WME URComments-Enhanced

URComments-Enhanced (URC-E) allows Waze editors to handle WME update requests more quickly and efficiently. Also adds many UR filtering options, ability to change the markers, plus much, much, more!

< Feedback em WME URComments-Enhanced

Avaliação: Bom - o script funciona

Publicado: 08/08/2020

Is it possible to make an icon for a link (like
If clicked that if filled the link from the UR including the code &s=1144126935 (this enables the comments layer).
Or an possibility to place a code in the comment what does this like $URL$

Publicado: 08/09/2020

I like this idea. I will work on it for the next release.

Publicado: 08/09/2020

And done. It is in version 2020.09.08.02, released today. $PERMALINK$ is the spreadsheet shortcut, and the link icon is the UR panel shortcut.

Publicado: 09/09/2020

Thanks for all your work
Greetings from a Dutch editor

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