AO3: [Wrangling] All Action Buttons on all pages

Adds all action buttons at the top of all tag wrangling pages

Estas são as versões deste script em que houve atualização do código. Mostar todas versões.

  • v3.6 12/05/2023

    changed the container CSS a little to fix how the row of action buttons is displayed. It's still floating on the right, but now prefers to be below the page heading. the tag landing page title is now right-aligned (as per AO3 default) and its first few letters no longer hidden by the icon.

  • v3.5 05/02/2023

    fix for the Reversi site skin (before: the heading liked to be pushed to the right from the buttons, off the visible page. after: heading shows left-aligned, buttons right-aligned, on the same line of text. if heading is too long, it gets pushed down and buttons stay at the very top-right of the page)
    I still can't tell what made it not work on Reversi, although the standard skin displayed nicely. But at least with these changes, both skins behave the same.

  • v3.4 06/12/2022

    fixed number of works and bookmarks displaying incorrectly when in the thousands (because the parsing logic didn't expect the comma separator)

  • v3.3 03/12/2022

    cleaned up code a little for clipboard copy options
    now prefers to use the Clipboard API, but still uses document.execCommand() as a fallback option. This is deprecated, but Firefox in particular has the Clipboard API disabled by default (maybe one day this will change). In Firefox, to enable the Clipboard API, go to about:config and turn to true

  • v3.2 03/12/2022

    fixed "Copy tag name" button resulting in HTML entities when pasting, instead of plaintext (e.g. &lt; instead of <)

  • v3.1 02/12/2022

    after some code changes, changed 'slack link' to a regular 'tag link', since it now works nicely for pasting HTML links in tag comments too
    added button for copying the plain 'tag name'
    changed default icon from old slack logo (which nobody would recognize anymore) to a clipboard icon

  • v3.0 02/12/2022

    added the copy-link-for-slack button
    updated jQuery library to latest (3.6.1)

  • v2.2 09/10/2022

    Disabled GM_x grants and switched to DOM localStorage functions. This enables compatibility between Tampermonkey (using GM_x natively) and Greasemonkey 4.0+ (using GM.x natively) without individualized code for storage access.

  • v2.1 30/08/2022

    fix for short headings which floated off to the right

  • v2.0 10/07/2022

    background page loads!! but it's pretty limited so we reduce likelihood of causing Retry Later (the storage option is used for tracking that):

    • the Comments button always displays the number of comments, even on Works and Bookmarks pages
    • Works and Bookmarks buttons display the total number of uses (including the tag's syns and subtags) while on the Edit page of a canonical tag

    also fixed an issue where the "last comment [date]" tooltip didn't appear

  • v1.4 09/07/2022

    2nd try: fixed the script misbehaving if the url ends with a slash, e.g.

  • v1.3 09/07/2022
  • v1.3 09/07/2022

    fixed the script misbehaving if the url ends with a slash, e.g.

  • v1.2 09/07/2022

    the Wrangle button now leads straight to the Synonyms list

  • v1.1 02/07/2022

    fixed an issue that after submitting a comment the buttons wouldn't appear anymore (on the page reload the URL changes from /tags/.../comments to /comments?...)

  • v1.0 02/07/2022