Greasy Fork is available in English.


Make Deezer better enhancing it with new useful features

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Deezier
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match       https://www.deezer.*/*
// @grant       none
// @version     1.2
// @author      Kiprinite
// @description Make Deezer better enhancing it with new useful features
// @license MIT
// ==/UserScript==

const ID_LIBRARY_ELMT = 'deezier-library';
const ID_SCROLL_MONITOR_ELMT = 'deezier-scrollelmt';
const ID_POPUP_ELMT = 'deezier-popup';
const ID_POPUP_HEADER = 'deezier-popup-header';
const ID_POPUP_BODY = 'deezier-popup-body';
const ID_POPUP_LIBRARY_ELMT = 'deezier-library-popup';
const ID_REFRESH_ELMT = 'deezier-refresh-btn';

class Util {
  /* Collection of useful functions for general purpose */

  static simplifyString(str) {
      // "Les stations balnéaires (version acoustique) [remix]" -> "lesstationsbalnaires"
      return str.replace(/[\[("].*[\])"]|\W/g, '').toLowerCase();

  static idFromUrl(url) {
    return url.split('/').pop() || null;

  static idFromHref(elmt) {
    // Isolate the part after last slash '/' of the href URL for the given element
    if (!elmt) { return console.error("Tried to retrieve id from href of an undefined element"); }
    const href = elmt.getAttribute("href") || '';
    return Util.idFromUrl(href);

  static getElementUnderPointer() {
    const elmtsUnder = document.querySelectorAll(':hover');
    if (elmtsUnder.length) {
      return elmtsUnder[elmtsUnder.length - 1]
    return null;

  static makeElementDraggable(elmt, fctShouldMove=null) {
    function moveElmt(e) { = 'absolute'; = e.clientY + 'px'; = e.clientX - elmt.clientWidth/2 + 'px';
    function mouseUp(e) {
      window.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveElmt, true);'user-select', "initial");
    function mouseDown(e) {
      if (fctShouldMove && !fctShouldMove()) { return; } = "user-select: none;";
      window.addEventListener('mousemove', moveElmt, true);
    elmt.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDown, false);
    window.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp, false);


class ElementBuilder {
  /* Factory to create DOM elements to inject in deezer app (all native) */

  static createElement(name, properties={}) {
    // Generic snippet to create an arbitrary element along with its properties/children
    const { id, classes, inner, innerHtml, attributes={}, style={}, children=[] } = properties;
    var elmt = document.createElement(name);
    if (id) { = id; }
    if (classes) { elmt.className = classes; }
    if (inner) { elmt.innerText = inner; }
    if (innerHtml) { elmt.innerHTML = innerHtml; }
    Object.keys(attributes).map(k => { elmt.setAttribute(k, attributes[k]) });
    Object.assign(, style);
    (Array.isArray(children) ? children : [children]).map(child => elmt.appendChild(child));
    return elmt;

  /* Diverse DOM elements */

  static createInPlaylistToken(inPlaylists) {
    // Create a little visual marker meaning 'already present in a playlist' in Deezer style (like the 'E' for explicit song)
    var tokenContent = this.createElement('div',{
      classes: "explicit outline small",
      inner: inPlaylists.length == 1 ? "V" : inPlaylists.length,
      style: { color: "green", 'border-color': "green" }
    return this.createElement('div', {
      classes: "datagrid-cell cell-explicit-small deezier-token",
      attributes: {title: inPlaylists.join('\n')},
      children: [tokenContent]

  static createButton(text, cbFunction) {
    var btn = this.createElement("button", {
      inner: text,
      style: { padding: "5px", border: "1px solid", margin: "5px", 'margin-left': "20px" }
    btn.addEventListener('click', () => cbFunction());
    return btn;

  /* Elements related to the Deezier panel in the sidebar */

  static createBtnDetectInPlaylistTracks() {
    // A button to trigger the detection and adding of tokens to the already added tracks
    return this.createButton("Detect Added 🎵", () => DeezierArea.getInstance().appendInPlaylistTokens());

  static createBtnDetectSimilarTracks() {
    // A button to trigger the detection and adding of tokens to the already added tracks
    function callback() {
      const similarTracks = DeezierArea.getInstance().searchSimilarTracks();
    return this.createButton("Detect Duplicate 🎵", callback);

  static createBtnGetArtistsTop() {
    return this.createButton("Show Top 🎤", () => {
      const topArtists = DeezierArea.getInstance().getArtistsTop();

  static createSearchbar(forPopup=false) {
    // A searchbar element that will determine the content displayed in the 'library list' below
    var glass = this.createElement('div', {
      inner: "🔎",
      style: { float: "left", margin: "2px 8px 1px 2px" }
    var searchField = this.createElement('input', {
      attributes: { placeholder: "Search in playlists ...", type: "text" },
      style : { 'border-style': "none", 'background-color': "#191922", color: "#a5a5ae", width: forPopup ? "300px" : "" }
    var searchBar = this.createElement('div', {
      style: { border: "1px solid", display: "inline-block", margin: forPopup ? "10px 0px 0px 10px" : "" },
      children: [glass, searchField]}
    searchField.addEventListener("keyup", e => {
      const tomatch =;
      if (tomatch.length < 3) {
        if (tomatch.length == 0) {
      const matches = DeezierArea.getInstance().searchInLibrary(tomatch);
    return searchBar;

  static createExpandButton() {
    // A button to expand the library view in a popup coming in front of the Deezer app page
    const expandButton = this.createElement('button', { innerHtml: "<b>⛶</b>", style: { width: "25px", color: "rgb(165, 165, 174)" } });
    expandButton.addEventListener("click", () => DeezierArea.getInstance().toggleDeezierPopup());
    return this.createElement('div', {
      style: {
        'background-color': "#2d2d2d", width: "fit-content", 'border-radius': "4px",
	      border: "1px solid", display: "inline-block", 'margin-left': "2px"
      children: expandButton

  static createLibraryListTopBar() {
    // The bar above the library list element made up of the searchbar + expand button
    return this.createElement('div', {
      style: { margin: "15px 1px 5px 5px" },
      children: [this.createSearchbar(), this.createExpandButton()]

  static createLibraryList() {
    // The frame where the library list elements will live, to be filled later with these ones
    return this.createElement('div', {
      style: {
        height: "250px", width: "211px", 'overflow-y': "scroll",
        border: "1px #aabbcc solid", padding: "10px", 'margin-left': "5px"
      children: this.createElement('div', {
        id: ID_LIBRARY_ELMT

  static createLibraryListElmts() {
    // Build a list filled with items that are the playlists known in the library
    var elmts = [];
    for (let [pId, playlist] of DeezierArea.getInstance().getLibrary()) {
      var playlistLinkElmt = this.createElement('a', {
        inner: `${playlist.title} (${playlist.length})`,
        attributes: {href: playlist.url}
      elmts.push(this.createElement('div', {
        children: [playlistLinkElmt]
    return elmts;

  static createSimilarTracksElmts(simTracks) {
    var elmts = [];
    var lib = DeezierArea.getInstance().getLibrary();
    Object.entries(simTracks).map(([aId, simGroups]) => {
      var artistName = lib.getArtistName(aId);
      var children = [];
      children.push(this.createElement('a', {
        innerHtml:`<b>[<u style="background-color: #191922;">___${artistName} (${simGroups.length})___</u>]</b>`,
        attributes: { href: "" + aId }
      }));, i) => {, j) => {
          var branchStyle = '┣';
          if (j == similars.length-1) {
            branchStyle = '┡';
            if (i == simGroups.length-1) { branchStyle = '┗'; }
          var playlists = lib.getPlaylistsNameFromId(track.inPlaylists, true).sort();
          children.push(this.createElement('a', {
            innerHtml: `  ${branchStyle} <i><b>${track.title}</b></i> ∈ [ ${playlists.join(',&nbsp;')} ]`,
            attributes: { href: "" + track.track_id },
            style: { 'white-space': "nowrap" }
      elmts.push(this.createElement('div', {
        children: children
    return elmts;

  static createTopArtistElmts(topArtists) {
    const elmts = [];
    var lib = DeezierArea.getInstance().getLibrary(); => {
      var artistName = lib.getArtistName(artist.artist_id);
      var fav = lib.isArtistFavorite(artist.artist_id) ? '♡&nbsp;' : '&emsp;';
      var playlists = lib.getPlaylistsNameFromId(artist.inPlaylists).sort();
      var line = this.createElement('a', {
        innerHtml:`<b><u style="background-color: #191922;">${fav}${artistName}</u> (${artist.nbr_tracks} tracks)</b> ∈ [ ${playlists.join(',&nbsp;')} ]`,
        attributes: { href: "" + artist.artist_id },
        style: { 'white-space': "nowrap" }
      elmts.push(this.createElement('div', {
        children: line
    return elmts;

  static createLibrarySearchResultsElmts(searchResults) {
    // From the results of a research made in the searchbar, build the items to fill in the library list displaying matches
    var elmts = [];
    var lib = DeezierArea.getInstance().getLibrary();
    Object.entries(searchResults).map(([pId, results]) => {
      var playlist = lib.getPlaylist(pId);
      var children = [];
      // name of playlist we fond results in
      children.push(this.createElement('a', {
        innerHtml:`<b>[<u style="background-color: #191922;">___${playlist.title} (${results.title.length + results.artist.length})___</u>]</b>`,
        attributes: {href: playlist.url}
      // elements in first serie under playlist name are matches on the song title, i, {length}) => {
        var branchStyle = i == length-1 ? (results.artist.length ? '┡' : '┗') : '┣';
        children.push(this.createElement('a', {
          innerHtml: `  ${branchStyle} <i><b>${track.title}</b></i> - ${track.artist_name}`,
          attributes: { href: track.url },
          style: { 'white-space': "nowrap" }
      // elements in second serie under playlist name are matches on the artist name, i, {length}) => {
        var branchStyle = i == length-1 ? '┗' : '┣';
        children.push(this.createElement('a', {
          innerHtml: `  ${branchStyle} <i><b>${track.title}</b></i> - ${track.artist_name}`,
          attributes: {href: track.url},
          style: { 'white-space': "nowrap" }
      elmts.push(this.createElement('div', {
        children: children
    return elmts;

  static createLastRefreshElmt() {
    var refreshButton = this.createElement('button', {
      id: ID_REFRESH_ELMT,
      innerText: "Last refresh at --:--"
    refreshButton.onclick = () => { DeezierArea.getInstance().refreshLibraryContent().then(
      () => { DeezierArea.getInstance().setLibraryViewPlaylists() }) };
    return this.createElement('div', {
      style: { 'text-align': "right", 'padding-right': "15px", 'color': "#52525d" },
      children: refreshButton

  static createDeezierPanelArea() {
    // The global panel where Deezier's components live
    var area = document.createElement("div");
    return area;

  /* Elements related to the popup spawned when expand button is triggered */

  static createPopupHeader() {
    const deezierTitle = this.createElement("div", {
      inner: "deezier",
      style: {
        font: "bold 3em Deezer",
        color: "white",
        display: "inline-block",
        'padding-left': "23px"
    const closePopupButton = this.createElement("button", {
      inner: "✕",
      style: {
        'font-size': "2em",
        display: "inline-block",
        float: "right",
        'padding-right': "10px"
    closePopupButton.addEventListener("click", () => DeezierArea.getInstance().toggleDeezierPopup());
    return this.createElement("div", {
      id: ID_POPUP_HEADER,
      style: { height: "45px" },
      children: [deezierTitle, closePopupButton, this.createElement("hr")]

  static createPopupBodyTopBar() {
    const searchBar = this.createSearchbar(true);
    const btnSimilarTracks = this.createBtnDetectSimilarTracks();
    const btnTopArtists = this.createBtnGetArtistsTop();
    return this.createElement("div", {
      style: { height: "5%" },
      children: [searchBar, btnSimilarTracks, btnTopArtists]

  static createPopupBodyLibraryList() {
    // A frame similar to the library list view in sidebar but it can leverage the space offered by the popup
    const libList = ElementFinder.getLibrary().cloneNode(true);  // at creation consider same content as in sidebar = ID_POPUP_LIBRARY_ELMT;
    return this.createElement('div', {
      style: {
        height: "94%", 'overflow-y': "scroll",
        border: "1px #aabbcc solid", padding: "10px", 'margin': "0px 5px 0px 5px"
      children: libList

  static createPopupBody() {
    return this.createElement("div", {
      id: ID_POPUP_BODY,
      style: { height: "750px" },
      children: [this.createPopupBodyTopBar(), this.createPopupBodyLibraryList()]

  static createPopupPanel() {
    // A popup that is spawned when the expand button is clicked, giving more space to display the library list items etc.
    const popupHeader = this.createPopupHeader();
    const popupBody = this.createPopupBody();

    // build up header and body together in a popup element
    const popup = this.createElement("div", {
      id: ID_POPUP_ELMT,
      style: {
        width: "1000px",
        height: "800px",
        'z-index': "100",
        position: "fixed",
        left: "500px",
        top: "100px",
        'background-color': "#272731",
        'border-radius': "9px"
      children: [popupHeader, popupBody]
    Util.makeElementDraggable(popup, () => Util.getElementUnderPointer() === popupHeader);
    return popup;


class ElementFinder {
  /* Find diverse DOM elements in the current view. At some point, Deezer start to obfuscate classnames, but this is not
   * always used. We support both case, based on hardcoded obfuscated names. */

  static OBFUSCATED = {
    container_tracks: '_1uDWG',
    track_toplvl: '_2OACy',
    track: '_2OACy',
    album: '_10fIC',
    track_title: '_1R22u',
    track_title_only: 'AL075'  // track_title can contain explicit 'E' token or InPlaylist 'V' token + special case track unavailable

  static getDeezerApp() {
    // The root of the Deezer application
    return document.getElementById("dzr-app");

  static getProfileId() {
    // Discover the user id by looking at current page
    var l = document.getElementsByClassName("sidebar-nav-link is-main");
    for (let e of l) {
      var res = e.href.match(/.*profile\/(\d+)/);
      if (res) { return res[1]; }

  static getSidebar() {
    // Deezer original left sidebar, present in whatever is the current app view
    return document.getElementsByClassName("nano-content")[0];

  static getPlayer() {
    // The player element, expected to be always present at page bottom
    return document.getElementById("page_player");

  static getLibrary() {
    // The current Deezier library list element on the sidebar
    return document.getElementById(ID_LIBRARY_ELMT);

  static getPopupLibrary() {
    // The current Deezier library list expanded in the popup if it was spawned
    return document.getElementById(ID_POPUP_LIBRARY_ELMT);

  static getDeezierPopup() {
    return document.getElementById(ID_POPUP_ELMT);

  /* Tracks related elements */

  static getCurrentTrackInPlayer() {
    // The track currently played in the player and info about it (cannot get track id directly)
    const player = this.getPlayer();
    if (!player) { console.error("Unable to get global player object"); return null; }
    const trackElmt = player.getElementsByClassName("track-title")[0];
    if (!trackElmt) { console.error("Unable to get track object in player", player); return null; }
    const [titleElmt, artistElmt] = trackElmt.getElementsByClassName("track-link");
    if (!titleElmt || !artistElmt) { console.error("Unable to get info from track in player", trackElmt); return null; }
    return {
      track: trackElmt,
      artist_id: Util.idFromHref(artistElmt),
      artist_name: artistElmt.innerText,
      album_id: Util.idFromHref(titleElmt),  // clicking on the title redirects to album it's in actually
      title: titleElmt.innerText

  static getTracksInPage() {
    // Build an array of tracks present in current page (beware Deezer adjusts it dynamically when scrolling)
    var tracks = document.getElementsByClassName("datagrid-row song");
    if (!tracks.length) {
      tracks = document.getElementsByClassName(this.OBFUSCATED.track);
    return tracks;

  static getTrackIdFromElement(trackElement) {
    // From a track element, find out its id (only usable when not obfuscated, otherwise it isn't present at all)
    var titleElmts = trackElement.getElementsByClassName("datagrid-label-main title");
    if (!titleElmts.length) {
      return null;
    var urlToParse = titleElmts[0].getAttribute('href');
    return parseInt(urlToParse.substr(urlToParse.lastIndexOf('/')+1));

  static getArtistInfoFromPage() {
    return {
      artistName: document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="name"]').content,
      artistId: Util.idFromUrl(document.querySelector('meta[itemprop="url"]').content)

  static getTrackInfosFromElement(trackElement) {
    // Get the maximum information from a track element in the case it is obfuscated (no more id so we do the best)
    const titleElmt = trackElement.getElementsByClassName(this.OBFUSCATED.track_title)[0];
    // Note: Deezer implemented stupid feature to number tracks, need to strip it
    const titleText = titleElmt.querySelector('.' + this.OBFUSCATED.track_title_only).innerText.replace(/^\d+\. /g, "");
    const albumElmt = trackElement.querySelector("[data-testid='album']");
    var albumName, albumId, artistName, artistId;
    if (albumElmt === undefined) {
      // We are probably on the artist's page where no album is displayed in track elements, try to get info elsewhere
      var {artistName, artistId} = this.getArtistInfoFromPage();
    } else {
      albumName = albumElmt.innerText;
      albumId = Util.idFromHref(albumElmt);
      const artistElmt = trackElement.querySelector("[data-testid='artist']");
      if (!artistElmt) {
        // Didn't manage to get artist elmt at the left of album (Deezer removed column on pages where artist is explicit like Artist's top tracks)
        var {artistName, artistId} = this.getArtistInfoFromPage();
      } else {
              artistName = artistElmt.innerText;
      artistId = Util.idFromHref(artistElmt);

    return {
      title: titleText, title_elmt: titleElmt,
      album_name: albumName, album_id: albumId,
      artist_name: artistName, artist_id: artistId

  /* Elements to monitor by observers */

  static getElmtToMonitorPage() {
    // Element whose class is passed temporarily to 'opened' every time user arrive to a new view
    return document.getElementById("page_loader");

  static getElmtToMonitorScrolling() {
    // A container for the tracks in the current view Deezer maintains, that can be monitored to detect new ones spawned
    var elmtToMonitor, isObfuscated;
    const datagridElmt = document.getElementsByClassName("datagrid");
    if (datagridElmt.length) {
      const parent = datagridElmt[0];
      if (parent.childNodes.length <= 1) { return null; }
      elmtToMonitor = parent.childNodes[1];
      isObfuscated = false;
    } else {  // Likely we are in obfuscated case
      const trackContainer = document.getElementsByClassName(this.OBFUSCATED.container_tracks);
      if (!trackContainer.length) { return null; }
      elmtToMonitor = trackContainer[0];
      isObfuscated = true;
    return [elmtToMonitor, isObfuscated];


class DOM_Monitor {
  /* Manage observers on DOM elements to track the Deezer app state and events */

  static SCROLLING_OBS = 'scrolling';
  static PAGE_OBS = 'pageloading';
  static PLAYING_TRACK_OBS = 'playingtrack';

  constructor() {
    this.observers = {};

  createObserver(name, domElmt, callback, options={}) {
    // Add a new observer to the maintained one, by index (if already existing it is properly replaced)
    options = Object.assign( { attributes: true, childList: false }, options);
    if (this.observers[name] !== undefined) {
      console.log("Disconnect listening DOM observer", name, this.observers[name]);
    this.observers[name] = new MutationObserver(callback);
    this.observers[name].observe(domElmt, options);
    console.log("Created a new listening DOM observer named", name, this.observers);

  createPageChangeObserver() {
    // Observer triggered when a new content view is loaded in deezer app
    const elmtToMonitor = ElementFinder.getElmtToMonitorPage();
    if (elmtToMonitor == null) {
      console.error("Didn't find the DOM element page_loader to monitor page loading...");
      return false;
    const thisForCallback = this;
    function cbPageChanged(mutationsList) {
      mutationsList.forEach(mutation => {
        if (mutation.type === "attributes" && mutation.attributeName === "class") {
          if (!"opened")) {  // process when state is flipped back from opened
            function newScrollingObs() {
              if (!thisForCallback.createScrollingObserver()) {
                console.log("New page view loaded but no element to monitor scrolling found in");
              // in all cases, let's try to add inPlaylist tokens
            setTimeout(newScrollingObs, 500);  // let the time for DOM to be filled in with components
    this.createObserver(DOM_Monitor.PAGE_OBS, elmtToMonitor, cbPageChanged);
    return true;

  createScrollingObserver() {
    // Observer triggered when new tracks are added by deezer (at scrolling) in the containing element
    const scrollElmtFound = ElementFinder.getElmtToMonitorScrolling();
    if (scrollElmtFound === null) { return false; }
    var [elmtToMonitor, isObfuscated] = scrollElmtFound;
    if (elmtToMonitor == null) { return false; }
    function cbScrolling(mutationsList) {
      var newTrackAdded = false;
      for(var mutation of mutationsList) {
        if (mutation.type == 'childList') {
          for (var n of mutation.addedNodes) {
            if (n.className === ElementFinder.OBFUSCATED.track_toplvl) {
              newTrackAdded = true;
      if (newTrackAdded) { DeezierArea.getInstance().appendInPlaylistTokens(); }
    var options = isObfuscated ? { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false } : { };
    this.createObserver(DOM_Monitor.SCROLLING_OBS, elmtToMonitor, cbScrolling, options);
    return true;

  createPlayingTrackObserver() {
    var trackPlayer = ElementFinder.getCurrentTrackInPlayer();
    if (!trackPlayer) { return false; }
    const trackElmt = trackPlayer['track'];
    function cbTrackChange(mutationsList) {
      var trackChanged = false;
      for(var mutation of mutationsList) {
        if (mutation.type == 'characterData') {
          trackChanged = true;
      if (trackChanged) { DeezierArea.getInstance().appendInPlaylistTokens(); }
    const options = { childList: false, subtree: true, attributes: false, characterData: true };
    this.createObserver(DOM_Monitor.PLAYING_TRACK_OBS, trackElmt, cbTrackChange, options);
    return true;


class MusicLibrary {
  /* For an user, maintain an index of his personal playlists and feed it with the tracks listed in, along with another structure
   * indexed by artists that are in those playlists pulled from the Deezer API. */

  constructor(profileId) {
    this.profileId = profileId;
    this.playlists = {};  // index by playlist id
    this.artists = {};  // index by artist id
    this.lastRefresh = null;

  /* Pulling playlists & tracks from Deezer API and feed the library indexes (playlists + artists) */

  async fetchPlaylists() {
    // From the known user id, retrieve from Deezer API the list of his personal playlist and filter out interesting metadata
    const response = await fetch(`${this.profileId}/playlists&limit=1000`);
    const playlists = await response.json();
    return => ({
      title: p.title,
      length: p.nb_tracks,
      url_tracks: p.tracklist,
      url_picture: p.picture,
      time_lastmodif: p.time_mod

  async fetchTracks(playlistId) {
    // From a playlist id, retrieve from Deezer API the list of tracks in and filter out interesting metadata
    const response = await fetch(`${this.playlists[playlistId].url_tracks}&limit=1000`);
    const tracks = await response.json();
    return => ({
      title: t.title,
      album_name: t.album.title,
      album_url: t.album.tracklist

  async fetchFavoriteArtists() {
    // From the known user id, retrieve all his favorite artists to mark them in artists library
    const response = await fetch(`${this.profileId}/artists&limit=1000`);
    const artists = await response.json();
    return => ({
      time_added: a.time_add,
      nbr_fans: a.nb_fan

  async computePlaylists() {
    // Fill the playlists index with metadata from the user playlists (not yet the tracks in these)
    // The 'tracks' field with actual track data has to be filled afterwards calling fetchTracks()
    var pList = await this.fetchPlaylists();
    console.log("Fetched", pList.length, "playlists"); => {
      this.playlists[] = {
        url: p.url,
        title: p.title,
        length: p.length,
        creator: p.creator,
        tracks: {},  // <- will be filled once tracks fetched as well
        url_tracks: p.url_tracks,
        url_picture: p.url_picture,
        time_lastmodif: p.time_lastmodif

  async computeTracks(playlistIds=[]) {
    // For each playlist in the library or given list, fetch the tracks in it, create an object indexed by track ids and
    // references this object in the property this.playlists.playlistId.tracks
    playlistIds = playlistIds.length > 0 ? playlistIds : Object.keys(this.playlists);
    for (let p of playlistIds) {
      var trackList = await this.fetchTracks(p);
      trackList.forEach(t => {
        this.playlists[p]['tracks'][t.track_id] = t;
        const artist = this.addArtist(t.artist_id, t.artist_name);
        const album = this.addAlbumToArtist(t.artist_id, t.album_id, t.album_name);
        const track = this.addTrackToArtistAlbum(t.artist_id, t.album_id, t.track_id, t.title, p);
        if (!track['inPlaylists'].includes(p)) {

  async computeFavoriteArtists() {
    const favArtists = await this.fetchFavoriteArtists();
    console.log("Favorite artists ", favArtists); => {
      const artistEntry = this.getArtist(a.artist_id);
      if (artistEntry) {
        Object.assign(artistEntry, { favorite: true, time_added: a.time_added, nbr_fans: a.nbr_fans });
      } else {
        //console.error("A favorite artist", a.artist_name, "(id", a.artist_id, ") isn't in the library");

  setLastRefresh() {
    this.lastRefresh = new Date();
    document.getElementById(ID_REFRESH_ELMT).innerText = `Last refresh at ${this.lastRefresh.getHours()}:${this.lastRefresh.getMinutes()}`;

  /* Methods related to the playlist index */

  getPlaylist(id) {
    // Return an indexed playlist in the library by id
    return this.playlists[id] || null;

  isPlaylistListable(pId, lovedTracksPlaylist=false, otherUserPlaylists=false) {
    // When we list some playlists, we want to omit some undesired specific ones using known criteria
    const playlist = this.getPlaylist(pId);
    if (playlist === null) { return false }
    const isOwnUserPlaylist = (playlist.creator == ElementFinder.getProfileId());
    if (otherUserPlaylists || isOwnUserPlaylist) {  // consider only user's playlist if not specified
      if (lovedTracksPlaylist || playlist.title != "Loved Tracks" || !isOwnUserPlaylist) {
        return true;
    return false;

  getPlaylistsNameFromId(playlistIds, keepOmitted=false, fancyNames=true) {
    // From a playlist ids list, return the corresponding names (maybe discarding some non listable ones)
    if (!keepOmitted) {
      playlistIds = playlistIds.filter(pId => this.isPlaylistListable(pId));

    return => {
      var title = this.getPlaylist(pId).title;
      if (fancyNames) {
        if (title === "Loved Tracks") { return "♡"; }
      return title;

  getTracksInPlaylist(playlistId, onlyTrackIds=true) {
    // From a playlist id, return the known tracks metadata (or only ids) we have in the index for this playlist
    if (this.playlists[playlistId] !== undefined) {
      return Object.entries(this.playlists[playlistId].tracks).map(([tId, track]) => onlyTrackIds ? tId : track);
    return [];

  getAllTracks(onlyTrackIds=true) {
    // Build an array with all known tracks in the library's playlist index
    var allTracks = [];
    Object.keys(this.playlists).map(pId => allTracks.push(...this.getTracksInPlaylist(pId, onlyTrackIds)));
    return allTracks;

  getPlaylistsContainingTrack(trackId, lovedTracksPlaylist=false, otherUserPlaylists=false) {
    // From a track id, return all playlists (title) we have containing the track in the library's playlists index
    var inPlaylists = [];
    Object.entries(this.playlists).map(([pId, playlist]) => {
      if (this.isPlaylistListable(pId, lovedTracksPlaylist, otherUserPlaylists)) {
        if (this.getTracksInPlaylist(pId).includes(String(trackId))) {
    return inPlaylists;

  searchMathingTracks(tomatch) {
    // From the playlists, retrieve all tracks matching a pattern (used in search bar). Returns an object
    // indexed by playlist id in which a match is found, either on the track title or the artist (separated in 2 arrays)
    const re = RegExp(tomatch, 'i');
    const matchedPlaylists = {};
    Object.entries(this.playlists).map(([pId, playlist]) => {
      var matches = { title: [], artist: [] };
      Object.values(playlist.tracks).map(track => {
        var matchCategory = null;
        if (re.test(track.title) && !matches.title.filter(m => === track.track_id).length) {
          matchCategory = matches.title;
        if (re.test(track.artist_name) && !matches.artist.filter(m => === track.track_id).length) {
          matchCategory = matches.artist;
        matchCategory !== null && matchCategory.push(Object.assign({}, track));
      if (matches.title.length || matches.artist.length) {
        matchedPlaylists[pId] = matches;
    return matchedPlaylists;

  /* Methods related to the artist index */

  getArtist(id) {
    // From an artist id, return what we have in the library's artists index
    return this.artists[id] || null;

  getArtistName(artistId) {
    const artist = this.getArtist(artistId);
    if (!artist) { return null }
    return artist['artist_name'];

  isArtistFavorite(id) {
    const artist = this.getArtist(id);
    return artist ? (artist.favorite === true) : null;

  getArtistIds() {
    // Return the list of known artist ids in the library's artists index
    return Object.keys(this.artists);

  getAlbumsFromArtist(artistId) {
    // From an artist id, return all the known albums in the library's artists index
    const artist = this.getArtist(artistId);
    if (!artist) { return null }
    return artist['albums'];

  getAlbumTracksFromArtist(artistId, albumId, albumName=null) {
    // From the known artists, return the album tracks object if it exists by id, or the id of an exactly matching album title if
    // the id doesn't exist anymore (it was returned by Deezer API which is inconsistent)
    const artist = this.getArtist(artistId);
    if (!artist) { return null }
    if (!artist['albums'][albumId]) {
      // Try to get best match on title because Deezer fucked up and returned obsolete id
      var matchingAlbum = null;
      Object.entries(artist['albums']).map(([albumId, album]) => {
        if (album.album_name === albumName) {
          matchingAlbum = albumId;
      return matchingAlbum;
    return artist['albums'][albumId]['album_tracks'] || null;

  getAllAlbumsContentFromArtist(artistId) {
    const albums = this.getAlbumsFromArtist(artistId);
    const foundTracks = { };
    if (albums === null) { return foundTracks; }
    Object.values(albums).map(album => {
      Object.assign(foundTracks, album['album_tracks']);
    return foundTracks;

  addArtist(artistId, artistName) {
    // Add an artist to the library's artist index and return it (not added if already present)
    const currArtist = this.artists[artistId];
    if (currArtist) { return currArtist; }
    const newArtist = {
      artist_name: artistName,
      albums: { }
    this.artists[artistId] = newArtist;
    return newArtist;

  addAlbumToArtist(artistId, albumId, albumName) {
    // Add an album to a known artist in the library's artist index and return it (not added if already present)
    const currAlbum = this.artists[artistId]['albums'][albumId];
    if (currAlbum) { return currAlbum; }
    const newAlbum = {
      album_name: albumName,
      album_tracks: { }
    this.artists[artistId]['albums'][albumId] = newAlbum;
    return newAlbum;

  addTrackToArtistAlbum(artistId, albumId, trackId, trackName, inPlaylist) {
    // Add a track id to the referenced ones for a know album of an artist in the library's artist index and return it (not added if already present)
    const currTrack = this.artists[artistId]['albums'][albumId]['album_tracks'][trackId];
    if (currTrack) { return currTrack; }
    const newTrack = {
      title: trackName,
      inPlaylists: [inPlaylist]
    this.artists[artistId]['albums'][albumId]['album_tracks'][trackId] = newTrack;
    return newTrack;

  getSimilarTracksFromArtist(artistId) {
    // For an artist, get the tracks that are similar by name. Return an object indexed by canonical name with as
    // value an array of tracks matching this canonical name, thus to consider as 'similar' tracks
    const albums = this.getAlbumsFromArtist(artistId);
    if (!albums) { return null; }
    const similars = {};  // indexed by a canonical representation of track's name
    Object.values(albums).map(album => {
      Object.entries(album.album_tracks).map(([trackId, track]) => {
        var simplified = Util.simplifyString(track.title);
        var newEntry = {track_id: trackId, title: track.title, inPlaylists: track.inPlaylists};
        if (similars[simplified] === undefined) {
          similars[simplified] = [newEntry];
        } else {
    return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(similars).filter(([_, arrSimTracks]) => arrSimTracks.length > 1));

  getSimilarTracksGroupedByArtist(artistIds=[]) {
    // For some artist ids or all, build an object indexed by artist id that contains arrays of tracks similar by
    // title (similar tracks are grouped together in arrays) : aId -> [[simA1, simA2], [simB1, simB2, simB3], ...]
    var artistIds = artistIds.length ? artistIds : this.getArtistIds();
    const simTracksByArtist = {}; => {
      const simTracks = this.getSimilarTracksFromArtist(artistId);
      if (Object.keys(simTracks).length) {
        simTracksByArtist[artistId] = Object.values(simTracks);
    return simTracksByArtist;

  getPlaylistsMatchingTrackFromArtist(artistId, trackTitle, albumId=null, albumName=null, onlySimilarTracks=false) {
    // Sometimes we don't have the track id itself (only title), so we use known artist/album stuff to determine if
    // the track is present in the library. Tries to perform the best, sometimes the album id doesn't exist anymore but actually
    // the album name matches (likely Deezer API returns obsolete info). Returns an array of playlist names the track is in.
    const inPlaylists = [];
    if (albumId) {
      var albumTracks = this.getAlbumTracksFromArtist(artistId, albumId, albumName);
      if (typeof albumTracks === "string") {
        // the album id we had in artist library was likely obsolete, but got another album id by matching album name
        const matchingAlbumId = albumTracks;
        albumTracks = this.getAlbumTracksFromArtist(artistId, matchingAlbumId);
        console.log("Was unable to get album", albumId, albumName, "but found a match by name", matchingAlbumId, "where track", trackTitle, "is part of", albumTracks);
      } else if (albumTracks === null) {
        //console.error("While looking for track matching", trackTitle, ", didn't find any tracks in album", albumId, "of artist", artistId, this.getArtist(artistId));
        albumTracks = {};
      Object.entries(albumTracks).map(([id, albumTrack]) => {
        if (onlySimilarTracks) {
          if (Util.stringsSimilar(trackTitle, albumTrack.title)) {
            inPlaylists.push(Object.assign(albumTrack, { id: id }));
        } else if (albumTrack.title === trackTitle) {
          inPlaylists.push(... albumTrack.inPlaylists);
      return [... new Set(inPlaylists)];
    } else {  // will walk through all known albums of the given artist
      Object.keys(this.getAlbumsFromArtist(artistId)).forEach(albumId => {
        inPlaylists.push(... this.getPlaylistsMatchingTrackFromArtist(artistId, trackTitle, albumId, null, onlySimilarTracks));
    return inPlaylists;

  getAllTracksByArtist(artistIds=[]) {
    var artistIds = artistIds.length ? artistIds : this.getArtistIds();
    const tracks = { }; => {
      const albumContent = this.getAllAlbumsContentFromArtist(aId);
      tracks[aId] = {
        trackIds: Object.keys(albumContent),
        inPlaylists: [... new Set(Object.values(albumContent).map(track => track.inPlaylists).flat())]
    return tracks;

  getStatisticsTopArtists(artistIds=[]) {
    const topToOrder = Object.entries(this.getAllTracksByArtist(artistIds)).map(([aId, tracks]) => {
      return { artist_id: aId, nbr_tracks: tracks.trackIds.length, inPlaylists: tracks.inPlaylists }
    topToOrder.sort((a, b) => {
      if (a.nbr_tracks < b.nbr_tracks) { return 1; }
      if (a.nbr_tracks > b.nbr_tracks) { return -1; }
      if (a.inPlaylists.length < b.inPlaylists.length) { return 1; }
      else { return -1; }
    return topToOrder;

  /* Object methods */

  [Symbol.iterator]() {
    // Iterate over the indexed playlist in modification order (latest first)
    function orderPlaylists([idA, plA], [idB, plB]) {
      return plA.time_lastmodif < plB.time_lastmodif;
    return Object.entries(this.playlists).sort(orderPlaylists)[Symbol.iterator]();

  display() {
    console.log("Music library for user", this.profileId, '\nPlaylists:', this.playlists, '\nArtists', this.artists);


class DeezierArea {
  /* The place where all the stuff Deezier is working on is gathered, mapping in DOM as an additional area in the sidebar.
   * Central point on which runtime methods can be called using the singleton. */

  constructor(library) {
    if(!DeezierArea._instance) {
      DeezierArea._instance = this;
    this.library = library;  // the library gather all stuff related to user's playlists
    this.domObserver = new DOM_Monitor();  // an object used to manage DOM listeners
    return DeezierArea._instance;

  static getInstance() {
    return this._instance;  // singleton

  injectInPage() {
    // inject the actual DOM area panel in the left side bar of Deezer interface
    // setup observers on DOM elements
    this.domObserver.createScrollingObserver();  // don't wait until we load a new page view to try it

  appendInPlaylistTokens() {
    // Add a 'V' token in the frontend beside every song already present in a user's playlist
    // 1. Potential tracks in current page view (playlist, album)
    var tracks = ElementFinder.getTracksInPage();
    console.log("Found", tracks.length, "tracks on this page !", tracks);
    // TODO : not very efficient to go through the whole library for each track >:(
    for (let track of tracks) {
      if(track && track.getAttribute('deezier-token')) { continue; } // song unavailable or already marked with a token

      var titleElmt, inPlaylistsName = [];
      var trackId = ElementFinder.getTrackIdFromElement(track);

      if (trackId) {
        titleElmt = track.querySelector(".cell-title");
        inPlaylistsName = this.library.getPlaylistsContainingTrack(trackId);
      } else {  // likely we are in the case classnames are obfuscated
        const trackInfos = ElementFinder.getTrackInfosFromElement(track);  // cannot get directly track id, but we have artist/album id + name of the track
        titleElmt = trackInfos.title_elmt;
        var inPlaylistsId = this.library.getPlaylistsMatchingTrackFromArtist(trackInfos.artist_id, trackInfos.title, trackInfos.album_id, trackInfos.album_name);
        inPlaylistsName = this.library.getPlaylistsNameFromId(inPlaylistsId);

      if (inPlaylistsName.length) {  // track is in at least one playlist
        titleElmt.parentElement.insertBefore(ElementBuilder.createInPlaylistToken(inPlaylistsName), titleElmt);
        track.setAttribute('deezier-token', 1);
    // 2. The current track in the player at the bottom
    const currTrackInfo = ElementFinder.getCurrentTrackInPlayer();
    if (!currTrackInfo) {
      console.error("Unable to retrieve track currently playing");
      return null;
    var titleElmt = currTrackInfo.track;

    if (titleElmt.getAttribute('deezier-token')) {
    var inPlaylistsId = this.library.getPlaylistsMatchingTrackFromArtist(currTrackInfo.artist_id, currTrackInfo.title, currTrackInfo.album_id);
    var inPlaylistsName = this.library.getPlaylistsNameFromId(inPlaylistsId);
    if (inPlaylistsName.length) {
      titleElmt.parentElement.insertBefore(ElementBuilder.createInPlaylistToken(inPlaylistsName), titleElmt);
      titleElmt.setAttribute('deezier-token', 1);

  toggleDeezierPopup() {
    // (De)spawn the deezier popup, where we have more space to display library & other Deezier stuff
    const popupElmt = ElementFinder.getDeezierPopup();
    if(popupElmt === null) {
    } else {

  async refreshLibraryContent() {
    console.log("Retrieving playlists for user", this.library.profileId, "...");
    await this.library.computePlaylists();
    console.log("Retrieving tracks from all playlists in library ...");
    this.library.computeTracks().then(() => {
      console.log("Retrieving favorite artists ...");
      this.library.computeFavoriteArtists().then(() => {
    }); // no await here to avoid blocking too much time, we can already inject in DOM what we have

  searchInLibrary(tomatch) {
    // From a given pattern, search in the built library for some matches on title/artist name
    return this.library.searchMathingTracks(tomatch);

  searchSimilarTracks(artistIds=[]) {
    return this.library.getSimilarTracksGroupedByArtist(artistIds);

  getArtistsTop(artistIds=[]) {
    return this.library.getStatisticsTopArtists();

  cleanLibraryViews() {
    // Remove the content of the library view from its container
    const libraryElmt = ElementFinder.getLibrary();
    while (libraryElmt.firstChild) { libraryElmt.firstChild.remove(); }
    const libraryPopupElmt = ElementFinder.getPopupLibrary();
    if (libraryPopupElmt) {  // Additionaly if the popup has been spawned ...
      while (libraryPopupElmt.firstChild) { libraryPopupElmt.firstChild.remove(); }
    return [libraryElmt, libraryPopupElmt];

  setLibraryViewPlaylists() {
    // Fill in the library view with the list of user's playlists
    const [libraryElmt, libraryPopupElmt] = this.cleanLibraryViews();
    ElementBuilder.createLibraryListElmts().map(p => {
      if (libraryPopupElmt) { libraryPopupElmt.appendChild(p.cloneNode(true)); }

  setLibraryViewSearchResults(searchResults) {
    // Fill the library view with the results of a research done in the dedicated Deezier searchbar
    const [libraryElmt, libraryPopupElmt] = this.cleanLibraryViews();
    ElementBuilder.createLibrarySearchResultsElmts(searchResults).map(p => {
      if (libraryPopupElmt) { libraryPopupElmt.appendChild(p.cloneNode(true)); }

  setLibraryViewSimilarTracks(similarTracks) {
    const [libraryElmt, libraryPopupElmt] = this.cleanLibraryViews();
    ElementBuilder.createSimilarTracksElmts(similarTracks).map(elmt => {
      if (libraryPopupElmt) { libraryPopupElmt.appendChild(elmt.cloneNode(true)); }

  setLibraryViewTopArtists(topArtists) {
    const [libraryElmt, libraryPopupElmt] = this.cleanLibraryViews();
    ElementBuilder.createTopArtistElmts(topArtists).map(elmt => {
      if (libraryPopupElmt) { libraryPopupElmt.appendChild(elmt.cloneNode(true)); }

  getLibrary() {
    return this.library;


/* Main function */

async function process() {
  console.log("Start Deezier process ..");
  const userId = ElementFinder.getProfileId();
  if (!userId) {
  var lib = new MusicLibrary(userId);
  var area = new DeezierArea(lib);

  // Inject Deezier panel with a little delay to be sure to have list of playlists already pulled
  console.log("Injecting Deezier area in left side panel ...");
  setTimeout(() => area.injectInPage(), 1000);

function delayStart(delay=4000) {
  setTimeout(process, delay);

console.log("===== DEEZIER =====");