Quora: remove sponsored posts

Remove sponsored posts that are shown as relevant answers even if they're not.

< Opinie na Quora: remove sponsored posts


Napisano: 29-11-2018

Not working guy

Please check it again! It's not work in my case

Napisano: 30-11-2018

Please, can you give me any detail about that? Are you using the mobile interface of the site or the desktop one? Are you logged in?

Napisano: 01-12-2018

It works for me. Thanks for making it!

Napisano: 04-12-2018
Edytowano: 04-12-2018

I have no idea why is this not working in my case. I used Google Chrome Version 70.0.3538.110 (Official Build) (64-bit).

Did you guy use any other filter list that might help?

Napisano: 05-12-2018

Ok, I'll try with chrome to see where does my script fails. Are you logged in quora when you see the ads? Because I tested the script without logging in, so maybe for logged in users the page displays differently.

Napisano: 14-12-2018

Yes, I am login to my account in Quora then see this advertisement.

Napisano: 15-12-2018

Ok, since I logged in I don't receive anymore ads, even with the script disabled. One of the problems I found in my script is that I included only www.quora.com, while after the access, the user is redirected to the local version of quora (ex. fr.quora.com). I have now included *.quora.com in the script, so that every local version should be covered. Can you please send one of the URLs of the pages where you see the ads? To be sure to test the script on the same page you have problemsi with.

Napisano: 18-12-2018

This is one the URL that I see on the advertisement in Quora!



I found some temporary solution that I can add Adguard Adblocker help me remove all the adv in Quora! But it still awesome if you might find the solution for this.

Napisano: 18-12-2018

Thank you for the detailed descriptions, but I need the URLs of the Quora page where you see the ads. One other problem my script may have is that is not built for dynamic loading of the page. I'll edit as soon as possible to make it able to remove ads after the page has completely loaded and other answers load later.

Napisano: 19-12-2018

Thank you for your support! However there nothing special about the Quora page URL: https://www.quora.com. Just like this

Napisano: 24-12-2018

Ah, that's the reason why the script is not working: this script only remove the ads that are mixed with the answers, not the ads on the main page.

Napisano: 26-12-2018

Okay! I got it! Thank for your support! Merry Christmas


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