Hordes UI Mod

Various UI mods for Hordes.io.

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  • v1.5.1 14-06-2020 v1.5.1: Fix friends list being broken, fix alt+right click inventory item not copying stats to clipboard
  • v1.5.0 16-04-2020 v1.50: - You can now zoom your minimap using scroll wheel. - Upon resizing/zooming minimap, your character now stays centered in the minimap. - Fixes bug where inventory items appeared behind inventory when dragging. - Fixed a couple locked item slot bugs.
  • v1.4.1 04-03-2020 v1.4.1: 1) Player & Ally Health now gets darker/oranger as it gets lower. Option to fade to red instead of orange is in the works. 2) Withdraw All button added to stash. 3) Fixed bug where mod toggling settings UI always showed whenever you opened settings.
  • v1.4.0 02-03-2020 v1.4.0: Add ability to toggle specific mods on/off. If your game drops FPS because of this mod, try disabling skill cooldowns or/and buff tooltips. This update also sliightly optimizes skill cooldowns.
  • v1.3.3.2 28-02-2020 v1.3.3.2: Fix moved skill bar being reset to target frame position, as opposed to last skill bar position
  • v1.3.3.1 28-02-2020 v1.3.3.1: Fix bug some users saw with skill cooldown numbers occasionally breaking
  • v1.3.3 26-02-2020 v1.3.3: Fix skill cooldowns not showing. Fix skill bar not being draggable. Dragging UI frames, e.g. player/party/etc, now requires you to hold down left click for 1 second before being able to drag, up from 0.5 seconds. Should lessen accidentally moving the UI.
  • v1.3.2 27-01-2020 v1.3.2: Fixed bug with alt+right click copying stats not working due to recent game update
  • v1.3.1 14-01-2020 v1.3.1: Fix breaking bug with buff tooltips some users may have experienced (thanks Cullen for the investigation+fix!)
  • v1.3.0.1 12-01-2020 v1.3.0: Major new features: 1) Add on-hover buff/debuff tooltips to most abilities, for players and enemies. 2) Add screenshot mode - toggle UI by pressing F9 (thanks Cullen!). Minor changes: 1) Add tooltips for friends/xp meter in top right nav, reordering them slightly as well. 2) Add placeholder message in friends list note text fields.
  • v1.3.0 12-01-2020 Bump version to 1.3.0
  • v1.2.7 09-01-2020 v1.2.7: Fix friends list bug - you can now whisper and party friends again
  • v1.2.6.2 08-01-2020 v1.2.6.2: Remove GM chat filter - fix breaking issue with removing chat filter in 1.2.6
  • v1.2.6.1 08-01-2020 v1.2.6.1: Fix breaking issue with v1.2.6 - removes GM chat filter
  • v1.2.6 08-01-2020 v1.2.6: Remove GM chat filter
  • v1.2.5 07-01-2020 1.2.5: Bugfixes! XP Meter was broken from latest Hordes patch - is now fixed. Multiple Locked Inventory Slot bugfixes
  • v1.2.4 06-01-2020 v1.2.4: Few bug fixes with new Locked items feature not working correctly in all scenarios
  • v1.2.3 05-01-2020 v1.2.3: Implement new Locked Bag Slot feature. Right click any item to lock that inventory slot. Locking an item slot prevents you from shift+right clicking it and from seeing "Drop item" in the right click menu. Note: You are not locking an item, but that specific inventory slot. Moving the item to a different slot means it is no longer locked.
  • v1.2.2 05-01-2020 v1.2.2: Add button to deposit all gold in stash. (Thanks Cullen!) Update party/player/etc frames so you can't drag until you hold click for 1/2 second. Bug fixes: 1) Fix bug where blocked player message briefly appeared. 2) Fix skill cooldown occasionally showing wrong cooldown. 3) Fix bug where clan last seen activity didn't work right for Assistant guild ranks and higher. 4) Fix bug where clan last seen activity caused error. 5) Fix bug with not being able to move Target health frame sometimes
  • v1.2.1 04-01-2020 v1.2.1: Remaining cooldown time in seconds is now displayed overlaying the skill icons on your skill bar. Have feedback or find a bug? Ping me in Discord @Sakaiyo. Disabling specific mods is coming soon, so if you don't like this mod, please be patient and you'll be able to disable it.
  • v1.2.0 02-01-2020 v1.2.0: 1) Clan member list now has a Last seen column. This is the last time you saw their chat or saw them in the clan member list. 2) Party, player, and target health frames can now be dragged around. 3) Can reset all window positions in Settings. 4) Friends list can now be closed by clicking the friends list icon again, or by clicking the X now visible in the top right of the friends list.
  • v1.1.6 31-12-2019 v.1.1.6: Fix occasional bug where multiple merchant filter fields could be added to the merchant window
  • v1.1.5 31-12-2019 v1.1.5: Fix buggy merchant filter refreshing. Competely refactored the way refreshing works - should be a lot smoother and less buggy now. LMK if you still have any issues
  • v1.1.4 31-12-2019 v1.1.4: Fix small bug where epic stats weren't being copied when alt+right clicking them
  • v1.1.3 31-12-2019 v1.1.3: Bugfixes! Fixed the map resizing not working for some people. Friending/unfriending/blocking in the UI is now reflected immediately in the friends/block list window, rather than having to refresh. If already open, the XP meter now stays open between refreshes.
  • v1.1.2 31-12-2019 v1.1.2: Can now alt+right click inventory items to copy their item stats (or name, if not equipment) to clipboard. Merchant filter now reloads automatically when you change category/search
  • v1.1.1 30-12-2019 v1.1.1: New merchant filter now uses AND filter instead of OR filter. i.e. "item find, luck" returns items with _both_ item find AND luck, rather than items with item find OR luck
  • v1.1.0 30-12-2019 v1.1.0: Adds new Merchant filter. Open Merchant, see new field to the right of lvl fields. Searches through contents of all visible items tooltips. Supports multiple filters by separating with commas, e.g. "item find, luck"
  • v1.0.3 30-12-2019 v1.0.3: Fix bug with not being able to right click chat tabs.
  • v1.0.2 29-12-2019 v1.0.2: Add "Copy name" when clicking chat name. Copies name to clipboard. Fix bugs with clicking VG messages in chat who are whispering you. Fix bug with map opacity and chat tabs not saving on reload.
  • v1.0.1 29-12-2019 v1.0.1: Bugfix from Cullen: Fix bug introduced in 1.0.0 where you could not click names in chat to whisper/party/etc
  • v1.0.0 28-12-2019 Version 1.0.0: No major feature changes. Smoothed resizing of map. Under the hood: Refactored entire mod to split up each mod into its own module. There's a chance there are bugs or broken things - please speak up. Ping Sakaiyo on Discord.
  • v0.201 27-12-2019 Fix bug where inviting/whispering players from friends whispered "null" instead of the player, v0.201
  • v0.200 27-12-2019 New feature from Chandog#6373: XP Meter. Click XP icon in the top right to access. Determine how much xp / minute you're getting, how long until next level, and more.
  • v0.190 26-12-2019 Chat tabs are now a thing! Create new chat tabs by clicking the + icon above chat. Right click chat tabs to change their name or remove them. Chat tabs reflect the current set filters you see below chat.
  • v0.180 24-12-2019 Improvements: 1) Can now right click or left click names in chat | 2) Add reset ("r") button to top right of map, resetting map transparency and size | 3) You can now access party invite/whisper/etc from whisper messages, just click their name | 4) In your friends list, you can now store notes next to each of your friends. || Bugfixes: 1) Making the map less opaque no longer fails to update the opacity. | 2) Your custom resized map size is now retained when minimizing the map
  • v0.170 24-12-2019 New feature: You can now change the map opacity. Click the +/- buttons in the top right of the map, visible when hovering over the map. Bug fix: You could open the friends list multiple times.
  • v0.160 23-12-2019 New feature: Friends list. Click name in chat to friend/unfriend. Click F in top right, next to Elixir icon, to see friends list, and whisper/party invite. (No online indicator, sorry. That's not possible to mod in.)
  • v0.151 23-12-2019 Minor bug fix: When dragging items in your inventory to move them, you can now see the item icon.
  • v0.150 23-12-2019 New feature: Ability to block players. Click their names in chat, then click Block. To unblock, open normal Settings in top right and click Blocked players.
  • v0.140 22-12-2019 Clicking user in chat now opens context menu to Whisper or Invite them to Party :D
  • v0.131 22-12-2019 Fixed Bugs: 1) GM chat filter not filtering out GM text. 2) Right clicking items Menu not being visible in front of Inventory
  • v0.130 22-12-2019 New feature: Clicking a window, e.g. Inventory or Market, will always display that window over other parts of the UI. This overrides defaults, like how Market displays over Inventory by default.
  • v0.121 22-12-2019 Fixed bugs: 1) Windows no longer occasionally have a delay before being able to drag them. 2) Some windows were not saving their position, like merchant and interaction. This has been fixed. 3)This script now automatically reinitializes itself if game has refreshed, e.g. you have been tabbed away for a while.
  • v0.12 22-12-2019 New lvlup and GM chat channel filters. Draggable UI windows save between reload and reopen. Fixed bug where shrinking resized map was difficult.
  • v0.11 22-12-2019 Resized chat and resized map now save size between page refreshes. Fixed bug with opening maximized map
  • v0.1 21-12-2019