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google cache comeback

Brings back links to cached pages in the Google search results

< Opinie na google cache comeback

Ocena: Dobry - skrypt działa

Napisano: 04-02-2016

yay! It's a comeback!

Thanx for fixing/updating this script. I really like the icons as distinctive cues; and especially the anchor icon for links directly within the cached page -- Bravo.

Deleted user 4151
Napisano: 05-04-2016
Edytowano: 05-04-2016

works thx

Napisano: 05-04-2016
Edytowano: 05-04-2016

I rarely use this script, so I apologize for the fact that it took year(s) to fix one tiny bug..

Napisano: 17-04-2016

thank you for this script which runs on my preferred browser - old opera 12.18 (presto engine) with violentmonkey addon!

I am just curious how did you manage to change background (color, style) within google result pages and also cached pages as can be seen on your examplary screenshots. I really would like to have that dark appearance too (on opera 12.18)!!

Also I would like to ask you if you could incorporate the feature to "block" unwanted search results (per domain) as can be achieved via the script of jefferson scher "Google Hit Hider by Domain (Search Filter / Block Sites)", but unfortunately does not work with opera12.18/violentmonkey? Could you ..?

thank you so far for your script!!

Napisano: 18-04-2016
Edytowano: 18-04-2016
how did you manage to change background (color, style) within google result

I used the addon Stylish + userstyle global striped grey background
(and, there's a hidden userstyle google-striped-grey-background)

"block" unwanted search ... Google Hit Hider ... not work with opera12

Have you tried to ask about it at the very Jefferson Scher?

Napisano: 18-04-2016
Edytowano: 18-04-2016
12.18 (presto engine) ... "Google Hit Hider by Domain"

As far as I understand, when Google detects Opera 12, it shows 'NOSCRIPT' variant of the search results page, whose HTML structure is very different from the "scripted" version. So, the adaptation of mentioned script for Opera would require too much effort.

Napisano: 19-04-2016

thank you again for you answering!
striped-background is now installed and working.
I had this gut-feeling about the old opera version taking things differently when it comes to enhance it a little bit
but I will give scher a fair chance to do me favour!

fix it (and all your scripts) by jhint or jlint. thx.

Napisano: 10-02-2017
fix it

Fix what?
One of the main programming rules is: if it's working - don't touch it...

it is simple - multi strings :)
in es5 and es6 are other ways to fix it :)
also - you missed several semycolon ;)


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