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Cielo job frame tinkerer

An extension to the CrowdSurf productivity tools script that circumvents sandbox security to directly modify the code of the transcription frame.

Mobius Evalon
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1 0 0
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0

Standard disclaimer: I am a crowdsourced employee of CrowdSurf Support, but am not affiliated with their corporate entity or parent company in any official capacity. These scripts do not perform any functions that could conceivably be considered illegal in any jurisdiction, but they are all unlicensed software providing functions and making modifications to the official transcription software without the knowledge or endorsement of CrowdSurf Support. CrowdSurf Support are not responsible for the development or function of these scripts and cannot or will not provide support for them.

Script disclaimer: The Ignore Forever function is simply a list of words that the spellchecker will ignore as defined by you. It does not consult a dictionary nor does it validate your decision to ignore the word with CrowdSurf, it is simply sent through the ignore functions automatically when the job frame loads for each transcript. I am not responsible for a drop in your QC score as it relates to use of this script because I am making no representation that the words you choose to ignore are spelled correctly or will be immune to the ire of a reviewer.

Important: Without going into the specifics of web security, this script has a dependency on at least v0.7 of CrowdSurf productivity tools (that is, both scripts have to be installed at the same time). Without the hooks in CSPT, the functions in this script are likely to appear to operate but not actually do what it's supposed to. For example, ignoring a misspelled word forever without having CSPT installed won't do anything besides a normal "Ignore all" and the word will be marked as misspelled again in following transcripts.

The Cielo job frame tinkerer loads directly in the page scope to change the raw operation of the interface. Currently, this script does the following:

  • Maintains a list of permanently ignored spellcheck terms. Ever had a group of HITs with terms that you know are correct because you copy-pasted them from Google? Click on them and select "Ignore Forever", and they'll never be marked as incorrectly spelled again.

Also helpful:

  • CrowdSurf productivity tools. Track earnings, keyboard shortcuts, eliminate mouse usage...
  • CSW extension for CSPT. Automatically scroll the page down to the job frame, rearrange the interface to save space...
  • Job counter. Adds an easy, clickable button to the worker history dashboard to count up the number of jobs completed in that timeframe, because CrowdSurf does not currently provide a way to do this...

Contact me with bugs or suggestions!