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使用永动机后E站ip被ban了自建vps个人IP用了几年不存在代理问题只能是脚本问题 (Your IP address has been temporarily banned for excessive pageloads which indicates that you are using automated mirroring/harvesting software. The ban expires in 23 hours and 35 minutes) 原来用的Super_preloaderPlus_one_改访问e站没事可惜脚本年久失修 不知道是永动机是哪里设置问题 总体来说还行吧
使用永动机后E站ip被ban了自建vps个人IP用了几年不存在代理问题只能是脚本问题 (Your IP address has been temporarily banned for excessive pageloads which indicates that you are using automated mirroring/harvesting software. The ban expires in 23 hours and 35 minutes)
不知道是永动机是哪里设置问题 总体来说还行吧