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Request Script Make Youtube Sound Slider Always Show

Request Script Make Youtube Sound Slider Always Show

Please Create script make youtube sound slider always show
For example like this image down

Publicado: 14/10/2016

Create a new style in stylish, and add this:

.ytp-volume-panel {
  width: 52px;
  margin-right: 3px;
.ytp-big-mode .ytp-volume-panel {
  width: 78px;
  margin-right: 5px;
Publicado: 14/10/2016
Editado: 14/10/2016

Thank you for reply, It was very helpful.

This is the full script if any on need it.

var css_1 = document.querySelector(".ytp-volume-panel");
css_1.style.width = "52px";
css_1.style.marginRight = "3px";

var ccs_2 = document.querySelector(".ytp-big-mode .ytp-volume-panel");
ccs_2.style.width = "78px";
ccs_2.style.marginRight = "5px";
Publicado: 15/10/2016

@Another Dimension:

The answer of q1k is a CSS code to use with Stylish. You can add directly the CSS code to your userscript with the function GM_addStyle(css), including // @grant GM_addStyle in the header. Or you can build your own function to add a html style block. Like this:

 function _addStyle(css)
  var dad, obj;
  obj = document.createElement('style');
  obj.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
  obj.innerHTML = css;
  dad = document.getElementsByTagName('head');
  (dad && dad.length ? dad[0] : document).appendChild(obj);
Publicado: 15/10/2016
Editado: 15/10/2016


I want say thank you for your reply.

This is the best way to use Stylish, it's really very helpful.

// @grant  GM_addStyle

GM_addStyle('* .ytp-big-mode .ytp-volume-panel { width: 78px; margin-right: 5px; }');
GM_addStyle('* .ytp-volume-panel { width: 52px; margin-right: 3px; }');
Publicado: 15/10/2016

This is a CSS style with 2 rules and 8 lines (formated). You converted this into 2 separated lines of code. But you dont need to do it. Imagine a css with thousand of lines! View this trick using template strings, that were enclosed by the grave accent (`) :

// ==UserScript==
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// ... do not forget the other parameters @name, @namespace, @version, @include, etc.
// ==/UserScript==


.ytp-volume-panel {
  width: 52px;
  margin-right: 3px;
.ytp-big-mode .ytp-volume-panel {
  width: 78px;
  margin-right: 5px;


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