = wasmRegex([call, ...playerFunc.fromvu(),
i32_const, '+',
local_set, '*',
i32_const, '*'], false, start)[0];
for (let funcIndex = 0; funcIndex < funcs.length; funcIndex++) {
let a;
this.packet = funcs[funcIndex];
if (a = wasmRegex([i32_load, '*', ...componentOffsets.mob.fromvu(),
i32_load8_u, '*', '+',
local_tee, '*',
local_get, '*',
i32_load, '*', '*',
i32_load8_u, '*', '*'])) {
fieldOffsets.mobRarity = a[0];
if (fieldOffsets.isFriendly) fieldOffsets.mobID = 27 - fieldOffsets.isFriendly - fieldOffsets.mobRarity;
if (a = wasmRegex([local_get, '*',
if_, '*',
local_get, '*',
i32_load, '*', ...componentOffsets.mob.fromvu(),
i32_load8_u, '*', '+'])) {
fieldOffsets.isFriendly = a[0];
if (fieldOffsets.mobRarity) fieldOffsets.mobID = 27 - fieldOffsets.isFriendly - fieldOffsets.mobRarity;
components.forEach((name,index) => { componentOffsets[name] = c[index]; })
this.config = { entListPtr, offset, entSize, componentOffsets, fieldOffsets, animatedOffset, arenaDimAnimated, squadCodeOffset };
console.log("Done with config", fIndex);
init() {
const that = this;
WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming = (r, i) => (r.arrayBuffer().then(b => WebAssembly.instantiate(b, i)));
const _instantiate = WebAssembly.instantiate;
WebAssembly.instantiate = new Proxy(WebAssembly.instantiate, {
apply(t,ta,[bin,imports]) {
return _instantiate(bin, imports).then(wasm => {
for (const exp of Object.values(wasm.instance.exports)) {
if (exp.buffer) {
const buffer = exp.buffer;
that.HEAPU8 = new Uint8Array(buffer);
that.HEAP8 = new Int8Array(buffer);
that.HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(buffer);
that.HEAP32 = new Int32Array(buffer);
that.HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(buffer);
that.HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(buffer);
that.ready = true;
return wasm;
meggTimer() {
const { HEAPF32, HEAP32, HEAPU16, HEAPU8 } = this;
const { entListPtr, offset, entSize, animatedOffset, componentOffsets, fieldOffsets, arenaDimAnimated } = this.config;
const camInfo = HEAPF32.subarray(entListPtr + animatedOffset >> 2, entListPtr + animatedOffset + 12 >> 2);
const { inventory, petalCooldown, dropID, radius, x, y } = fieldOffsets;
const { player, drop, renderable, mob, position } = componentOffsets;
const {ctx} = this;
this.scale = Math.max(this.canvas.width/1920, this.canvas.height/1080);
if (!this.playerEnt[player >> 2]) {
for (let n = 0; n < 8192; n++) {
if (this.entities[n][player >> 2] && HEAP32[this.entities[n][player >> 2] + inventory >> 2]) {
this.playerEnt = this.entities[n];
const playerComponent = this.playerEnt[player >> 2];
const time = performance.now();
for (let n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
if (HEAPU16[playerComponent + petalCooldown + 2 * n >> 1] !== 65535) { this.lastLoaded[n] = time; continue; }
if (HEAPU8[playerComponent + inventory + 2 * n] !== 16 && HEAPU8[playerComponent + inventory + 2 * n] !== 30 ) continue;
if (camInfo[0] && camInfo[1] && camInfo[2] <= 0.9 && this.toggle) {
const timeDiff = Math.min((time - this.lastLoaded[n]) / 1000, 15);
ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,this.canvas.width/2,this.canvas.height - 200*this.scale);
ctx.lineCap = 'round';
ctx.lineWidth = 8;
ctx.strokeStyle = '#333333';
ctx.lineWidth = 5;
ctx.strokeStyle = timeDiff < 15? '#ff0000':'#85e37d';
ctx.lineWidth = 0.9;
else if (!(camInfo[0] && camInfo[1] && camInfo[2] <= 0.9)) for (let n = 0; n < 8; n++) this.lastLoaded[n] = performance.now();
loop() {
this.alive = false;
this.canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
const { HEAPF32, HEAP32, HEAPU16, HEAPU8 } = this;
const { entListPtr, offset, entSize, animatedOffset, componentOffsets, fieldOffsets, arenaDimAnimated } = this.config;
const { inventory, petalCooldown, dropID, radius, x, y } = fieldOffsets;
const { player, drop, renderable, mob, position } = componentOffsets;
this.camInfo = HEAPF32.subarray(entListPtr + animatedOffset >> 2, entListPtr + animatedOffset + 12 >> 2);
this.playerEnt = new Uint8Array(1000);
this.lastLoaded = new Float32Array(8);
this.length = 90;
this.toggle = false; this.scale = 1;
//const toX = x => (x - camInfo[0]) * (scale*camInfo[2]) + canvas.width / 2;
//const toY = y => (y - camInfo[1]) * (scale*camInfo[2]) + canvas.height / 2;
//preload entities with subarray
let at = entListPtr + offset;
this.entities = [];
for (let n = 0; n < 8192; n++) this.entities.push(HEAP32.subarray(at >> 2, (at += entSize) >> 2));
document.onkeydown = ({code}) => { if (code === 'KeyQ') this.toggle ^= true; }
const that = this;
window.requestAnimationFrame = new Proxy(requestAnimationFrame, {
apply(t,ta,a) {
that.alive = that.camInfo[2] <= 0.9;
return t.apply(ta,a);
window.automator = new Automator();