Kanban Your turn Notifier

Notify Kanban in your turn

Estas são as versões deste script em que houve atualização do código. Mostar todas versões.

  • v0.4.2 30/11/2016
  • v0.4.1 15/09/2016 Auto refresh durinh one setup phase
  • v0.4.0 13/09/2016 A less annoying honk
  • v0.3.0 13/09/2016 Fixed race condition in notifications, when page was loaded in the middle of a play
  • v0.2.0 20/07/2016
  • v0.1.0 11/05/2016 Increased times to spare some server
  • v0.0.5 13/04/2016 Restart notification after next performance goal is selected
  • v0.0.4 13/04/2016 Also restarts notifier after performing a goal
  • v0.0.3 13/04/2016 Fixed wrong satrt notification
  • v0.0.2 13/04/2016
  • v0.0.1 12/04/2016