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Twitter REMOVE from feed: Who to Follow, Topics to Follow, and Promoted Tweets

Remove Who to Follow and Topics to Follow

< Feedback em Twitter REMOVE from feed: Who to Follow, Topics to Follow, and Promoted Tweets

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 09/07/2021
Editado: 09/07/2021

Great script, thank you! I made some improvements, you could add if you'd like:

I added a bit that removes, the "Follow Topic" suggestions.

$( "span:contains('Follow Topic')" ).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().remove();

I also changed how the function is called, first I removed the infinite loop, of the gtfo() function

setTimeout(function(){}, 250);

And added a bit that calls the function when you scroll, I kept the initial call after 1 second.

$( window ).scroll(function() {

This works great and you don't see any ads or suggestions even if you scroll quickly and the function isn't called all the time, so it's a bit lighter on the CPU.

Hope this helps!

Publicado: 02/09/2021

Smart, thanks

Publicado: 01/09/2022

Implemented the run on scroll, I don't see follow topic that often so I didn't add that yet. Thanks!

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