Filter animes in the Home/New-Episodes pages to show only what you are watching or plan to watch based on your anime list on MAL or AL.
To są wszystkie wersje tego skryptu. Pokaż tylko te wersje, gdzie kod został zmieniony.
[AniHIDE] Improve selectors for Miruro
[AniHIDE] Fix selectors for Miruro
[AniHIDE] Refactor API request handling to use GM_fetch for CORS bypass and remove unused proxy
[AniHIDE] Workaround for SPAs by adding URL change detection
[AniHIDE] Add support for Miruro and removed JQuery
[AniHIDE] Added mutation observer for dynamic content & removed page selector
update anitaku domain
Add page change event handler support (for animepahe)
fix broken refreshed anime list comparison logic + update anitaku domain
Added domains & Updated Readme
updated domains
Fix critical Bug in refreshList + fixed anitaku detection
Now skips unhiding manually added animes if they are in animelist [fix]
Added suport for alternate titles for imroving detecting anime in other langs
Fixed CORS Proxy issue with MAL
Fix userSettings Save issue
Updated to
-Added AnimeSuge [website] -Updated gogoanime [domain] -Improved anime site detection [improvement] -Improved anime title extractino [improvement]
-Anilist fixed [bug fix]-Improved AniList query [improvement]-Now stores different usernames for different services [feature]
-Services saved as a array instead of class [improvement]
Improved anime title detection [feature]All menus merged into a single menu [feature]Code Cleanup`
Added AniList [service]
-Added Yugen List service [service] -Added change service menu option [feature] -Added weekly auto-refresh [feature] -Added manual list clear option [hidden-feature] -Now shows number of changed anime on refresh [feature]
Now shows changed animes on refresh and auto weekly refresh
update new domains
change @match to include specific domain so that the script appears on greasyfork properly.