
Цена боя и оптимальный слом на рынке

// ==UserScript==
// @name           hwmOptimalRepairAtMarket
// @author         Tamozhnya1
// @namespace      Tamozhnya1
// @description    Цена боя и оптимальный слом на рынке
// @version        26.5
// @include        *heroeswm.ru/*
// @include        *lordswm.com/*
// @require        https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/490927/1360667/Tamozhnya1Lib.js
// @grant          GM_deleteValue
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant 		   GM.xmlHttpRequest
// @grant 		   GM.notification
// @license        MIT
// ==/UserScript==

if(!PlayerId) {
const stopwatchStartTime = Date.now();
function millisecondsIntervalToString(interval) {
    let diff = interval;
    const days = Math.floor(diff / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24);
    diff -= days * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
    const hours = Math.floor(diff / 1000 / 60 / 60);
    diff -= hours * 1000 * 60 * 60;
    const mimutes = Math.floor(diff / 1000 / 60);
    diff -= mimutes * 1000 * 60;
    const seconds = Math.floor(diff / 1000);
    diff -= seconds * 1000;
    const formatedTime = (days > 0 ? days + " " : "") + (hours > 0 ? hours + ":" : "") + mimutes.toString().padStart(2, "0") + ':' + seconds.toString().padStart(2, "0") + "." + diff.toString().padStart(3, "0");
    return formatedTime;
const LotType = { Purchase: 1, Auction: 2 };
const GoldPng = "i/r/48/gold.png";
const locations = {
    1: [50,50,"Empire Capital","EmC","Столица Империи"],
    2: [51,50,"East River","EsR","Восточная Река"],
    3: [50,49,"Tiger Lake","TgL","Тигриное Озеро"],
    4: [51,49,"Rogues' Wood","RgW","Лес Разбойников"],
    5: [50,51,"Wolf Dale","WoD","Долина Волков"],
    6: [50,48,"Peaceful Camp","PcC","Мирный Лагерь"],
    7: [49,51,"Lizard Lowland","LzL","Равнина Ящеров"],
    8: [49,50,"Green Wood","GrW","Зеленый Лес"],
    9: [49,48,"Eagle Nest","EgN","Орлиное Гнездо"],
    10: [50,52,"Portal Ruins","PoR","Руины Портала"],
    11: [51,51,"Dragons' Caves","DrC","Пещеры Драконов"],
    12: [49,49,"Shining Spring","ShS","Сияющий Родник"],
    13: [48,49,"Sunny City","SnC","Солнечный Город"],
    14: [52,50,"Magma Mines","MgM","Магма Шахты"],
    15: [52,49,"Bear Mountain","BrM","Медвежья Гора"],
    16: [52,48,"Fairy Trees","FrT","Магический Лес"],
    17: [53,50,"Harbour City","HrC","Портовый Город"],
    18: [53,49,"Mythril Coast","MfC","Мифриловый Берег"],
    19: [51,52,"Great Wall","GtW","Великая Стена"],
    20: [51,53,"Titans' Valley","TiV","Равнина Титанов"],
    21: [52,53,"Fishing Village","FsV","Рыбачье село"],
    22: [52,54,"Kingdom Castle","KiC","Замок Королевства"],
    23: [48,48,"Ungovernable Steppe","UnS","Непокорная Степь"],
    24: [51,48,"Crystal Garden","CrG","Кристальный Сад"],
    25: [53,52,"East Island","EsI","Восточный Остров"],
    26: [49,52,"The Wilderness","ThW","Дикие земли"],
    27: [48,50,"Sublime Arbor","SbA","Великое Древо"]
let playerLocationNumber = getPlayerLocationNumber();
if(win.sign) {
    setValue("PlayerSign", win.sign);
const PlayerSign = getValue("PlayerSign");
if(location.pathname == "/home.php" || location.pathname == "/pl_info.php" && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) {
    if(isNewPersonPage) {
        const levelInfoCell = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div.home_pers_info")).find(x => x.innerHTML.includes(isEn ? "Combat level" : "Боевой уровень"));
        if(levelInfoCell) {
            setPlayerValue("PlayerLevel", parseInt(levelInfoCell.querySelector("div[id=bartext] > span").innerText));
    } else {
        const levelExec = new RegExp(`<b>${isEn ? "Combat level" : "Боевой уровень"}: (\\d+?)<\\/b>`).exec(document.documentElement.innerHTML);
        if(levelExec) {
            setPlayerValue("PlayerLevel", parseInt(levelExec[1]) || 1);
const PlayerLevel = parseInt(getPlayerValue("PlayerLevel", 1));
fetch.get = (url) => fetch({ url });
fetch.post = (url, data) => fetch({ url, method: 'POST', body: data });

var CombatCostBestDeviation = parseInt(getValue("CombatCostBestDeviation", 1)); // percent
var CombatCostGoodDeviation = parseInt(getValue("CombatCostGoodDeviation", 10)); // percent
let CombatCostBestDeviationColor = getValue("CombatCostBestDeviationColor", "#becb10");
let CombatCostGoodDeviationColor = getValue("CombatCostGoodDeviationColor", "#90EE90");
const SortType = { Text: 1, Number: 2 };
const InventoryArtMenuDirections = { Horizontal: 1, Vertical: 2 };
const InventoryArtMenuDirection = InventoryArtMenuDirections.Vertical;
const CraftLevels = [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 15, 19, 24, 30, 37, 45];
const CraftType = { Unknown: 0, Weapon: 1, Armor: 2, Jewelry: 3 };
const MarketCategory = ["no_sell", "helm", "necklace", "cuirass", "cloack", "weapon", "shield", "boots", "ring", "other", "thief", "tactic", "verb", "medals", "relict", "backpack"];
const ResourcesTypes = { "wood": { Type: "1", ImageName: "wood" }, "ore": { Type: "2", ImageName: "ore" }, "mercury": { Type: "3", ImageName: "mercury" }, "sulphur": { Type: "4", ImageName: "sulfur" }, "crystal": { Type: "5", ImageName: "crystals" }, "gem": { Type: "6", ImageName: "gems" } };
const ElementsTypes = { "42": "abrasive", "43": "snake_poison", "46": "tiger_tusk", "44": "ice_crystal", "45": "moon_stone", "40": "fire_crystal", "37": "meteorit", "41": "witch_flower", "39": "wind_flower", "78": "fern_flower", "38": "badgrib" }
const ElementNames = ["abrasive", "snake_poison", "tiger_tusk", "ice_crystal", "moon_stone", "fire_crystal", "meteorit", "witch_flower", "wind_flower", "fern_flower", "badgrib"];
const ArtifactInfo = { "staff": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2527, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "sword18": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 17755, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "wood_sword": { Strength: 7, RepairCost: 133, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "long_bow": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 6317, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "dagger_dex": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 3230, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "dagger": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 912, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "dagger20": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 9291, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "dagger16": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 9120, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "shortbow": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 342, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "gnome_hammer": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 294, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "bow14": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 9946, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "bow17": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 10108, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "power_sword": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 9775, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "requital_sword": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2527, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "firsword15": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 17670, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "ssword16": { Strength: 46, RepairCost: 6051, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "ssword8": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 3838, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "ssword10": { Strength: 45, RepairCost: 4854, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "broad_sword": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 4721, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "def_sword": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 1292, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "dagger_myf": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8626, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "mif_sword": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 16957, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "mif_staff": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 16387, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ssword13": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 5985, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "mstaff13": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 4797, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "mstaff8": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 2888, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "smstaff16": { Strength: 37, RepairCost: 4883, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "staff18": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 17746, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "sor_staff": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 6118, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "ffstaff15": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 17679, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "mstaff10": { Strength: 35, RepairCost: 3781, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "mm_sword": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 17195, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "mm_staff": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 16986, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "composite_bow": { Strength: 55, RepairCost: 8246, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "steel_blade": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 465, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "large_shield": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 9576, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "hauberk": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2289, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "boots2": { Strength: 35, RepairCost: 1026, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "armor15": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 9310, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "marmor17": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 9310, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "sarmor16": { Strength: 44, RepairCost: 4351, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "armor17": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 9490, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "leather_shiled": { Strength: 18, RepairCost: 266, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "leatherhat": { Strength: 12, RepairCost: 171, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "leatherboots": { Strength: 14, RepairCost: 199, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "leatherplate": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 1358, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "hunter_boots": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 912, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "leather_helm": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 627, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "wizard_cap": { Strength: 35, RepairCost: 1596, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "chain_coif": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 1539, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "xymhelmet15": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 6612, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "mhelmetzh13": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 6384, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "round_shiled": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 104, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "mif_light": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 6251, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "mif_lboots": { Strength: 55, RepairCost: 7153, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "mif_lhelmet": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 5244, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "sarmor9": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2479, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "miff_plate": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 9842, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sarmor13": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 4322, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "boots13": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8502, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "zxhelmet13": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 6384, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "shield13": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 10174, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "mage_armor": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 4465, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "robewz15": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 9310, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "wiz_robe": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 9376, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sboots12": { Strength: 35, RepairCost: 2992, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "shelm12": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2660, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "sboots16": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 3239, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "boots15": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8559, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "boots17": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8683, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "mboots17": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8683, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "mboots14": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8825, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "sboots9": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 2137, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "ciras": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 4455, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "steel_helmet": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 3676, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "s_shield": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 266, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "full_plate": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 9243, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "steel_boots": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 5785, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "shoe_of_initiative": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2384, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "wiz_boots": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 8008, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "mif_hboots": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 7752, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "mif_hhelmet": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 6298, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "shelm16": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2774, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "mage_helm": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 3277, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "shelm8": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 1197, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "myhelmet15": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 6583, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "helmet17": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 7239, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "mhelmet17": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 7239, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "knowledge_hat": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 978, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "dragon_shield": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8778, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "shield16": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 10298, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "sshield17": { Strength: 35, RepairCost: 4018, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "shield19": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 10469, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "sshield5": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2888, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "sshield11": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 3876, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "defender_shield": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 1130, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "sshield14": { Strength: 38, RepairCost: 3923, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "wzzamulet16": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 10972, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "mmzamulet16": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 10972, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "smamul17": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 4389, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "bafamulet15": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 10811, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "amulet_of_luck": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 959, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "samul14": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 4370, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "wzzamulet13": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 9975, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "warring13": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 10279, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "ring19": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 11305, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "wwwring16": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 11238, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "dring5": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 3496, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "warriorring": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 6697, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "mmmring16": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 11238, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "i_ring": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 171, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "smring10": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 2859, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "dring18": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 14820, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "mring19": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 11390, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "circ_ring": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 6507, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "dring15": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 14534, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "powerring": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 5187, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "bring14": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 10374, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "sring4": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 579, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "doubt_ring": { Strength: 12, RepairCost: 1064, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "dring21": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 15104, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "rashness_ring": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 1928, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "darkring": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 8379, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "sring17": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 2907, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "warrior_pendant": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 8046, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "mamulet19": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 11039, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "power_pendant": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 7381, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "amulet19": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 11039, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "magic_amulet": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 8379, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "cloack17": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 9975, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "cloackwz15": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 9614, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "scroll18": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 10307, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "scloack8": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 2052, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "bravery_medal": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 560, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "mmzamulet13": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 9975, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "dring12": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 13356, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "soul_cape": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 1197, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "wiz_cape": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8711, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "samul17": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 4389, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "smamul14": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 4370, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "verve_ring": { Strength: 18, RepairCost: 1577, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "dring9": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 10032, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "smring17": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 2907, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "magring13": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 10279, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "scloack16": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 3192, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "powercape": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 5339, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "scoutcloack": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 304, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "energy_scroll": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 9044, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "samul8": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 3391, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sring10": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 2859, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "antiair_cape": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 2926, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "antimagic_cape": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 4949, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "d_spray": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 3325, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "bfly": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 49875, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "bril_pendant": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 23275, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "warmor": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 16625, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "flowers3": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 3325, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "flowers1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 332, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "flowers4": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 4987, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "flowers2": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 332, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "roses": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 8312, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "flowers5": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 4987, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "half_heart_m": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 4987, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "half_heart_w": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 4987, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "venok": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 332, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "defender_dagger": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 1330, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "goldciras": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 13300, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "koltsou": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 23275, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "bril_ring": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 33250, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "wboots": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 16625, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "flower_heart": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 1662, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "protazan": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 8312, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "whelmet": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 16625, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "shpaga": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 26600, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 },
 "coldamul": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 11000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: x => 8 + Math.floor(x / 4) },
 "sun_armor": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 9500, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: x => 1 + Math.floor(x / 2) },
 "super_dagger": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 10400, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: x => 3 + Math.floor(x / 4) },
 "clover_amul": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 11000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: x => 3 + Math.floor(x / 2) },
 "ring2013": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 },
 "sun_ring": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 6400, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: x => 4 + Math.floor(x / 4) },
 "coldring_n": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 6400, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: x => 6 + Math.floor(x / 4) },
 "lbow": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 10100, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: x => 1 + Math.floor(x / 3) },
 "cold_sword2014": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 17600, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: x => 4 + Math.floor(x / 2) },
 "sun_sword": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 17600, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: x => 4 + Math.floor(x / 2) },
 "finecl": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 },
 "sun_boots": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 8700, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: x => 1 + Math.floor(x / 2) },
 "sun_helm": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 7400, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: x => 1 + Math.floor(x / 2) },
 "wshield": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "shield_14y": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 },
 "cold_shieldn": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 10400, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: x => 5 + Math.floor(x / 4) }, "n_amul": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "n_boots": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "n_armor": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "n_ringa": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "n_ringd": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "n_sword": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "n_clk": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "n_helmet": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "n_shield": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "neut_amulet": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "forest_armor": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "forest_dagger": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "forest_blade": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "neut_ring": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "les_cl": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "forest_bow": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "forest_boots": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "forest_helm": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "shieldofforest": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "hunter_pendant1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 400, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "hunter_bow1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 400, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "hunter_gloves1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 400, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "hunter_jacket1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 400, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "hunter_boots1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 400, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "hunter_sword1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 400, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "hunter_hat1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 400, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "hunter_shield1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 400, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "hunter_amulet1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "hunter_armor1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "hunterdagger": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "hunter_ring2": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "hunter_ring1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "hunter_roga1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "huntersword2": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "hunter_boots3": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "hunter_bow2": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "hunter_mask1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "hunterdsword": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "hunter_boots2": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "hunter_arrows1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "hunter_helm": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "huntershield2": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "gm_amul": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "gm_arm": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "gm_rring": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "gm_kastet": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gm_sring": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "gm_abow": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "gm_protect": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "gm_sword": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gm_spdb": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "gm_3arrows": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "gm_hat": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "gm_defence": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 1200, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "sh_amulet2": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sh_armor": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sh_ring1": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "sh_ring2": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "sh_spear": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "sh_bow": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "sh_cloak": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "sh_sword": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "sh_boots": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "sh_4arrows": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sh_helmet": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "sh_shield": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 2400, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "thief_neckl": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "thief_arb": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "thief_goodarmor": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "thief_ml_dagger": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "ring_of_thief": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "thief_msk": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "thief_cape": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "thief_fastboots": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "tm_amulet": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "tm_arb": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "tm_armor": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tm_knife": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "tm_mring": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "tm_wring": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "tm_msk": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "tm_cape": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tm_boots": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "r_warriorsamulet": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "r_m_amulet": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "r_zarmor": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "r_dagger": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "r_magicsring": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "r_warring": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "r_bow": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "r_bigsword": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "r_clck": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "r_magy_staff": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "r_bootsmb": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "r_goodscroll": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "r_helmb": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tact1w1_wamulet": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tactcv1_armor": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "tactsm0_dagger": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "tactspw_mring": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tactwww_wring": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tact765_bow": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tactms1_mamulet": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tactpow_cloack": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "tactmag_staff": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tactzl4_boots": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "tactaz_axe": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "tacthapp_helmet": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "tactdff_shield": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "tactic", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "v_1armor": { Strength: 90, RepairCost: 48000, MarketCategory: "verb", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "verb11_sword": { Strength: 90, RepairCost: 48000, MarketCategory: "verb", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "verbboots": { Strength: 90, RepairCost: 48000, MarketCategory: "verb", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ve_helm": { Strength: 90, RepairCost: 48000, MarketCategory: "verb", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "vrb_shild": { Strength: 90, RepairCost: 48000, MarketCategory: "verb", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "tl_medal1": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 32000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "tl_medal2": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "tl_medal3": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 6000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "bwar1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "kwar1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "gnomewar1": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "bwar2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 48000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "kwar2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 48000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "gnomewar2": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 48000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "kwar3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "gnomewar3": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "bwar3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "bwar4": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "kwar4": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gnomewar4": { Strength: 55, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "bwar5": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "kwar5": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "gnomewar5": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "bwar6": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "kwar6": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "gnomewar6": { Strength: 45, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "bwar7": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "kwar7": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "gnomewar7": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "bunt_medal1": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "bunt_medal2": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "bunt_medal3": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "bwar_splo": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gnomewar_splo": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "kwar_splo": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "kwar_stoj": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "bwar_stoj": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gnomewar_stoj": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "bwar_takt": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gnomewar_takt": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "kwar_takt": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "necrwar1st": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 56000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "necrwar2st": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "necrwar3st": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "necrwar4st": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "necrwar5st": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "warthief_medal1": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 18000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "warthief_medal2": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "warthief_medal3": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "warthief_medal4": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 6000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "warthief_medal5": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "elfwar1": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "elfwar2": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "elfwar3": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 32000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "elfwar4": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "elfwar5": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "elfwar6": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "magewar1": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 52000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "magewar2": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "magewar3": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 32000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "magewar4": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "magewar5": { Strength: 35, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "demwar1": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "demwar2": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "demwar3": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "demwar4": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "demwar5": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "demwar6": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "medals", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "barb_armor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "barb_club": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "barb_boots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "barb_helm": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "barb_shield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "necr_amulet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "necr_helm": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "necr_staff": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "necr_robe": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "merc_armor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "merc_dagger": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "merc_sword": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "merc_boots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "elfamulet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "elfbow": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "elfshirt": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "elfboots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "darkelfkaska": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "darkelfciras": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "darkelfpendant": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "darkelfcloack": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "darkelfstaff": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "darkelfboots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "dem_amulet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dem_armor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "dem_bootshields": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "dem_axe": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dem_helmet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "dem_shield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 50000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "mage_cape": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "mage_staff": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "mage_robe": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "mage_boots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "mage_scroll": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "mage_hat": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "gnomearmor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "gnomehammer": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "gnomeboots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "gnomehelmet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "gnomeshield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "gnomem_amulet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "gnomem_armor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gnomem_hammer": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "gnomem_boots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "gnomem_helmet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "gnomem_shield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "gmage_crown": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "gmage_cloack": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gmage_staff": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "gmage_armor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gmage_boots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "gmage_scroll": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "welfarmor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "welfbow": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "welfsword": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "welfboots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "welfhelmet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "welfshield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "druid_amulet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "druid_cloack": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "druid_staff": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "druid_armor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "druid_boots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "knightarmor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "knightsword": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "knightboots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "knighthelmet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "knightshield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "paladin_bow": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "paladin_armor": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "paladin_sword": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "paladin_boots": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "paladin_helmet": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "paladin_shield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sv_arb": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "sv_body": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "sv_weap": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "sv_boot": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sv_helm": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "sv_shield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "nv_body": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 56000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "nv_weap": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 56000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "nv_boot": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 56000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "nv_helm": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 56000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "nv_shield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 56000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "kn_body": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "kn_weap": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "kn_helm": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "kn_shield": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 44000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "inq_body": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "inq_cl": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "inq_weap": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "inq_boot": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "inq_helm": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "amf_body": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "amf_cl": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "amf_boot": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "amf_weap": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "amf_scroll": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "amf_helm": { Strength: 100, RepairCost: 64000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "8amul_inf": { Strength: 8, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "quest_pendant1": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 600, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "9amu_let": { Strength: 9, RepairCost: 18000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "trinitypendant": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 6400, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sunart2": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "a_mallet": { Strength: 10000, RepairCost: 40, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "buben2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "totem1": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "icesphere1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "mechanic_glasses1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "buben1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "anomal_ring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "mart8_ring1": { Strength: 8, RepairCost: 400, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "mart8_flowers1": { Strength: 8, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "wolfjacket": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "sharik": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "magneticarmor": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "dragonstone": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "dubina": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "ogre_bum": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "gdubina": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "lizard_armor": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "hopesh1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "mgear": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "5years_star": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 5000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "znamya1": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "krest2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "znamya2": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "kznamya1": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "kznamya2": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "ankh1": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "zub": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tunnel_kirka": { Strength: 25, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "bludgeon": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "brush": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 19824, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "windsword": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 22000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "pit_sword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 19 }, "pit_sword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 13200, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "kniga": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "skill_book11": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "anomal_ring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 18000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "commander_ring": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "testring": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "thief_premiumring1": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "thief_premiumring2": { Strength: 65, RepairCost: 18000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "thief_premiumring3": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "thief", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "ttring": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10800, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "blackring": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "student_armor": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 2000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "pegaskop": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "sunart1": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "kopie": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "pika": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "trogloditkop": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 5600, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "dragon_crown": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 6800, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "necrohelm2": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "dem_kosa": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "pouch": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "cubed": { Strength: 45, RepairCost: 4800, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "bal_cube": { Strength: 45, RepairCost: 4800, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "cubes": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 6400, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "cubeg": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "bshield3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "icesphere2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14400, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "goblin_bow": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "centaurbow": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "sniperbow": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "totem3": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8400, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "10scroll": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "sunart3": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 32000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "sword5": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "blacksword": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "sunart4": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dem_dmech": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "blacksword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "slayersword": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "meshok": { Strength: 2012, RepairCost: 2012, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "meshok2": { Strength: 2012, RepairCost: 2012, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "molot_tan": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "13coin": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "snowjinka": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "sosulka": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "obereg": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "castle_orden": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "order_griffin": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "order_manticore": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "eg_order1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 22000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "eg_order2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "eg_order3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ord_light": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 18000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "ord_dark": { Strength: 75, RepairCost: 18000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "mechanic_glasses2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 7400, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "pen": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 19824, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "sandglass": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "inq_ring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "battlem_cape": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "stalkercl": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "totem2": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 9000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "2year_amul_lords": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "7ka": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "3year_amul": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "icesphere3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "inq_ring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "krest3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8400, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "anomal_ring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "buben3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "mechanic_glasses3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 6800, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "rog_demon": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "runkam": { Strength: 50, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "lizard_boots": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "torg_boots": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "krest1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "thief_unique_secretops": { Strength: 200, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "ankh2": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "compass": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "statue": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "no_sell", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "nefrit2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "nefrit3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8400, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "nefrit1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "cat_statue": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "bear_statue": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "ru_statue": { Strength: 20, RepairCost: 2009, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "dog_statue": { Strength: 70, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "msphere": { Strength: 60, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "3year_art": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "znak5": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "znak8": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "znak7": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "znak3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "znak2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "znak1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "znak6": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "znak9": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "znak4": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "firehammer": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 32000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "topor_drov": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "dem_dtopor": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 48000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "taskaxe": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 16 }, "orc_axe": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "topor_skelet": { Strength: 30, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "sea_trident": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "bshield1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "dudka": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 6000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "flyaga": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "antifire_cape": { Strength: 40, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "hopesh2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 7200, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "12hron": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "4year_klever": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 4000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "6ring": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 15000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "lizard_helm": { Strength: 15, RepairCost: 800, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }, "ogre_helm": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "orc_hat": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "necrohelm3": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "necrohelm1": { Strength: 10, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "gargoshield": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "bshield2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "e_shield2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 7200, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "e_shield1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "elfdagger": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dun_amul2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "dun_bow2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "drak_armor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dun_boots1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dun_amul1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "dun_bow1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "dun_armor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dun_dagger1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dun_sword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 16 }, "dun_ring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "dun_cloak1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 18000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dung_axe1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 18000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 18 }, "hm2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dun_shield1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "dun_armor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "dun_dagger2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "dering": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "relict", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "drak_armor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "dun_boots3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "dun_armor3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "dun_shield3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "drak_armor3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "dun_bow3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "dun_dagger3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "dun_sword3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "dung_axe3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "dun_sword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dun_ring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dun_cloak2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 15000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "crystal": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "dun_amul3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "dun_cloak3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "dun_ring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "dun_boots2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "dung_axe2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 15000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "hm1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14400, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "dun_shield2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ramul1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "rarmor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "rdagger1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "rogring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "rarmor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "rboots2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "rhelm2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "rsword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "raxe2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "rbow1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "rsword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "rcloak1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "rogring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "ramul2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "rdagger2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "rbow2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "rcloak2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "rshield2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "rboots1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "sumka": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "raxe1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "rhelm1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "rshield1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "surv_halberdzg": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "surv_wamuletik": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "surv_crossbowsurv": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 32000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "surv_armorsu": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "surv_wring2o": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "surv_daggermd": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "surv_sword2sd": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "surv_mring2fpg": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "surv_wring1my": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "surv_mbootsbb": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "surv_mamulka": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "surv_marmoroz": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "surv_mhelmetcv": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "surv_mring1fd": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "surv_mcloacksv": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "surv_sword_surv": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "surv_cloacksrv": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "surv_staffik": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "surv_bootsurv": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "surv_scrollcd": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "surv_axes": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "surv_helmetpi": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "surv_shieldvv": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tj_magam2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "mtcloak1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "tmarmor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "sph1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "tj_mtuf1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "vbow1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "mhelmv1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "vtmsword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "vtjcloak1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "staff_v1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "vscroll-1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "vtmaxe1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 16 }, "vmring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "tjarmor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "vrdagger2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "v-ring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "tjam2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "mtcloak3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "vtjcloak3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "staff_v3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tmarmor3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tj_vboots3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tj_mtuf3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tjarmor3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "vrdagger3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "vbow3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "mhelmv3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "vtmsword3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "vtmaxe3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "tj_helmet3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tj-shield3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "vbow2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "mhelmv2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "vmring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "v-ring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "tj_magam3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tjam3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "vbolt3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "vscroll-3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "mtcloak2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "vtmsword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "v-ring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "tj_magam1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "vrdagger1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "tjam1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "vbolt1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "vbolt2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "vtjcloak2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "staff_v2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "sph3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "vmring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "tmarmor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tj_vboots2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "vscroll-2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "sph2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "vtmaxe2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "tj_mtuf2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "tj_vboots1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "tjarmor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "tj_helmet1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "tj-shield1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "tj_helmet2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "tj-shield2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "p_amulet2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "p_amulet1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "piratehat3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "pir_armor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "p_dag2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "p_dag1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "p_sword3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "pn_ring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "pn_ring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "p_compas2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "p_compas1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "pn_ring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "piring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "piring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "pir_armor3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "pir_armor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "p_pistol2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "p_pistol1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "p_cloak2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "p_cloak1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "p_amulet3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "p_dag3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "p_compas3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "piring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "p_pistol3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "p_cloak3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "p_sword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "p_boots2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "p_boots1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "p_boots3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "piratehat2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "piratehat1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "p_sword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "polk_sword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 16 }, "polk_armor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "gring": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "polk_armor3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "polkboots3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "polk_sword3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "polk__helm3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "polk_sword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "gringd": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "polkboots2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "polk_armor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "polkboots1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "polk__helm1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "polk__helm2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "m_amul2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "ocean_boots1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "m_amul1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "m_armor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "ocean_dgr1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "ocean_bw1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "ocean_sword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 16 }, "ocean_per1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "ocean_cl1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "ocean_hlm1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "ocean_m_shield1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "ocean_ring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "ocean_eye1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "m_armor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "ocean_dgr2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "ocean_ring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "m_armor3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ocean_boots3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "ocean_dgr3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "ocean_sword3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "ocean_hlm3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "ocean_m_shield3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "ocean_bw2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ocean_sword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "ocean_eye2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "ocean_per2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "ocean_cl2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ocean_ring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "ocean_eye3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "m_amul3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "ocean_bw3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "ocean_per3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "ocean_cl3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "ocean_boots2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "ocean_hlm2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "ocean_m_shield2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "adv_neck1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "adv_armor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "a_dagger1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "adv_fring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "adv_armor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "adv_boot2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "adv_hm2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "adv_shild2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "adv_saber2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "adv_longbow1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "adv_clk1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "adv_sumk2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 }, "adv_fring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "adv_neck2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "adv_longbow2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "a_dagger2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "adv_clk2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "adv_boot1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "adv_sumk1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "adv_hm1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "adv_shild1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "adv_saber1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "mir_am2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "mir_am1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "mh_sword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 17 }, "mir_armor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "mir_armor3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "mir_boots3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "mh_sword3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "mir_shld3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "mh_sword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "mir_am3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "mir_boots2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "mir_armor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "mir_shld1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "mir_boots1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "mir_shld2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ed_mbook1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "ed_armr1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "ed_elfbow1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "ed_bsword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "ed_ring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "ed_armr2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ed_mbook2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ed_ring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "ed_armr3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "ed_bsword3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "ed_elfbow2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 }, "ed_bsword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "ed_mbook3": { Strength: 54, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "ed_ring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "ed_elfbow3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "stalker_crsb2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "stalker_crsb1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "stalker_hlm1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "stalker_dagger1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "stalker_hlm2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "stalker_dagger2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "stalker_crsb3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "stalker_hlm3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "stalker_dagger3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "potion01": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "potion02": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "potion03": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "potion04": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "potion05": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "potion06": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "potion07": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 }, "potion08": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 1 },
 "16amul": { Strength: 16, RepairCost: 16161, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: x => Math.floor(x / 2) },
 "17bring": { Strength: 17, RepairCost: 17170, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: x => Math.floor(x / 2) },

 "forest_crossbow": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "icecr1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "drak_crown1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "ed_pendant1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 16 }, "arm_armor1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "arm_cap1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "eddem_ring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "stalker_cl1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "arm_armor2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "arm_cap2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "drak_crown2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "arm_cap3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "mir_helmt3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "icecr2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14400, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 7 }, "icecr3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "eddem_ring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "undefined", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "stalker_cl2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "ed_pendant2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 },
 "sun_staff": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 17600, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: x => 4 + Math.floor(x / 2) }, "drak_crown3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "ed_pendant3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "arm_armor3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "eddem_ring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "stalker_cl3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 7 },
 "wind_boots": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 8700, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: x => 1 + Math.floor(x / 2) }, "mir_helmt1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 },
 "wind_helm": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 7400, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: x => 1 + Math.floor(x / 2) }, "mir_helmt2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 },
 "wind_armor": { Strength: 85, RepairCost: 9500, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: x => 1 + Math.floor(x / 2) }, "wanderer_armor1": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "wanderer_armor2": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }, "wanderer_armor3": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "imp_helmet": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "imp_amul": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 19 }, "imp_ring": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 17 }, "imp_armor": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "imp_cloak": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "imp_crossbow": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "imp_sword": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 17 }, "imp_boots": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "imp_shield": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "imp_dagger": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "dark_helmet": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "dark_amul": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 19 }, "dark_ring": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 17 }, "dark_armor": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "dark_cloak": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "dark_bow": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "dark_axe": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 17 }, "dark_boots": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "dark_shield": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "dark_dagger": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "heaven_helm": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "heaven_armr": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 }, "heaven_clk": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "heaven_staff": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 18 }, "heaven_bts": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },

"thief_paper": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 0, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 0 },
"mirror": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "other", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 0 },
"stalker_armour1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"stalker_armour2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 },
"stalker_armour3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 },
"arm_clk1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 14 },
"arm_clk2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 },
"arm_clk3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 },
"pend_a1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"pend_a2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 },
"pend_a3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 },
"lotus1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 8 },
"lotus2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 },
"lotus3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8400, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 },
"eye1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14400, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 16 },
"eye2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 },
"eye3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9600, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 },
"stalker_boot1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 },
"stalker_boot3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 },
"stalker_boot2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 },
"arm_sekstant1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 7 },
"arm_sekstant3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 3 },
"arm_sekstant2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 5 },
"forest_bolt": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 },
"mir_cl1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 10 },
"mir_cl3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 },
"mir_cl2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 },
"dung_glefa1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 20 },
"dung_glefa2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14400, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"dung_glefa3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 11800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 },
"wanderer_hat1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 13 },
"wanderer_hat3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 },
"wanderer_hat2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 },
"ed_svboots1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 11 },
"ed_svboots3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 },
"ed_svboots2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 8 },
"stalker_aml2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 },
"stalker_aml1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 },
"stalker_aml3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 5 },
"stalker_shid1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 16 },
"stalker_shid3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 },
"stalker_shid2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 13 },
"arm_bts1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 },
"arm_bts3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 7 },
"arm_bts2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 },
"icebow1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 15200, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 },
"icebow2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 13600, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 },
"icebow3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 5 },
"arm_r1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"arm_r2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 12 },
"arm_r3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 9 },
"heaven_amlt": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 20 },
"heaven_rn": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 17 },
"heaven_bow": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 },
"heaven_shield": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"heaven_dagger": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"magma_helm": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 },
"magma_pend": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 20 },
"magma_rd": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 28000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 17 },
"magma_armor": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 },
"magma_clc": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 },
"magma_arb": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 },
"magma_swrd": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 18 },
"magma_boots": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"magma_lshield": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"magma_dagger": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"fear_scythe": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 40000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 18 },
"fear_boots": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"fear_shield": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"fear_lantern": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "shield", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 15 },
"fear_bonearmour": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cuirass", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 14 },
"fear_cloack": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 36000, MarketCategory: "cloack", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 },
"fear_amulk": { Strength: 80, RepairCost: 60000, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 20 },
"chains1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "chains2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 9200, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "chains3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 8400, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }
, "forest_knives": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }
, "drak_greaves1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16800, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "drak_greaves3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 11800, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "drak_greaves2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14400, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }
, "smaska1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "smaska3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "smaska2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14400, MarketCategory: "helm", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }
, "wanderer_boot1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "wanderer_boot3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "wanderer_boot2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "boots", CraftType: 2, AmmunitionPoints: 9 }
, "ed_barrel1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "ed_barrel2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }, "ed_barrel3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }
, "mir_bow1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 24000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "mir_bow3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 4 }, "mir_bow2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 20000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }
, "stalker_iring1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }, "stalker_iring2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 8 }, "stalker_iring3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "ring", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 6 }
, "dglef2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 16 }, "dglef1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 21 }, "dglef3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 11 }
, "arm_handgun1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 16 }, "arm_handgun2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }, "arm_handgun3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }
, "dun_pendant1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16800, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 16 }, "dun_pendant2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 14400, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 3, AmmunitionPoints: 13 }, "dun_pendant3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 11800, MarketCategory: "necklace", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }
, "forest_edge": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "backpack", CraftType: 0, AmmunitionPoints: 2 }
, "stalker_backsword1": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 16000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 15 }, "stalker_backsword3": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 10000, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 10 }, "stalker_backsword2": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 12800, MarketCategory: "weapon", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 12 }

const EcostatDetailsIds = { 92: "wzzamulet16", 12: "amulet_of_luck", 120: "samul14", 107: "wzzamulet13", 66: "large_shield", 23: "hauberk", 131: "boots2", 150: "sword18", 95: "warring13", 98: "armor15", 126: "sarmor16", 154: "armor17", 160: "dagger16", 15: "leather_shiled", 142: "leatherboots", 140: "leatherplate", 18: "leather_helm", 100: "wwwring16", 149: "dring5", 76: "warriorring", 152: "dring18", 146: "dring15", 128: "sring4", 21: "doubt_ring", 159: "dring21", 139: "sring17", 32: "chain_coif", 61: "warrior_pendant", 56: "power_pendant", 156: "amulet19", 70: "mif_lboots", 88: "bow14", 155: "bow17", 132: "scloack8", 14: "bravery_medal", 48: "power_sword", 25: "requital_sword", 87: "firsword15", 121: "ssword16", 130: "ssword8", 127: "ssword10", 30: "broad_sword", 34: "def_sword", 135: "sarmor9", 147: "dring12", 102: "miff_plate", 74: "mif_sword", 24: "soul_cape", 116: "sarmor13", 90: "boots13", 115: "ssword13", 99: "zxhelmet13", 97: "shield13", 157: "samul17", 19: "verve_ring", 153: "dring9", 125: "scloack16", 114: "sboots12", 86: "mm_sword", 113: "shelm12", 124: "sboots16", 91: "boots15", 148: "boots17", 133: "sboots9", 47: "ciras", 16: "steel_blade", 51: "steel_helmet", 143: "s_shield", 63: "full_plate", 50: "steel_boots", 136: "samul8", 129: "sring10", 73: "mif_hboots", 72: "mif_hhelmet", 123: "shelm16", 138: "shelm8", 82: "myhelmet15", 151: "helmet17", 49: "dragon_shield", 83: "shield16", 158: "shield19", 134: "sshield5", 112: "sshield11", 17: "defender_shield", 118: "sshield14" };
const Strings = {
    "ru": {
        BreakingTheRules: "<b>Функция нарушает правила 2.2 ...приводит в действие игровые механизмы.<br>Используете на свой страх и риск!</b>",
        Lot: "Товар",
        Cost: "Цена",
        TimeLeft: "Завершение",
        BattlePrice: "Цена боя",
        Strength: "Прочность",
        RestStrength: "Оставшаяся прочность",
        OptimalStrength: "До прочности",
        Combats: "Боев",
        Options: "Настройки",
        BestApproach: "Лучшее приближение к минимальной цене (%)",
        GoodApproach: "Хорошее приближение к минимальной цене (%)",
        BuyInfo: "Информация о покупке",
        ShowAfterRepairBattleCostInInventory: "Показывать в инвентаре стоимость боя после ремонта",
        SmithLevelCaption: "Уровень кузнеца (0-9)",
        SmithRewardPercentCaption: "Вознаграждение кузнецу (10%-150%)",
        EditLotInfo: "О покупке",
        Spended: "Проведено",
        Remaining: "Осталось",
        ShopAndFactoryPrice: "Цена магазина и предприятия",
        ResidualValue: "Остаточная стоимость",
        gold: "золото",
        wood: "дерево",
        ore: "руда",
        mercury: "ртуть",
        sulfur: "сера",
        crystals: "кристаллы",
        gems: "самоцветы",
        diamonds: "бриллианты",
        Total: "Итого",
        BuyNow: "Купить сразу!",
        MarketPrice: "Цена на рынке",
        ToUpdateTheCertificatePrice: "Чтобы цена обновилась, зайдите на рынок (щелчок по картинке сертификата)",
        ArtBulkTtransferEnabledName: "Включить массовую передачу артефактов",
        Receiver: "Получатель",
        Transfer: "Передача",
        FillReceiver: "Задайте получателя",
        CancelAll: "Отменить всё",
        IntoOwnership: "В распоряжение",
        WithRecallIn: "С возвратом через",
        IntoRepairs: "В ремонт",
        PercentOfRepairCost: "% от цены ремонта (10 - 150)",
        Days: "Дней",
        TransferData: "Параметры передачи",
        AllowRepairing: "разрешить ремонт",
        ForAll: "Для всех",
        ForThis: "Для данного",
        ClearList: "Очистить список",
        UnderRepair: "В ремонте",
        SmithSchedulingEnabledName: "Включить расписание в кузнице",
        Sale: "Продать",
        AsForAll: "Как для всех",
        Forbid: "Запретить",
        Allow: "Разрешить",
        ToMarket: "На рынок",
        BeginRepairOnSmithFreeName: "Начинать ремонт при освобождении кузницы",
        WithRecallInTitle: "Надо задать ненулевые цену, количество дней и боёв",
        IntoOwnershipTitle: "Можно задать цену или оставить пустой",
        IntoRepairsTitle: "Должен быть задан % кузнецу",
        IncomeViewEnabledName: "Включить просмотр дохода",
        ShowResourcesCostPanelName: "Показывать панель стоимости ресурсов",
        ArtCost: "Стоимость арта",
        CraftCostString: "Стоимость крафта",
        Recalc: "Расчет",
        RecalcFromDaily: "Рассчитать стоимость крафта из статистики цен на элементы с Daily",
        BeginRepairClanDepositoryName: "Начинать ремонт кланового склада"
    "en": {
        BreakingTheRules: "<b>The function violates rules 2.2...activates game mechanisms.<br>Use at your own risk!<b>",
        Lot: "Lot",
        Cost: "Cost",
        TimeLeft: "Time left",
        BattlePrice: "Battle price",
        Strength: "Strength",
        RestStrength: "Rest strength",
        OptimalStrength: "Optimal strength",
        Combats: "Combats",
        Options: "Options",
        BestApproach: "Best approach to min price (%)",
        GoodApproach: "Good approach to min price (%)",
        BuyInfo: "Buy info",
        ShowAfterRepairBattleCostInInventory: "Show afterRepairBattleCost in inventory",
        SmithLevelCaption: "Smith level (0-9)",
        SmithRewardPercentCaption: "Smith reward (10%-150%)",
        EditLotInfo: "Lot info",
        Spended: "Spended",
        Remaining: "Remaining",
        ShopAndFactoryPrice: "Shop and factory price",
        ResidualValue: "Residual value",
        gold: "gold",
        wood: "wood",
        ore: "ore",
        mercury: "mercury",
        sulfur: "sulfur",
        crystals: "crystals",
        gems: "gems",
        diamonds: "diamonds",
        Total: "Total",
        BuyNow: "Buy now!",
        MarketPrice: "Market price",
        ToUpdateTheCertificatePrice: "To update the price, go to the market (click on the certificate image)",
        ArtBulkTtransferEnabledName: "Enable bulk arts transfer",
        Receiver: "Receiver",
        Transfer: "Transfer",
        FillReceiver: "Fill receiver",
        CancelAll: "Cancel all",
        IntoOwnership: "Into ownership",
        WithRecallIn: "With recall in",
        IntoRepairs: "Into repairs",
        PercentOfRepairCost: "% of repair cost (10 - 150)",
        Days: "Days",
        TransferData: "Transfer data",
        AllowRepairing: "Allow repairing",
        ForAll: "For all",
        ForThis: "For this",
        ClearList: "Clear list",
        UnderRepair: "Under repair",
        SmithSchedulingEnabledName: "Enable smith scheduling",
        Sale: "Sale",
        AsForAll: "As for all",
        Forbid: "Forbid",
        Allow: "Allow",
        ToMarket: "To the market",
        BeginRepairOnSmithFreeName: "Begin repair on smith free",
        WithRecallInTitle: "It is necessary to set a non-zero price, number of days and fights",
        IntoOwnershipTitle: "You can set a price or leave it blank",
        IntoRepairsTitle: "Must be given % to the blacksmith",
        IncomeViewEnabledName: "Enable income view",
        ShowResourcesCostPanelName: "Show resources cost panel",
        ArtCost: "Art cost",
        CraftCostString: "Craft cost",
        Recalc: "Recalc",
        RecalcFromDaily: "Recalc craft cost from daily elements statistics",
        BeginRepairClanDepositoryName: "Begin repair clan depository"
const LocalizedString = Strings[document.documentElement.lang];
const StockArtifactIds = [ "finecl", "super_dagger", "sun_staff", "cold_sword2014", "wind_armor", "wind_boots", "wind_helm", "cold_shieldn", "coldring_n", "coldamul", "sun_boots", "sun_armor", "sun_helm", "sun_ring", "clover_amul", "lbow" ];
const SmithRecoveryEfficiency = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 90];
const inventoryStatsPanelSelector = doc => doc.querySelector("div.inventory_stats");
const inventoryArtsPanelSelector = doc => doc.querySelector("div#inv_doll_inside");
const craftElementsAmount = 45;
let notificationNumber = 0;
//const auctionCategoriesCaptionsIds = ["mark_helm", "mark_necklace", "mark_cuirass", "mark_cloack", "mark_weapon", "mark_shield", "mark_boots", "mark_ring", "mark_backpack", "mark_elements", "mark_other", "mark_thief", "mark_tactic", "mark_verb", "mark_medals", "mark_relict", "mark_dom", "mark_cert", "mark_obj_share", "mark_part"];
//const auctionCategoriesIds = ["mark_info_helm", "mark_info_necklace", "mark_info_cuirass", "mark_info_cloack", "mark_info_weapon", "mark_info_shield", "mark_info_boots", "mark_info_ring", "mark_info_backpack", "mark_info_elements", "mark_info_other", "mark_info_thief", "mark_info_tactic", "mark_info_verb", "mark_info_medals", "mark_info_relict", "mark_info_dom", "mark_info_cert", "mark_info_obj_share", "mark_info_part"];
const auctionCategoriesUrlNames = ["helm", "necklace", "cuirass", "cloack", "weapon", "shield", "boots", "ring", "backpack", "elements", "other", "thief", "tactic", "verb", "medals", "relict", "dom", "cert", "obj_share", "part"];

// Start
// showBigData(artefacts.reduce((t, a) => t + `, "${a.id}": { Strength: ${a.usual_dur}, RepairCost: ${a.repair_cost} }`, ""));
function main() {
    if(location.pathname == '/mod_workbench.php') {
        //const new_mod = document.querySelector("form[name=fmain] > select[name=new_mod]");
        const elprice = document.querySelector("div#elprice");
        if(elprice) {
            observe(elprice, countSelectedCraftCost);
    if(location.pathname == '/vd_send.php' || location.pathname == '/feb23_send.php' || location.pathname == '/mart8_send.php') {
        const messageName = location.pathname == '/vd_send.php' ? "ValentinesDayMessage" : (location.pathname == '/feb23_send.php' ? "DefenderDay" : (location.pathname == '/mart8_send.php' ? "WomenDayMessage" : "HolidayMessage"));
        //console.log(`messageName: ${messageName}, message: ${getPlayerValue(messageName, "")}`)
        const messageArea = document.querySelector("textarea[name=msg]");
        if(messageArea) {
            messageArea.value = getPlayerValue(messageName, "");
            messageArea.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue(messageName, this.value); });
            messageArea.onfocus = "this.select();";
    if(location.pathname == '/pl_info_realty.php') {
    if(location.pathname == '/auction.php') {
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        const categoriesCaption = categoriesContainer.parentNode.previousElementSibling.firstChild;
        categoriesCaption.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `&nbsp;<b><a href="auction_new_lot.php" title="${isEn ? "Post a lot" : "Выставить лот"}">${isEn ? "Lot" : "Лот"}</a></b>`);

        extendLotsTable(document, location.href);

    if(location.pathname == '/art_info.php') {
        const artId = getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id");
        const artUid = getUrlParamValue(location.href, "uid");;
        const s_art_insideDiv = document.querySelector("div.s_art_inside");
        if(artUid) {
            AppendLotInfo(s_art_insideDiv, artUid);

            const home_art_infoDiv = document.querySelector("div.home_art_info");
            const buttonsDiv = home_art_infoDiv.nextElementSibling;
            if(buttonsDiv) {
                const art_info_mod_textDiv = document.querySelector("div.art_info_mod_text");
                if(art_info_mod_textDiv) {
                    var craftInfo = /\[(.+)\]/.exec(art_info_mod_textDiv.innerText)[1];
                const openArtPriceSettingsRef = addElement("a", { href: "#", style: "text-decoration: none;", innerHTML: `
                <div class="s_art_btn_small s_art_btn_margin" style="padding: 0.4em 0;font-size: 11px;">
                <div class="s_art_prop_amount_icon s_art_bold_font" style="padding-left: 0;">${LocalizedString.EditLotInfo}</div></div>` }, buttonsDiv);
                openArtPriceSettingsRef.addEventListener("click", function() { openArtPriceSettings(artUid, artId, craftInfo); }, false);
        } else {
            const costLable = Array.from(s_art_insideDiv.querySelectorAll("b")).find(x => x.innerText == (isEn ? "Cost:" : "Стоимость:")); // Ищем таблицу со стоимостью в ресурсах
            const artCostInResourcesTable = costLable?.nextElementSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "table" ? costLable.nextElementSibling : undefined;
            if(artCostInResourcesTable) {
                const costInfoRow = artCostInResourcesTable.rows[0];
                const td = addElement("td", undefined, costInfoRow);
                addShopArtPriceAndBattleCost(artId, costInfoRow, td);
            } else {
                const div = addElement("div");
                addShopArtPriceAndBattleCost(artId, div, div);
    if(location.pathname == '/mod_workbench.php') {
        const formElement = document.querySelector("form[name='fmain']");
        if(formElement) {
            const idInput = formElement.querySelector("input[name='art_id2']");
            if(idInput && idInput.value != "") {
                AppendLotInfo(formElement, idInput.value, getParent(formElement, "TABLE"));
    if(location.pathname == '/inventory.php') {
        observe(document.querySelector("div#inventory_block"), function() { attachArtTtransferActionsToItems(); addAfterRepairCombatCostToInventory(); });
        observe([inventoryArtsPanelSelector, inventoryStatsPanelSelector], addBattlePriceToInventory);
    if(location.pathname == "/auction_new_lot.php") {
    if(location.pathname == '/shop.php') {
    if(location.pathname == '/object-info.php') {
    if(location.pathname == '/ecostat.php') {
        let tableDiv = document.getElementById("tableDiv");
        let ecostatTable = tableDiv.querySelector("table");
        for(const row of ecostatTable.rows) {
            let ref = row.cells[0].querySelector("a");
            if(ref) {
                let ecostatDetailsId = getUrlParamValue(ref.href, "id");
                if(ecostatDetailsId in EcostatDetailsIds) {
                    let artId = EcostatDetailsIds[ecostatDetailsId];
                    let averagePrice = parseInt(row.cells[2].innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
                    let currentSavedFactoryPrice = parseInt(getValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId, 0));
                    //console.log([artId, averagePrice, currentSavedFactoryPrice]);
                    if(averagePrice > 0 && (currentSavedFactoryPrice > 0 && averagePrice < currentSavedFactoryPrice || currentSavedFactoryPrice == 0)) {
                        setValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId, averagePrice);
    if(location.pathname == '/ecostat_details.php') {
        let tableDiv = document.getElementById("tableDiv");
        let ecostatTable = tableDiv.querySelector("table");
        let artId = getUrlParamValue(location.href, "r");
        if(!artId) {
            let ecostatDetailsId = getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id");
            if(ecostatDetailsId) {
                artId = EcostatDetailsIds[ecostatDetailsId];
        //console.log(`artId: ${artId}`);
        if(artId) {
            let minPrice = 0;
            for(const row of ecostatTable.rows) {
                let amount = parseInt(row.cells[2].innerText);
                if(amount > 0) {
                    let price = parseInt(row.cells[3].innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
                    if(price < minPrice || minPrice == 0) {
                        minPrice = price;
            //console.log(`minPrice: ${minPrice}`);
            if(minPrice > 0) {
                saveBestArtPrice(artId, minPrice, true);
            } else {
                deleteValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId); // На предприятиях кончилось
    if(location.pathname == '/home.php' || location.pathname == '/pl_info.php') {
        let playerLevel = PlayerLevel;
        if(location.pathname == "/pl_info.php" && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") != PlayerId) {
            playerLevel = parseInt(new RegExp(`<b>${isEn ? "Combat level" : "Боевой уровень"}: (\\d+?)<\\/b>`).exec(document.documentElement.innerHTML)[1]);
        let artsUpdatePanel;
        let statsUpdatePanel;
        if(location.pathname == '/home.php') {
            if(isNewPersonPage) {
                artsUpdatePanel = document.querySelector("div#inv_doll_stats");
            } else {
                artsUpdatePanel = document.querySelector("body > center table.wb > tbody > tr:nth-child(3) > td > table:nth-child(2)");// getParent(document.querySelector("div.arts_info.shop_art_info"), "table");
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        if(location.pathname == '/pl_info.php' && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) {
            artsUpdatePanel = getParent(document.querySelector("div[class^='slot']"), "div");
            statsUpdatePanel = getParent(document.querySelector("img[src*='attr_attack']"), "table");
        if(artsUpdatePanel) {
            observe([statsUpdatePanel, artsUpdatePanel], addBattlePrice);
// Асинхронная работа с рынком
function smoothLotsRefresh() {
    if(!getPlayerBool("SmoothLotsRefresh", true)) {
    window.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { getArtLots(e); });

    const categoriesContainer = document.querySelector(`#mark_info_${auctionCategoriesUrlNames[0]}`).closest("td");
    categoriesContainer.style.minWidth = "210px";

    const categoriesCaption = categoriesContainer.parentNode.previousElementSibling.firstChild;
    const artsHighlightingCheckboxesCheckbox = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", title: isEn ? "Show checkboxes for highlighting artifactst" : "Показать чекбоксы для выделения артефактов" });
    artsHighlightingCheckboxesCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("artsHighlightingCheckboxes", true);
    artsHighlightingCheckboxesCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("artsHighlightingCheckboxes", this.checked); location.reload(); })
    categoriesCaption.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", artsHighlightingCheckboxesCheckbox);

    const hideArtsInCategoryCheckbox = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", title: isEn ? "Show selected" : "Показывать отмеченные" });
    hideArtsInCategoryCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("hideArtsInCategory");
    hideArtsInCategoryCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("hideArtsInCategory", this.checked); location.reload(); })
    categoriesCaption.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", hideArtsInCategoryCheckbox);

    const collapseOtherCategoriesCheckbox = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", title: isEn ? "Collapse categories when selecting a new one" : "Сворачивать категории при выборе новой" });
    collapseOtherCategoriesCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("collapseOtherCategories");
    collapseOtherCategoriesCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("collapseOtherCategories", this.checked); })
    categoriesCaption.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", collapseOtherCategoriesCheckbox);

    const limitCategoryHeightCheckbox = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", title: isEn ? "Limit category height" : "Ограничить высоту категории" });
    limitCategoryHeightCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("limitCategoryHeight");
    limitCategoryHeightCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("limitCategoryHeight", this.checked); location.reload(); })
    categoriesCaption.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", limitCategoryHeightCheckbox);

    // const categoryLotsContainer = document.querySelector("table.wb > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2)");
    // categoryLotsContainer.style.maxHeight = "900px";
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    Array.from(categoriesContainer.querySelectorAll("a[href*='auction.php?cat=res']")).forEach(x => {
        x.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); refreshLots(x.href); });
    auctionCategoriesUrlNames.forEach(x => {
        const categoryContainer = document.querySelector(`#mark_info_${x}`);
        if(getPlayerBool("limitCategoryHeight")) {
            categoryContainer.style.maxHeight = "300px";
            categoryContainer.style.overflowY = "auto";
        observe(categoryContainer, function() { replaceArtsCategoryMenuItems(categoryContainer); });
    const categoryName = getUrlParamValue(location.href, "cat");
    if(!auctionCategoriesUrlNames.includes(categoryName)) {
    const categoryContainer = document.querySelector(`#mark_info_${categoryName}`);
    replaceArtsBuyForms(location.href, categoryContainer);
function replaceArtsCategoryMenuItems(categoryContainer) {
    if(categoryContainer.innerHTML != "" && getPlayerBool("collapseOtherCategories")) {
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            if(toggleMark.onclick.toString().includes("a2_")) {
    const artRefs = categoryContainer.querySelectorAll("a");
    const divs = [];
    for(const artRef of artRefs) {
        const artId = getUrlParamValue(artRef.href, "art_type");
        const div = addElement("div", { artId: artId, artLotsUrl: artRef.href, innerHTML: `<span>${artRef.firstChild.innerHTML}</span>`, style: `cursor: pointer; width: 100%; min-height: 15px;` });
        div.addEventListener("click", function() { refreshLots(artRef.href, categoryContainer); });

        if(getPlayerBool("artsHighlightingCheckboxes", true)) {
            const showArtInCategoryCheckbox = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", title: isEn ? "Show artifact" : "Показывать артефакт" });
            showArtInCategoryCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool(`showArtInCategory${artId}`);
            showArtInCategoryCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function(e) { setPlayerValue(`showArtInCategory${artId}`, this.checked); })
            showArtInCategoryCheckbox.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); })
            div.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin", showArtInCategoryCheckbox);
        div.style.display = getPlayerBool("hideArtsInCategory") && !getPlayerBool(`showArtInCategory${artId}`) ? "none" : "";
    categoryContainer.innerHTML = "";
    divs.forEach(x => categoryContainer.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend", x));
function colorizeCategory(categoryContainer) {
    if(!categoryContainer) {
    const artRefs = Array.from(categoryContainer.querySelectorAll("div")).filter(x => x.style.display == "");
    let isEven = false;
    const selectedArtId = getUrlParamValue(location.href, "art_type");
    for(const artRef of artRefs) {
        const isSelected = artRef.getAttribute("artId") && selectedArtId && artRef.getAttribute("artId") == selectedArtId;
        artRef.style.backgroundColor = isSelected ? "#66bfbf" : (isEven ? "#fcfefe" : "#eaf6f6");
        isEven = !isEven;
        if(isSelected) {
            //categoryContainer.scrollTop = artRef.offsetTop;
            artRef.scrollIntoView({block: "nearest", inline: "nearest", behavior: "auto"});
        artRef.setAttribute("viewingArt", isSelected);
async function refreshLots(categoryUrl, categoryContainer) {
    const panelSelectors = [doc => doc.querySelector("table.wb > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td:nth-child(2)"), doc => isNewInterface ? doc.querySelector("div#ResourcesPanel") : doc.querySelector("table#top_res_table")];
    const newDocument = await refreshUpdatePanels(panelSelectors, null, categoryUrl);
    if(newDocument) {
        window.history.replaceState(null, newDocument.title, categoryUrl);
        const newScripts = Array.from(newDocument.querySelectorAll("center > table td > script")); //console.log(newScripts);
        const oldScripts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("center > table td > script")); //console.log(oldScripts);
        if(newScripts.length != oldScripts.length) {
        newScripts.forEach((x, i) => replaceScript(oldScripts[i], x));
        auctionCategoriesUrlNames.forEach(x => {
            const newNodes = newDocument.querySelector(`#mark_${x}`).childNodes;
            Array.from(document.querySelector(`#mark_${x}`).childNodes).forEach((x, i) => { if(i > 0) { x.replaceWith(newNodes[i].cloneNode(true)); }}); // Обновляем количество лотов по категории
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        const table = categoryLotsContainer.querySelector("table");
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        extendLotsTable(document, categoryUrl);
        replaceArtsBuyForms(categoryUrl, categoryContainer);
function replaceArtsBuyForms(categoryUrl, categoryContainer) {
    if(!getPlayerBool("SmoothBuying")) {
    const buyForms = document.querySelectorAll("form[action='auction_buy_now.php']");
    for(const buyForm of buyForms) {
        const lotRow = getParent(buyForm, "tr");
        buyForm.querySelector("a[onclick]").style.display = "none";

        const amount = parseInt(lotRow.cells[0].innerHTML.match(new RegExp(`\\d+(?= ${isEn ? "pcs" : "шт"}\\.)`)) || 1);
        //console.log(`amount: ${amount}`);
        let amountInput;
        if(amount > 1) {
            amountInput = addElement("input", { type: "number", min: "1", max: amount, value: amount, style: "width: 50px;", onfocus: "this.select();", title: isEn ? "Quantity to purchase" : "Количество для покупки" } );
            buyForm.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", amountInput);
            amountInput.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
        // const asyncBuyButton = addElement("div", { title: isEn ? "Buy" : "Купить", innerHTML: `<img src="https://dcdn.heroeswm.ru/i/new_top/_panelRoulette.png" style="position: absolute; scale: 60%; clip: rect(10px, 50px, 40px, 20px); top: -43px; left: -30px;">`, style: "position: relative; width=30px; height=30px; display: inline-block;" } );
        // //console.log(getParent(buyForm, "td"))
        // getParent(buyForm, "td").style.minWidth = "75px";
        // buyForm.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", asyncBuyButton);
        // asyncBuyButton.addEventListener("click", function() { buyLot(buyForm, amountInput, categoryUrl, categoryContainer); });
        lotRow.addEventListener("click", function(e) { buyLot(buyForm, amountInput, categoryUrl, categoryContainer); });
        Array.from(lotRow.querySelectorAll("a")).forEach(x => x.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }));
        lotRow.title = isEn ? "Buy" : "Купить";
function printNewSaleLabel(doc = document) {
    const elem = document.querySelector("div#mark_helm").closest('table.wb').parentNode;
    const lotSaleLabel = elem.textContent.match(/\({4}[^;]+/)[0];
function replaceScript(oldScriptElement, newScriptElement) {
    oldScriptElement.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", addElement("script", { innerHTML: newScriptElement.innerHTML }));
async function buyLot(buyForm, amountInput, artLotsUrl, categoryContainer) {
    const lotRow = getParent(buyForm, "tr");
    const lotRef = lotRow.querySelector("a[href^='auction_lot_protocol.php?id=']");
    const lotId = getUrlParamValue(lotRef.href, "id");
    const amount = parseInt(amountInput?.value || 1);

    if(getPlayerBool("ConfirmPurchase", true)) {
        if(!confirm(isEn ? `Buy ${amount} number of ${lotId} lot?` : `Купить лот ${lotId} в количестве ${amount}?`)) {
    const showBuyButtonRef = buyForm.querySelector("a[onclick]");
    document.getElementById('swf_button'+lotId).style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById('swf_inp_field'+lotId).style.display = "none";

    const nativeAmountInput = buyForm.querySelector('input[type="text"]');
    if(amount != 1) {
        nativeAmountInput.value = amount;
    const nativeSubmit = buyForm.querySelector('input[type="submit"]');
    nativeSubmit.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown'));
    const rnd = 54 + Math.random() * 54 >> 0;
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, rnd));
    nativeSubmit.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mouseup'));

    const elem = buyForm.closest('table.wb').parentNode;
    const lotSaleLabel = elem.textContent.match(/\({4}[^;]+/)[0];
    const calcSaleLabel = (id) => new Function('id', `return ${lotSaleLabel}`)(id);
    buyForm.querySelector(`#buy_num${lotId}`).value = calcSaleLabel(parseInt(lotId));

    const formData = new FormData(buyForm);
    const doc = await fetch.post(buyForm.action, formData).catch(() => ({ URL: '' }));
    await sleep(700);
    refreshLots(artLotsUrl, categoryContainer);
    //createPupupPanel(`BuyReults${lotId}`, isEn ? "Buy results" : "Результаты покупки", [[doc.querySelector("table.wbwhite")]], function(buyResultsPanelShown) { if(!buyResultsPanelShown) refreshLots(artLotsUrl, categoryContainer); });
function getArtLots(e) {
    if(e.key == "w" || e.key == "ц" || e.key == "ArrowUp") {
        const viewingArt = document.querySelector("div[viewingArt=true]");
        if(viewingArt) {
            const artsDivs = Array.from(viewingArt.parentNode.childNodes).filter(x => x.style.display != "none");
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            const nextNode = indexOfViewingArt > 0 ? artsDivs[indexOfViewingArt - 1] : artsDivs[artsDivs.length - 1];
            refreshLots(nextNode.getAttribute("artLotsUrl"), viewingArt.parentNode);
            // let previous = viewingArt.previousElementSibling;
            // while(previous && previous.style.display == "none") {
                // previous = previous.previousElementSibling;
            // }
            // //console.log(previous)
            // if(previous && previous.style.display != "none") {
                // refreshLots(previous.getAttribute("artLotsUrl"), viewingArt.parentNode);
            // }
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        const viewingArt = document.querySelector("div[viewingArt=true]");
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            const artsDivs = Array.from(viewingArt.parentNode.childNodes).filter(x => x.style.display != "none");
            const indexOfViewingArt = artsDivs.indexOf(viewingArt);
            const nextNode = (indexOfViewingArt < artsDivs.length - 1) ? artsDivs[indexOfViewingArt + 1] : artsDivs[0];
            refreshLots(nextNode.getAttribute("artLotsUrl"), viewingArt.parentNode);
            // let next = viewingArt.nextElementSibling;
            // while(next && next.style.display == "none") {
                // next = next.nextElementSibling;
            // }
            // //console.log(next)
            // if(next && next.style.display != "none") {
                // refreshLots(next.getAttribute("artLotsUrl"), viewingArt.parentNode);
            // }

function getLocationNumberByCoordinate(x, y) {
    for(let locationNumber in locations) {
        if(locations[locationNumber][0] == x && locations[locationNumber][1] == y) {
            return locationNumber;
function getAfterRepairRestStrength(strength, smithRecoveryEfficiency) { return Math.floor(strength * smithRecoveryEfficiency / 100); }
function optimalRepair(marketPrice, repairCost, strength, restStrength, wornStrength, wornRestStrength) {
    restStrength = restStrength || strength;
    let totalSpending = marketPrice;
    let currentRestStrength = restStrength;
    let totalCombatsAmount = currentRestStrength;
    let currentStrength = strength;
    let currentCombatCost = totalSpending / totalCombatsAmount; // Начальная стоимость боя
    const smithRewardPercent = parseInt(getPlayerValue("SmithRewardPercent", 100));
    const smithRecoveryEfficiency = SmithRecoveryEfficiency[parseInt(getPlayerValue("SmithLevel", 9))];

    //console.log(`currentStrength: ${currentStrength}, currentRestStrength: ${currentRestStrength}, totalSpending: ${totalSpending}, totalCombatsAmount: ${totalCombatsAmount}, newCombatCost: ${currentCombatCost}, smithRewardPercent: ${smithRewardPercent}, smithLevel: ${smithLevel}`);
    for(currentStrength = strength; currentStrength > 0; currentStrength--) {
        if(currentStrength == wornStrength) {
            var spendedCombats = totalCombatsAmount - wornRestStrength;
        currentRestStrength = getAfterRepairRestStrength(currentStrength, smithRecoveryEfficiency);
        totalSpending += repairCost * smithRewardPercent / 100;

        let newCombatCost = totalSpending / (totalCombatsAmount + currentRestStrength);
        //console.log(`currentStrength: ${currentStrength}, currentRestStrength: ${currentRestStrength}, totalSpending: ${totalSpending}, totalCombatsAmount: ${totalCombatsAmount + currentRestStrength}, newCombatCost: ${newCombatCost}`);
        if(newCombatCost > currentCombatCost) {
        totalCombatsAmount += currentRestStrength;
        currentCombatCost = newCombatCost;
    if(wornStrength) {
        var residualValue = round00(currentCombatCost * (totalCombatsAmount - spendedCombats) - repairCost * (wornStrength - currentStrength));
    return { Strength: currentStrength, CombatCost: round00(currentCombatCost), CombatsAmount: totalCombatsAmount, SpendedCombats: spendedCombats, ResidualValue: residualValue };
function showScriptOptions() {
    if(showPupupPanel(GM_info.script.name)) {
    const fieldsMap = [];

    const combatCostBestDeviationLabel = addElement("label", { for: "combatCostBestDeviationInput", innerText: LocalizedString.BestApproach + "\t", style: `background-color: ${CombatCostBestDeviationColor};` });
    const combatCostBestDeviationInput = addElement("input", { id: "combatCostBestDeviationInput", type: "number", value: CombatCostBestDeviation, style: "width: 70px;", onfocus: "this.select();" });
    combatCostBestDeviationInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("CombatCostBestDeviation", parseInt(this.value)); CombatCostBestDeviation = parseInt(this.value); }, false);
    const combatCostBestDeviationColorInput = addElement("input", { id: "combatCostBestDeviationColorInput", type: "color", value: CombatCostBestDeviationColor, style: "height: 22px; width: 30px;" });
    combatCostBestDeviationColorInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("CombatCostBestDeviationColor", this.value); CombatCostBestDeviationColor = this.value; combatCostBestDeviationLabel.style.backgroundColor = this.value; }, false);
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    const combatCostGoodDeviationLabel = addElement("label", { for: "combatCostGoodDeviationInput", innerText: LocalizedString.GoodApproach + "\t", style: `background-color: ${CombatCostGoodDeviationColor};` });
    const combatCostGoodDeviationInput = addElement("input", { id: "combatCostGoodDeviationInput", type: "number", value: CombatCostGoodDeviation, style: "width: 70px;", onfocus: "this.select();" });
    combatCostGoodDeviationInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("CombatCostGoodDeviation", parseInt(this.value)); CombatCostGoodDeviation = parseInt(this.value); }, false);
    const combatCostGoodDeviationColorInput = addElement("input", { id: "combatCostGoodDeviationColorInput", type: "color", value: CombatCostGoodDeviationColor, style: "height: 22px; width: 30px;" });
    combatCostGoodDeviationColorInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("CombatCostGoodDeviationColor", this.value); CombatCostGoodDeviationColor = this.value; combatCostGoodDeviationLabel.style.backgroundColor = this.value; }, false);
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    const smoothLotsRefreshLable = addElement("label", { for: "smoothLotsRefreshInput", innerText: isEn ? "Smooth lots refresh" : "Мягкое обновление лотов" });
    const smoothLotsRefreshInput = addElement("input", { id: "smoothLotsRefreshInput", type: "checkbox" });
    smoothLotsRefreshInput.checked = getPlayerBool("SmoothLotsRefresh", true);
    smoothLotsRefreshInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("SmoothLotsRefresh", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([smoothLotsRefreshLable, smoothLotsRefreshInput]);

    const smoothBuyingLable = addElement("label", { for: "smoothBuyingInput", innerHTML: isEn ? "Smooth buying" : "Мягкая покупка",
title: isEn ? "The purchase is made by clicking on a line in the lot table, without reloading the page." : "Покупка осуществляется щелчком на строке таблицы лотов, без перезагрузки страницы." });
    const smoothBuyingInput = addElement("input", { id: "smoothBuyingInput", type: "checkbox" });
    smoothBuyingInput.checked = getPlayerBool("SmoothBuying");
    smoothBuyingInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("SmoothBuying", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([smoothBuyingLable, smoothBuyingInput]);

    const showBattlePriceOnHomeLable = addElement("label", { for: "showBattlePriceOnHomeInput", innerText: isEn ? "Battle price on home page" : "Цена за бой на домашней странице" });
    const showBattlePriceOnHomeInput = addElement("input", { id: "showBattlePriceOnHomeInput", type: "checkbox" });
    showBattlePriceOnHomeInput.checked = getPlayerBool("ShowBattlePriceOnHome", true);
    showBattlePriceOnHomeInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("ShowBattlePriceOnHome", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([showBattlePriceOnHomeLable, showBattlePriceOnHomeInput]);

    const showBattlePriceInPlayerInfoLable = addElement("label", { for: "showBattlePriceInPlayerInfoInput", innerText: isEn ? "Battle price in player info" : "Цена за бой в информации об игроке" });
    const showBattlePriceInPlayerInfoInput = addElement("input", { id: "showBattlePriceInPlayerInfoInput", type: "checkbox" });
    showBattlePriceInPlayerInfoInput.checked = getPlayerBool("ShowBattlePriceInPlayerInfo", true);
    showBattlePriceInPlayerInfoInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("ShowBattlePriceInPlayerInfo", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([showBattlePriceInPlayerInfoLable, showBattlePriceInPlayerInfoInput]);

    const showBattlePriceInInventoryLable = addElement("label", { for: "showBattlePriceInInventoryInput", innerText: isEn ? "Battle price in inventory" : "Цена за бой в инвентаре" });
    const showBattlePriceInInventoryInput = addElement("input", { id: "showBattlePriceInInventoryInput", type: "checkbox" });
    showBattlePriceInInventoryInput.checked = getPlayerBool("ShowBattlePriceInInventory", true);
    showBattlePriceInInventoryInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("ShowBattlePriceInInventory", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([showBattlePriceInInventoryLable, showBattlePriceInInventoryInput]);

    const showAfterRepairBattleCostInInventoryLable = addElement("label", { for: "showAfterRepairBattleCostInInventoryInput", innerText: LocalizedString.ShowAfterRepairBattleCostInInventory + "\t" });
    const showAfterRepairBattleCostInInventoryInput = addElement("input", { id: "showAfterRepairBattleCostInInventoryInput", type: "checkbox" });
    showAfterRepairBattleCostInInventoryInput.checked = getBool("ShowAfterRepairBattleCostInInventory");
    showAfterRepairBattleCostInInventoryInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ShowAfterRepairBattleCostInInventory", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([showAfterRepairBattleCostInInventoryLable, showAfterRepairBattleCostInInventoryInput]);

    const showArtifactInformationIconInInventoryLable = addElement("label", { for: "showArtifactInformationIconInInventoryInput", innerText: (isEn ? "Show artifact information icon in inventory" : "Показывать в инвентаре иконку информации об артефакте") + "\t" });
    const showArtifactInformationIconInInventoryInput = addElement("input", { id: "showArtifactInformationIconInInventoryInput", type: "checkbox" });
    showArtifactInformationIconInInventoryInput.checked = getBool("ShowArtifactInformationIconInInventory", true);
    showArtifactInformationIconInInventoryInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ShowArtifactInformationIconInInventory", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([showArtifactInformationIconInInventoryLable, showArtifactInformationIconInInventoryInput]);

    const artBulkTtransferEnabledLable = addElement("label", { for: "artBulkTtransferEnabledInput", innerText: LocalizedString.ArtBulkTtransferEnabledName + "\t" });
    const artBulkTtransferEnabledInput = addElement("input", { id: "artBulkTtransferEnabledInput", type: "checkbox" });
    artBulkTtransferEnabledInput.checked = getBool("ArtBulkTtransferEnabled");
    artBulkTtransferEnabledInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ArtBulkTtransferEnabled", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([artBulkTtransferEnabledLable, artBulkTtransferEnabledInput]);

    const artSmithScheduleEnabledLable = addElement("label", { for: "artSmithScheduleEnabledInput", innerText: LocalizedString.SmithSchedulingEnabledName + "\t" });
    const artSmithScheduleEnabledInput = addElement("input", { id: "artSmithScheduleEnabledInput", type: "checkbox" });
    artSmithScheduleEnabledInput.checked = getBool("SmithSchedulingEnabled");
    artSmithScheduleEnabledInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("SmithSchedulingEnabled", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([artSmithScheduleEnabledLable, artSmithScheduleEnabledInput]);

    const artBeginRepairOnSmithFreeLable = addElement("label", { for: "artBeginRepairOnSmithFreeInput", innerHTML: LocalizedString.BeginRepairOnSmithFreeName + "\t" + "<br><span style='color: red;'>" + LocalizedString.BreakingTheRules + "</span>"});
    const artBeginRepairOnSmithFreeInput = addElement("input", { id: "artBeginRepairOnSmithFreeInput", type: "checkbox" });
    artBeginRepairOnSmithFreeInput.checked = getBool("BeginRepairOnSmithFree");
    artBeginRepairOnSmithFreeInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("BeginRepairOnSmithFree", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([artBeginRepairOnSmithFreeLable, artBeginRepairOnSmithFreeInput]);

    const incomeViewEnabledLable = addElement("label", { for: "incomeViewEnabledInput", innerText: LocalizedString.IncomeViewEnabledName + "\t" });
    const incomeViewEnabledInput = addElement("input", { id: "incomeViewEnabledInput", type: "checkbox" });
    incomeViewEnabledInput.checked = getBool("IncomeViewEnabled");
    incomeViewEnabledInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("IncomeViewEnabled", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([incomeViewEnabledLable, incomeViewEnabledInput]);

    const showResourcesCostPanelLable = addElement("label", { for: "showResourcesCostPanelInput", innerText: LocalizedString.ShowResourcesCostPanelName + "\t" });
    const showResourcesCostPanelInput = addElement("input", { id: "showResourcesCostPanelInput", type: "checkbox" });
    showResourcesCostPanelInput.checked = getBool("ShowResourcesCostPanel");
    showResourcesCostPanelInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ShowResourcesCostPanel", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([showResourcesCostPanelLable, showResourcesCostPanelInput]);

    const beginRepairClanDepositoryLable = addElement("label", { for: "beginRepairClanDepositoryCheckbox", innerText: LocalizedString.BeginRepairClanDepositoryName + "\t" });
    const beginRepairClanDepositoryCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "beginRepairClanDepositoryCheckbox", type: "checkbox" });
    beginRepairClanDepositoryCheckbox.checked = getBool("BeginRepairClanDepository");
    beginRepairClanDepositoryCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("BeginRepairClanDepository", this.checked); }, false);
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    const showTradesToMeLable = addElement("label", { for: "ShowTradesToMeCheckbox", innerText: (isEn ? "Show trades to me icon" : "Показать индикатор передач") + "\t" });
    const showTradesToMeCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "ShowTradesToMeCheckbox", type: "checkbox" });
    showTradesToMeCheckbox.checked = getBool("ShowTradesToMe");
    showTradesToMeCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ShowTradesToMe", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([showTradesToMeLable, showTradesToMeCheckbox]);

    const showThresholdPricesIndicatorLable = addElement("label", { for: "ShowThresholdPricesImdicatorCheckbox", innerText: (isEn ? "Show advantageous lots" : "Показать индикатор выгодных лотов") + "\t" });
    const showThresholdPricesImdicatorCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "ShowThresholdPricesImdicatorCheckbox", type: "checkbox" });
    showThresholdPricesImdicatorCheckbox.checked = getBool("ShowThresholdPricesIndicator");
    showThresholdPricesImdicatorCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ShowThresholdPricesIndicator", this.checked); }, false);

    const showThresholdPricesNotificationLable = addElement("label", { for: "ShowThresholdPricesNotificationCheckbox", innerText: (isEn ? "Notification" : "Оповещение") + "\t" });
    const showThresholdPricesNotificationCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "ShowThresholdPricesNotificationCheckbox", type: "checkbox" });
    showThresholdPricesNotificationCheckbox.checked = getBool("ShowThresholdPricesNotification");
    showThresholdPricesNotificationCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ShowThresholdPricesNotification", this.checked); }, false);

    fieldsMap.push([showThresholdPricesIndicatorLable, showThresholdPricesImdicatorCheckbox, showThresholdPricesNotificationLable, showThresholdPricesNotificationCheckbox]);

    const showClanDepositoryRepairIconLable = addElement("label", { for: "showClanDepositoryRepairIconSelect", innerText: (isEn ? "Show clan depository repair icon" : "Показать индикатор ремонта на складе") + "\t" });
    const showClanDepositoryRepairIconSelect = addElement("select", { id: "showClanDepositoryRepairIconSelect" });
    showClanDepositoryRepairIconSelect.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ShowClanDepositoryRepairIcon", parseInt(this.value)); }, false);
    const showClanDepositoryRepairIconOptions = {"0": "Никогда", "1": "Если кузница свободна", "2": "Всегда"};
    for(const key in showClanDepositoryRepairIconOptions) {
        let option = addElement("option", { value: parseInt(key), innerHTML: showClanDepositoryRepairIconOptions[key] }, showClanDepositoryRepairIconSelect);
        if(key == getValue("ShowClanDepositoryRepairIcon")) {
            option.setAttribute("selected", "selected");
    fieldsMap.push([showClanDepositoryRepairIconLable, showClanDepositoryRepairIconSelect]);

    const smithLevelLable = addElement("label", { for: "OptimalRepairAtMarketSmithLevelInput", innerText: LocalizedString.SmithLevelCaption + "\t" });
    const optimalRepairAtMarketSmithLevelInput = addElement("input", { id: "OptimalRepairAtMarketSmithLevelInput", type: "number", value: getPlayerValue("SmithLevel"), style: "width: 70px;", placeholder: "9", onfocus: "this.select();" });
    optimalRepairAtMarketSmithLevelInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberPlayerValue("SmithLevel", parseInt(this.value)); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([smithLevelLable, optimalRepairAtMarketSmithLevelInput]);

    const smithRewardPercentLable = addElement("label", { for: "OptimalRepairAtMarketSmithRewardPercentInput", innerText: LocalizedString.SmithRewardPercentCaption + "\t" });
    const optimalRepairAtMarketSmithRewardPercentInput = addElement("input", { id: "OptimalRepairAtMarketSmithRewardPercentInput", type: "number", value: getPlayerValue("SmithRewardPercent", ""), style: "width: 70px;", placeholder: "100", onfocus: "this.select();" });
    optimalRepairAtMarketSmithRewardPercentInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberPlayerValue("SmithRewardPercent", this.value); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([smithRewardPercentLable, optimalRepairAtMarketSmithRewardPercentInput]);

    const showKitsLable = addElement("label", { for: "showKitsCheckbox", innerText: (isEn ? "Show kits" : "Показать наборы") + "\t" });
    const showKitsCheckbox = addElement("input", { id: "showKitsCheckbox", type: "checkbox" });
    showKitsCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("ShowKits");
    showKitsCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("ShowKits", this.checked); }, false);
    fieldsMap.push([showKitsLable, showKitsCheckbox]);
    createPupupPanel(GM_info.script.name, getScriptReferenceHtml() + " " + getSendErrorMailReferenceHtml(), fieldsMap);
function sortTable(tableElement, columnIndex, startRowIndex = 1, sortType = SortType.Text, valueSelector = null) {
    Array.from(tableElement.rows).slice(startRowIndex).forEach(x => x.sortValue = (sortType == SortType.Text ? (valueSelector ? valueSelector(x.cells[columnIndex]) : x.cells[columnIndex].innerHTML).toLowerCase() : (
    sortType == SortType.Number ? parseFloat(valueSelector ? valueSelector(x.cells[columnIndex]) : x.cells[columnIndex].innerHTML) : 0
    let currentIndex = startRowIndex;
    const lastIndex = tableElement.rows.length - 1;
    while(currentIndex <= lastIndex) {
        const rows = tableElement.rows;
        let currentMinValue = rows[currentIndex].sortValue;
        let currentMinValueIndex = currentIndex;
        for(let i = currentIndex + 1; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
            if(rows[i].sortValue < currentMinValue) {
                currentMinValue = rows[i].sortValue;
                currentMinValueIndex = i;
        if(currentMinValueIndex > currentIndex) {
            rows[currentIndex].parentNode.insertBefore(rows[currentMinValueIndex], rows[currentIndex]);
function extendLotsTable(doc, url, removeForms = false, getDataOnly = false) {
    const ss2 = doc.querySelector("select[name='ss2']");
    const ss2Table = getParent(ss2, "table");
    if(!ss2Table) {
    if(removeForms) {
        const forms = ss2Table.querySelectorAll("form");
        for(const form of forms) {
    let tableHeaderRow;
    for(const tr of doc.querySelectorAll("tr")) {
        if(tr.nextElementSibling && tr.textContent.includes(LocalizedString.Lot) && tr.textContent.includes(LocalizedString.Cost) && tr.textContent.includes(LocalizedString.TimeLeft)) {
            tableHeaderRow = tr;
    if(!tableHeaderRow) {
        tableHeaderRow = ss2Table.rows[1];
    if(!tableHeaderRow) {
    const urlArtId = getUrlParamValue(url, "art_type");
    if(urlArtId) {
        const product = tableHeaderRow.cells[0];
        var shopCostInfo = getFormatedArtCost(urlArtId);
        if(shopCostInfo) {
            var shopCostSpan = addElement("span", { innerText: shopCostInfo.CostInfo, title: LocalizedString.ShopAndFactoryPrice, style: "padding-left: 3px;" }, product);
    const selForm = ss2Table.querySelector("form[name='sort']");
    if(selForm && getBool("IncomeViewEnabled")) {
        const incomeOnlyCheckbox = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", title: isEn ? "With benefit only" : "Только с выгодой" }, selForm);
        incomeOnlyCheckbox.checked = getBool("IncomeOnly");
        incomeOnlyCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); setValue("IncomeOnly", this.checked); toggleIncomeRows(getParent(tableHeaderRow, "table")); });

        const confirmPurchaseCheckbox = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", title: isEn ? "Confirm purchase" : "Подтверждать покупку" }, selForm);
        confirmPurchaseCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("ConfirmPurchase", true);
        confirmPurchaseCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); setPlayerValue("ConfirmPurchase", this.checked); });

        const agiotagePercentInput = addElement("input", { type: "number", value: getPlayerValue("agiotagePercent", 2), title: isEn ? "Percentage of rush demand" : "Процент ажиотажного спроса", style: "width: 50px;", onfocus: "this.select();" }, selForm);
        agiotagePercentInput.addEventListener("change", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); setOrDeleteNumberPlayerValue("agiotagePercent", this.value); });
    if(selForm && urlArtId && getBool("ShowThresholdPricesIndicator")) {
        const thresholdPrices = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("ThresholdPrices", "[]"));
        const thresholdPrice = thresholdPrices.find(x => x.ArtId == urlArtId) || { ArtId: urlArtId, Url: url };

        const indicatedPriceInput = addElement("input", { type: "number", value: thresholdPrice.Price || "", title: isEn ? "Indicated price" : "Цена для индикации", style: "width: 100px;", onfocus: "this.select();" }, selForm);
        indicatedPriceInput.addEventListener("change", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); saveThresholdPrice(thresholdPrice.ArtId, thresholdPrice.Url, Number(this.value), thresholdPrice.BattlePrice); });
        const indicatedBattlePriceInput = addElement("input", { type: "number", value: thresholdPrice.BattlePrice || "", title: isEn ? "Indicated battle price" : "Цена за бой для индикации", style: "width: 100px;", onfocus: "this.select();" }, selForm);
        indicatedBattlePriceInput.addEventListener("change", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); saveThresholdPrice(thresholdPrice.ArtId, thresholdPrice.Url, thresholdPrice.Price, Number(this.value)); });
    const urlCat = getUrlParamValue(url, "cat") || "my";
    const drawOptimalRepairColumns = (!urlArtId || urlArtId in ArtifactInfo) && !["res", "elements", "part", "obj_share", "cert", "dom"].includes(urlCat);
    if(drawOptimalRepairColumns) {
        ss2Table.rows[0].cells[1].setAttribute("colspan", "7");
        let td = addElement("td", { style: "text-align: center; min-width: 50px;", innerText: LocalizedString.BattlePrice, title: isEn ? "Open settings" : "Открыть настройки" }, tableHeaderRow);
        td.addEventListener("click", showScriptOptions);

        let sortDiv = addElement("div", { style: "float: right; border: 1px solid; cursor: pointer;", innerText: "[v]", title: isEn ? "Sort" : "Сортировать" }, td);
        sortDiv.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); sortTable(tableHeaderRow.parentNode, 5, 2, SortType.Number, x => x.childNodes[1].innerText); });
    logNewArtifactsIds(doc, tableHeaderRow.previousElementSibling);

    let row = tableHeaderRow;
    let arts = [];
    while(row = row.nextElementSibling) {
        const art = parseLotRow(row, urlArtId);
        if(art) {
            if(drawOptimalRepairColumns && art.OptimalRepairCombatCost) {
                let title = "";
                if(art.LotType == LotType.Auction) {
                    title += (isEn ? `The price per battle is calculated based on the current price plus 1%: ${art.LotPrice}` : `Расчет цены за бой ведется от текущей цены плюс 1%: ${art.LotPrice}`) + "\n";
                title += `${isEn ? "Costs in the forge" : "Затраты в кузне"}: (${art.LotStrength} - ${art.OptimalRepairStrength}) * ${art.RepairCost} = ${((art.LotStrength - art.OptimalRepairStrength) * art.RepairCost).toLocaleString()}`;
                if(art.CraftCost > 0) {
                    title += `\n${isEn ? "Crafting cost" : "Стоимость крафта"}: ${art.CraftCost.toLocaleString()}, ${isEn ? "cost of art without crafting" : "стоимость арта без крафта"}: ${(art.LotPrice - art.CraftCost).toLocaleString()}`;
                addElement("td", { style: "text-align: right;", innerHTML: `
<span title="${title}">${art.OptimalRepairCombatCost}</span>
<span title="${LocalizedString.OptimalStrength}" style="font-size: 8pt;">${art.OptimalRepairStrength}</span> / <span title="${LocalizedString.Combats}" style="font-size: 8pt;">${art.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount}</span>
` }, row);
            if(art.Uid) {
                let buyHrefElement = row.querySelector("a[onclick*='show_js_button']");
                if(buyHrefElement) {
                    buyHrefElement.addEventListener("click", function() { setValue(art.Uid, JSON.stringify(art)); }, false);
    const grouppedArts = groupBy(arts.filter(x => x.LotType == LotType.Purchase), x => `${x.Id}${x.CraftInfo ? "#" + x.CraftInfo : ""}`);
    const agiotagePercent = parseInt(getPlayerValue("agiotagePercent", 2));
    for(const artHash in grouppedArts) {
        let [artId, craftInfo] = artHash.split("#");
        craftInfo = craftInfo || "";
        const isArt = artId in ArtifactInfo;
        const arts = grouppedArts[artHash];
        //console.log(`artId: ${artId}, craftInfo: ${craftInfo}`);

        // Раскраска дохода
        if(artId) { // artId нету у лотов, которые ещё не парсятся целой категорией. Например у домов. Если ид нет в урл, то нет вообще
            if(getBool("IncomeViewEnabled")) {
                arts.sort(function(a,b) { return isArt ? a.OptimalRepairCombatCost - b.OptimalRepairCombatCost : a.LotPrice - b.LotPrice; });
                let basePrice = isArt ? arts[0].OptimalRepairCombatCost : arts[0].LotPrice;
                const shopCostInfo1 = getFormatedArtCost(artId);
                if(shopCostInfo1 && !craftInfo) {
                    basePrice = shopCostInfo1.MinBattleCost;
                } else {
                    for(const el of arts) {
                        const secondLotPrice = isArt ? el.OptimalRepairCombatCost : el.LotPrice;
                        if(secondLotPrice > basePrice) {
                            basePrice = secondLotPrice;
                for(const el of arts) {
                    const goldImageElement = el.RowElement.querySelector("img[src*='gold.png']");
                    const priceTable = getParent(goldImageElement, "table");
                    const tr = addElement("tr", undefined, priceTable);
                    let income;
                    let incomePercent;
                    let title;
                    if(isArt) {
                        income = (basePrice - el.OptimalRepairCombatCost) * el.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount;
                        incomePercent = (basePrice - el.OptimalRepairCombatCost) / basePrice * 100;
                        const titel1 = shopCostInfo1 && !craftInfo ? "Цена за бой на предприятии" : "Цена за бой второго по дешевизне лота";
                        title = `Выгода (${titel1}: ${basePrice} - Цена за бой лота: ${el.OptimalRepairCombatCost}) * Количество боев лота: ${el.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount}`;
                    } else {
                        income = basePrice - el.LotPrice;
                        incomePercent = (basePrice - el.LotPrice) / basePrice * 100;
                        title = `Выгода по сравнению со вторым по дешевизне лотом`;
                    let fontColor = "red";
                    let fontBold = "";
                    if(income >= 0) {
                        fontBold = "font-weight: bold;";
                        fontColor = "blue";
                        //console.log(`incomePercent: ${incomePercent}, basePrice: ${basePrice}, LotPrice: ${el.LotPrice}, OptimalRepairCombatCost: ${el.OptimalRepairCombatCost}, OptimalRepairCombatsAmount: ${el.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount}`)
                        if(incomePercent >= agiotagePercent) {
                            fontColor = "#991199";
                    addElement("td", { colspan: 2, name: "income", innerText: income.toLocaleString(), style: `color: ${fontColor};${fontBold}`, title: title }, tr);
        // Раскраска оптимального слома
        if(isArt) {
            const minCombatCost = arts.reduce((c, e) => Math.min(c, e.OptimalRepairCombatCost), arts[0].OptimalRepairCombatCost);
            for(const art of arts) {
                if(art.RowElement.cells.length > 5) {
                    if(art.OptimalRepairCombatCost <= minCombatCost * (100 + CombatCostBestDeviation) / 100) {
                        art.RowElement.cells[5].style.backgroundColor = CombatCostBestDeviationColor;
                    } else if(art.OptimalRepairCombatCost <= minCombatCost * (100 + CombatCostGoodDeviation) / 100) {
                        art.RowElement.cells[5].style.backgroundColor = CombatCostGoodDeviationColor;
            if(shopCostSpan) {
                if(minCombatCost > shopCostInfo.MinBattleCost) {
                    shopCostSpan.style.backgroundColor = CombatCostBestDeviationColor;
        if(urlCat != "my") {
            // Запомним последнюю рыночную минимальную цену
            let strength = ArtifactInfo[artId]?.Strength;
            let fullArs = arts; //arts.filter(x => !isArt || x.LotStrength == strength && x.RestLotStrength == strength || !StockArtifactIds.includes(artId)); // Здесь акционные арты брались только целые - убрал
            if(fullArs.length > 0) {
                if(isArt) {
                    let minOptimalRepairCombatCost = fullArs.reduce((c, e) => Math.min(c, e.OptimalRepairCombatCost), fullArs[0].OptimalRepairCombatCost);
                    let minPriceArt;
                    for(const art of fullArs) {
                        if(art.OptimalRepairCombatCost == minOptimalRepairCombatCost) {
                            minPriceArt = art;
                    setValue("LastBestLotData_" + artId + (craftInfo ? "Craft" + craftInfo: ""), JSON.stringify(minPriceArt)); // if(craftInfo) console.log(getValue("LastBestLotData_" + artId + (craftInfo ? "Craft" + craftInfo: "")))
                } else {
                    const minLotPrice = fullArs.reduce((c, e) => Math.min(c, e.LotPrice), fullArs[0].LotPrice);
                    setValue("LastBestLotData_" + artId, minLotPrice);
    if(getBool("IncomeViewEnabled")) {
    return { Table: ss2Table, Arts: grouppedArts };
function saveThresholdPrice(artId, url, price, battlePrice) {
    const thresholdPrices = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("ThresholdPrices", "[]"));
    let thresholdPrice = thresholdPrices.find(x => x.ArtId == artId);
    if(!thresholdPrice) {
        thresholdPrice = { ArtId: artId, Url: url };
    thresholdPrice.Price = price || 0;
    thresholdPrice.BattlePrice = battlePrice || 0;
    setPlayerValue("ThresholdPrices", JSON.stringify(thresholdPrices.filter(x => Number(x.Price) > 0 || Number(x.BattlePrice) > 0)));
    //console.log(getPlayerValue("ThresholdPrices", "[]"));
function parseLotRow(row, urlArtId) {
    if(!row || row.nodeName != "TR") {
    const lotType = row.innerHTML.includes(LocalizedString.BuyNow) ? LotType.Purchase : LotType.Auction;
    const goldImageElement = row.cells[2]?.querySelector("img[src*='gold.png']");
    if(!goldImageElement) {
    let lotPrice = parseFloat(goldImageElement.parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
    if(lotType == LotType.Auction) {
        lotPrice += Math.max(Math.floor(lotPrice / 100), 3);
    let artId;
    let lotAmount = 1;
    const lotAmountExec = new RegExp(`(\\d+) ${isEn ? "pcs." : "шт."}`).exec(row.innerHTML);
    if(lotAmountExec) {
        lotAmount = parseInt(lotAmountExec[1]);
    const artImageRefElement = row.querySelector("a[href*='art_info.php']");
    if(!artImageRefElement) {
        artId = urlArtId;

        const elementsList = Object.values(ElementsTypes).join("|");
        const elementParse = (new RegExp(`gn_res/(${elementsList}).png`)).exec(row.innerHTML);
        if(elementParse) {
            artId = elementParse[1];
        if(row.innerHTML.includes("house_cert")) {
            const locationsList = Object.values(locations).map(x => x[2]).join("|");
            const sertParse = (new RegExp(`<br>(${locationsList})&nbsp;<b>`)).exec(row.innerHTML);
            if(sertParse) {
                artId = getSertIdByLocationName(sertParse[1]);
        const resourcesList = Object.values(ResourcesTypes).map(x => x.ImageName).join("|");
        const resourceParse = (new RegExp(`/(${resourcesList}).png`)).exec(row.innerHTML);
        if(resourceParse) {
            artId = "res_" + resourceParse[1];
        if(row.innerHTML.includes("auc_dom")) {
            const locationsList = Object.values(locations).map(x => x[2]).join("|");
            const sertParse = (new RegExp(`<br>(${locationsList})&nbsp;<b>`)).exec(row.innerHTML);
            if(sertParse) {
                artId = getHouseIdByLocationName(sertParse[1]);
        if(row.innerHTML.includes("obj_share_pic")) {
            const locationsList = Object.values(locations).map(x => x[2]).join("|");
            const sertParse = (new RegExp(`<br>(${locationsList})&nbsp;<b>`)).exec(row.innerHTML);
            if(sertParse) {
                artId = getShaIdByLocationName(sertParse[1]);
    } else {
        artId = getUrlParamValue(artImageRefElement.href, "id");
        var artUid = getUrlParamValue(artImageRefElement.href, "uid");;
        const strengthData = row.innerText.match(/\d+\/\d+/);
        var restLotStrength = parseInt(strengthData[0].split("/")[0]);
        var lotStrength = parseInt(strengthData[0].split("/")[1]);
    const lotRef = row.querySelector("a[href^='auction_lot_protocol.php']");
    const lotId = getUrlParamValue(lotRef.href, "id");
    const artifact = new ArtifactLot(artUid, artId, lotStrength, restLotStrength, lotPrice, undefined, undefined, undefined, row, lotType, lotAmount, lotId);

    const lotCell = getParent(lotRef, "td");
    const craftExec = /\[(([IDN]\d{1,2})?(E\d{1,2})?(A\d{1,2})?(W\d{1,2})?(F\d{1,2})?)\]/.exec(lotCell.innerHTML);
    //const craftExec = /\[(.+)\]/.exec(isMobileInterface ? lotRef.parentNode?.previousSibling?.textContent : lotRef.nextSibling?.textContent) || /\[(.+)\]/.exec(isMobileInterface ? lotRef.parentNode?.previousElementSibling?.innerHTML : lotRef.nextSibling?.nextElementSibling?.innerText);
    if(craftExec) {
        artifact.CraftInfo = craftExec[1];
        [artifact.CraftCost, artifact.CraftUnderCost] = getCraftCost(artifact.CraftInfo, ArtifactInfo[artifact.Id]?.CraftType);
    return artifact;
function toggleIncomeRows(table) {
    for(const row of table.rows) {
        const goldImageElement = row.querySelector("img[src*='gold.png']");
        if(!goldImageElement) {
        const incomeCell = row.querySelector("td[name='income']");
        let income = 0;
        if(incomeCell) {
            income = parseFloat(incomeCell.innerText.replace(/\\s/g, "").replace(/,/g, "."));
        row.style.display = income > 0 || !getBool("IncomeOnly") ? '' : 'none';
function ArtifactLot(uid, id, lotStrength, restLotStrength, lotPrice, optimalRepairCombatCost, optimalRepairStrength, optimalRepairCombatsAmount, rowElement, lotType, lotAmount, lotId) {
  this.Uid = uid;
  this.Id = id;
  this.LotStrength = lotStrength;
  this.RestLotStrength = restLotStrength;
  this.LotPrice = lotPrice;
  this.OptimalRepairCombatCost = optimalRepairCombatCost;
  this.OptimalRepairStrength = optimalRepairStrength;
  this.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount = optimalRepairCombatsAmount;
  this.RowElement = rowElement;
  this.LotType = lotType;
  this.LotAmount = lotAmount || 1;
  this.LotId = lotId;
  this.RepairCost = ArtifactInfo[this.Id]?.RepairCost;
  this.CraftInfo = undefined;
  this.CraftCost = undefined;
  this.ArtCost = undefined;
  this.CalcOptRepair = function() {
      if(this.Id in ArtifactInfo) {
          //console.log(`LotPrice: ${this.LotPrice}, RepairCost: ${this.RepairCost}, LotStrength: ${this.LotStrength}, RestLotStrength: ${this.RestLotStrength}`);
          const optRepair = optimalRepair(this.LotPrice, this.RepairCost, this.LotStrength, this.RestLotStrength);
          this.OptimalRepairCombatCost = optRepair.CombatCost;
          this.OptimalRepairStrength = optRepair.Strength;
          this.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount = optRepair.CombatsAmount;
  this.GetLotInfo = function(wornStrength, wornRestStrength) {
      const optRepair = optimalRepair(this.LotPrice, ArtifactInfo[this.Id].RepairCost, this.LotStrength, this.RestLotStrength, wornStrength, wornRestStrength);
      let wornData = "";
      if(optRepair.SpendedCombats) {
          wornData = `, ${LocalizedString.Spended}: ${optRepair.SpendedCombats}, ${LocalizedString.Remaining}: ${optRepair.CombatsAmount - optRepair.SpendedCombats}, ${LocalizedString.ResidualValue}: ${optRepair.ResidualValue}`;
      return `${LocalizedString.BuyInfo}: ${LocalizedString.Cost}: ${this.LotPrice}, ${LocalizedString.Strength}: ${this.RestLotStrength}/${this.LotStrength}, ${LocalizedString.BattlePrice}: ${this.OptimalRepairCombatCost}, ${LocalizedString.Strength}: ${this.OptimalRepairStrength}, ${LocalizedString.Combats}: ${this.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount}${wornData}`;
function logNewArtifactsIds(doc, containsRow) {
    if(!containsRow) {
    let newArtIds = [];
    let options = containsRow.getElementsByTagName("option");
    for(const constoptionElement of options) {
        let valueParts = constoptionElement.value.split("#");
        if(valueParts.length >= 2) {
            let artId = valueParts[1];
            if(!(artId in ArtifactInfo)) {
                let category = "";
                const re = new RegExp(`auction.php\\?cat=(\\w+)&sort=0&art_type=${artId}`);
                const ex = re.exec(document.documentElement.innerHTML);
                if(ex) {
                    category = ex[1];
                newArtIds.push({ArtId: artId, Category: category});
    if(newArtIds.length > 0) {
        showBigData(newArtIds.reduce((t, e) => t + `, "${e.ArtId}": { Strength: 1, RepairCost: 1, MarketCategory: "${e.Category}", CraftType: 1, AmmunitionPoints: 0 }`, ""));
function AppendLotInfo(parentElement, artUid, restStrengthInfoElement) {
    restStrengthInfoElement = restStrengthInfoElement || parentElement;
    let artifact = getArtifactLot(artUid);
    if(parentElement && artifact.Id) {
        const wornStrengthData = /(\d{1,3})\/(\d{1,3})/.exec(restStrengthInfoElement.innerHTML);
        if(wornStrengthData && wornStrengthData.length >= 3) {
            var wornStrength = parseInt(wornStrengthData[2]);
            var wornRestStrength = parseInt(wornStrengthData[1]);
        //console.log([wornStrength, wornRestStrength]);
        addElement("b", { innerText: artifact.GetLotInfo(wornStrength, wornRestStrength) }, parentElement);
function getArtifactLot(artUid, artId) {
    let artifact;
    let artifactData = getValue(artUid);
    if(artifactData && artifactData != "") {
        artifact = Object.assign(new ArtifactLot, JSON.parse(artifactData));
    if(!artifact) {
        artifact = new ArtifactLot(artUid, artId);
    return artifact;
function getArtMinBattlePrice(artId, artUid, craftInfo) {
    const art = ArtifactInfo[artId];

    const factoryPrice = parseInt(getValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId, 0));
    const factoryBattlePrice = round00(factoryPrice / art.Strength);
    const shopPrice = parseInt(getValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId, 0));
    const shopBattlePrice = round00(shopPrice / art.Strength);
    let hint = "";
    let minBatlePrice = 0;
    if((minBatlePrice == 0 || minBatlePrice > factoryBattlePrice) && !craftInfo) {
        minBatlePrice = factoryBattlePrice;
        hint = `На производстве цена за бой: ${factoryBattlePrice}`;
    if((minBatlePrice == 0 || minBatlePrice > shopBattlePrice) && !craftInfo) {
        minBatlePrice = shopBattlePrice;
        hint = `В магазине цена за бой: ${shopBattlePrice}`;

    const lot = getSavedArtifactLot(artId, artUid, false, craftInfo);
    // if(artId == "cold_sword2014") {
        // console.log(`factoryPrice: ${factoryPrice}, craftInfo: ${craftInfo}, shopPrice: ${shopPrice}, lot?.OptimalRepairCombatCost: ${lot?.OptimalRepairCombatCost}`);
    // }
    if(lot && (minBatlePrice == 0 || minBatlePrice > lot.OptimalRepairCombatCost)) {
        minBatlePrice = lot.OptimalRepairCombatCost;
        hint = `На рынке цена за бой: ${lot.OptimalRepairCombatCost}`;
    return { minBatlePrice: minBatlePrice, hint: hint };
function extractCraftInfo(text) {
    const craftExec = /\[(([IDN]\d{1,2})?(E\d{1,2})?(A\d{1,2})?(W\d{1,2})?(F\d{1,2})?)\]/.exec(text);
    if(craftExec) {
        return craftExec[1];
    return "";
function addAfterRepairCombatCostToInventory() {
    const artInfoDivs = document.querySelectorAll("div#inventory_block div.inventory_item_div.inventory_item2");
    const smithRewardPercent = parseInt(getPlayerValue("SmithRewardPercent", 100));
    const smithRecoveryEfficiency = SmithRecoveryEfficiency[parseInt(getPlayerValue("SmithLevel", 9))];
    //console.log(`addAfterRepairCombatCostToInventory artInfoDivs: ${artInfoDivs.length}`);
    for(const artInfoDiv of artInfoDivs) {
        const artIndex = parseInt(artInfoDiv.getAttribute("art_idx"));
        const artInfo = win.arts[artIndex];
        if(!artInfo) { console.log(`artIndex: ${artIndex}`); console.log(artInfoDiv); continue; }
        const artId = artInfo.art_id;
        const craftInfo = extractCraftInfo(artInfo.suffix);
        if(artId in ArtifactInfo) {
            const repairCost = ArtifactInfo[artId].RepairCost;
            const afterRepairCombatCost = Math.round(repairCost * (smithRewardPercent / 100) / getAfterRepairRestStrength(artInfo.durability2, smithRecoveryEfficiency));
            if(getBool("ShowAfterRepairBattleCostInInventory") && !isNaN(afterRepairCombatCost)) {
                const overlapInfoDiv = artInfoDiv.querySelector("div.art_durability_hidden");
                const artMinBattlePrice = getArtMinBattlePrice(artId, undefined, craftInfo);
                const color = artMinBattlePrice.minBatlePrice < afterRepairCombatCost ? "red" : "green";
                overlapInfoDiv.innerHTML += `<br><span style="color: ${color};">${afterRepairCombatCost}</span>`;
                const img = artInfoDiv.querySelector("img.cre_mon_image2.show_hint");
                img.setAttribute("hint", img.getAttribute("hint") + "<br>" + artMinBattlePrice.hint);

                const customArtInfo = getValue("CustomArtInfo" + artInfo.id, "");
                if(customArtInfo != "") {
                    img.setAttribute("hint", img.getAttribute("hint") + "<br>" + customArtInfo);
            const factoryPrice = parseInt(getValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId, 0));
            const shopPrice = parseInt(getValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId, 0));
            if(factoryPrice > 0 && shopPrice > 0 && shopPrice <= factoryPrice && artInfo.renew_disabled == 0) {
                const brokenDiv = artInfoDiv.querySelector("div.inventory_item_normal.inventory_item_broken");
                if(brokenDiv) {
                    //console.log([artId, shopPrice, factoryPrice]);
                    brokenDiv.style.borderColor = "green";
function addBattlePriceToInventory() {
    if(!getPlayerBool("ShowBattlePriceInInventory", true)) {
    // Выведем цену за бой
    let dressedArtsBattleCost = 0;
    for(let i = 0; i < win.slots.length; i++) {
        const slot = win.slots[i];
        if(slot) {
            const artInfo = Array.from(win.arts).find(x => x.id == parseInt(slot));
            if(artInfo) {
                const artBattleCost = getArtBattleCost(artInfo.art_id, artInfo.id, extractCraftInfo(artInfo.suffix));
                dressedArtsBattleCost += artBattleCost;
                if(artBattleCost > 0) {
                    const slotDiv = document.getElementById(`slot${i}`);
                    const durabilityDiv = slotDiv.querySelector("div.art_durability_hidden");
                    let battleCostSpan = durabilityDiv.querySelector(`span#slot${i}BattleCost`);
                    if(!battleCostSpan) {
                        addElement("br", undefined, durabilityDiv);
                        battleCostSpan = addElement("span", { id: `slot${i}BattleCost` }, durabilityDiv);
                    battleCostSpan.innerText = artBattleCost;
    const inventoryStatsDiv = document.querySelector("div.inventory_stats");
    let dressedArtsBattleCostDiv = inventoryStatsDiv.querySelector("div#dressedArtsBattleCostDiv");
    if(!dressedArtsBattleCostDiv) {
        addElement("div", { class: "inv_stat_data show_hint", title: LocalizedString.BattlePrice, innerHTML: `
            <div class="inv_stat_img_div">
                <div class="set_wh100"></div>
                <img src="${GoldPng}" class="mwh100">
            <div id="dressedArtsBattleCostDiv" class="inv_stat_text"></div>` }, inventoryStatsDiv);
        dressedArtsBattleCostDiv = inventoryStatsDiv.querySelector("div#dressedArtsBattleCostDiv");
    dressedArtsBattleCostDiv.innerHTML = Math.round(dressedArtsBattleCost);
function getArtBattleCost(artId, artUid, craftInfo) {
    //console.log(`getArtBattleCost artId: ${artId}, artUid: ${artUid}`);
    let artifactLot = getSavedArtifactLot(artId, artUid, true, craftInfo);
    if(artifactLot) {
        return artifactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost;
    const art = ArtifactInfo[artId];
    const factoryPrice = parseInt(getValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId, 0)); // Фабричная цена
    if(factoryPrice > 0 && !craftInfo) {
        return round00(factoryPrice / art.Strength);
    const shopPrice = parseInt(getValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId, 0)); // Магазинная цена
    if(shopPrice > 0 && !craftInfo) {
        return round00(shopPrice / art.Strength);
    artifactLot = getSavedArtifactLot(artId, artUid, false, craftInfo);
    if(artifactLot) {
        return artifactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost || 0;
    return 0;
function getSavedArtifactLot(artId, artUid, uniqueOnly = false, craftInfo = undefined) {
    // Рыночная цена. Сначала пытаемся найти данные о лоте, если нет, то последние минимальные по данному арту
    let lastBestLotData = getValue(artUid);
    if((!lastBestLotData || lastBestLotData == "") && !uniqueOnly) {
        lastBestLotData = getValue("LastBestLotData_" + artId + (craftInfo ? "Craft" + craftInfo: ""), "");
    if(lastBestLotData && lastBestLotData != "") {
        return Object.assign(new ArtifactLot, JSON.parse(lastBestLotData));
function addShopArtsPriceAndBattleCost() {
    let artInfoDivs = document.querySelectorAll("div.s_art");
    for(const artInfoDiv of artInfoDivs) {
        let artPropDiv = artInfoDiv.querySelector("div.s_art_prop");
        let artId = getArtIdFromArtInfoRef(artInfoDiv).Id;
        addShopArtPriceAndBattleCost(artId, artInfoDiv, artPropDiv);
function addShopArtPriceAndBattleCost(artId, artInfoDiv, artPropDiv) {
    let price = 0;
    let isPriceFromLot = false;
    let needConvertResourcesToGold = false;
    let amountElement;

    let goldImage = artInfoDiv.querySelector("img[src*='gold']");
    if(goldImage) {
        amountElement = goldImage.nextSibling || goldImage.parentNode.nextSibling;
        if(amountElement) {
            price += parseInt(amountElement.textContent.replace(/,/g, ""));
    let woodImage = artInfoDiv.querySelector("img[src*='wood']");
    if(woodImage) {
        amountElement = woodImage.nextSibling || woodImage.parentNode.nextSibling;
        if(amountElement) {
            needConvertResourcesToGold = true;
            price += parseInt(amountElement.textContent) * 180;
    let oreImage = artInfoDiv.querySelector("img[src*='ore']");
    if(oreImage) {
        amountElement = oreImage.nextSibling || oreImage.parentNode.nextSibling;
        if(amountElement) {
            needConvertResourcesToGold = true;
            price += parseInt(amountElement.textContent) * 180;
    let mercuryImage = artInfoDiv.querySelector("img[src*='mercury']");
    if(mercuryImage) {
        amountElement = mercuryImage.nextSibling || mercuryImage.parentNode.nextSibling;
        if(amountElement) {
            needConvertResourcesToGold = true;
            price += parseInt(amountElement.textContent) * 360;
    let sulfurImage = artInfoDiv.querySelector("img[src*='sulfur']");
    if(sulfurImage) {
        amountElement = sulfurImage.nextSibling || sulfurImage.parentNode.nextSibling;
        if(amountElement) {
            needConvertResourcesToGold = true;
            price += parseInt(amountElement.textContent) * 360;
    let crystalsImage = artInfoDiv.querySelector("img[src*='crystals']");
    if(crystalsImage) {
        amountElement = crystalsImage.nextSibling || crystalsImage.parentNode.nextSibling;
        if(amountElement) {
            needConvertResourcesToGold = true;
            price += parseInt(amountElement.textContent) * 360;
    let gemsImage = artInfoDiv.querySelector("img[src*='gems']");
    if(gemsImage) {
        amountElement = gemsImage.nextSibling || gemsImage.parentNode.nextSibling;
        if(amountElement) {
            needConvertResourcesToGold = true;
            price += parseInt(amountElement.textContent) * 360;
    if(price > 0) {
        setValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId, price);
    let battlePriceText = "";
    const art = ArtifactInfo[artId];
    if(art) {
        battlePriceText = `(${round00(price / art.Strength)})`;
    //console.log(`artId: ${artId}, price: ${price}`);
    if(price == 0) {
        let lastBestLotData = getValue("LastBestLotData_" + artId);
        if(lastBestLotData && lastBestLotData != "") {
            let artifact = Object.assign(new ArtifactLot, JSON.parse(lastBestLotData));
            price = artifact.LotPrice;
            battlePriceText = `(${artifact.OptimalRepairCombatCost})`;
            isPriceFromLot = true;
    //console.log(`artId: ${artId}, price: ${price}, isPriceFromLot: ${isPriceFromLot}`);
    if(price > 0) {
        if(isPriceFromLot) {
            deleteValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId); // Записался мусор
            deleteValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId);
        if(!getKeyByValue(EcostatDetailsIds, artId)) {
            deleteValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId); // Если арт только магазинный - Записался мусор
        let factoryPrice = parseInt(getValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId, 0));
        let factoryPriceText = "";
        if(art && factoryPrice > 0 && factoryPrice != price) {
            factoryPriceText = ` / ${factoryPrice}(${round00(factoryPrice / art.Strength)})`;
        if(!(battlePriceText == "" && factoryPriceText == "" && !needConvertResourcesToGold)) {
            addElement("label", { innerText: ` = ${price}${battlePriceText}${factoryPriceText}` }, artPropDiv);
    //console.log(`${"ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId}: ${getValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId)}, ${"ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId}: ${getValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId)}`);
function getFormatedArtCost(artId) {
    //console.log(`${"ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId}: ${getValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId)}, ${"ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId}: ${getValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId)}`);
    let shopPrice = getValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId);
    let factoryPrice = getValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId);
    //console.log(`artId: ${artId}, shopPrice: ${shopPrice}, factoryPrice: ${factoryPrice}`);
    if(shopPrice || factoryPrice) {
        let result = "";
        let minBattleCost = 0;
        let minArtPrice = 0;
        let strength = ArtifactInfo[artId].Strength;
        if(shopPrice) {
            shopPrice = parseInt(shopPrice);
            minArtPrice = shopPrice;
            const shopBattleCost = round00(shopPrice / strength);
            minBattleCost = shopBattleCost;
            result += `${shopPrice}(${shopBattleCost})`;
        if(factoryPrice && shopPrice != parseInt(factoryPrice)) {
            factoryPrice = parseInt(factoryPrice);
            minArtPrice = factoryPrice < shopPrice || minArtPrice == 0 ? factoryPrice : minArtPrice;
            const factoryBattleCost = round00(factoryPrice / strength);
            minBattleCost = minBattleCost > 0 && minBattleCost <= factoryBattleCost ? minBattleCost : factoryBattleCost;
            result += (result != "" ? " / " : "") + `${factoryPrice}(${factoryBattleCost})`;
        return { CostInfo: result, MinBattleCost: minBattleCost, MinArtPrice: minArtPrice };
function getArtIdFromArtInfoRef(artInfoRefContainer) {
    let artId;
    let artUid;
    let craftInfo;
    if(artInfoRefContainer) {
        const artInfoRef = artInfoRefContainer.querySelector("a[href*='art_info.php']");
        if(artInfoRef) {
            artId = getUrlParamValue(artInfoRef.href, "id");
            artUid = getUrlParamValue(artInfoRef.href, "uid");
        const hint = artInfoRefContainer.querySelector("img[hint]").getAttribute("hint");
        craftInfo = extractCraftInfo(hint);
    return { Id: artId, Uid: artUid, craftInfo: craftInfo };
function getObjectPrice() {
    let buyResForm = document.querySelector("form[name='buy_res']");
    let artId = getArtIdFromArtInfoRef(buyResForm).Id;
    let tableElement = buyResForm.querySelector("table");
    let amountCell = tableElement.rows[1].cells[2];
    let priceCell = tableElement.rows[1].cells[3];
    let amount = parseInt(amountCell.innerText.split("/")[0].replace(/,/g, ""));
    let price = parseInt(priceCell.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
    if(amount > 0) { // артефакт есть в наличии
        saveBestArtPrice(artId, price);
function saveBestArtPrice(artId, newPrice, force) {
    let savedPrice = parseInt(getValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId, 0));
    if(newPrice < savedPrice || savedPrice == 0 || force) {
        setValue("ShopArtFactoryPrice_" + artId, newPrice);
function openArtPriceSettings(artUid, artId, craftInfo) {
    //console.log(`artUid: ${artUid}, artId: ${artId}, craftInfo: ${craftInfo}`);
    if(showPupupPanel("ArtPriceSettings" + artUid)) {
    const artifact = getArtifactLot(artUid, artId);
    artifact.CraftInfo = craftInfo;
    const fieldsMap = [];

    const costLabel = addElement("label", { for: "openArtPriceSettingsLotPrice", innerText: LocalizedString.Cost + "\t" });
    const openArtPriceSettingsLotPrice = addElement("input", { id: "openArtPriceSettingsLotPrice", type: "number", value: artifact.LotPrice });
    openArtPriceSettingsLotPrice.addEventListener("change", function() { artifact.LotPrice = parseInt(this.value); calcArtefactLotAndSave(artifact); openArtPriceSettingsRefresh(artifact); });

    const artCostLabel = addElement("label", { for: "artCostInput", innerText: LocalizedString.ArtCost + "\t" });
    const artCostInput = addElement("input", { id: "artCostInput", type: "number", value: artifact.ArtCost });
    artCostInput.addEventListener("change", function() { artifact.ArtCost = parseInt(this.value); calcArtefactLotAndSave(artifact); openArtPriceSettingsRefresh(artifact); });

    fieldsMap.push([costLabel, openArtPriceSettingsLotPrice, artCostLabel, artCostInput]);

    const strengthLabel = addElement("label", { for: "openArtPriceSettingsLotStrength", innerText: LocalizedString.Strength + "\t" });
    const openArtPriceSettingsLotStrength = addElement("input", { id: "openArtPriceSettingsLotStrength", type: "number", value: artifact.LotStrength });
    openArtPriceSettingsLotStrength.addEventListener("change", function() { artifact.LotStrength = parseInt(this.value); calcArtefactLotAndSave(artifact); openArtPriceSettingsRefresh(artifact); });

    const craftCostLabel = addElement("label", { for: "craftCostInput", innerText: LocalizedString.CraftCostString + "\t" });
    const craftCostInput = addElement("input", { id: "craftCostInput", type: "number", value: artifact.CraftCost });
    craftCostInput.addEventListener("change", function() { artifact.CraftCost = parseInt(this.value); calcArtefactLotAndSave(artifact); openArtPriceSettingsRefresh(artifact); });

    const craftCostRecalcButton = addElement("input", { id: "craftCostRecalcButton", type: "button", value: LocalizedString.Recalc, title: LocalizedString.RecalcFromDaily });
    craftCostRecalcButton.addEventListener("click", function() { craftCostRecalc(artifact, craftCostInput); }, false);

    fieldsMap.push([strengthLabel, openArtPriceSettingsLotStrength, craftCostLabel, craftCostInput, craftCostRecalcButton]);

    const restStrengthLabel = addElement("label", { for: "openArtPriceSettingsRestLotStrength", innerText: LocalizedString.RestStrength + "\t" });
    const openArtPriceSettingsRestLotStrength = addElement("input", { id: "openArtPriceSettingsRestLotStrength", type: "number", value: artifact.RestLotStrength });
    openArtPriceSettingsRestLotStrength.addEventListener("change", function() { artifact.RestLotStrength = parseInt(this.value); calcArtefactLotAndSave(artifact); openArtPriceSettingsRefresh(artifact); });

    const shopCostLabel = addElement("label", { for: "shopCostInput", innerText: (isEn ? "Shop cost" : "Магазинная цена") + "\t" });
    const shopCostInput = addElement("input", { id: "shopCostInput", type: "number", value: parseInt(getValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId, 0)) });
    shopCostInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("ShopArtShopPrice_" + artId, parseInt(this.value)); });

    fieldsMap.push([restStrengthLabel, openArtPriceSettingsRestLotStrength, shopCostLabel, shopCostInput]);

    const battlePriceLabel = addElement("label", { for: "openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatCost", innerText: LocalizedString.BattlePrice + "\t" });
    const openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatCost = addElement("input", { id: "openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatCost", type: "number", value: artifact.OptimalRepairCombatCost, disabled: "disabled" });

    const openArtPriceSettingsCraftUnderCostLabel = addElement("label", { for: "openArtPriceSettingsCraftUnderCost", innerText: (isEn ? "Craft under cost" : "Стоимость недокрафта") + "\t" });
    const openArtPriceSettingsCraftUnderCostInput = addElement("input", { id: "openArtPriceSettingsCraftUnderCost", type: "number", value: artifact.CraftUnderCost, disabled: "disabled" });

    fieldsMap.push([battlePriceLabel, openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatCost, openArtPriceSettingsCraftUnderCostLabel, openArtPriceSettingsCraftUnderCostInput]);

    const optimalStrengthLabel = addElement("label", { for: "openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairStrength", innerText: LocalizedString.OptimalStrength + "\t" });
    const openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairStrength = addElement("input", { id: "openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairStrength", type: "number", value: artifact.OptimalRepairStrength, disabled: "disabled" });
    fieldsMap.push([optimalStrengthLabel, openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairStrength]);

    const combatsLabel = addElement("label", { for: "openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatsAmount", innerText: LocalizedString.Combats + "\t" });
    const openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatsAmount = addElement("input", { id: "openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatsAmount", type: "number", value: artifact.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount, disabled: "disabled" });
    fieldsMap.push([combatsLabel, openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatsAmount]);

    // Стоимость элементов
    const getYesterdayDailyPricesButton = addElement("input", { id: "getYesterdayDailyPricesButton", type: "button", value: isEn ? "Yesterday Daily's" : "Вчерашние с дейли", title: isEn ? "Get yesterday daily prices" : "Получить вчерашние цены с дейли" });
    getYesterdayDailyPricesButton.addEventListener("click", async function() { await getDailyElementsPrices(); bindElementPrices(); });
    const getMarketPricesButton = addElement("input", { id: "getMarketPricesButton", type: "button", value: isEn ? "Market prices" : "Рыночные цены", title: isEn ? "Get market prices" : "Получить рыночные цены" });
    getMarketPricesButton.addEventListener("click", async function() { await getMarketElementPrices(); bindElementPrices(); });
    fieldsMap.push([null, addElement("b", { innerText: (isEn ? "Elements price" : "Стоимость элементов"), style: "text-align: center; margin: auto; width: 90%; display: block;" }), getYesterdayDailyPricesButton, getMarketPricesButton]);
    const elementsPrices = JSON.parse(getValue("ElementPrices", "{}"));

    let arr = [];
    for(let i = 0; i < ElementNames.length; i++) {
        const elementName = ElementNames[i];
        const label = addElement("label", { for: `${elementName}Price`, innerText: elementName + "\t" });
        const price = addElement("input", { id: `${elementName}Price`, type: "number", value: elementsPrices[elementName], onfocus: "this.select();" });
        price.addEventListener("change", function() { elementsPrices[elementName] = this.value; setValue("ElementPrices", JSON.stringify(elementsPrices)); });
        //console.log(`i: ${i}, i % 2 == 1: ${i % 2 == 1}, arr.length: ${arr.length}, fieldsMap.length: ${fieldsMap.length}, price.id: ${price.id}`);
        if(i % 2 == 1 || i == ElementNames.length - 1) {
            arr = [];
    createPupupPanel("ArtPriceSettings" + artUid, LocalizedString.EditLotInfo, fieldsMap);
function bindElementPrices() {
    const elementsPrices = JSON.parse(getValue("ElementPrices", "{}"));
    for(const elementName of ElementNames) {
        document.getElementById(`${elementName}Price`).value = elementsPrices[elementName];
async function craftCostRecalc(artifact, craftCostInput) {
    //console.log(`Id: ${artifact.Id}, artifact.CraftInfo: ${artifact.CraftInfo}, CraftType: ${ArtifactInfo[artifact.ArtId]?.CraftType}`);
    [artifact.CraftCost, artifact.CraftUnderCost] = getCraftCost(artifact.CraftInfo, ArtifactInfo[artifact.Id]?.CraftType, true);
    if(craftCostInput) {
        craftCostInput.value = artifact.CraftCost;
function openArtPriceSettingsRefresh(artifact) {
    document.getElementById("openArtPriceSettingsLotPrice").value = artifact.LotPrice;
    document.getElementById("openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatCost").value = artifact.OptimalRepairCombatCost;
    document.getElementById("openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairStrength").value = artifact.OptimalRepairStrength;
    document.getElementById("openArtPriceSettingsOptimalRepairCombatsAmount").value = artifact.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount;
    document.getElementById("openArtPriceSettingsCraftUnderCost").value = artifact.CraftUnderCost;
function calcArtefactLotAndSave(artifact) {
    if(artifact.ArtCost > 0 || artifact.CraftCost > 0) {
        artifact.LotPrice = (artifact.ArtCost || 0) + (artifact.CraftCost || 0);
    if(artifact.LotPrice > 0 && artifact.LotStrength > 0 && artifact.RestLotStrength > 0) {
        const artRepairCost = ArtifactInfo[artifact.Id].RepairCost;
        const optimalRepairData = optimalRepair(artifact.LotPrice, artRepairCost, artifact.LotStrength, artifact.RestLotStrength);
        artifact.OptimalRepairCombatCost = optimalRepairData.CombatCost;
        artifact.OptimalRepairStrength = optimalRepairData.Strength;
        artifact.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount = optimalRepairData.CombatsAmount;
    setValue(artifact.Uid, JSON.stringify(artifact));
function getOrCreateAndResizeDropdown(baseElement, style, zIndex) {
    const dropdownId = `${baseElement.id}Dropdown`;
    let dropdown = document.getElementById(dropdownId);
    if(!dropdown) {
        dropdown = addElement("div", { id: dropdownId, style: `position: absolute; z-index: ${zIndex || baseElement.style.zIndex};` + (style || "") }, document.body);

        let hideTimer;
        const dropdownTimeout = 100;
        baseElement.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() { clearTimeout(hideTimer); if(dropdown.style.display == "none") { setTimeout(function() { dropdown.style.display = "block"; }, dropdownTimeout); } }, false);
        baseElement.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() { hideTimer = setTimeout(function() { dropdown.style.display = "none"; }, dropdownTimeout); }, false);
        dropdown.addEventListener("mouseenter", function() { clearTimeout(hideTimer); }, false);
        dropdown.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() { hideTimer = setTimeout(function() { dropdown.style.display = "none"; }, dropdownTimeout); }, false);
    const baseElementRect = baseElement.getBoundingClientRect();
    dropdown.style.top = `${baseElementRect.bottom + window.scrollY + 1}px`;
    dropdown.style.left = `${baseElementRect.left}px`;
    return dropdown;
function countResources() {
    if(!getBool("ShowResourcesCostPanel")) {
    let dropdown, foreColor;
    let gold, wood, ore, mercury, sulfur, crystals, gems, diamonds;
    const topResTable = document.getElementById("top_res_table");
    if(topResTable) {
        gold = parseInt(topResTable.querySelector("img[src*='gold.png']").parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        wood = parseInt(topResTable.querySelector("img[src*='wood.png']").parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        ore = parseInt(topResTable.querySelector("img[src*='ore.png']").parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        mercury = parseInt(topResTable.querySelector("img[src*='mercury.png']").parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        sulfur = parseInt(topResTable.querySelector("img[src*='sulfur.png']").parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        crystals = parseInt(topResTable.querySelector("img[src*='crystals.png']").parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        gems = parseInt(topResTable.querySelector("img[src*='gems.png']").parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        diamonds = parseFloat(topResTable.querySelector("img[src*='diamonds.png']").parentNode.parentNode.nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));

        dropdown = getOrCreateAndResizeDropdown(topResTable, `color: ${topResTable.style.color}; padding: 2px 3px 2px 3px; white-space: nowrap; background: url(https://dcdn2.heroeswm.ru/i/top/bkg2.jpg);`, 5);
        foreColor = topResTable.style.color;
    const resourcesPanel = document.getElementById("ResourcesPanel");
    if(resourcesPanel) {
        gold = parseInt(resourcesPanel.querySelector("img[src*='gold.png']").nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        wood = parseInt(resourcesPanel.querySelector("img[src*='wood.png']").nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        ore = parseInt(resourcesPanel.querySelector("img[src*='ore.png']").nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        mercury = parseInt(resourcesPanel.querySelector("img[src*='mercury.png']").nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        sulfur = parseInt(resourcesPanel.querySelector("img[src*='sulfur.png']").nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        crystals = parseInt(resourcesPanel.querySelector("img[src*='crystals.png']").nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        gems = parseInt(resourcesPanel.querySelector("img[src*='gems.png']").nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));
        diamonds = parseFloat(resourcesPanel.querySelector("img[src*='diamonds.png']").nextElementSibling.innerText.replace(/,/g, ""));

        dropdown = getOrCreateAndResizeDropdown(resourcesPanel, `color: #ccb89f; padding: 2px 3px 2px 3px; white-space: nowrap; background: #592c08;`, 101);
        foreColor = "#ccb89f";
    if(dropdown) {
        const table = addElement("table", { style: `color: ${foreColor};` }, dropdown);
        dropdown.style.display = "block";
        let tr;
        if(wood > 0) {
            tr = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.wood, style: `color: ${foreColor};` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${wood} * 180 =`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${(wood * 180).toLocaleString()}`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
        if(ore > 0) {
            tr = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.ore, style: `color: ${foreColor};` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${ore} * 180 =`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${(ore * 180).toLocaleString()}`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
        if(mercury > 0) {
            tr = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.mercury, style: `color: ${foreColor};` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${mercury} * 360 =`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${(mercury * 360).toLocaleString()}`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
        if(sulfur > 0) {
            tr = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.sulfur, style: `color: ${foreColor};` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${sulfur} * 360 =`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${(sulfur * 360).toLocaleString()}`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
        if(crystals > 0) {
            tr = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.crystals, style: `color: ${foreColor};` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${crystals} * 360 =`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${(crystals * 360).toLocaleString()}`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
        if(gems > 0) {
            tr = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.gems, style: `color: ${foreColor};` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${gems} * 360 =`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${(gems * 360).toLocaleString()}`, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
        const totalResourcesValue = wood * 180 + ore * 180 + mercury * 360 + sulfur * 360 + crystals * 360 + gems * 360;
        if(totalResourcesValue > 0) {
            tr = addElement("tr", { style: "color: yellow; font-weight: bold;" }, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.Total, style: "color: yellow;" }, tr);
            addElement("td", undefined, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${totalResourcesValue.toLocaleString()}`, style: "color: yellow; text-align: right;" }, tr);
        tr = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
        addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.gold, style: `color: ${foreColor};` }, tr);
        addElement("td", undefined, tr);
        addElement("td", { innerText: gold.toLocaleString(), style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
        if(totalResourcesValue > 0) {
            tr = addElement("tr", { style: "color: yellow; font-weight: bold;" }, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.Total, style: "color: yellow;" }, tr);
            addElement("td", undefined, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: (gold + totalResourcesValue).toLocaleString(), style: "color: yellow; text-align: right;" }, tr);
        if(diamonds > 0) {
            tr = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.diamonds, style: `color: ${foreColor};` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${diamonds} * 5000 = `, style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: (diamonds * 5000).toLocaleString(), style: `color: ${foreColor}; text-align: right;` }, tr);
            tr = addElement("tr", { style: "color: yellow; font-weight: bold;" }, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.Total, style: "color: yellow;" }, tr);
            addElement("td", undefined, tr);
            addElement("td", { innerText: (gold + totalResourcesValue + diamonds * 5000).toLocaleString(), style: "color: yellow; text-align: right;" }, tr);
        dropdown.style.display = "none";
function certificateAuctionReferences() {
    const houseCertificates = document.querySelectorAll("img[src*='house_cert.jpg']");
    let table;
    let totalAmount = 0;
    let total = 0;
    for(const houseCertificate of houseCertificates) {
        const cell = houseCertificate.parentNode;
        const row = cell.parentNode;
        if(!table) {
            table = row.parentNode;
        const sectorRef = row.querySelector("a[href*='map.php']");
        const locationNumber = getLocationNumberByCoordinate(getUrlParamValue(sectorRef.href, "cx"), getUrlParamValue(sectorRef.href, "cy"));
        const artId = getSertIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber);
        const auctionLotUrl = `/auction.php?cat=cert&sort=0&art_type=${artId}`;

        const auctionLotRef = addElement("a", { href: auctionLotUrl }, cell);

        const amountCell = row.cells[2];
        const amount = parseInt(/(\d+)%/.exec(amountCell.innerHTML)[1]);
        const marketPrice = parseInt(getValue("LastBestLotData_" + artId, 0));
        //console.log(`marketPrice: ${marketPrice}, amount: ${amount}, artId: ${artId}`);
        addElement("td", { innerText: (marketPrice > 0 ? marketPrice.toLocaleString() : "" ), class: "wbwhite", style: "text-align: right;" }, row);
        addElement("td", { innerText: (marketPrice > 0 ? (amount * marketPrice).toLocaleString() : ""), class: "wbwhite", style: "text-align: right;" }, row);
        totalAmount += amount;
        total += amount * marketPrice;
    if(table) {
        const titleRow = table.rows[0];
        addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.MarketPrice, class: "wbwhite", style: "text-align: center; font-weight: bold;", title: LocalizedString.ToUpdateTheCertificatePrice }, titleRow);
        addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.Total, class: "wbwhite", style: "text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" }, titleRow);
        const totalRow = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
        addElement("td", { innerText: LocalizedString.Total, colspan: 2, class: "wbwhite", style: "font-weight: bold;" }, totalRow);
        addElement("td", { innerText: totalAmount.toLocaleString(), class: "wbwhite", style: "text-align: right; font-weight: bold;" }, totalRow);
        addElement("td", { innerText: "", class: "wbwhite", style: "text-align: right; font-weight: bold;" }, totalRow);
        addElement("td", { innerText: total.toLocaleString(), class: "wbwhite", style: "text-align: right; font-weight: bold;" }, totalRow);
function addBattlePrice(playerLevel = PlayerLevel) {
    if(location.pathname == "/home.php" && !getPlayerBool("ShowBattlePriceOnHome", true) || location.pathname == "/pl_info.php" && !getPlayerBool("ShowBattlePriceInPlayerInfo", true)) {
    let artDivs = document.querySelectorAll("div.arts_info.shop_art_info");
    let battleCost = 0;
    for(const artDiv of artDivs) {
        const artInfo = getArtIdFromArtInfoRef(artDiv);
        const artBattleCost = getArtBattleCost(artInfo.Id, artInfo.Uid, artInfo.craftInfo);
        if(artBattleCost > 0) {
            let artDurabilityDiv = artDiv.querySelector("div.art_durability_hidden");
            if(!artDurabilityDiv.innerText.includes(`\n${artBattleCost}`)) {
                artDurabilityDiv.innerText += `\n${artBattleCost}`;
        battleCost += artBattleCost;
    const [craftTotal, ammunitionPointsTotal] = calcCraftAndAmmunitionPoints(playerLevel);
    battleCost = Math.round(battleCost);
    //console.log(`battleCost: ${battleCost}, craftTotal: ${craftTotal}, ammunitionPointsTotal: ${ammunitionPointsTotal}`);
    if(battleCost > 0) {
        if(location.pathname == '/home.php') {
            let hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer = document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer");
            let hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer = document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer");
            let hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer = document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer");
            if(!hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer) {
                if(isNewPersonPage) {
                    const statsContainer = document.querySelector("div#home_css_stats_wrap_div > div");
                    const battleCostContainer = addElement("div", { class: "inv_stat_data home_stat_data show_hint", title: `${LocalizedString.BattlePrice}` }, statsContainer);
                    addElement("div", { innerHTML: `<img src="${GoldPng}" alt="" title="${LocalizedString.BattlePrice}" width="24" height="24" border="0">`, class: "inv_stat_img_div home_stat_img_div" }, battleCostContainer);
                    addElement("div", { innerHTML: `<b id="hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer"></b>`, align: "center", class: "inv_stat_text home_stat_text" }, battleCostContainer);
                } else {
                    const statsContainer = getParent(document.querySelector("table img[src*='attr_attack.png']"), "tr", 2);
                    statsContainer.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `
<td valign="top">
    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                <td><img style="padding-left: 3px;" src="${GoldPng}" alt="" title="${LocalizedString.BattlePrice}" width="24" height="24" border="0"></td><td align="center"><b id="hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer"></b></td>
                <td align="center">
                    <img title="${isEn ? "AP" : "ОА"}" src="https://dcdn.heroeswm.ru/i/icons/attr_oa.png?v=1" width="24" height="24" />
                <td align="center">
                    <b id="hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer"></b>
            <tr id=hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueRow>
                <td align="center">
                    <img title="${isEn ? "Craft" : "Крафт"}" src="/i/mod_common.gif" width="24" height="24" />
                <td align="center">
                    <b id="hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer"></b>
                    // addElement("td", { innerHTML: `<img src="${GoldPng}" alt="" title="${LocalizedString.BattlePrice}" width="24" height="24" border="0">`, style: "padding-left: 3px;" }, tr);
                    // addElement("td", { innerHTML: `${LocalizedString.BattlePrice}: `, align: "center", style: "padding-left: 3px;" }, tr);
                    // addElement("td", { innerHTML: `<b id="hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer"></b>`, align: "center", style: "padding-left: 3px;" }, tr);
                hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer = document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer");
                hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer = document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer");
                hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer = document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer");
            hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer.innerHTML = battleCost;
            if(hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer) {
                hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer.innerHTML = ammunitionPointsTotal;
            if(hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer) {
                hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer.innerHTML = `${craftTotal}%`;
                document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueRow").style.display = craftTotal > 0 ? "" : "none";
        if(location.pathname == '/pl_info.php') {
            const tableElement = getParent(document.querySelector("table img[src*='attr_attack.png']"), "table");
            const hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer = document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer") || addElement("tr", { id: "hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer" }, tableElement);
            hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketBattlePriceContainer.innerHTML = `<td><img src="${GoldPng}" alt="" title="${LocalizedString.BattlePrice}" width="24" height="24" border="0"></td><td align="center"><b>${battleCost}</b></td>`;
            const hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer = document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer") || addElement("tr", { id: "hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer" }, tableElement);
            hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketAmmunitionPointsContainer.innerHTML = `<td align="center">
                <img title="${isEn ? "AP" : "ОА"}" src="https://dcdn.heroeswm.ru/i/icons/attr_oa.png?v=1" width="24" height="24" />
            <td align="center">
            const hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer = document.getElementById("hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer") || addElement("tr", { id: "hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer" }, tableElement);
            hwmOptimalRepairAtMarketCraftValueContainer.innerHTML = craftTotal > 0 ? `<td align="center">
                <img title="${isEn ? "Craft" : "Крафт"}" src="/i/mod_common.gif" width="24" height="24" />
            <td align="center">
` : "";
function calcCraftAndAmmunitionPoints(playerLevel = PlayerLevel) {
    let ammunitionPointsTotal = 0;
    let craftTotal = 0;
    let artsRefs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div[id^=slot] a[href^='art_info.php?id=']"));
    if(artsRefs.length == 0) {
        artsRefs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("div.arts_info.shop_art_info a[href^='art_info.php?id=']"));
    artsRefs.forEach(x => {
        const hint = x.querySelector("img[hint]").getAttribute("hint");
        const craftExec = /\[(([IDN]\d{1,2})?(E\d{1,2})?(A\d{1,2})?(W\d{1,2})?(F\d{1,2})?)\]/.exec(hint);
        let craftRate = 1;
        if(craftExec) {
            const craftInfo = craftExec[1];
            const craftExec2 = craftInfo.match(/\d{1,2}/g);
            const craftSum = craftExec2.reduce((t, x) => t + parseInt(x), 0);
            craftTotal += craftSum;
            craftRate += craftSum * 0.02;
            //console.log(`craftInfo: ${craftInfo}, craftSum: ${craftSum}, craftRate: ${craftRate}`);
        const artName = getUrlParamValue(x.href, "id");
        const artInfo = ArtifactInfo[artName];
        if(artInfo) {
            const ammunitionPoints = typeof(artInfo.AmmunitionPoints) == "function" ? artInfo.AmmunitionPoints(playerLevel) : artInfo.AmmunitionPoints;
            //console.log(`typeof(artInfo.AmmunitionPoints): ${typeof(artInfo.AmmunitionPoints)}, ammunitionPoints: ${ammunitionPoints}`);
            ammunitionPointsTotal += Math.floor(ammunitionPoints * craftRate);
    return [craftTotal, ammunitionPointsTotal];
async function startRepairWaiting() {
    if(getBool("BeginRepairOnSmithFree") && isHeartOnPage) {
        let savedRepairEnd = getPlayerValue("RepairEnd");
        if(!savedRepairEnd || parseInt(savedRepairEnd) <= Date.now()) {
            let doc = await getRequest("/mod_workbench.php?type=repair");
            const leader = getRepairQueueLeader();
            if(leader) {
                savedRepairEnd = getPlayerValue("RepairEnd");
                if(savedRepairEnd) {
                    setTimeout(startRepairWaiting, parseInt(savedRepairEnd) - Date.now());
                } else {
                    const butValue = isEn ? "Repair" : "%CE%F2%F0%E5%EC%EE%ED%F2%E8%F0%EE%E2%E0%F2%FC";
                    await postRequest("/mod_workbench.php", `action=repair&art_id=${leader.Id}&art_id2=${leader.Id}&but=${butValue}`);
                    doc = await getRequest("/mod_workbench.php?type=repair");
        } else {
            setTimeout(startRepairWaiting, parseInt(savedRepairEnd) - Date.now());
function getRepairQueueLeader() {
    let savedSmithSchedulingRecords = getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords");
    if(savedSmithSchedulingRecords) {
        const smithSchedulingRecords = savedSmithSchedulingRecords.split("&").map(x => JSON.parse(x));
        return smithSchedulingRecords[0];
async function findClanDepository() {
    if(location.pathname=='/map.php' && location.search == '') {
        //console.log(`ClanDepository: ${getValue("ClanDepository")}, ClanDepositoryLocations: ${getValue("ClanDepositoryLocations")}`);
        const mapRightBlock = document.getElementById("map_right_block");
        if(mapRightBlock) {
            const sklad = mapRightBlock.querySelector("a[href^='sklad_info.php']");
            if(sklad) {
                setValue("InClanDepositorySector", true);
            const clanDepository = getValue("ClanDepository");
            if(sklad) {
                if(!clanDepository || clanDepository != sklad.href || !getValue("ClanDepositoryLocations")) {
                    setValue("ClanDepository", sklad.href);
                    const doc = await getRequest(sklad.href);
                    const stockSectorRefs = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("a[href^='map.php?cx']"));
                    const stockLocationNumbers = stockSectorRefs.map(x => getLocationNumberFromMapUrlByXy(x.href));
                    //console.log(`ClanDepositoryLocations: ${stockLocationNumbers.join()}`);
                    setValue("ClanDepositoryLocations", stockLocationNumbers.join());
            } else {
                if(clanDepository) {
                    const clanDepositoryLocations = getValue("ClanDepositoryLocations", "").split(",").filter(x => x != "").map(x => parseInt(x));
                    if(clanDepositoryLocations.includes(playerLocationNumber)) {
                        // Склада - нет, а мы в его секторе. Значит игрок вышел из клана
async function findClanDepositoryRepair() {
    const clanDepository = getValue("ClanDepository");
    if(isHeartOnPage && clanDepository && !getPlayerValue("RepairEnd") && getBool("BeginRepairClanDepository") && getBool("InClanDepositorySector")) {
        const clanDepositoryLastRequestedTime = getValue("ClanDepositoryLastRequestedTime");
        //console.log(`clanDepositoryLastRequestedTime: ${clanDepositoryLastRequestedTime}, ${((Date.now() - parseInt(clanDepositoryLastRequestedTime)) < 60 * 1000)}`);
        if(clanDepositoryLastRequestedTime && ((Date.now() - parseInt(clanDepositoryLastRequestedTime)) < 60 * 1000)) {
            setTimeout(findClanDepositoryRepair, 40 * (1 + Math.random()) * 1000);
        const doc = await getRequest(clanDepository);
        const repairRefs = doc.querySelectorAll("a[href*='sklad_info.php']"); //sklad_info.php?id=175&cat=-1&action=repair&repair_id=418409576&sign=4d0c5f8dfcc71ed0619916bdcbac8d9b
        setValue("ClanDepositoryLastRequestedTime", Date.now());
        let maxCost = 0;
        let repair;
        for(const repairRef of repairRefs) {
            if(getUrlParamValue(repairRef.href, "action") == "repair") {
                const td = getParent(repairRef, "td");
                const re = new RegExp(`${ isEn ? "Your cut" : "Вам" }: ([\\d,]+)`);
                //console.log(`td.innerHTML: ${td.innerHTML}, re: ${re}`);
                const result = re.exec(td.innerHTML);
                const cost = parseInt(result[1].replace(/,/g, ""));
                if(maxCost == 0 || cost > maxCost) {
                    maxCost = cost;
                    repair = repairRef;
        if(repair) {
            console.log(`repair found: ${repair.href}, maxCost: ${maxCost}`);
            let doc = await getRequest("/mod_workbench.php?type=repair");
            if(!getPlayerValue("RepairEnd")) {
                await getRequest(repair.href);
                doc = await getRequest("/mod_workbench.php?type=repair");
        } else {
            console.log("Clan depository needn't for repair");
            setTimeout(findClanDepositoryRepair, 40 * (1 + Math.random()) * 1000);
async function checkClanDepositoryNeedRepair() {
    const clanDepository = getValue("ClanDepository");
    const lastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestDate = parseInt(getValue("LastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestDate", 0));
    if(isHeartOnPage && clanDepository && (getValue("ShowClanDepositoryRepairIcon", "0") == "2" || getValue("ShowClanDepositoryRepairIcon", "0") == "1" && !getPlayerValue("RepairEnd"))) {
        //console.log(`clanDepository: ${clanDepository}, isOnClanDepositoryPage: ${location.href.includes(clanDepository)}, lastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestDate: ${Date.now() - lastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestDate}`);
        if(location.href.includes(clanDepository) || Date.now() - lastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestDate > 1000 * 60) {
            const doc = location.href.includes(clanDepository) ? document : await getRequest(clanDepository);
        const lastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestResult = getValue("LastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestResult");
        toggleHomeIndicator("https://dcdn.heroeswm.ru/i/castle_im/btn_forge.png", lastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestResult, clanDepository, !!lastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestResult, "StockRepairSignTitle", "StockRepairSign");
function parseClanDepositoryNeedRepair(doc) {
    setValue("LastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestDate", Date.now());
    const bolds = doc.querySelectorAll("b");
    for(const bold of bolds) {
        if(bold.innerHTML.includes(isEn ? "Artifacts to repair" : "Артефакты для ремонта")) {
            var artsForRepairContainer = getParent(bold, "tr").nextElementSibling;
    if(artsForRepairContainer) {
        const arts = artsForRepairContainer.querySelectorAll("a[href^='art_info.php']");
        const lastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestResult = isEn ? `There are ${arts.length} artifacts in stock in need of repair` : `На складе ${arts.length} артефакт(а)(ов) требует ремонта`;
        setValue("LastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestResult", lastClanDepositoryNeedRepairRequestResult);
    } else {
async function smithScheduling() {
    if(!getBool("SmithSchedulingEnabled")) {
    const repairRefs = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='sklad_info.php']"); //sklad_info.php?id=175&cat=-1&action=repair&repair_id=418409576&sign=4d0c5f8dfcc71ed0619916bdcbac8d9b
    for(const repairRef of repairRefs) {
        if(getUrlParamValue(repairRef.href, "action") == "repair") {
            repairRef.addEventListener("click", function() { setValue("RepairAwaiting", Date.now()); }, false);
    if(location.pathname=='/mod_workbench.php' && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "type") == "repair") {
        const artsInfos = parseSmithPage(document);
        const baseTable = document.querySelector("table.wbwhite");
        const tr = addElement("tr", undefined, baseTable);
        const container = addElement("td", undefined, tr);
        refreshSmithScheduleTable(container, artsInfos);
        refreshSmithBrokenArtsTable(container, artsInfos);


        const but = document.querySelector("input[name='but']");
        if(but) {
            but.addEventListener("click", function() { setValue("RepairAwaiting", Date.now()); }, false);
    } else if(getValue("RepairAwaiting")) {
        const doc = await getRequest("/mod_workbench.php?type=repair");
        parseSmithPage(doc); // Обновим информацию, т.к. ожидаем, что начали ремонт не через основной интерфейс
function selectItemForRepair() {
    const savedSmithSchedulingRecords = getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords");
    const savedRepairEnd = getPlayerValue("RepairEnd");
    const artsList = document.querySelector("select[name='art_id']");
    if(/*!savedRepairEnd && */savedSmithSchedulingRecords && artsList && artsList.value == "0" && !getBool("BeginRepairOnSmithFree")) {
        const smithSchedulingRecords = savedSmithSchedulingRecords.split("&").map(x => JSON.parse(x));
        artsList.value = smithSchedulingRecords[0].Id;
function addArtToSmithSchedule(artInfo, container, artsInfos) {
    const savedSmithSchedulingRecords = getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords");
    const actualRecords = [];
    if(savedSmithSchedulingRecords) {
        //console.log(`savedSmithSchedulingRecords: ${savedSmithSchedulingRecords}`)
        const smithSchedulingRecords = savedSmithSchedulingRecords.split("&").map(x => JSON.parse(x));
        const found = smithSchedulingRecords.find(x => x.Id == artInfo.Id);
        if(found) {
        var lastQueue = smithSchedulingRecords.reduce((c, e) => Math.max(c, e.Queue), smithSchedulingRecords[0].Queue);
    artInfo.Queue = (lastQueue || 0) + 1;
    setPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords", actualRecords.join("&"));

    refreshSmithScheduleTable(container, artsInfos);
    refreshSmithBrokenArtsTable(container, artsInfos);
function deleteArtFromSmithSchedule(artInfo, container, artsInfos) {
    const savedSmithSchedulingRecords = getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords");    //console.log(`SmithSchedulingRecords: ${getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords")}`);
    if(savedSmithSchedulingRecords) {
        const smithSchedulingRecords = savedSmithSchedulingRecords.split("&").map(x => JSON.parse(x)).filter(x => x.Id != artInfo.Id);
        smithSchedulingRecords.sort((a, b) => a.Queue == b.Queue ? 0 : (a.Queue > b.Queue ? 1 : -1));
        let i = 1;
        for(const smithSchedulingRecord of smithSchedulingRecords) {
            smithSchedulingRecord.Queue = i++;
        setPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords", smithSchedulingRecords.map(x => JSON.stringify(x)).join("&"));        //console.log(`SmithSchedulingRecords: ${getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords")}`);
        if(container) {
            refreshSmithScheduleTable(container, artsInfos);
            refreshSmithBrokenArtsTable(container, artsInfos);
function upArtInSmithSchedule(artInfo, scheduleRow, queueColumnIndex) {
    const smithSchedulingRecords = getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords").split("&").map(x => JSON.parse(x));
    const artIndex = smithSchedulingRecords.findIndex(x => x.Id == artInfo.Id);
    //console.log(`artInfo.Id: ${artInfo.Id}, artIndex: ${artIndex}`);
    if(artIndex == 0) {
    smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex].Queue -= 1;
    scheduleRow.cells[queueColumnIndex].innerText = smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex].Queue;

    smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex - 1].Queue += 1;
    scheduleRow.previousElementSibling.cells[queueColumnIndex].innerText = smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex - 1].Queue;

    smithSchedulingRecords.splice(artIndex - 1, 2, smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex], smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex - 1]);
    setPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords", smithSchedulingRecords.map(x => JSON.stringify(x)).join("&"));
    scheduleRow.parentNode.insertBefore(scheduleRow, scheduleRow.previousElementSibling);
function downArtInSmithSchedule(artInfo, scheduleRow, queueColumnIndex) {
    const smithSchedulingRecords = getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords").split("&").map(x => JSON.parse(x));
    const artIndex = smithSchedulingRecords.findIndex(x => x.Id == artInfo.Id);
    //console.log(`artInfo.Id: ${artInfo.Id}, artIndex: ${artIndex}`);
    if(artIndex == smithSchedulingRecords.length - 1) {
    smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex].Queue += 1;
    scheduleRow.cells[queueColumnIndex].innerText = smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex].Queue;

    smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex + 1].Queue -= 1;
    scheduleRow.nextElementSibling.cells[queueColumnIndex].innerText = smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex + 1].Queue;

    smithSchedulingRecords.splice(artIndex, 2, smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex + 1], smithSchedulingRecords[artIndex]);
    setPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords", smithSchedulingRecords.map(x => JSON.stringify(x)).join("&"));
    scheduleRow.parentNode.insertBefore(scheduleRow.nextElementSibling, scheduleRow);
function refreshSmithBrokenArtsTable(container, artsInfos) {
    const table = container.querySelector("table#SmithBrokenArtsTable") || addElement("table", { id: "SmithBrokenArtsTable" }, container);
    table.innerHTML = "";
    const smithSchedulingRecordsIds = (getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords")?.split("&").map(x => JSON.parse(x).Id)) || [];
    const artsInfosFiltered = artsInfos.filter(x => !smithSchedulingRecordsIds.includes(x.Id));
    if(artsInfosFiltered.length > 0) {
        const buttonsClass = "inv_text_kukla_btn inv_text_kukla_btn_hover";
        const cellStyle = "border: 1px solid #f5c137; overflow: hidden;";
        const scheduleRow = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
        addElement("td", { innerHTML: "<b>Номер арта</b>", style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
        addElement("td", { innerHTML: "<b>Наименование (прочность)</b>", style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
        addElement("td", { innerHTML: "<b>Поставить в очередь</b>", style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
        for(const artInfo of artsInfosFiltered) {
            const scheduleRow = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: artInfo.Id, style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${artInfo.Name} [0/${artInfo.Durability2}]`, style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
            const toQueueTd = addElement("td", { style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
            const toQueueButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: "В очередь", class: buttonsClass }, toQueueTd);
            toQueueButton.addEventListener("click", function() { addArtToSmithSchedule(artInfo, container, artsInfos); }, false);
function refreshSmithScheduleTable(container, artsInfos) {
    const cellStyle = "border: 1px solid #f5c137; overflow: hidden;";
    const table = container.querySelector("table#SmithScheduleTable") || addElement("table", { id: "SmithScheduleTable" }, container);
    table.innerHTML = "";
    const savedSmithSchedulingRecords = getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords");
    if(savedSmithSchedulingRecords) {
        const buttonsClass = "inv_text_kukla_btn inv_text_kukla_btn_hover";
        const smithSchedulingRecords = savedSmithSchedulingRecords.split("&").map(x => JSON.parse(x));
        const scheduleRow = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
        addElement("td", { innerHTML: "<b>Номер арта</b>", style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
        addElement("td", { innerHTML: "<b>Наименование (прочность)</b>", style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
        addElement("td", { innerHTML: "<b>Очередь</b>", style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
        addElement("td", { innerHTML: "<b>Поднять</b>", style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
        addElement("td", { innerHTML: "<b>Опустить</b>", style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
        addElement("td", { innerHTML: "<b>Удалить</b>", style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
        const deleteButtonName = isEn ? "Delete" : (Math.random() < 0.05 ? "Нах" : "Удалить");
        for(const smithSchedulingRecord of smithSchedulingRecords) {
            const scheduleRow = addElement("tr", undefined, table);
            addElement("td", { innerText: smithSchedulingRecord.Id, style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
            addElement("td", { innerText: `${smithSchedulingRecord.Name} [0/${smithSchedulingRecord.Durability2}]`, style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
            addElement("td", { innerText: smithSchedulingRecord.Queue, style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);

            const upTd = addElement("td", { style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
            const upButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: "Вверх", class: buttonsClass }, upTd);
            upButton.addEventListener("click", function() { upArtInSmithSchedule(smithSchedulingRecord, scheduleRow, 2); }, false);

            const downTd = addElement("td", { style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
            const downButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: "Вниз", class: buttonsClass }, downTd);
            downButton.addEventListener("click", function() { downArtInSmithSchedule(smithSchedulingRecord, scheduleRow, 2); }, false);

            const deleteFromQueueTd = addElement("td", { style: cellStyle }, scheduleRow);
            const deleteFromQueueButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: deleteButtonName, class: buttonsClass }, deleteFromQueueTd);
            deleteFromQueueButton.addEventListener("click", function() { deleteArtFromSmithSchedule(smithSchedulingRecord, container, artsInfos); }, false);
function repackSavedSmithSchedule(brokenArts) {
    const savedSmithSchedulingRecords = getPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords");
    const actualRecords = [];
    if(savedSmithSchedulingRecords) {
        const smithSchedulingRecords = savedSmithSchedulingRecords.split("&").map(x => JSON.parse(x));
        for(const smithSchedulingRecord of smithSchedulingRecords) {
            const found = brokenArts.find(x => x.Id == smithSchedulingRecord.Id);
            if(found) {
    if(actualRecords.length > 0) {
        actualRecords.sort((a, b) => a.Queue == b.Queue ? 0 : (a.Queue > b.Queue ? 1 : -1));
        let i = 1;
        for(const actualRecord of actualRecords) {
            actualRecord.Queue = i++;
        setPlayerValue("SmithSchedulingRecords", actualRecords.map(x => JSON.stringify(x)).join("&"));
    } else {
function parseSmithPage(doc) {
    const allb = doc.querySelectorAll("b");
    for(const b of allb) {
        if(b.innerText.includes(LocalizedString.UnderRepair)) {
            var repairData = b.innerText;
    if(repairData) {
        const restRepairTime = { Hours: 0, Minutes: 0, Seconds: 59 };
        //В ремонте: еще 1 ч. 31 мин. //Under repair another 1 h. 17 min.
        const hoursRegex = new RegExp(`(\\d+) ${isEn ? "h" : "ч"}\\.`);
        const hoursRegexResult = hoursRegex.exec(repairData);
        if(hoursRegexResult) {
            restRepairTime.Hours = parseInt(hoursRegexResult[1]);
        const minutesRegex = new RegExp(`(\\d+) ${isEn ? "min" : "мин"}\\.`);
        const minutesRegexResult = minutesRegex.exec(repairData);
        if(minutesRegexResult) {
            restRepairTime.Minutes = parseInt(minutesRegexResult[1]);
        const repairEnd = new Date();
        repairEnd.setHours(repairEnd.getHours() + restRepairTime.Hours);
        repairEnd.setMinutes(repairEnd.getMinutes() + restRepairTime.Minutes);
        repairEnd.setSeconds(repairEnd.getSeconds() + restRepairTime.Seconds);

        const savedRepairEnd = getPlayerValue("RepairEnd");
        if(!savedRepairEnd || Math.abs(repairEnd.getTime() - parseInt(savedRepairEnd)) / 1000 / 60 > 2) {
            setPlayerValue("RepairEnd", repairEnd.getTime());
    } else {

    const artsInfos = [];
    const artsList = document.querySelector("select[name='art_id']");
    if(artsList) {
        const artsOptions = artsList.querySelectorAll("option");
        for(const artsOption of artsOptions) {
            const id = parseInt(artsOption.value);
            if(id > 0) {
                const artInfoExec = /(.+) \[0\/(\d+)\]/.exec(artsOption.innerText);
                //console.log(`artsOption.innerText: ${artsOption.innerText}, artInfoExec: ${artInfoExec}`);
                const artInfo = { Id: id, Name: artInfoExec[1], Durability2: parseInt(artInfoExec[2]) };
    return artsInfos;
function updateRepairTimerPanel(panelId) {
    const repairTimerPanel = document.querySelector(`#${panelId}`);
    let savedRepairEnd = getPlayerValue("RepairEnd");
    if(repairTimerPanel && savedRepairEnd) {
        savedRepairEnd = parseInt(savedRepairEnd);
        const now = Date.now();
        if(savedRepairEnd > now) {
            let diff = savedRepairEnd - now;
            const days = Math.floor(diff / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24);
            diff -= days * 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
            const hours = Math.floor(diff / 1000 / 60 / 60);
            diff -= hours * 1000 * 60 * 60;
            const mimutes = Math.floor(diff / 1000 / 60);
            diff -= mimutes * 1000 * 60;
            const seconds = Math.floor(diff / 1000);
            const formatedTime = (days > 0 ? days + " " : "") + (hours > 0 ? hours + ":" : "") + ( (mimutes < 10) ? '0' : '' ) + mimutes + ':' + (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds;
            repairTimerPanel.innerText = formatedTime;
            setTimeout(function() { updateRepairTimerPanel(panelId); }, 1000);
        } else {
            repairTimerPanel.innerText = "";

function attachArtTtransferActionsToItems() {
    if(!getBool("ArtBulkTtransferEnabled")) {
    let artInfoDivs = document.querySelectorAll("div.inventory_item_div.inventory_item2");
    //console.log(`artInfoDivs.length: ${artInfoDivs.length}`);
    for(const artInfoDiv of artInfoDivs) {
        const artIndex = parseInt(artInfoDiv.getAttribute("art_idx"));
        const artInfo = win.arts[artIndex];
        if(!artInfo) { console.log(`artIndex: ${artIndex}`); continue; }
        if(artInfo.transfer_ok == 0) {
        const artId = artInfo.art_id;
        const artUid = artInfo.id;
        const hint = artInfoDiv.querySelector(".cre_mon_image2.show_hint").getAttribute("hint");
        const craftInfo = extractCraftInfo(hint);
        const artInfoDivRect = artInfoDiv.getBoundingClientRect();
        const isBroken = artInfo.can_be_repaired == 1 ? true : false;
        //const isBroken = artInfoDiv.querySelector("div.inventory_item_normal.inventory_item_broken") ? true : false;
        const verticalShiftDown = 9;
        const artTransferFormActivatorWidth = 15;
        const artTransferFormActivatorHeight = 15;
        let rects;
        if(InventoryArtMenuDirection == InventoryArtMenuDirections.Horizontal) {
            rects = {
                artSelector: {
                    top: artInfoDivRect.height - 18 + verticalShiftDown,
                    left: artInfoDivRect.width - 18 + 9
                artTransferFormActivator: {
                    top: artInfoDivRect.height - artTransferFormActivatorHeight - 1 + verticalShiftDown,
                    left: artInfoDivRect.width - artTransferFormActivatorWidth - 5,
                    height: artTransferFormActivatorHeight,
                    width: artTransferFormActivatorWidth
                artSaleButton: {
                    top: artInfoDivRect.height - artTransferFormActivatorHeight - 1 + verticalShiftDown,
                    left: artInfoDivRect.width - artTransferFormActivatorWidth * 2 - 5,
                    height: artTransferFormActivatorHeight,
                    width: artTransferFormActivatorWidth
        } else {
            rects = {
                artSelector: {
                    top: artInfoDivRect.height - 18 + verticalShiftDown,
                    left: artInfoDivRect.width - 18 + 9
                artTransferFormActivator: {
                    top: artInfoDivRect.height - 18 + verticalShiftDown - artTransferFormActivatorHeight + 3,
                    left: artInfoDivRect.width - 18 + 12,
                    height: artTransferFormActivatorHeight,
                    width: artTransferFormActivatorWidth
                artSaleButton: {
                    top: artInfoDivRect.height - 18 + verticalShiftDown - artTransferFormActivatorHeight * 2 + 3,
                    left: artInfoDivRect.width - 18 + 12,
                    height: artTransferFormActivatorHeight,
                    width: artTransferFormActivatorWidth
                artDataFormActivator: {
                    top: artInfoDivRect.height - 18 + verticalShiftDown - artTransferFormActivatorHeight * 3 + 3,
                    left: artInfoDivRect.width - 18 + 12,
                    height: artTransferFormActivatorHeight,
                    width: artTransferFormActivatorWidth
        const artSelector = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", name: "artSelector", artId: artId, artUid: artUid, artIndex: artIndex, style: `position: absolute; top: ${rects.artSelector.top}px; left: ${rects.artSelector.left}px; z-index: 3;` }, artInfoDiv);
        if(isBroken) {
            artSelector.setAttribute("isBroken", isBroken);
        artSelector.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
            const selectedArts = document.querySelectorAll("input[name='artSelector']:checked");
            document.getElementById("ArtBulkTtransferTransferButton").disabled = document.getElementById("ArtBulkTtransferWithRecallInButton").disabled = selectedArts.length == 0;
            const selectedArtsArray = Array.from(selectedArts);
            let isBrokenCheckBox = selectedArtsArray.find(x => x.hasAttribute("isBroken"));
            document.getElementById("ArtBulkTtransferIntoRepairsButton").disabled = isBrokenCheckBox ? false : true;

        const artTransferFormActivator = addElement("input", { type: "image", src: "/i/inv_im/btn_art_transfer.png", name: "artTransferFormActivator", value: "...", artIndex: artIndex, style: `position: absolute; top: ${rects.artTransferFormActivator.top}px; left: ${rects.artTransferFormActivator.left}px; z-index: 3; width: ${rects.artTransferFormActivator.width}px; height: ${rects.artTransferFormActivator.height}px;`, title: LocalizedString.TransferData }, artInfoDiv);
        artTransferFormActivator.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); showTransferDataPanel(parseInt(this.getAttribute("artIndex"))); });

        const artSaleButton = addElement("input", { type: "image", src: "/i/r/48/gold.png", name: "artSaleButton", value: "...", artIndex: artIndex, style: `position: absolute; top: ${rects.artSaleButton.top}px; left: ${rects.artSaleButton.left}px; z-index: 3; width: ${rects.artSaleButton.width}px; height: ${rects.artSaleButton.height}px;`, title: artInfo.can_be_repaired == 0 ? LocalizedString.Sale : LocalizedString.ToMarket }, artInfoDiv);
        artSaleButton.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
            if(artInfo.can_be_repaired == 0) {
                setValue("ArtSave", JSON.stringify({ Id: artId, Uid: artUid, ArtType: artId, Strength: artInfo.durability2, RestStrength: artInfo.durability1, CraftInfo: craftInfo }));
            } else {
        if(getBool("ShowArtifactInformationIconInInventory", true)) {
            const artDataFormActivator = addElement("input", { type: "image", src: "https://dcdn.heroeswm.ru/i/inv_im/btn_art_info1.png", name: "artDataFormActivator", value: "...", artIndex: artIndex, style: `position: absolute; top: ${rects.artDataFormActivator.top}px; left: ${rects.artDataFormActivator.left}px; z-index: 3; width: ${rects.artDataFormActivator.width}px; height: ${rects.artDataFormActivator.height}px;`, title: isEn ? "Info" : "Инфо" }, artInfoDiv);
            //console.log(`hint: ${hint}, craftInfo: ${craftInfo}`)
            artDataFormActivator.addEventListener("click", function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); openArtPriceSettings(artUid, artId, craftInfo); });
function createPersonPageSellResourceReferences() {
    if(location.pathname == '/pl_info.php' && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") == PlayerId) {
        const resourcesPanel = getResourcesPanel();
function createPersonPageSellResourceReferencesCore(resourcesPanel) {
    const resourceSlots = resourcesPanel.querySelectorAll("div.resourceSlot");
    //console.log(`createPersonPageSellResourceReferencesCore resourceSlots: ${resourceSlots.length}`);
    for(const resourceSlot of resourceSlots) {
        const amountSlot = resourceSlot.querySelector("div.amountSlot");
        const amount = parseInt(amountSlot.innerHTML);
        const auctionReference = resourceSlot.querySelector("a");
        const artType = getUrlParamValue(auctionReference.href, "art_type");
        const artCategory = getUrlParamValue(auctionReference.href, "cat");
        let artId;
        let sellAmount = 0;
        if(artCategory == "part") {
            artId = artType.replace("part_", "ARTPART_");
            sellAmount = amount >= 20 ? 20 : 0;
        if(artCategory == "elements") {
            artId = getElementOptionValueByName(artType);
            sellAmount = 1;
        if(sellAmount > 0) {
            amountSlot.setAttribute("title", "Продать");
            amountSlot.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
                setValue("ArtSave", JSON.stringify({ Id: artId, Amount: sellAmount, ArtType: artType }));
    if(resourceSlots.length == 0) {
        observe(resourcesPanel, function() { createPersonPageSellResourceReferencesCore(resourcesPanel); });
function getResourcesPanel() {
    const tables = document.querySelectorAll("table.wblight");
    for(const table of tables) {
        const bolds = table.querySelectorAll("b");
        for(const bold of bolds) {
            if(bold.innerText == (isEn ? "Resources" : "Ресурсы")) {
                return table.rows[1].cells[0];
function drawArtsTtransferPanel() {
    if(!getBool("ArtBulkTtransferEnabled")) {
    const containerBlock = document.querySelector("div.container_block");
    const bulkSend = addElement("div", { class: "inv_note_kukla", style: "padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px" }, containerBlock);
    const buttonsClass = "inv_text_kukla_btn inv_text_kukla_btn_hover"
    addElement("div", { innerText: LocalizedString.Transfer, class: "inv_scroll_content_inside" }, bulkSend);

    addElement("br", undefined, bulkSend);

    addElement("span", { innerText: LocalizedString.Receiver }, bulkSend);
    const receiverName = addElement("input", { id: "TransferReceiverNameInput", type: "text", value: getValue("LastReceiver", ""), style: "width: 100px;", autocomplete: "off", onfocus: "this.value = ''; document.getElementById('receiverNames').style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('receiverNames').style.display = 'none';" }, bulkSend);
    createDataList(receiverName, "receiverNames", buttonsClass);

    addElement("br", undefined, bulkSend);
    const transferButton = addElement("input", { id: "ArtBulkTtransferTransferButton", type: "button", value: LocalizedString.IntoOwnership, title: LocalizedString.IntoOwnershipTitle, class: buttonsClass }, bulkSend);
    transferButton.disabled = true;
    transferButton.addEventListener("click", transferArts);

    const withRecallInButton = addElement("input", { id: "ArtBulkTtransferWithRecallInButton", type: "button", value: LocalizedString.WithRecallIn, title: LocalizedString.WithRecallInTitle, class: buttonsClass }, bulkSend);
    withRecallInButton.disabled = true;
    withRecallInButton.addEventListener("click", transferArtsWithRecall);

    addElement("br", undefined, bulkSend);

    addElement("span", { innerText: LocalizedString.PercentOfRepairCost }, bulkSend);
    const lastTransferRepairsPercentInput = addElement("input", { type: "number", value: getValue("LastTransferRepairsPercent", "100"), min: "10", max: "150", style: "width: 50px;" }, bulkSend);
    lastTransferRepairsPercentInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberValue("LastTransferRepairsPercent", this.value); });
    const intoRepairsButton = addElement("input", { id: "ArtBulkTtransferIntoRepairsButton", type: "button", value: LocalizedString.IntoRepairs, title: LocalizedString.IntoRepairsTitle, class: buttonsClass }, bulkSend);
    intoRepairsButton.disabled = true;
    intoRepairsButton.addEventListener("click", repairArts);

    const all_trades_from_me = document.querySelector("div#all_trades_from_me");
    const cancelTransferButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: LocalizedString.CancelAll, class: buttonsClass }, bulkSend);
    cancelTransferButton.disabled = all_trades_from_me ? false : true;
    cancelTransferButton.addEventListener("click", cancelTransfers);

    if(getPlayerBool("ShowKits")) {
        const createKitButton = addElement("input", { id: "CreateKitButton", type: "button", value: isEn ? "Create kit" : "Создать комплект", class: buttonsClass }, bulkSend);
        createKitButton.addEventListener("click", function() { new KitsManager().Create(); });
function auctionNewLot() {
    const sel = document.querySelector("select#sel");
    const anl_count = document.querySelector("input#anl_count");
    anl_count.type = "number";
    anl_count.setAttribute("onfocus", "this.select();");

    const anl_price = document.querySelector("input#anl_price");
    anl_price.type = "number";
    anl_price.setAttribute("onfocus", "this.select();");
    //anl_price.setAttribute("step", "10"); // Допускает только кратные 10-ти значения
    const saleInfo = addElement("b", { style: "margin-left: 5px;" });
    anl_price.parentNode.insertBefore(saleInfo, anl_price.nextElementSibling);
    anl_price.addEventListener("change", function() {
        if(sel.selectedIndex > -1) {
            saleInfo.innerText = "";
            const artInfo = calcArtTypeAndCategory(sel.value);
            const strengthExec = /(\d+)\/(\d+)/.exec(sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].text);
            if(strengthExec && strengthExec.length >=3) {
                const strength = parseInt(strengthExec[2]);
                const restStrength = parseInt(strengthExec[1]);
                const art = new ArtifactLot(artInfo.Uid, artInfo.Id, strength, restStrength, parseInt(this.value));
                saleInfo.innerText = `${LocalizedString.BattlePrice}: ${art.OptimalRepairCombatCost}, ${LocalizedString.Strength}: ${art.OptimalRepairStrength}, ${LocalizedString.Combats}: ${art.OptimalRepairCombatsAmount}`;
    const anl_form_ok = document.querySelector("form[name='anl_form_ok']");
    const formContainer = anl_form_ok.parentNode;
    const marketContainer = addElement("div");
    formContainer.parentNode.insertBefore(marketContainer, formContainer.nextElementSibling);

    sel.addEventListener("change", function() {
        const art = calcArtTypeAndCategory(this.value);
        const craftInfo = extractCraftInfo(this.options[this.selectedIndex].text);
        const strengthExec = /(\d+)\/(\d+)/.exec(this.options[this.selectedIndex].text);
        let strength;
        let restStrength;
        if(strengthExec && strengthExec.length >=3) {
            strength = parseInt(strengthExec[2]);
            restStrength = parseInt(strengthExec[1]);
        setValue("ArtSave", JSON.stringify({ Id: art.Id, Uid: art.Uid, ArtType: art.ArtType, CraftInfo: craftInfo, Strength: strength, RestStrength: restStrength }));
        loadLots(marketContainer, getAuctionUrl(this.value));
    const toMarketButton = document.querySelector("div[onclick*='auction.php']");
    toMarketButton.onclick = "";
    toMarketButton.addEventListener("click", function() { getURL(getAuctionUrl(sel.value)); });

    const art = JSON.parse(getValue("ArtSave", "{}"));
    if(art.Id) {
        let searchStr = `option[value='${art.Id}']`;
        if(art.Uid) {
            searchStr = `option[value^='${art.Id}@']`;
        const options = Array.from(sel.querySelectorAll(searchStr));
        if(options.length == 1) {
            options[0].selected = true;
        } else if(options.length > 1) {
            const found = options.find(x => x.value.includes(art.Uid) || x.innerText.includes(`${art.RestStrength}/${art.Strength}`));
            if(found) {
                found.selected = true;
        anl_count.value = art.Amount || 1;
    loadLots(marketContainer, getAuctionUrl(sel.value));
async function loadLots(marketContainer, url) {
    marketContainer.innerHTML = "";
    if(url && getUrlParamValue(url, "cat")) {
        const doc = await getRequest(url);
        const extendResult = extendLotsTable(doc, url, true);
        if(extendResult.Table) {
            const art = JSON.parse(getValue("ArtSave", "{}"));
            if(art.ArtType) {
                const artId = art.ArtType;
                const isArt = artId in ArtifactInfo;
                const anl_price = document.querySelector("input#anl_price");
                if(isArt) {
                    const cheapestLot = JSON.parse(getValue("LastBestLotData_" + artId + (art.CraftInfo ? "Craft" + art.CraftInfo: ""), "{}"));
                    anl_price.value = adjustToCheapest(art) || "";
                    anl_price.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
                    anl_price.dispatchEvent(new Event('keyup'));
                } else {
                    const minLotPrice = parseInt(getValue("LastBestLotData_" + artId, 0));
                    console.log(`minLotPrice: ${minLotPrice}`);
                    anl_price.value = Math.max(minLotPrice - 1, 0);
function adjustToCheapest(art) {
    const cheapestLot = JSON.parse(getValue("LastBestLotData_" + art.ArtType + (art.CraftInfo ? "Craft" + art.CraftInfo: ""), "{}"));
    const etalonBattleCost = cheapestLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost;
    let testPrice = cheapestLot.LotPrice;
    let i = 0;
    while(true) {
        const artefactLot = new ArtifactLot(art.Uid, art.Id, art.Strength, art.RestStrength, testPrice);
        const approximationPercent = Math.round(artefactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost / etalonBattleCost * 100);
        console.log(`i: ${i}, testPrice: ${testPrice}, CombatCost: ${artefactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost}, etalonBattleCost: ${etalonBattleCost}, approximationPercent: ${approximationPercent}`);
        if(artefactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost == etalonBattleCost) {
            return testPrice - 1;
        if(artefactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost < etalonBattleCost && artefactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost + 1 > etalonBattleCost) {
            return testPrice;
        testPrice = Math.floor(testPrice * etalonBattleCost / artefactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost);
        // if(Math.abs(100 - approximationPercent) < 3) {
            // testPrice += Math.sign(etalonBattleCost - artefactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost);
        // } else {
            // testPrice = Math.floor(testPrice * etalonBattleCost / artefactLot.OptimalRepairCombatCost);
        // }
        if(i > 200) {
    return testPrice;
async function transferArts() {
    const receiverName = document.getElementById("TransferReceiverNameInput");
    const receiver = receiverName.value;
    if(!receiver || receiver == "") {
    setValue("LastReceiver", receiver);
    insertReceiverName("receiverNames", receiver);
    const selectedArts = document.querySelectorAll("input[name='artSelector']:checked");
    for(const selectedArt of selectedArts) {
        const artUid = parseInt(selectedArt.getAttribute("artUid"));
        const artId = selectedArt.getAttribute("artId");
        const gold = parseInt(getValue("TransferGold" + artUid) || getValue("TransferGold" + artId)) || 0;
        await postRequest("/art_transfer.php", `id=${artUid}&nick=${receiver}&gold=${gold}&sendtype=1&dtime=0&bcount=0&rep_price=0&art_id=&sign=${win.sign}`);
async function transferArtsWithRecall() {
    const receiverName = document.getElementById("TransferReceiverNameInput");
    const receiver = receiverName.value;
    if(!receiver || receiver == "") {
    setValue("LastReceiver", receiver);
    insertReceiverName("receiverNames", receiver);
    const selectedArts = document.querySelectorAll("input[name='artSelector']:checked");
    for(const selectedArt of selectedArts) {
        const artUid = parseInt(selectedArt.getAttribute("artUid"));
        const artId = selectedArt.getAttribute("artId");

        const gold = parseInt(getValue("TransferGold" + artUid) || getValue("TransferGold" + artId)) || 0;
        const days = parseFloat(getValue("TransferDays" + artUid) || getValue("TransferDays" + artId)) || 0;
        const combats = parseInt(getValue("TransferCombats" + artUid) || getValue("TransferCombats" + artId)) || 0;
        const allowRepairing = (getValue("TransferAllowRepairing" + artUid, "0") == "0" && getBool("TransferAllowRepairing" + artId) || getValue("TransferAllowRepairing" + artUid, "0") == "2") ? "&rep=on" : "";
        //console.log(`artUid: ${artId}, repairCost: ${repairCost}, repairsPercent: ${repairsPercent}, repairPrice: ${repairPrice}`);
        if(gold > 0 && days > 0 && combats > 0) {
            await postRequest("/art_transfer.php", `id=${artUid}&nick=${receiver}&gold=${gold}&sendtype=2&dtime=${days}&bcount=${combats}${allowRepairing}&rep_price=0&art_id=&sign=${win.sign}`);
async function showTradesToMeIndicator() {
    if(getBool("ShowTradesToMe") && isHeartOnPage) {
        await readTradesToMe();
        const trades = getValue("TradesToMe", "").split("&").filter(x => x != "").map(x => JSON.parse(x));
        toggleHomeIndicator("https://dcdn.heroeswm.ru/i/inv_im/btn_art_put.png", `${isEn ? "Trades for me" : "Передач вам" }: ${trades.length}`, "/inventory.php", trades.length > 0, "TradesToMeSignTitle", "TradesToMeSign");
async function showThresholdPricesIndicator() {
    if(getBool("ShowThresholdPricesIndicator") && isHeartOnPage) {
        const thresholdPrices = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("ThresholdPrices", "[]"));
        const currentArtId = location.pathname == '/auction.php' ? getUrlParamValue(location.href, "art_type") : undefined;
        if(currentArtId && thresholdPrices.find(x => x.ArtId == currentArtId)) {
        const timeExpired = Date.now() > parseInt(getValue("ShowThresholdPricesImdicatorLastRequestTime", 0)) + 1000 * 60;
        //console.log(`showThresholdPricesIndicator ShowThresholdPricesData: ${getValue("ShowThresholdPricesData")}, timeExpired: ${timeExpired}, isMooving: ${isMooving}`);
        if(timeExpired && !isMooving) {
            setValue("ShowThresholdPricesImdicatorLastRequestTime", Date.now());
            for(const thresholdPrice of thresholdPrices) {
                const doc = await getRequest(thresholdPrice.Url);
                const elementMarketInfos = extendLotsTable(doc, thresholdPrice.Url, false, true).Arts;
                const arts = elementMarketInfos[thresholdPrice.ArtId];
                if(!arts || arts.length == 0) {
                //console.log(`artId: ${thresholdPrice.ArtId}, url: ${thresholdPrice.Url}, thresholdPrice: ${thresholdPrice.Price}, thresholdBattlePrice: ${thresholdPrice.BattlePrice}`);
                const minLotPrice = arts.reduce((c, e) => Math.min(c, e.LotPrice), arts[0].LotPrice);
                const minLotBattlePrice = arts.reduce((c, e) => Math.min(c, e.OptimalRepairCombatCost), arts[0].OptimalRepairCombatCost);

                const thresholdExists = minLotPrice <= thresholdPrice.Price || minLotBattlePrice <= thresholdPrice.BattlePrice;
                //console.log(`artId: ${thresholdPrice.ArtId}, url: ${thresholdPrice.Url}, thresholdPrice: ${thresholdPrice.Price}, thresholdBattlePrice: ${thresholdPrice.BattlePrice}, minLotPrice: ${minLotPrice}, minLotBattlePrice: ${minLotBattlePrice}`);
                if(thresholdExists) {
                    setValue("ShowThresholdPricesData", thresholdPrice.Url);
                    if(getBool("ShowThresholdPricesNotification")) {
                        const lotId = arts.find(x => x.LotPrice == minLotPrice).LotId;
                        if(!getValue(`NotificatedThresholdPricesLotId${lotId}`)) {
                            setValue(`NotificatedThresholdPricesLotId${lotId}`, Date.now());
                            GM.notification(`${isEn ? "Advantageous lot" : "Выгодный лот" }`, "ГВД", "https://dcdn2.heroeswm.ru/i/forum/130_1.png?v=1", function() { window.focus(); console.log(getValue("ShowThresholdPricesData")); window.location.href = getValue("ShowThresholdPricesData"); });
        if(getValue("ShowThresholdPricesData")) {
            toggleHomeIndicator("https://dcdn2.heroeswm.ru/i/forum/130_1.png?v=1", `${isEn ? "Advantageous lot" : "Выгодный лот" }`, getValue("ShowThresholdPricesData"), true, "ThresholdPricesTitle", "ThresholdPrices");
        setTimeout(showThresholdPricesIndicator, 1000 * (120 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 12)));
async function readTradesToMe(force = false) {
    const lastTradesToMeRequestDate = parseInt(getValue("LastTradesToMeRequestDate", 0));
    const isOnInventoryPage = location.href.includes("inventory.php");
    //console.log(`TradesToMe: ${getValue("TradesToMe")}, isOnInventoryPage: ${isOnInventoryPage}, lastTradesToMeRequestDate: ${Date.now() - lastTradesToMeRequestDate}`);
    if(isOnInventoryPage || Date.now() - lastTradesToMeRequestDate > 1000 * 60 * 2 || force) {
        setValue("LastTradesToMeRequestDate", Date.now());
        const doc = isOnInventoryPage ? document : await getRequest("/inventory.php");
        const allTradesToMeDiv = doc.querySelector("div#all_trades_to_me");
        const trades = [];
        if(allTradesToMeDiv) {
            const tradeDivs = allTradesToMeDiv.querySelectorAll("div.inv_peredachka");
            for(const tradeDiv of tradeDivs) {
                const senderRef = tradeDiv.querySelector("a[href^='pl_info.php']");
                const senderId = getUrlParamValue(senderRef.href, "id");
                const senderName = (senderRef.querySelector("b") || senderRef).innerHTML;

                const artRef = tradeDiv.querySelector("a[href^='art_info.php']");
                const artId = getUrlParamValue(artRef.href, "id");
                const cancelRef = tradeDiv.querySelector("a[href^='trade_cancel.php']");
                const tradeId = getUrlParamValue(cancelRef.href, "tid");
                const forRepairs = tradeDiv.innerHTML.includes(isEn ? "for repairs" : "на ремонт");
                const artName = tradeDiv.querySelector("b").innerHTML;
                const invRequestInfo = tradeDiv.querySelector("div.inv_request_info");
                const invRequestInfo2 = invRequestInfo.children[1];
                const invRequestInfo2bolds = invRequestInfo2.querySelectorAll("b");
                const durability = invRequestInfo2bolds[0].innerHTML;

                const cost = invRequestInfo2bolds[1].innerHTML;
                let percent;
                if(forRepairs) {
                    percent = /\((\d+)%\)/.exec(invRequestInfo2.innerHTML)[1];
                trades.push({ Id: tradeId, SenderId: senderId, SenderName: senderName, ArtId: artId, ArtName: artName, ForRepairs: forRepairs, Cost: cost, Durability: durability, Percent: percent });
                if(isOnInventoryPage) {
                    const [restLotStrength, lotStrength] = durability.split("/");
                    const artifact = new ArtifactLot(undefined, artId, parseInt(lotStrength), parseInt(restLotStrength), parseInt(cost.replace(",", "")));

                    const artMinBattlePrice = getArtMinBattlePrice(artId);
                    const color = artMinBattlePrice.minBatlePrice < artifact.OptimalRepairCombatCost ? "red" : "green";
                    invRequestInfo2bolds[1].insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", ` <span title="${artMinBattlePrice.hint}" style="color: ${color};">(${artifact.OptimalRepairCombatCost})</span>`)
        setValue("TradesToMe", trades.map(x => JSON.stringify(x)).join("&")); // {"Id":"53897507","SenderId":"4039417","SenderName":"iNeroon","ArtId":"boots13","ArtName":"Обсидиановые сапоги","ForRepairs":true,"Cost":"7,652","Durability":"0/70","Percent":"90"}
function toggleHomeIndicator(imageName, message, url, condition, indicatorContainerId, indicatorId) {
    if(condition) {
        const homeRef = document.querySelector("a[href='home.php']");
        const existingIndicator = document.getElementById(indicatorContainerId);
        if(existingIndicator) {
            existingIndicator.title = message;
        } else {
            //console.log(`notificationNumber: ${notificationNumber}`);
            if(isMobileInterface) {
                const link_home = document.querySelector("div#link_home")
                const a = addElement("a", { id: indicatorId, href: url }, link_home);
                const width = 22;
                const height = 21;
                const top = 13 + height;
                const right = -3 + width * (notificationNumber - 1);
                const div = addElement("div", { id: indicatorContainerId, title: message, style: `line-height: 20.6px; position: absolute; top: ${top}px; right: ${right}px;`, class: "PanelBottomNotification PanelBottomNotification_add" }, a);
                addElement("img", { src: imageName, class: "NotificationIcon" }, div);
            } else if(isNewInterface) {
                const a = addElement("a", { id: indicatorId, href: url }, homeRef.parentNode);
                const width = 24;
                const height = 24;
                const top = -1 + height;
                const right = -3 + width * (notificationNumber - 1);
                const div = addElement("div", { id: indicatorContainerId, title: message, style: `height: ${height}px; width: ${width}px; position: absolute; top: ${top}px; right: ${right}px;` }, a);
                addElement("img", { src: imageName, class: "NotificationIcon" }, div);
            } else {
                const td = getParent(homeRef, "td");
                const newTd = addElement("td", { id: indicatorId }, td.parentNode);
                const a = addElement("a", { href: url }, newTd);
                addElement("img", { id: indicatorContainerId, src: imageName, title: message, style: "width: 12px; height: 12px; border-radius: 50%;" }, a);
    } else {
        const existingIndicator = document.getElementById(indicatorId);
        if(existingIndicator) {
async function repairArts() {
    const receiverName = document.getElementById("TransferReceiverNameInput");
    const receiver = receiverName.value;
    const repairsPercent = parseInt(getValue("LastTransferRepairsPercent", "100"));
    if(!receiver || receiver == "") {
    setValue("LastReceiver", receiver);
    insertReceiverName("receiverNames", receiver);
    const selectedArts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("input[name='artSelector']:checked")).filter(x => x.hasAttribute("isBroken"));
    for(const selectedArt of selectedArts) {
        const artUid = parseInt(selectedArt.getAttribute("artUid"));
        const artId = selectedArt.getAttribute("artId");
        const repairCost = ArtifactInfo[artId].RepairCost;
        const repairPrice = repairCost * repairsPercent / 100;
        //console.log(`artId: ${artId}, repairCost: ${repairCost}, repairsPercent: ${repairsPercent}, repairPrice: ${repairPrice}`);
        await postRequest("/art_transfer.php", `id=${artUid}&nick=${receiver}&gold=0&sendtype=5&dtime=0&bcount=0&rep_price=${repairPrice}&art_id=&sign=${win.sign}`);
async function cancelTransfers() {
    const all_trades_from_me = document.querySelector("div#all_trades_from_me");
    if(all_trades_from_me) {
        const tradeCancelRefs = all_trades_from_me.querySelectorAll("a[href*='trade_cancel.php']");
        for(const tradeCancelRef of tradeCancelRefs) {
            await getRequest(tradeCancelRef.href);
function calcArtTypeAndCategory(selectValue) {
    if(selectValue) {
        if(selectValue.includes("@")) {
            let artId = selectValue.split("@")[0];
            let uid = selectValue.split("@")[1];
            if(ArtifactInfo[artId]) {
                return { ArtType: artId, Category: ArtifactInfo[artId].MarketCategory, Id: artId, Uid: uid };
        } else if(ResourcesTypes[selectValue]) {
            return { Type: ResourcesTypes[selectValue].Type, Category: "res", Id: selectValue };
        } else if(selectValue.match(/EL_\d{2}/)) {
            let elNumber = parseInt(/EL_(\d{2})/.exec(selectValue)[1]);
            return { ArtType: ElementsTypes[elNumber], Category: "elements", Id: selectValue };
        } else if(selectValue.match(/ARTPART_.+/)) {
            let artType = /ARTPART_(.+)/.exec(selectValue)[1];
            return { ArtType: "part_" + artType, Category: "part", Id: selectValue };
        } else if(selectValue.match(/CERT_\d+/)) {
            let artType = /CERT_(\d+)/.exec(selectValue)[1];
            return { ArtType: getSertIdByLocationNumber(artType), Category: "cert", Id: selectValue };
function getElementOptionValueByName(name) { return "EL_" + getKeyByValue(ElementsTypes, name); }
function getSertIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber) { return "sec_" + (locationNumber.toString()).padStart(2, "0"); }
function getSertIdByLocationName(locationName) {
    const locationNumber = Object.keys(locations).find(x => locations[x][2] == locationName);
    return getSertIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber);
function getHouseIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber) { return "dom_" + (locationNumber.toString()).padStart(2, "0"); }
function getHouseIdByLocationName(locationName) {
    const locationNumber = Object.keys(locations).find(x => locations[x][2] == locationName);
    return getHouseIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber);
function getShaIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber) { return "sha_" + (locationNumber.toString()).padStart(2, "0"); }
function getShaIdByLocationName(locationName) {
    const locationNumber = Object.keys(locations).find(x => locations[x][2] == locationName);
    return getShaIdByLocationNumber(locationNumber);
function getAuctionUrl(selectValue) {
    let urlParams = calcArtTypeAndCategory(selectValue);
    if(urlParams) {
        let url = `/auction.php?cat=${urlParams.Category}`;
        if(urlParams.ArtType) {
            url += `&art_type=${urlParams.ArtType}`;
        if(urlParams.Type) {
            url += `&type=${urlParams.Type}`;
        return url;
    return "/auction.php";
function showTransferDataPanel(artIndex, panelToggleHandler) {
    const artInfo = win.arts[artIndex];
    if(!artInfo) { console.log(`artIndex: ${artIndex}`); return; }
    const artId = artInfo.art_id;
    const artUid = artInfo.id;
    if(showPupupPanel("TransferData_" + artUid, panelToggleHandler)) {
    const fieldsMap = [];

    fieldsMap.push([null, addElement("span", { innerText: LocalizedString.ForAll, style: "font-weight: bold;" }), null, addElement("span", { innerText: LocalizedString.ForThis, style: "font-weight: bold;" })]);

    const transferGoldLabel = addElement("label", { for: "transferGoldInput", innerText: LocalizedString.Cost + "\t" });
    const transferGoldInput = addElement("input", { id: "transferGoldInput", type: "number", value: getValue("TransferGold" + artId, ""), onfocus: "this.select();" });
    transferGoldInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberValue("TransferGold" + artId, this.value); }, false);

    const transferGoldUniqueLabel = addElement("label", { for: "transferGoldUniqueInput", innerText: LocalizedString.Cost + "\t" });
    const transferGoldUniqueInput = addElement("input", { id: "transferGoldUniqueInput", type: "number", value: getValue("TransferGold" + artUid, ""), onfocus: "this.select();" });
    transferGoldUniqueInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberValue("TransferGold" + artUid, this.value); }, false);

    fieldsMap.push([transferGoldLabel, transferGoldInput, transferGoldUniqueLabel, transferGoldUniqueInput]);

    const transferDaysLabel = addElement("label", { for: "transferDaysInput", innerText: LocalizedString.Days + "\t" });
    const transferDaysInput = addElement("input", { id: "transferDaysInput", type: "number", value: getValue("TransferDays" + artId, ""), onfocus: "this.select();" });
    transferDaysInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberValue("TransferDays" + artId, this.value); }, false);

    const transferDaysUniqueLabel = addElement("label", { for: "transferDaysUniqueInput", innerText: LocalizedString.Days + "\t" });
    const transferDaysUniqueInput = addElement("input", { id: "transferDaysUniqueInput", type: "number", value: getValue("TransferDays" + artUid, ""), onfocus: "this.select();" });
    transferDaysUniqueInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberValue("TransferDays" + artUid, this.value); }, false);

    fieldsMap.push([transferDaysLabel, transferDaysInput, transferDaysUniqueLabel, transferDaysUniqueInput]);

    const transferCombatsLabel = addElement("label", { for: "transferCombatsInput", innerText: LocalizedString.Combats + "\t" });
    const transferCombatsInput = addElement("input", { id: "transferCombatsInput", type: "number", value: getValue("TransferCombats" + artId, ""), onfocus: "this.select();" });
    transferCombatsInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberValue("TransferCombats" + artId, this.value); recalcTransferGold(artId, transferGoldInput); }, false);

    const transferCombatsUniqueLabel = addElement("label", { for: "transferCombatsUniqueInput", innerText: LocalizedString.Combats + "\t" });
    const transferCombatsUniqueInput = addElement("input", { id: "transferCombatsUniqueInput", type: "number", value: getValue("TransferCombats" + artUid, ""), onfocus: "this.select();" });
    transferCombatsUniqueInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberValue("TransferCombats" + artUid, this.value); recalcTransferGold(artUid, transferGoldUniqueInput); }, false);

    fieldsMap.push([transferCombatsLabel, transferCombatsInput, transferCombatsUniqueLabel, transferCombatsUniqueInput]);

    const allowRepairingLabel = addElement("label", { for: "allowRepairingInput", innerText: LocalizedString.AllowRepairing + "\t" });
    const allowRepairingInput = addElement("input", { id: "allowRepairingInput", type: "checkbox" });
    allowRepairingInput.checked = getBool("TransferAllowRepairing" + artId);
    allowRepairingInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("TransferAllowRepairing" + artId, this.checked); }, false);

    const allowRepairingUniqueLabel = addElement("label", { for: "allowRepairingUniqueInput", innerText: LocalizedString.AllowRepairing + "\t" });
    const allowRepairingUniqueInput = addElement("select", { id: "allowRepairingUniqueInput", innerHTML: `<option value="0">${LocalizedString.AsForAll}</option><option value="1">${LocalizedString.Forbid}</option><option value="2">${LocalizedString.Allow}</option>` });
    allowRepairingUniqueInput.value = getValue("TransferAllowRepairing" + artUid, "0");
    allowRepairingUniqueInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("TransferAllowRepairing" + artUid, this.value); }, false);

    fieldsMap.push([allowRepairingLabel, allowRepairingInput, allowRepairingUniqueLabel, allowRepairingUniqueInput]);

    const battlePriceLabel = addElement("label", { for: "battlePriceInput", innerText: `${isEn ? "Battle price" : "Цена за бой"}\t` });
    const battlePriceInput = addElement("input", { id: "battlePriceInput", type: "number", value: getValue(`TransferBattlePrice${artId}`, ""), onfocus: "this.select();" });
    battlePriceInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberValue(`TransferBattlePrice${artId}`, this.value); recalcTransferGold(artId, transferGoldInput); }, false);

    const battlePriceUniqueLabel = addElement("label", { for: "battlePriceUniqueInput", innerText: `${isEn ? "Battle price" : "Цена за бой"}\t` });
    const battlePriceUniqueInput = addElement("input", { id: "battlePriceUniqueInput", type: "number", value: getValue("TransferBattlePrice" + artUid, ""), onfocus: "this.select();" });
    battlePriceUniqueInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setOrDeleteNumberValue("TransferBattlePrice" + artUid, this.value); recalcTransferGold(artUid, transferGoldUniqueInput); }, false);

    fieldsMap.push([battlePriceLabel, battlePriceInput, battlePriceUniqueLabel, battlePriceUniqueInput]);

    const customArtInfoLabel = addElement("label", { for: "CustomArtInfoInput", innerText: `${isEn ? "Info" : "Инфо"}\t` });
    const customArtInfoInput = addElement("input", { id: "CustomArtInfoInput", type: "text", value: getValue("CustomArtInfo" + artUid, ""), onfocus: "this.select();" });
    customArtInfoInput.addEventListener("change", function() { setValue("CustomArtInfo" + artUid, this.value); }, false);

    fieldsMap.push([null, null, customArtInfoLabel, customArtInfoInput]);

    createPupupPanel("TransferData_" + artUid, `${LocalizedString.TransferData} ${artInfo.name}`, fieldsMap, panelToggleHandler);
function recalcTransferGold(artId, transferGoldInput) {
    const transferBattlePrice = parseInt(getValue(`TransferBattlePrice${artId}`, 0));
    const transferCombats = parseInt(getValue(`TransferCombats${artId}`, 0));
    if(transferBattlePrice > 0 && transferCombats > 0) {
        transferGoldInput.value = transferBattlePrice * transferCombats;
        setValue("TransferGold" + artId, transferBattlePrice * transferCombats);
function insertReceiverName(dataListId, receiverName) {
    const valuesData = getValue("DataList" + dataListId);
    let values = [];
    if(valuesData) {
        values = valuesData.split(",");
    if(!values.includes(receiverName)) {
        setValue("DataList" + dataListId, values.join());
async function getDailyElementsPrices() {
    const doc = await getRequest("https://daily.heroeswm.ru/market/elements");
    const elementsTable = doc.getElementById("report_1");
    const takeRow = 2;
    const elementsPrices = { Date: parseDate(elementsTable.rows[1].cells[0].innerText) };
    for(let i = 0; i < elementsTable.rows[takeRow].cells.length - 1; i++) {
        elementsPrices[ElementNames[i]] = elementsTable.rows[takeRow].cells[i + 1].innerText;
    setValue("ElementPrices", JSON.stringify(elementsPrices));
    return elementsPrices;
async function getMarketElementPrices() {
    const elementsPrices = {};
    for(const elementName of ElementNames) {
        const url = `/auction.php?cat=elements&sort=0&art_type=${elementName}`;
        const doc = await getRequest(url);
        const elementMarketInfos = extendLotsTable(doc, url, true).Arts;
        elementsPrices[elementName] = 0;
        const elementMarketInfo = elementMarketInfos[elementName];
        if(elementMarketInfo) {
            elementMarketInfo.sort((a, b) => parseFloat(a.LotPrice) - parseFloat(b.LotPrice));
            let totalAmount = 0;
            let totalSum = 0;
            for(const lot of elementMarketInfo) {
                if(totalAmount < craftElementsAmount) {
                    const addAmount = Math.min(lot.LotAmount, craftElementsAmount - totalAmount);
                    totalSum += addAmount * lot.LotPrice;
                    totalAmount += addAmount;
                } else {
            if(totalAmount > 0) {
                elementsPrices[elementName] = Math.round(totalSum / totalAmount);
            //console.log(`elementName: ${elementName}, totalAmount: ${totalAmount}, totalSum: ${totalSum}`);
    setValue("ElementPrices", JSON.stringify(elementsPrices));
    return elementsPrices;
function getPlayerLocationNumber() {
    if(location.pathname == '/map.php' && location.search == '') {
        // Если мы на карте без параметров, т.е. на локации, где сами находимся. Если мы не в пути, тогда видим предприятия. Мы можем обновить текущее положение игрока.
        const minesRef = document.querySelector("a[href*='map.php?cx='][href*='&cy='][href*='&st=mn']"); // Берем из ссылки на заголовке шахт данной локации
        if(minesRef) {
            const locationNumber = getLocationNumberFromMapUrlByXy(minesRef.href);
            if(locationNumber) {
                setValue("PlayerLocationNumber", locationNumber);
                return locationNumber;
    return parseInt(getValue("PlayerLocationNumber")); // Иначе, возьмем из кеша. Там будет пусто только при первом запуске скрипта, когда мы не просматриваем карту.
function getLocationNumberFromMapUrlByXy(href) {
    const x = getUrlParamValue(href, "cx");
    const y = getUrlParamValue(href, "cy");
    for(let locationNumber in locations) {
        if(x == locations[locationNumber][0] && y == locations[locationNumber][1]) {
            return locationNumber;
function getCraftCost(craftInfo, craftType, isLogCalculation = false) {
    const elementsPrices = JSON.parse(getValue("ElementPrices", "{}"));
    const elementsAmount = {};
    let modsAmount = 0;
    // I12E12A12W12F12
    if(craftType == CraftType.Weapon) {
        if(craftInfo.includes("I")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/I(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["abrasive"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["moon_stone"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("E")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/E(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["meteorit"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["badgrib"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("A")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/A(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["wind_flower"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["witch_flower"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("W")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/W(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["ice_crystal"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["snake_poison"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("F")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/F(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["fire_crystal"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["tiger_tusk"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
    if(craftType == CraftType.Armor) {
        if(craftInfo.includes("D")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/D(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["abrasive"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["moon_stone"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("E")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/E(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["meteorit"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("A")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/A(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["wind_flower"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("W")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/W(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["ice_crystal"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("F")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/F(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["fire_crystal"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
    if(craftType == CraftType.Jewelry) {
        if(craftInfo.includes("N")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/N(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["wind_flower"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["tiger_tusk"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("E")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/E(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["meteorit"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["tiger_tusk"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("A")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/A(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["wind_flower"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["meteorit"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("W")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/W(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["ice_crystal"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["witch_flower"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
        if(craftInfo.includes("F")) {
            const ignoreCraftLevel = parseInt(/F(\d+)/.exec(craftInfo)[1]);
            elementsAmount["fire_crystal"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
            elementsAmount["abrasive"] = CraftLevels[ignoreCraftLevel];
    elementsAmount["fern_flower"] = fernFlowersCount(modsAmount);
    const craftCost = Object.keys(elementsAmount).reduce((total, key) => total + elementsAmount[key] * elementsPrices[key], 0);
    const craftUnderCost = Object.keys(elementsAmount).reduce((total, key) => total + ((elementsAmount[key] < 45 && key != "fern_flower" ? -1 : 0) + elementsAmount[key]) * elementsPrices[key], 0);
    if(isLogCalculation) {
        const craftCostFormula = Object.keys(elementsAmount).map(key => `${key}: ${elementsAmount[key]}*${elementsPrices[key]} = ${elementsAmount[key] * elementsPrices[key]}`).join(" + ");
        console.log(`${craftInfo}, ${Object.keys(CraftType).find(key => CraftType[key] === craftType)}, ${craftCostFormula}=${craftCost}`);
    return [craftCost, craftUnderCost];
function fernFlowersCount(modsAmount) {
    let result = 0;
    if(modsAmount >= 1) {
        result += 2;
    if(modsAmount >= 2) {
        result += 4;
    if(modsAmount >= 3) {
        result += 6;
    if(modsAmount >= 4) {
        result += 8;
    if(modsAmount >= 5) {
        result += 10;
    return result;
function sendArtsTo() {
    if(location.pathname == "/transfer.php") {
        const nickInput = document.querySelector("input[name=nick]");
        nickInput.addEventListener("focus", function() { this.select(); });
        nickInput.addEventListener("change", function() { if(getPlayerBool("repeatTranferNick")) { setValue("LastTransferResourcesReceiver", this.value); } });
        nickInput.value = getValue("LastTransferResourcesReceiver", "");
        if(!getPlayerBool("repeatTranferNick")) {
        const repeatTranferNickCheckbox = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", title: isEn ? "Store last value" : "Запоминать последнее значение" });
        repeatTranferNickCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("repeatTranferNick");
        repeatTranferNickCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("repeatTranferNick", this.checked); });
        nickInput.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", repeatTranferNickCheckbox);
    if(location.pathname == "/el_transfer.php") {
        const nickInput = document.querySelector("input[name=nick]");
        nickInput.addEventListener("focus", function() { this.select(); });
        nickInput.addEventListener("change", function() { if(getPlayerBool("repeatTranferElementsNick")) { setValue("LastTransferElementsReceiver", this.value); } });
        nickInput.value = getValue("LastTransferElementsReceiver", "");
        if(!getPlayerBool("repeatTranferElementsNick")) {
        const repeatTranferNickCheckbox = addElement("input", { type: "checkbox", title: isEn ? "Store last value" : "Запоминать последнее значение" });
        repeatTranferNickCheckbox.checked = getPlayerBool("repeatTranferElementsNick");
        repeatTranferNickCheckbox.addEventListener("change", function() { setPlayerValue("repeatTranferElementsNick", this.checked); });
        nickInput.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", repeatTranferNickCheckbox);
    if(location.pathname == "/pl_info.php" && getUrlParamValue(location.href, "id") != PlayerId) {
        const playerName = document.querySelector("h1").innerText;
        const mailRef = document.querySelector("a[href^='sms-create.php']");

        const sendArtsRef = addElement("a", { href: "/inventory.php", style: "text-decoration: none;", innerText: isEn ? "arts" : "арты" });
        sendArtsRef.addEventListener("click", function() { setValue("LastReceiver", playerName); });
        mailRef.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", sendArtsRef);
        sendArtsRef.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", " / ");

        const sendElementsRef = addElement("a", { href: "/el_transfer.php", style: "text-decoration: none;", innerText: isEn ? "elements" : "элементы" });
        sendElementsRef.addEventListener("click", function() { setValue("LastTransferElementsReceiver", playerName); });
        mailRef.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", sendElementsRef);
        sendElementsRef.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", " / ");

        const sendResourcesRef = addElement("a", { href: "/transfer.php", style: "text-decoration: none;", innerText: isEn ? "Transfer resources" : "Передать ресурсы" });
        sendResourcesRef.addEventListener("click", function() { setValue("LastTransferResourcesReceiver", playerName); });
        mailRef.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", sendResourcesRef);
        sendResourcesRef.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", " / ");
function kitsDataBind(afterPriceSettingOpen = false) {
    //console.log(`afterPriceSettingOpen: ${afterPriceSettingOpen}`)
    if(afterPriceSettingOpen) {
    if(location.pathname == "/inventory.php" && getPlayerBool("ShowKits")) {
        let kitsHtml = "<div>";
        const kitsManager = new KitsManager();
        let kitIndex = 0;
        for(const kit of kitsManager.Kits) {
            kitsHtml += `<div class='inventory_block' style='font-size: 9pt;'><div id='kitContainer${kitIndex}' style='display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; width: 65%;'>`;
            let kitItemIndex = 0;
            for(const kitItem of kit.Items) {
                const artUid = parseInt(kitItem);
                const artIndex = Array.from(win.arts).findIndex(x => x.id == artUid);
                let art;
                let artHtml = "";
                if(artIndex >= 0) {
                    art = win.arts[artIndex];
                    artHtml = art.html;
                } else {
                    artHtml = `<div style="height: 100%; width: 100%; background-image: url('https://dcdn1.heroeswm.ru/i/art_fon_100x100.png');"><span style="font-size: 9px;">${isEn ? "Absent" : "Отсутствует"}</span></div>`;
                kitsHtml += `
<div class="inventory_item_div inventory_item2">
    <div id="transferData${kitIndex}Item${kitItemIndex}" artIndex="${artIndex}" title="${isEn ? "Battle price" : "Цена за бой"}" style="position: absolute; top: 40px; left: 1px; z-index: 3; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);">
        ${parseInt(getValue("TransferBattlePrice" + art?.id) || getValue("TransferBattlePrice" + art?.art_id)) || 0}
    <div id="delete${kitIndex}Item${kitItemIndex}" kitIndex="${kitIndex}" kitItemIndex="${kitItemIndex}" title="${isEn ? "Delete" : "Удалить"}" style="position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 38px; z-index: 3;">

                // kitsHtml += `
// <div class="inv_art_outside shop_art_outside">
    // <div class="arts_info shop_art_info" style="height: 100%; width: 100%;" onmouseover="hwm_mobile_show_arts_durability(true, true);" onmouseout="hwm_mobile_hide_arts_durability()">
        // <div class="art_durability_hidden" style="opacity: 0; display: none;">38/67</div>
        // <img src="https://dcdn1.heroeswm.ru/i/art_fon_100x100.png" border="0" width="100%" height="100%" '="" alt="" class="cre_mon_image1">
        // <img src="https://dcdn3.heroeswm.ru/i/artifacts/super_dagger.png" border="0" width="100%" height="100%" hint="Кинжал пламени <br />Нападение: &nbsp;+1 <br />Инициатива: &nbsp;+1% <br />Прочность: 38/67<br>На рынке цена за бой: 427.66" alt="" class="cre_mon_image2 show_hint" hwm_hint_added="1">
    // </div>
// </div>
// `;
            kitsHtml += `</div>
<div class="inv_note_kukla" style="width: 32%; margin-left: auto; margin-right: 0; padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;">
        <input id="dressKit${kitIndex}" kitIndex="${kitIndex}" type="button" value="${isEn ? "Dress" : "Надеть"}" class="inv_text_kukla_btn inv_text_kukla_btn_hover">
        <input id="transferKit${kitIndex}" kitIndex="${kitIndex}" type="button" value="${isEn ? "Transfer" : "Передать"}" class="inv_text_kukla_btn inv_text_kukla_btn_hover">
        <input id="appendKit${kitIndex}" kitIndex="${kitIndex}" type="button" value="${isEn ? "Append" : "Пополнить"}" class="inv_text_kukla_btn inv_text_kukla_btn_hover">
        <input id="deleteKit${kitIndex}" kitIndex="${kitIndex}" type="button" value="${isEn ? "Delete" : "Удалить"}" class="inv_text_kukla_btn inv_text_kukla_btn_hover">
        <label for="daysNumber${kitIndex}">${isEn ? "Days" : "Дней"}</label><input id="daysNumber${kitIndex}" kitIndex="${kitIndex}" type="number" value="${kit.DaysNumber}" style="width: 60px;" onfocus="this.select();">
        <label for="combatsNumber${kitIndex}">${isEn ? "Combats" : "Боев"}</label><input id="combatsNumber${kitIndex}" kitIndex="${kitIndex}" type="number" value="${kit.CombatsNumber}" style="width: 60px;" onfocus="this.select();">
        <label for="totalCost${kitIndex}">${isEn ? "Cost" : "Стоимость"}</label><input id="totalCost${kitIndex}" kitIndex="${kitIndex}" type="number" value="${kit.Cost()}" readonly style="width: 60px;">
        <label for="kitOrder${kitIndex}">${isEn ? "#" : "№"}</label><input id="kitOrder${kitIndex}" kitIndex="${kitIndex}" type="number" value="${kitIndex}" style="width: 50px;" onfocus="this.select();">
        kitsHtml += "</div>";
        const rightContainer = document.querySelector("div.container_block_right");
        rightContainer.style.flexWrap = "wrap";
        rightContainer.querySelector("div.container_block").style.minHeight = "auto";

        let kitsContainer = rightContainer.querySelector("div#kitsContainer");
        if(!kitsContainer) {
            addElement("div", { style: "flex-basis: 100%; height: 0;" }, rightContainer);
            kitsContainer = addElement("div", { id: "kitsContainer", class: "container_block" }, rightContainer);
        kitsContainer.innerHTML = kitsHtml;
        kitsManager.Kits.forEach((x, kitIndex) => {
            kitsContainer.querySelector(`#dressKit${kitIndex}`).addEventListener("click", async function(e) { new KitsManager().DressKit(parseInt(e.target.getAttribute("kitIndex"))); });
            kitsContainer.querySelector(`#transferKit${kitIndex}`).addEventListener("click", function(e) { new KitsManager().TransferKit(parseInt(e.target.getAttribute("kitIndex"))); });
            kitsContainer.querySelector(`#appendKit${kitIndex}`).addEventListener("click", function(e) { new KitsManager().AppendKit(parseInt(e.target.getAttribute("kitIndex"))); });
            kitsContainer.querySelector(`#deleteKit${kitIndex}`).addEventListener("click", function(e) { new KitsManager().Delete(parseInt(e.target.getAttribute("kitIndex"))); });
            kitsContainer.querySelector(`#daysNumber${kitIndex}`).addEventListener("change", function(e) { new KitsManager().SetDaysNumber(parseInt(e.target.getAttribute("kitIndex")), parseFloat(this.value)); });
            kitsContainer.querySelector(`#combatsNumber${kitIndex}`).addEventListener("change", function(e) { new KitsManager().SetCombatsNumber(parseInt(e.target.getAttribute("kitIndex")), parseInt(this.value)); });
            kitsContainer.querySelector(`#kitOrder${kitIndex}`).addEventListener("change", function(e) { new KitsManager().Swap(parseInt(e.target.getAttribute("kitIndex")), parseInt(this.value)); });
            x.Items.forEach((y, kitItemIndex) => {
                kitsContainer.querySelector(`div#kitContainer${kitIndex} div#transferData${kitIndex}Item${kitItemIndex}`).addEventListener("click", function(e) { showTransferDataPanel(parseInt(this.getAttribute("artIndex")), kitsDataBind); });
                kitsContainer.querySelector(`div#kitContainer${kitIndex} div#delete${kitIndex}Item${kitItemIndex}`).addEventListener("click", function(e) { new KitsManager().DeleteKitItem(parseInt(this.getAttribute("kitIndex")), parseInt(this.getAttribute("kitItemIndex"))); });
async function tryDress(artId) {
    const art = Array.from(win.arts).find(y => y.id == artId);
    if(!art) {
    var k = art['pos_dress'];
    if(k == 8) {
        if(win.slots[8]) {
            if(!win.slots[9]) {
                k = 9;
            } else {
                if(win.last_ring_dress == 8) k = 9;
    if(!art["dressed"] && (k > 0 || art['action'] == 'open')) {
        let responseText = await getRequestText(`/inventory.php?dress=${art.id}&js=1&last_ring_dress=${win.last_ring_dress}&rand=${Math.random() * 1000000}`);
        if(responseText == "fail") {
            responseText = await getRequestText(`/inventory.php?dress=${art.id}&js=1&last_ring_dress=${win.last_ring_dress}&rand=${Math.random() * 1000000}`);
        if(k == 8 || k == 9) {
            win.last_ring_dress = k;
        win.last_dress = k;
function dressHandle(txt) {
    if (txt == 'fail' || txt.length > 5000) {
        //window.location = 'inventory.php?1' + win.add_url;
        return 0;
    } else if (txt) {
        var data = txt.split('|');
        if (data && data[0]) {
            if (data[0] == 'gift_box_opened_refresh' && data[1]) {
                window.location = 'inventory.php?gift_box_opened=' + data[1] + win.add_url;
                return 0;
            if (data.length > 20) {
                window.location = 'inventory.php?1' + win.add_url;
                return 0;
            win.refresh_pl_params(data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6], data[7], data[8], data[9], data[10], data[11]);
            for (var i = 0; i < win.arts_c; i++)
                if (win.arts[i]["id"] == data[1]) {
                    document.getElementById('slot' + data[0]).innerHTML = win.arts[i]['html'];
                    document.getElementById('slot' + data[0]).onclick = win.try_undress;
                    document.getElementById('slot' + data[0]).setAttribute('art_id', win.arts[i]["id"]);
                    win.arts[i]['dressed'] = data[0];
                    if (win.slots[data[0]] > 0) win.inv_remove_dress_attr_from_array_by_id(win.slots[data[0]]);
                    win.slots[data[0]] = win.arts[i]['id'];
        win.hide_hwm_hint(this, true);
function KitsManager() {
    this.Kits = JSON.parse(getPlayerValue("Kits", "[]")).map(x => new Kit(x));
    this.Create = function() {
        const selectedArts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("input[name='artSelector']:checked")).map(x => parseInt(x.getAttribute("artUid")));
        if(selectedArts.length > 0) {
            const kit = new Kit(null, selectedArts);
    this.AppendKit = function(kitIndex) {
        const kit = this.Kits[kitIndex];
        const selectedArts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("input[name='artSelector']:checked")).map(x => parseInt(x.getAttribute("artUid")));
        selectedArts.filter(x => !kit.Items.includes(x)).forEach(x => { kit.Items.push(x); });
    this.Delete = function(kitIndex) { this.Kits.splice(kitIndex, 1); this.SaveAndDataBind(); };
    this.DeleteKitItem = function(kitIndex, kitItemIndex) {
        this.Kits[kitIndex].Items.splice(kitItemIndex, 1);
        if(this.Kits[kitIndex].Items.length == 0) {
            this.Kits.splice(kitIndex, 1);
    this.Save = function() { setPlayerValue("Kits", JSON.stringify(this.Kits.map(x => x.Collect()))); };
    this.SaveAndDataBind = function() { this.Save(); kitsDataBind(); };
    this.TransferKit = async function(kitIndex) {
        const receiverName = document.getElementById("TransferReceiverNameInput");
        const receiver = receiverName.value;
        if(!receiver || receiver == "") {
        setValue("LastReceiver", receiver);
        insertReceiverName("receiverNames", receiver);
        const kit = this.Kits[kitIndex];
        for(const artUid of kit.Items) {
            const art = Array.from(win.arts).find(y => y.id == artUid);
            if(!art) {
            const artId = art.art_id;
            const gold = (parseInt(getValue("TransferBattlePrice" + artUid) || getValue("TransferBattlePrice" + artId)) || 0) * kit.CombatsNumber;
            const allowRepairing = (getValue("TransferAllowRepairing" + artUid, "0") == "0" && getBool("TransferAllowRepairing" + artId) || getValue("TransferAllowRepairing" + artUid, "0") == "2") ? "&rep=on" : "";
            //console.log(`gold: ${gold}, daysNumber: ${kit.DaysNumber}, combatsNumber: ${kit.CombatsNumber}`)
            if(gold > 0 && kit.DaysNumber > 0 && kit.CombatsNumber > 0) {
                await postRequest("/art_transfer.php", `id=${artUid}&nick=${receiver}&gold=${gold}&sendtype=2&dtime=${kit.DaysNumber}&bcount=${kit.CombatsNumber}${allowRepairing}&rep_price=0&art_id=&sign=${win.sign}`);
    this.DressKit = function(kitIndex) { this.Kits[kitIndex].Items.forEach(async x => { await tryDress(x); }); };
    this.Swap = function(kitIndex, kitNewIndex = 0) {
        kitNewIndex = Math.min(Math.max(kitNewIndex, 0), this.Kits.length - 1);
        if(kitNewIndex != kitIndex) {
            [this.Kits[kitIndex], this.Kits[kitNewIndex]] = [this.Kits[kitNewIndex], this.Kits[kitIndex]];
    this.SetCombatsNumber = function(kitIndex, combatsNumber) {
        const kit = this.Kits[kitIndex];
        kit.CombatsNumber = combatsNumber;
        document.querySelector(`#totalCost${kitIndex}`).value = kit.Cost();
    this.SetDaysNumber = function(kitIndex, daysNumber) { this.Kits[kitIndex].DaysNumber = daysNumber; this.Save(); };
function Kit(kitData, items) {
    [this.DaysNumber, this.CombatsNumber] = kitData ? kitData.slice(-2) : [0, 0];
    this.Items = kitData ? kitData.slice(0, -2) : items;
    this.Collect = function() { return [...this.Items, this.DaysNumber, this.CombatsNumber]; };
    this.Cost = function() {
        return this.Items.reduce((t, x) => {
            const artUid = x;
            const art = Array.from(win.arts).find(y => y.id == artUid);
            if(!art) {
                return t;
            const result = parseInt(getValue("TransferBattlePrice" + artUid) || getValue("TransferBattlePrice" + art.art_id)) || 0;
            return t + result * this.CombatsNumber;
        }, 0);
function countSelectedCraftCost() {
    const elprice = document.querySelector("div#elprice");
    if(elprice) {
        let cost = 0;
        const elementsPrices = JSON.parse(getValue("ElementPrices", "{}"));
        const re = /\/([a-z_]+).png/;
        Array.from(elprice.querySelectorAll("img")).forEach(x => {
            const amount = parseInt(x.nextElementSibling.innerText);
            const elementName =  x.src.match(re)[1];
            cost += elementsPrices[elementName] * amount; //console.log(`elementName: ${elementName}, amount: ${amount}, cost: ${cost}`);
        const totalCraftCostDiv = document.querySelector("div#totalCraftCostDiv") || addElement("div", { id: "totalCraftCostDiv", style: "display: inline;" }, elprice.querySelector("center") || elprice);
        totalCraftCostDiv.innerText = `${isEn ? "Cost" : "Стоимость"}: ${cost.toLocaleString()}`;
// API
function getURL(url) { window.location.href = url; }
function createDataList(inputElement, dataListId, buttonsClass) {
    const datalist = addElement("datalist", { id: dataListId });
    const valuesData = getValue("DataList" + dataListId);
    let values = [];
    if(valuesData) {
        values = valuesData.split(",");
    for(const value of values) {
        addElement("option", { value: value }, datalist);
    inputElement.parentNode.insertBefore(datalist, inputElement.nextSibling);
    inputElement.setAttribute("list", dataListId);

    const clearListButton = addElement("input", { type: "button", value: "x", title: LocalizedString.ClearList, class: buttonsClass, style: "min-width: 20px; width: 20px; text-align: center; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px;" });
    clearListButton.addEventListener("click", function() { if(window.confirm(LocalizedString.ClearList)) { deleteValue("DataList" + dataListId); datalist.innerHTML = ""; } }, false);
    inputElement.parentNode.insertBefore(clearListButton, datalist.nextSibling);

    return datalist;
function showCurrentNotification(html) {
    //GM_setValue("CurrentNotification", `{"Type":"1","Message":"The next-sibling combinator is made of the code point that separates two compound selectors. The elements represented by the two compound selectors share the same parent in the document tree and the element represented by the first compound selector immediately precedes the element represented by the second one. Non-element nodes (e.g. text between elements) are ignored when considering the adjacency of elements."}`);
    if(!isHeartOnPage) {
    let currentNotificationHolder = document.querySelector("div#currentNotificationHolder");
    let currentNotificationContent = document.querySelector("div#currentNotificationContent");
    if(!currentNotificationHolder) {
        currentNotificationHolder = addElement("div", { id: "currentNotificationHolder", style: "display: flex; position: fixed; transition-duration: 0.8s; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); bottom: -300px; width: 200px; border: 2px solid #000000; background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #EAE0C8 0%, #DBD1B9 100%); font: 10pt sans-serif;" }, document.body);
        currentNotificationContent = addElement("div", { id: "currentNotificationContent", style: "text-align: center;" }, currentNotificationHolder);
        const divClose = addElement("div", { title: isEn ? "Close" : "Закрыть", innerText: "x", style: "border: 1px solid #abc; flex-basis: 15px; height: 15px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" }, currentNotificationHolder);
        divClose.addEventListener("click", function() {
            const rect = currentNotificationHolder.getBoundingClientRect();
            currentNotificationHolder.style.bottom = `${-rect.height-1}px`;
    currentNotificationContent.innerHTML = html;
    const rect = currentNotificationHolder.getBoundingClientRect();
    currentNotificationHolder.style.bottom = `${-rect.height-1}px`;
    currentNotificationHolder.style.bottom = "0";
    setTimeout(function() { currentNotificationHolder.style.bottom = `${-rect.height-1}px`; }, 3000);
function sleep(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
//console.log(Object.values(ArtifactInfo).reduce((c, e,) => Math.max(c, e.RepairCost), 0)); // Самый дорогой ремонт 64000 - 16 часов
// for(let artId of Object.keys(ArtifactInfo)) {
    // let found = artefacts.find(x => x.id == artId);
    // if(found) {
        // ArtifactInfo[artId].AmmunitionPoints = found.ap;
    // } else {
        // ArtifactInfo[artId].AmmunitionPoints = 0;
    // }
// }
//showBigData(Object.keys(ArtifactInfo).filter(x => ArtifactInfo[x].AmmunitionPoints > 0).reduce((t, a) => t + `, "${a}": { Strength: ${ArtifactInfo[a].Strength}, RepairCost: ${ArtifactInfo[a].RepairCost}, MarketCategory: "${ArtifactInfo[a].MarketCategory}", CraftType: ${ArtifactInfo[a].CraftType}, AmmunitionPoints: ${ArtifactInfo[a].AmmunitionPoints} }`, ""));
// showBigData(Object.keys(ArtifactInfo).filter(x => ArtifactInfo[x].AmmunitionPoints == 0).reduce((t, a) => t + `,
// "${a}": { Strength: ${ArtifactInfo[a].Strength}, RepairCost: ${ArtifactInfo[a].RepairCost}, MarketCategory: "${ArtifactInfo[a].MarketCategory}", CraftType: ${ArtifactInfo[a].CraftType}, AmmunitionPoints: ${ArtifactInfo[a].AmmunitionPoints} }`, ""));
//console.log(Object.values(ArtifactInfo).filter(x => x.MarketCategory == "").length);
//console.log(`Script ${GM_info.script.name} work time ${millisecondsIntervalToString(Date.now() - stopwatchStartTime)}`);