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Multilanguage description

Publicado: 05/06/2018

Multilanguage description

Hello. Is it possible to have a descriptions in different languages separately? I mean if you have set an English language on Greasy Fork, you will see description in English, for French Greasy Fork - French description.

Publicado: 06/06/2018
Editado: 06/06/2018

@JasonBarnabe said: Yes, see https://greasyfork.org/en/help/meta-keys#meta-name

Oh, okay. I didn't take it into consideration :blush: Thanks :smiley: But what about that the [Additional info] section?

Publicado: 13/06/2018

Yeah, there is actually that option, but it's badly translated to Polish :neutral: I will be using Greasy Fork in English, because the translation sucks :wink:

Thank You very much for your help, JasonBarnabe!

Publicado: 19/07/2018
Editado: 19/07/2018

@description:XX-YY The description of the script in a specific locale, where XX is an ISO 639-1 2-letter code and YY is an optional ISO 3166 country code. Overrides @description when the user is browsing in a matching locale.

_Make GreasyFork look beautiful with the new GreasyFork Beautify Mod! https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/370003-greasyfork-beautify-mod

The mod is currently in beta so please feel free to tell TigerYT if there are any bugs or something that doesn't look nice_

Publicado: 19/07/2018
Editado: 20/07/2018

Also Polish seems to be only 97.1% translated, with 16 strings to be translate.

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