Flickr: Show All Sizes

Adds links to every available size of a Flickr image.

< Opinie na Flickr: Show All Sizes

Ocena: OK - skrypt działa, ale ma błędy

Napisano: 01-08-2014

Work under FF 29 but doesnt work under FF30+

Script works nice under Firefox 29+ but doesent works under Fiefox 30+. I have no idea whats the reason. Script already works with Firefox 29 and the new layout of Flickr. Rollout 08/01/2014

Napisano: 04-08-2014

Same, it doesn't work in Firefox 30+ but it works great in Chrome.

Napisano: 05-08-2014

I downgrade Greasemonkey to V 1.5 and now it works under all FF versions. Not nice but OK. Show All Sizes is my only but my favorit script for GM. I cant without it!


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