// ==UserScript==
// @name queer wisdom for Twitter
// @namespace stephfuchs.queer.wisdowm.for.twitter
// @version 1.1.0
// @author Stephanie Fuchs
// @description The "Queer wisdom for Twitter" script adds a button with a queer flag for the LGBTQIA+ community. By clicking the flag the script will add a random wisdom. There is a list of quotes provided by a JSON file. So the script automatically gets quote-updates. Updates concerning the script are just as features or bugfixing.
// @homepage https://github.com/stephfuchs/queer-wisdom-for-twitter-userscript
// @include https://twitter.com/home
// @include https://twitter.com/intent/*
// @include https://twitter.com/compose/*
// @run-at document-body
// @supportURL https://github.com/stephfuchs/queer-wisdom-for-twitter-userscript/issues
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
'use strict';
* Start the plugin stuff to tweet queer stuff.
class Plugin {
* Run the stuff when document body is loaded
start() {
var twitterIsReady = setInterval(function () {
let version = '1.1.0';
let name = 'Queer wisdom for Twitter';
let copyright = '(c) 2021 • Stephanie Fuchs • https://github.com/stephfuchs';
let classes = '.css-1dbjc4n.r-1awozwy.r-18u37iz.r-156q2ks';
if (document.querySelector(classes) !== null || document.querySelector(classes) !== undefined) {
let wisdom = new QueerWisdom();
console.info('loaded script: "' + name + '" with version: ' + version + '\n' + copyright);
console.debug(wisdom.debug + 'removed interval');
console.debug(wisdom.debug + 'created new wisdom object');
}, 3000); // check every 3sec
* Check the system every min whether the button is been missing.
setInterval(function () {
if (document.getElementById('queer_wisdom') === null) {
console.debug('Button was deleted. Restarts.');
let wisdom = new QueerWisdom();
console.info('reloaded the queer button, because it disappeared.');
console.debug('Restart finished.');
}, 60000); // check every minute
var plugin = new Plugin();
* Make the queer wisdom great again.
class QueerWisdom {
* Provide some variables for the the extra button.
constructor() {
this.debug = '## Queer wisdom for Twitter debugger ##\n';
this.info = '## Queer wisdom for Twitter information ##\n';
this.queerElement = null;
this.queerElementId = 'queer_wisdom';
this.lesbianJesus = new HayleyKiyoko();
* Initialization of the script.
init() {
let tweetOptionContainerElement = document.querySelector('.css-1dbjc4n.r-1awozwy.r-18u37iz.r-156q2ks');
console.debug(this.debug + 'Initialization of the script starts.');
console.debug(this.debug + tweetOptionContainerElement);
console.debug(this.debug + 'Added lgbtqia+ flag.');
console.debug(this.debug + tweetOptionContainerElement);
console.debug(this.debug + 'Initialization of the script ended.');
* Creates a new div container with the queer flag.
* @returns {HTMLDivElement}
* @private
_createQueerElement() {
this.queerElement = document.createElement('a');
this.queerElement.id = this.queerElementId;
this.queerElement.style.paddingLeft = '10px';
this.queerElement.title = 'add a random queer wisdom';
this.queerElement.innerHTML = this._getFlagSVG();
this.queerElement.setAttribute('href', 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=' + encodeURI(this._getJsonWisdom()));
console.debug(this.debug + 'Created tweet: https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=' + encodeURI(this._getJsonWisdom()));
* Get the wisdom from the JSON.
* @returns {string}
* @private
_getJsonWisdom() {
console.info(this.info + 'We have to call Hayley Kiyoko for help.');
let girlsLikeGirls = this.lesbianJesus.girlsLikeGirls().wisdoms;
let wisdomCount = girlsLikeGirls.length;
console.info(this.info + 'The answer from Hayley Kiyoko has arrived with ' + wisdomCount + ' wisdoms.');
let random = Math.floor(Math.random() * wisdomCount);
let hayleyWisdom = girlsLikeGirls[random];
console.debug(this.debug + 'random number: ' + random);
console.debug(this.debug + 'random wisdom: ' + hayleyWisdom.quote);
if (hayleyWisdom.copyright === null) {
return hayleyWisdom.quote;
return hayleyWisdom.quote + '\n-- ' + hayleyWisdom.copyright;
* Get the LGBTQIA+ flag.
* Credits for the svg: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:LGBTQ%2B_rainbow_flag_Quasar_%22Progress%22_variant.svg
* @returns {string}
* @private
_getFlagSVG() {
return '<svg style="width: 27px; height: auto;" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 6000 3810">\n' +
'\t<rect fill="#750787" width="6000" height="3810"/>\n' +
'\t<rect fill="#004dff" width="6000" height="3175"/>\n' +
'\t<rect fill="#008026" width="6000" height="2540"/>\n' +
'\t<rect fill="#ffed00" width="6000" height="1905"/>\n' +
'\t<rect fill="#ff8c00" width="6000" height="1270"/>\n' +
'\t<rect fill="#e40303" width="6000" height="635"/>\n' +
'\n' +
' <polygon points="-1,960 950,1905 -1,2850" fill="#ffffff"/>\n' +
' <polygon points="-1,960 -1,480 1420,1905 -1,3330 -1,2850 950,1905" fill="#ffafc8"/>\n' +
' <polygon points="-1,480 -1,0 1912,1905 -1,3810 -1,3330 1420,1905 -1,480" fill="#74d7ee"/>\n' +
' <polygon points="-1,0 1912,1905 -1,3810 480,3810 2384,1905 480,0" fill="#613915"/>\n' +
' <polygon points="480,0 960,0 2864,1905 960,3810 480,3810 2384 1905 480,0" fill="#000000"/>\n' +
* The class for the lesbian jesus to give us the queer wisdom.
class HayleyKiyoko {
* It's obvious.
* @returns {JSON}
girlsLikeGirls() {
return {
"wisdoms": [
"quote": "I am here, I am queer.",
"copyright": null
"quote": "It's LGBTQIA\+\nL\=lesbian\nG\=gay\nB\=bi\nT\=trans\nQ\=queer\nI\=intersex\nA\=ace\/aro\n\+\=ally",
"copyright": null
"quote": "There is no man in a wlw relationship. That is the point.",
"copyright": null
"quote": "Did I hit my head and wake up in patriarchal bullshit land?",
"copyright": "Nicole Haught \('Wynonna Earp'\)"
"quote": "Others: \"How do you know, you are queer?\" - Me: \"How do you know you are not?\" ",
"copyright": null
"quote": "When someone tells you they are < insert label >, accept it. They know best, who they are.",
"copyright": null
"quote": "\"Really, I don't know why I did this. I guess it's probably because I've got a big lesbian crush on you! Suck on that! AY-YI-YI-YI-YI-YI!\"",
"copyright": "Janis \('Mean Girls'\)"
"quote": "Hetero people when they see women kissing: \"Oh, they must be good friends\" - Queer women: \"Me n who???\"",
"copyright": null
"quote": "There is no wrong or right about beeing queer. You are who you are and this should be always right.",
"copyright": null
"quote": "\"You are a lesbian, not a unicorn, right?\"",
"copyright": "Waverly Earp \('Wynonna Earp'\)"
"quote": "My religion is called Hayley Kiyoko and she is the lesbian jesus.",
"copyright": null
"quote": "This is Damian. He's almost too gay to function.",
"copyright": "Janis \('Mean Girls'\)"
"quote": "I'm beautiful in my way\n" +
"'Cause God makes no mistakes\n" +
"I'm on the right track, baby\n" +
"I was born this way",
"copyright": "'Born this way' by Lady Gaga"
"quote": "Oh there ain't no other way\n" +
"Baby I was born this way",
"copyright": "'Born this way' by Lady Gaga"
"quote": "No matter gay, straight, or bi,\n" +
"Lesbian, transgendered life,\n" +
"I'm on the right track baby,\n" +
"I was born to survive",
"copyright": "'Born this way' by Lady Gaga"
"quote": "No matter black, white or beige\n" +
"Chola or orient made,\n" +
"I'm on the right track baby,\n" +
"I was born to be brave.",
"copyright": "'Born this way' by Lady Gaga"