Flunik Tools reloaded

Windowed variant, Base Upgrade info and POI info

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Upgrades :
In order to upgrade you must click the allowUpgrade type, then you have to click the check box in the base tab.

If you just click the check box in the base tab and not the associated allowUpgrade check box, the script shows you what it can upgrade in the table.

If there is no check box dont be alaramed, it because you cannot upgrade ... thing at that time, if you leave the script running it'll fill the base tabs with check boxes (I think there is an error with this in the older world versions *I think I fixed this, everything is selectable now though*). It updates check boxes if you open the window by turning on the toggle update button, also by turning on the CMD button.

Production, and Rt building upgrades use the same parameters as the upgrade script i made previous (currentProduction / productionOfALevel12)placed into an Array sorted so the highest is first, then all production ratios are put into another sorted array to find the highest productive building that can be upgraded based on what is checked.

**Forgot to add you need the wrapper in order to function correctly this is located: http://cncscripts.com/
if you aren't already using it.

POI Tab:
to update the main table press the button in the type tab.
in the type tab you have a add POI table based on coords. Input POI coords, press update button, the new POI is added in the type tab table, to clear type tab table press the clearAddTable check box then the update button.