pancake mod [ PATCHED ]

This mod is not bad, its just ok. To know the controls, look in the description! Enjoy :>

< Feedback em pancake mod [ PATCHED ]

Avaliação: OK - script funciona, mas tem bugs

Publicado: 05/07/2021

Cant do katana and musket at all, and cant survive anyone. Other than that script is okay.

Publicado: 05/07/2021

you can do katana and musket. go age 9 but dont choose anyuhing and press del.

it got updated, could be better now.

Publicado: 05/07/2021

get katana and at age 9 press 'L'

Publicado: 05/07/2021

that works too

Publicado: 05/07/2021

you should put instructions on how to get katana musket in desc.

Publicado: 06/07/2021

Yes. Too mammy ppl dont understand.

Publicado: 06/07/2021

how to cancel?

Publicado: 06/07/2021

i just want to play normal

Publicado: 06/07/2021

delete the script.

Publicado: 06/07/2021

how to delete?

Publicado: 06/07/2021
Editado: 06/07/2021

how to delete script?

Publicado: 06/07/2021

You go on tampermonkey scroll to pancake mod and there's a bin next to it click the bin

Publicado: 06/07/2021

than you delted it!

Publicado: 07/07/2021
Yes. Too mammy ppl dont understand.

They dont understand cuz they are not clearly know about the function of's age lol
If they know that katana is on age 8/Musket is on age 9, they will know how to use it without teaching

Publicado: 07/07/2021

ye. i maked a instruction

Deleted user 798786
Publicado: 31/07/2021

I use stick to farm and then at i click teloporters or whatever u want and then click delete but dont click L when u have stick cause it will give u stick and musket.

Publicado: 01/08/2021


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