
Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars

< Opinie na HeroWarsHelper

Ocena: Dobry - skrypt działa

Napisano: 31-10-2024

Is anyone else having issues with the vendor and some battle screens freezing or being blank?

Napisano: 02-11-2024

No, no issues seen so far. Everything works as expected. Try using a different browser, or make sure you have "Developer Mode" turned on if you're using Chrome. Edge works great with Tampermonkey.

Napisano: 02-11-2024

Я уезжал в командировку на 10 дней, а когда вернулся, обнаружил, что скрипт на «Tampermonkey» не работает. Мне пришлось установить другую программу, похожую на «Tampermonkey», и только там скрипт заработал.

I went on a business trip for 10 days, and when I returned, I found that the script on "Tampermonkey" does not work. I had to install another program similar to "Tampermonkey", and only there the script worked.


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