Hide Run Times

Hides the Run Times for youtube GDQs

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Hello all, I'm probably one of only a few people like this but it bugged me to see the run time in the title of the GDQ videos for runs. Knowing exactly how long it took detracted from the experience of watching runs because there was less suspense. That said, I totally understood why they did it the way they did and I wouldn't expect them to change it, so yesterday I wrote a quick greasemonkey (tampermonkey) script to hide the run times on these videos, this hides it so you don't see it in the title or in the title when you are full screening the video either. Basically all it does is look at the title and anywhere it sees "X:" (where X is a number 0-9) it picks out that "word" and replaces it with ??:??:??. So "Super Mario 64 run in 1:03:14 by example" becomes "Super Mario 64 run in ??:??:?? by example".

In theory there will be rare cases where it will edit a title for a video where it isn't necessary (the only example I could think of is watching the "3:10 to Yuma trailer" becoming "??:??:?? to Yuma trailer") but for the most part it's just going to impact seeing run times for GDQ videos on youtube. And at least for me that's a nice thing to not have to worry about accidentally seeing the time.

It's not perfect, it takes like a second to load so if you were dedicated to seeing the time before the script kicked in you would. Also it doesn't modify names in playlist or related video links. Basically I got annoyed a few times watching runs and then my eyes would thoughtlessly look at the title and then accidentally see the run time and for me it's more fun not knowing.