Greasy Fork is available in English.
Add notes (aliases/tags) for scripts to help identify and search, and support WebDAV sync
< Opinie na Greasyfork - Add notes to the script
But this implementation will conflict with the existing mouse over function.
But this implementation will conflict with the existing mouse over function.
Which one?
I my CSS test that's ok:
As i can see, I can use all your script function without problem.
As you can see, i continue to test your useful script.
It is possible to make notes multi lines?
I test that by CSS and it seems interesting.
To see the full note i use hover.
See my screenshot...
The idea became when i wanted adding the translation to a chines script...
In the same way, move the "Tag" before the "Note" should be better:
That's the reference, the organize stuff thing.
Notes are details / observations etc....