HTML Item List Creator

Auto create item lists from comparisons

// ==UserScript==
// @name           HTML Item List Creator
// @description    Auto create item lists  from comparisons
// @namespace
// @author
// @include        http://**
// @grant          none
// @version        0.0.2
// ==/UserScript==

$('#su_table').before("<div id='html_item_list' style='border:1px dashed;margin-botto:20px;padding:20px;'><h3>Hi! This is HTML Item List Creator.</h3>Click one of this buttons below to generate the code you need, then copy the contents:<br /><br /> <button id='autobtn' style='margin-right:10px;'>HTML Code (Blogs)</button><button id='reddit'>Markdown (Reddit)</button><button id='bbcode' style='margin-left:10px;'>BBCode (Forums)</button><br /><br />For updates, click <a href=''>here</a>.<br /><br /><textarea id='autoitems' style='font-size:12px;display:none;width:100%;min-height:110px;background:transparent;border:1px solid;color:green;text-shadow:0 0 3px green;' spellcheck='false'></textarea></div>");

var table2 = [
	            '' ,//0
	            'Head: ' ,//1
	            'Neck: ' ,//2
	            'Shoulders: ' ,//3
	            'Shirt: ' ,//4
	            'Chest: ' ,//5
	            'Waist: ' ,//6
	            'Legs: ' ,//7
	            'Boots: ' ,//8
	            'Wrists: ', //9
	            'Hands: '  ,  //10
	            '' ,  //11,
	            '' ,  //12
	            '1H Weapon: ',//13,
	            'Shield: ' ,   //14
	            'Ranged: ' ,  //15
	            'Cloak: ' ,   //16
	            '2H Weapon: ' //17


table2[23] = 'Off-hand: ';

var fakeDiv= $('<div id="fake" style="display:none;"></div>').appendTo('body');

function Markdown(url,name,slot) {


function createList(){
	$( fakeDiv ).html( '' );
   $('div.summary-group-bottom .iconsmall a').each(function(){
	var href=$(this).attr('href');
	var match = href.match(/\/item=(\d+)/)[1];
	var url = ''+ match;
	if(match) {
		var a  = $('<a>').attr('href',''+ match );
		$( fakeDiv ).append( a );
		var slot = g_items[match].jsonequip.slot;
		var name = g_items[match].name_enus;
		if( slot && table2[slot] )
		   $( a ).before( table2[slot] );

		if( name )
			 $( a ).text( name );
    text =  fakeDiv.html();
	text = text + '<br><a href="' + $('#su_link').attr('href') +'">View on Wowhead</a>';

    baseURI = document.baseURI;
    var uri = baseURI.match(/http:\/\/[a-z]\//)[0];
    if(uri)  {

     $('#autoitems').text(text).fadeIn() ;
    else {
      $('#autoitems').text('Error :(').fadeIn() ;

function Markdown(){
	$( fakeDiv ).html( '' );
   $('div.summary-group-bottom .iconsmall a').each(function(){
	var href=$(this).attr('href');
	var match = href.match(/\/item=(\d+)/)[1];
	var url = ''+ match;
	if(match) {
		var slot = g_items[match].jsonequip.slot;
		var name = g_items[match].name_enus;

		if( name ){
			if( slot && table2[slot] ) $( fakeDiv ).append(  table2[slot] );
			$( fakeDiv ).append(  '[' + name + '](' + url + ')\n\n' );
    text =  fakeDiv.html();
	text = text + '[View on Wowhead](' + $('#su_link').attr('href') +')';

    baseURI = document.baseURI;
    var uri = baseURI.match(/http:\/\/[a-z]\//)[0];
    if(uri)  {

     $('#autoitems').text(text).fadeIn() ;
    else {
      $('#autoitems').text('Error :(').fadeIn() ;

function BBCode(){
	$( fakeDiv ).html( '' );
   $('div.summary-group-bottom .iconsmall a').each(function(){
	var href=$(this).attr('href');
	var match = href.match(/\/item=(\d+)/)[1];
	var url = ''+ match;
	if(match) {
		//var a  = $('<a>').attr('href',''+ match );
		//$( fakeDiv ).append( a );
		var slot = g_items[match].jsonequip.slot;
		var name = g_items[match].name_enus;
		if( slot && table2[slot] )
		   //$( a ).before( table2[slot] ); 
		   $(fakeDiv).append( table2[slot] )

		if( name )
			$(fakeDiv).append( '[url=' + url + ']' + name + '[/url]'); 
    text =  fakeDiv.html();
	text = text + '[url=' + $('#su_link').attr('href') +']View on Wowhead[/url]\n';

    baseURI = document.baseURI;
    var uri = baseURI.match(/http:\/\/[a-z]\//)[0];
    if(uri)  {

     $('#autoitems').text(text).fadeIn() ;
    else {
      $('#autoitems').text('Error :(').fadeIn() ;