YouTube Sizer

Resizes the YouTube player to smaller sizes

< Feedback em YouTube Sizer


Publicado: 01/08/2023

Problem with firefox : youtube player is not resized.

Please fix it , Thanks

John BurtAutor
Publicado: 04/08/2023

I tested it with Firefox 116.0 (64-bit) and Violentmonkey v2.15.0 and it appears to be working.

What is your specific setup that you are using?

Publicado: 05/08/2023

hello, explanation in 3 pictures (458 x 240).

Update it to better like pic 3.


John BurtAutor
Publicado: 06/08/2023

The setup that I am using is like your third picture.
Can you test it to make sure you don't have conflicting CSS styles or extensions?

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