Greasy Fork is available in English.


Allows end users to configure scripts.

< Opinie na $Config


Napisano: 28-05-2024

Hey, why do you have this in your code?

        const URL = {
            'SCHEME': 'https',
            'HOST': '',
            'PATH': '',
            'PARAMS': `?id=${KEY_TREE}`,
Napisano: 30-05-2024

Hi, it's the configuration UI website (an Amazon S3 page that I host). This script works by communicating with that website. It makes an iframe from it and passes info to it to define config structure & data.

I could probably make a version of the script that doesn't interface with an external website, but it'd be a pretty enormous, unreadable file. You might be able to do it yourself if you want to try. The website code's linked on this script's "Info" page at "Editor code available here".


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