

Ten skrypt nie powinien być instalowany bezpośrednio. Jest to biblioteka dla innych skyptów do włączenia dyrektywą meta // @require https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/455576/1122361/Qmsg.js

;(function (root, Msg) {
	if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined') {
		module.exports = Msg
	} else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
		define([], function () {
			return Msg(root);
	} else {
		root.Qmsg = Msg(root);
})(this, function (global) {
	'use strict';

	// assign 兼容处理
	if (typeof Object.assign != 'function') {
		Object.assign = function (target) {
			if (target == null) {
				throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');

			target = Object(target);
			for (var index = 1; index < arguments.length; index++) {
				var source = arguments[index];
				if (source != null) {
					for (var key in source) {
						if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
							target[key] = source[key];
			return target;

	// 'classList' 兼容处理,add,remove不支持传入多个cls参数
	if (!("classList" in document.documentElement)) {
		Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'classList', {
			get: function () {
				var self = this;

				function update(fn) {
					return function (value) {
						var classes = self.className.split(/\s+/g),
							index = classes.indexOf(value);
						fn(classes, index, value);
						self.className = classes.join(" ");

				return {
					add: update(function (classes, index, value) {
						if (!~index) classes.push(value);

					remove: update(function (classes, index) {
						if (~index) classes.splice(index, 1);

					toggle: update(function (classes, index, value) {
						if (~index)
							classes.splice(index, 1);

					contains: function (value) {
						return !!~self.className.split(/\s+/g).indexOf(value);

					item: function (i) {
						return self.className.split(/\s+/g)[i] || null;

	 * 声明插件名称
	var PLUGIN_NAME = "qmsg";

	 * 命名空间 用于css和事件

	 * 状态 & 动画
	 * 显示中,显示完成,关闭中
	var STATES = {
		opening: 'MessageMoveIn',
		done: '',
		closing: 'MessageMoveOut'

	 * 全局默认配置
	 * 可在引入js之前通过QMSG_GLOBALS.DEFAULTS进行配置
	 * position {String} 位置,仅支持'center','right','left',默认'center'
	 * type {String} 类型,支持'info','warning','success','error','loading'
	 * showClose {Boolean} 是否显示关闭图标,默认为false不显示
	 * timeout {Number} 多久后自动关闭,单位ms,默认2500
	 * autoClose {Boolean} 是否自动关闭,默认true,注意在type为loading的时候自动关闭为false
	 * content {String} 提示的内容
	 * onClose {Function} 关闭的回调函数
	var DEFAULTS = Object.assign({
		position: 'center',
		type: "info",
		showClose: false,
		timeout: 2500,
		animation: true,
		autoClose: true,
		content: "",
		onClose: null,
		maxNums: 5,
		html: false
	}, global && global.QMSG_GLOBALS && global.QMSG_GLOBALS.DEFAULTS);

	 * 设置icon html代码
	var ICONS = {
		info: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M512 64q190.016 4.992 316.512 131.488T960 512q-4.992 190.016-131.488 316.512T512 960q-190.016-4.992-316.512-131.488T64 512q4.992-190.016 131.488-316.512T512 64zm67.008 275.008q26.016 0 43.008-15.488t16.992-41.504-16.992-41.504-42.496-15.488-42.496 15.488-16.992 41.504 16.992 41.504 42.016 15.488zm12 360q0-6.016.992-16T592 664l-52.992 60.992q-8 8.992-16.512 14.016T508 742.016q-8.992-4-8-14.016l88-276.992q4.992-28-8.992-48t-44.992-24q-35.008.992-76.512 29.504t-72.512 72.512v15.008q-.992 10.016 0 19.008l52.992-60.992q8-8.992 16.512-14.016T468 437.024q10.016 4.992 7.008 16l-87.008 276q-7.008 24.992 7.008 44.512T444 800.032q50.016-.992 84-28.992t63.008-72z" fill="#909399"/></svg>',
		warning: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M512 64C264.64 64 64 264.64 64 512c0 247.424 200.64 448 448 448 247.488 0 448-200.576 448-448 0-247.36-200.512-448-448-448zm0 704c-26.432 0-48-21.504-48-48s21.568-48 48-48c26.624 0 48 21.504 48 48s-21.376 48-48 48zm48-240c0 26.56-21.376 48-48 48-26.432 0-48-21.44-48-48V304c0-26.56 21.568-48 48-48 26.624 0 48 21.44 48 48v224z" fill="#E6A23C"/></svg>',
		error: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M512 64C264.58 64 64 264.58 64 512s200.58 448 448 448 448-200.57 448-448S759.42 64 512 64zm158.39 561.14a32 32 0 1 1-45.25 45.26L512 557.26 398.86 670.4a32 32 0 0 1-45.25-45.26L466.75 512 353.61 398.86a32 32 0 0 1 45.25-45.25L512 466.74l113.14-113.13a32 32 0 0 1 45.25 45.25L557.25 512z" fill="#F56C6C"/></svg>',
		success: '<svg viewBox="0 0 1024 1024" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16"><path d="M512 64q190.016 4.992 316.512 131.488T960 512q-4.992 190.016-131.488 316.512T512 960q-190.016-4.992-316.512-131.488T64 512q4.992-190.016 131.488-316.512T512 64zm-56 536l-99.008-99.008q-12-11.008-27.488-11.008t-27.008 11.488-11.488 26.496 11.008 27.008l127.008 127.008q11.008 11.008 27.008 11.008t27.008-11.008l263.008-263.008q15.008-15.008 9.504-36.512t-27.008-27.008-36.512 9.504z" fill="#67C23A"/></svg>',
		loading: '<svg class="animate-turn" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path fill="#fff" fill-opacity=".01" d="M0 0h48v48H0z"/><path d="M4 24c0 11.046 8.954 20 20 20s20-8.954 20-20S35.046 4 24 4" stroke="#409eff" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M36 24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12s-12 5.373-12 12 5.373 12 12 12" stroke="#409eff" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>',
		close: '<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 48 48" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><rect width="48" height="48" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.01"/><path d="M14 14L34 34" stroke="#909399" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/><path d="M14 34L34 14" stroke="#909399" stroke-width="4" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/></svg>',

	 * 是否支持动画属性
	 * @type {Boolean}
	var CAN_ANIMATION = (function () {
		var style = document.createElement('div').style;
		return style.animationName !== undefined ||
			style.WebkitAnimationName !== undefined ||
			style.MozAnimationName !== undefined ||
			style.msAnimationName !== undefined ||
			style.OAnimationName !== undefined;

	 * 生成带插件名的名称
	 * @param {...String}
	 * @returns {String}
	function namespacify() {
		var res = NAMESPACE;
		for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
			res += '-' + arguments[i];
		return res;

	 * 每条消息的构造函数
	 * @param {Objetc} opts 配置参数,参考DEFAULTS
	function Msg(opts) {
		var oMsg = this;
		oMsg.settings = Object.assign({}, DEFAULTS, opts || {});
		oMsg.id = Qmsg.instanceCount;
		var timeout = oMsg.settings.timeout;
		timeout = timeout && parseInt(timeout >= 0) && parseInt(timeout) <= Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY ? parseInt(timeout) : DEFAULTS.timeout;
		oMsg.timeout = timeout;
		oMsg.settings.timeout = timeout;
		oMsg.timer = null;
		var $elem = document.createElement("div");
		var $svg = ICONS[oMsg.settings.type || 'info'];
		var contentClassName = namespacify("content-" + oMsg.settings.type || 'info');
		contentClassName += oMsg.settings.showClose ? ' ' + namespacify('content-with-close') : ''
		var content = oMsg.settings.content || '';
		var $closeSvg = ICONS['close'];
		var $closeIcon = oMsg.settings.showClose ? '<i class="qmsg-icon qmsg-icon-close">' + $closeSvg + '</i>' : '';
		var $span = document.createElement("span");
		if (oMsg.settings.html) {
			$span.innerHTML = content;
		} else {
			$span.innerText = content;
		$elem.innerHTML = '<div class="qmsg-content">\
            <div class="' + contentClassName + '">\
                <i class="qmsg-icon">' + $svg + '</i>' + $span.outerHTML + $closeIcon +

		$elem.style.textAlign = oMsg.settings.position;
		var $wrapper = document.querySelector('.' + NAMESPACE);
		if (!$wrapper) {
			$wrapper = document.createElement("div");
			// $wrapper.classList.add(NAMESPACE, namespacify('wrapper'), namespacify('is-initialized'));
		oMsg.$wrapper = $wrapper;
		oMsg.$elem = $elem;
		setState(oMsg, 'opening');
		if (oMsg.settings.showClose) { // 关闭按钮绑定点击事件
			$elem.querySelector(".qmsg-icon-close").addEventListener('click', function () {
		$elem.addEventListener("animationend", function (e) {   // 监听动画完成
			var target = e.target, animationName = e.animationName;
			if (animationName === STATES['closing']) {
			target.style.animationName = '';
		if (oMsg.settings.autoClose) { // 自动关闭
			var intvMs = 10; // 定时器频率
			oMsg.timer = setInterval(function () {
				this.timeout -= intvMs;
				if (this.timeout <= 0) {
			}.bind(oMsg), intvMs);
			oMsg.$elem.addEventListener('mouseover', function () {
			oMsg.$elem.addEventListener('mouseout', function () {
				if (this.state !== 'closing') { // 状态为关闭则不重启定时器
					this.timer = setInterval(function () {
						this.timeout -= intvMs;
						if (this.timeout <= 0) {
					}.bind(oMsg), intvMs);

	function setState(inst, state) {
		if (!state || !STATES[state]) return;
		inst.state = state;
		inst.$elem.style.animationName = STATES[state];

	 * 直接销毁元素,不会触发关闭回调函数
	Msg.prototype.destroy = function () {
		this.$elem.parentNode && this.$elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.$elem);
	 * 关闭,支持动画则会触发动画事件
	Msg.prototype.close = function () {
		setState(this, 'closing');
		if (!CAN_ANIMATION) { // 不支持动画
		} else {
		var callback = this.settings.onClose;
		if (callback && callback instanceof Function) {

	 * 设置消息数量统计
	 * @private
	function setMsgCount(oMsg) {
		var countClassName = namespacify('count');
		var $content = oMsg.$elem.querySelector('[class^="qmsg-content-"]'),
			$count = $content.querySelector('.' + countClassName);
		if (!$count) {
			$count = document.createElement("span");
		$count.innerHTML = oMsg.count;
		$count.style.animationName = "";
		$count.style.animationName = "MessageShake";
		oMsg.timeout = oMsg.settings.timeout || DEFAULTS.timeout;

	 * 合并参数为配置信息,用于创建Msg实例
	 * @param {String} txt 文本内容
	 * @param {Object} config 配置
	 * @private
	function mergeArgs(txt, config) {
		var opts = Object.assign({}, DEFAULTS);
		if (arguments.length === 0) {
			return opts;
		if (txt instanceof Object) {
			return Object.assign(opts, txt);
		} else {
			opts.content = txt.toString();
		if (config instanceof Object) {
			return Object.assign(opts, config)
		return opts;

	 * 通过配置信息 来判断是否为同一条消息,并返回消息实例
	 * @param {Object} params 配置项
	 * @private
	function judgeReMsg(params) {
		params = params || {};
		var opt = JSON.stringify(params)
		var oInx = -1;
		var oMsg;
		for (var i in this.oMsgs) {
			var oMsgItem = this.oMsgs[i];
			if (oMsgItem.config === opt) {
				oInx = i;
				oMsg = oMsgItem.inst;
		if (oInx < 0) {
			var oItem = {};
			oItem.id = this.instanceCount;
			oItem.config = opt;
			oMsg = new Msg(params);
			oMsg.id = this.instanceCount;
			oMsg.count = '';
			oItem.inst = oMsg;
			this.oMsgs[this.instanceCount] = oItem;
			var len = this.oMsgs.length;
			var maxNums = this.maxNums;
			 * 关闭多余的消息
			if (len > maxNums) {
				var oIndex = 0;
				var oMsgs = this.oMsgs;
				for (oIndex; oIndex < len - maxNums; oIndex++) {
					oMsgs[oIndex] && oMsgs[oIndex].inst.settings.autoClose && oMsgs[oIndex].inst.close();
		} else {
			oMsg.count = !oMsg.count ? 2 : oMsg.count >= 99 ? oMsg.count : oMsg.count + 1;
		oMsg.$elem.setAttribute("data-count", oMsg.count);
		return oMsg;

	var Qmsg = {
		version: '0.0.1',
		instanceCount: 0,
		oMsgs: [],
		maxNums: DEFAULTS.maxNums || 5,
		config: function (cfg) {
			DEFAULTS = cfg && cfg instanceof Object ? Object.assign(DEFAULTS, cfg) : DEFAULTS;
			this.maxNums = DEFAULTS.maxNums && DEFAULTS.maxNums > 0 ? parseInt(DEFAULTS.maxNums) : 3;
		info: function (txt, config) {
			var params = mergeArgs(txt, config);
			params.type = 'info';
			return judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
		warning: function (txt, config) {
			var params = mergeArgs(txt, config);
			params.type = 'warning';
			return judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
		success: function (txt, config) {
			var params = mergeArgs(txt, config);
			params.type = 'success';
			return judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
		error: function (txt, config) {
			var params = mergeArgs(txt, config);
			params.type = 'error';
			return judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
		loading: function (txt, config) {
			var params = mergeArgs(txt, config);
			params.type = 'loading';
			params.autoClose = false;
			return judgeReMsg.call(this, params);
		remove: function (id) {
			this.oMsgs[id] && delete this.oMsgs[id];
		closeAll: function () {
			for (var i in this.oMsgs) {
				this.oMsgs[i] && this.oMsgs[i].inst.close();

	return Qmsg;