- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Pfandflaschensammler
- // @namespace http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/85124
- // @author lmk (wieder lauffaehig gemacht und erweitert von We1hnachtsmann)
- // @license GPL version 3 or any later version; http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
- // @copyright (c) 2009, lmk.
- // @description Nach beendetem Pfandflaschensammeln wird ein Hinweis auf der zuletzt geoeffneten Seite ausgegeben und es kann zur Pfandflaschensammelseite weitergeleitet werden
- // @grant GM_getValue
- // @grant GM_setValue
- // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
- // @grant GM_deleteValue
- // @grant GM_listValues
- // @grant GM_log
- // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
- // @grant GM_setClipboard
- // @include *4everproxy.com*
- // @include http://*.pennergame.de/*
- // @include http://pennergame.de/*
- // @include https://*.pennergame.de/*
- // @include https://pennergame.de/*
- // @include http://*.dossergame.co.uk/*
- // @include http://dossergame.co.uk/*
- // @include http://*.menelgame.pl/*
- // @include http://menelgame.pl/*
- // @include http://*.bumrise.com/*
- // @include http://bumrise.com/*
- // @include http://*.clodogame.fr/*
- // @include http://clodogame.fr/*
- // @include http://*.mendigogame.es/*
- // @include http://mendigogame.es/*
- // @include http://*.mendigogame.com/*
- // @include http://mendigogame.com/*
- // @include http://*.faveladogame.com/*
- // @include http://faveladogame.com/*
- // @include http://*.bomzhuj.ru/*
- // @include http://bomzhuj.ru/*
- // @exclude http://*board.pennergame.de/*
- // @exclude http://mobile.pennergame.de/*
- // @version 2.9.14 Proxy für Spendensammler geändert
- // @require http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.js
- // ==/UserScript==
- // @version 2.9.13 Tagesaufgabe Verbrechen/Sünde/Sabotage funktionierte nicht mehr
- // @version 2.9.12 Abfrage auf Spendenserver nur, wenn auch Spenden gesammelt werden
- // @version 2.9.11 alternativen Spendenserver eingebaut; kleinere Korrekturen
- // @version 2.9.10 Fehler beim Geschenkabholen behoben
- // @version 2.9.9 Spenden wurden nicht mehr gesammelt
- // @version 2.9.8 Umstellung auf https und viele kleine Korrekturen
- // @version 2.9.7 kleine Korrekturen; Geschenke abholen verbessert
- // @version 2.9.6 kleine Korrekturen
- // @version 2.9.5 viele kleine Fehler behoben; diverse Erweiterungen, z.T. noch im Test
- // @version 2.9.4 Tagesaufgabe Verbrechen korrigiert; Fehler bei Spendenholen behoben
- // @version 2.9.3 Tagesaufgabe Sabotage in Atlantis korrigiert
- // @version 2.9.2 weitere Anpassungen für Atlantis (Tagesaufgaben)
- // @version 2.9.1 Anpassungen Atlantis
- // @version 2.8.31 Geld wurde zu oft in Bandenkasse eingezahlt
- // @version 2.8.30 Korrektur Geld abholen
- // @version 2.8.29 Korrektur Flaschensammeln und Verbrechen
- // @version 2.8.28 Boxen beim Flaschensammeln verlegt; Start von Verbrechen korrigiert
- // @version 2.8.27 Weitere Korrekturen Flaschen sammeln und Spenden; Standorte um Missionsplunder erweitert
- // @version 2.8.26 Korrekturen Flaschen sammeln und Spenden; Einstellungen sichern und wiederherstellen
- // @version Korrekturen Stadtteil-/Gebietsvorwahl; Heimatstandort wählbar; Hotfix: Spenden
- // @version 2.8.25 Korrekturen Stadtteil-/Gebietsvorwahl; Heimatstandort wählbar
- // @version 2.8.24 Stadtteil-/Gebietsvorwahl bei Flaschensammeln
- // @version 2.8.23 Korrekturen Weihnachtsbäckerei
- // @version 2.8.22 Korrekturen/Verbesserungen Weihnachtsbäckerei
- // @version 2.8.21 Erweiterungen für Weihnachtsbäckerei
- // @version 2.8.20 Verbesserung Minispiel Memory und Tagesaufgabe Shoutbox
- // @version 2.8.19 Erweiterung um Minispiel Memory
- // @version 2.8.18 Spielsteuerung korrigiert; Fehler bei Spendenholen behoben
- // @version 2.8.17 Fehler bei TA "Lose kaufen" behoben; Minigame Globbi
- // @version 2.8.16 Spenden holen funktionierte nicht mehr richtig
- // @version 2.8.15 alles kaufen im Plundershop
- // @version 2.8.14 Einkauf im Plundershop
- // @version 2.8.13 Umstellung Losekauf
- // @version 2.8.12 Korrekturen für Brezngaudi
- // @version 2.8.11 Korrekturen für Minispiele; Brezngaudi
- // @version 2.8.10 Korrekturen für Breznjagd und Spenden holen; Hendlbraterei
- // @version 2.8.9 kleine Korrektur für Breznjagd
- // @version 2.8.8 Korrekturen für Eventspiel und Spenden holen
- // @version 2.8.7 Anpassungen für Mini-Spiel "Stramme Schenkel"; Fehler korrigiert
- // @version 2.8.6 Anpassungen für neue Eventplundereinteilung
- // @version 2.8.5 Fehler bei Spenden holen behoben
- // @version 2.8.4 Korrekturen; Spenden holen über spenden.hitfaker.net
- // @version 2.8.3 Probleme mit Spielen, Spenden und Bandenfinanzen behoben
- // @version 2.8.2 weitere Korrektur nach PG-Update; Probleme mit Spielen und Spenden behoben
- // @version 2.8.1 Anpassungen ans neue Profil-Design
- // @version 2.7.4 "Freche Früchtchen": Korrekturen und Liste mit gefundenen Gegenständen
- // @version 2.7.3 Fehler bei TA behoben; Spiele "Freche Früchtchen" und "Eiswürfelspiel" neu
- // @version 2.7.2 Spiele "Freche Früchtchen" und "Eiswürfelspiel" auf Wunsch automatisch
- // @version 2.7.1 Anpassungen wegen des neuen Bildungsslots
- // @version 2.6.12 Korrektur Geld in Bandenkasse einzahlen
- // @version 2.6.11 keine Texte bei Geldeinzahlung; Korrekturen bei TA
- // @version 2.6.10 Korrektur TA Flaschen sammeln
- // @version 2.6.9 Korrektur Flaschen verkaufen; ggf. Seife bei TA "100% sauber" benutzen
- // @version 2.6.8 Korrektur TA Lose kaufen; Wut/WiWu-abhängiger Plunderwechsel
- // @version 2.6.7 automatischer Flaschenverkauf im Vatikan funktionierte nicht mehr
- // @version 2.6.6 weitere Korrekturen an Tagesaufgaben
- // @version 2.6.5 kleine Korrekturen
- // @version 2.6.4 Plunder für Eigentumupgrades nicht verschrotten, wenn er noch benötigt wird.
- // @version 2.6.3 Anpassungen für Mini-Spiel "Zecken für Ecken"
- // @version 2.6.2 Kleine Anpassungen für Missionsplunder; Probleme mit Fußballspiel behoben
- // @version 2.6.1 Erweiterung Erledigung Tägliche Aufgabe und Mini-Spiel "Umkleidekabine"
- // @version 2.5.16 Erweiterung für Mini-Spiel "Russisch Roulette"
- // @version 2.5.15 Abschalten des Mini-Spiels "Russisch Roulette"
- // @version 2.5.14 Anpassungen für Mini-Spiel "Eierklau 2015"
- // @version 2.5.13 Mini-Spiel "Osterfeuer 2015"
- // @version 2.5.12 Spenden holen
- // @version 2.5.11 Kamellen suchen
- // @version 2.5.10 Unnötige Aufrufe der Eventseite abgestellt
- // @version 2.5.9 Automatik funktionierte nicht mehr
- // @version 2.5.8 Probleme mit Event-Seite behoben
- // @version 2.5.7 Vatikan: Flaschenverkauf bei Überschreiten eines maximalen Füllgrads
- // @version 2.5.6 Adventsspiel: Plätzchenklau, Korrektur
- // @version 2.5.5 Adventsspiel: Plätzchenklau
- // @version 2.5.4 Fehler bei Erkennung eines vorhandenen Updates behoben
- // @version 2.5.3 Erkennung des beendeten Minigames fehlerhaft; Sammelmarken einlösen
- // @version 2.5.2 automatischer Aufruf der Event-Seite falls nötig
- // @version 2.5.1 erste Version Vatikan und neues Rentier-Spiel
- // @version 2.4.3 Korrekturen; Gehalt automatisch abholen
- // @version 2.4.2 Erweiterungen und Korrekturen für Eckfahnenspiel 2014
- // @version 2.4.1 Wechsel auf greasyfork.org; Verbrechensstart erweitert
- // @version 2.3.34 Anpassungen für Sommergame 2014 (Zollbeamter)
- // @version 2.3.33 noch eine Korrektur zu Anpassungen für Ostergame 2014
- // @version 2.3.32 Korrektur zu Anpassungen für Ostergame 2014
- // @version 2.3.31 Anpassungen für Ostergame 2014
- // @version 2.3.30 Fehler bei Anpassung an neues Karnevalgame behoben
- // @version 2.3.29 Anpassung an neues Karnevalgame
- // @version 2.3.28 kleine Korrektur: bei automatischen Verbrechen kam u.U. eine Abfrage
- // @version 2.3.27 2. Korrektur zu Anpassungen an Xmas-Minigame 2013
- // @version 2.3.26 Korrektur zu Anpassungen an Xmas-Minigame 2013
- // @version 2.3.25 Anpassungen an Xmas-Minigame 2013
- // @version 2.3.24 Skript lief nicht mehr richtig
- // @version 2.3.23 Checkbox auf Login-Seite fehlte
- // @version 2.3.22 Fehler im letzten Update behoben
- // @version 2.3.21 Anpassung wegen anderen Aufbaus der Counter; Beseitigung von Fehlermeldungen
- // @version 2.3.20 Erweiterung um Minispiel Piratenschatz
- // @version 2.3.19 Erweiterung um Minispiel Zollkontrolle
- // @version 2.3.18 Erweiterung um Kofferpackspiel
- // @version 2.3.17 kein automatisches Wiedereinloggen, wenn explizit ausgeloggt wurde
- // @version 2.3.16 automatisches Wiedereinloggen
- // @version 2.3.15 Korrektur wegen Stadtfeind
- // @version 2.3.14 Testmeldung entfernt
- // @version 2.3.13 kleinere Erweiterungen; Reparatur nach Totalausfall
- // @version 2.3.12 Korrektur wegen Stadtfeind
- // @version 2.3.11 noch einmal Updateverfahren korrigiert
- // @version $Id: pfandflaschensammler.user.js 209 2020-07-04 18:29:35Z mkl $
- if (!String.prototype.endsWith)
- String.prototype.endsWith = function(str) {
- return (this.substr(-str.length) == str);
- };
- if (!String.prototype.startsWith)
- String.prototype.startsWith = function(str) {
- return (this.indexOf(str) == 0);
- };
- GM_deleteValue("proxysitelink");
- GM_deleteValue("proxysitehost");
- var host = window.location.hostname;
- if (host.endsWith("4everproxy.com")) {
- host = GM_getValue("4everproxyhost", "").split(";")[0].split("/").pop();
- }
- else {
- if (host.startsWith("change."))
- host = "www" + host.substr(6);
- // if (host.indexOf("pennergame") != -1 && !document.getElementById("content"))
- // alert("Fehler host=" + window.location.hostname);
- if (GM_getValue("4everproxyhost", "xxx").split(";")[0].endsWith(host))
- window.location.href = "https://www.4everproxy.com";
- }
- /* Automatic click on "start collecting" | Automatischer Klick auf "Sammeln" */
- var autoSubmit = true; //false;
- /* Alert messages */
- var msgAttackEnemy = "Es wurde ein Angriff auf den Stadtfeind Nr. 1 gestartet. Seite aktualisieren ?";
- var pflaschen = "Pfandflaschen";
- var flaschentxt = "Flaschen";
- var crimetxt = "Verbrechen";
- /* Captcha select title*/
- var strTime = "Zeit: "; // "Time: ";
- var intervalTime = 4000;
- var done = " -/-"; // text after counter reached 0:00
- var done0 = "00:00"; // alternative text after counter reached 0:00
- var latestDTtime = "23:30"; // latest time for daily task
- var time = String(new Date().getTime());
- var counter = done;
- var fcounter = done;
- var crime = false;
- var nameTime = "time";
- var nameLastCollectTime = "LastCollectTime";
- var checkInterval;
- var tracelevel = 0;
- var tracing = 0;
- var traceln = 0;
- var hltraceln = 0;
- var maxtraceln = 200;
- var maxhltraceln = 200;
- var missionContent = "";
- var overviewcontent = "";
- var maxFass = 0;
- var myATT = 0;
- var myDEF = 0;
- var nitroCount = 0;
- var THISSCRIPTVERSION = GM_info.script.version.match(/[\d\.]*/)[0];
- var THISSCRIPTNAME = GM_info.script.name;
- var THISSCRIPTINSTALL_URLGF = "https://greasyfork.org/de/scripts/1049-pfandflaschensammler";
- var AUTHOR = GM_info.scriptMetaStr.split("@author")[1].split("\n")[0].split(" ").pop().split(")")[0].trim().toLowerCase();
- var varCache = [];
- var valCache = [];
- var freevars = [];
- var updDFcount = 0;
- //GM_setValue("expertMode", 1);
- var expertMode = GM_getValue("expertMode", 0);
- function fallback(ms, href) {
- if (typeof(ms) == "number") {
- if (fallbackTO != 0)
- window.clearTimeout(fallbackTO);
- fallbackTO = 0;
- if (ms > 0) {
- trace("setze Timeout auf " + href + " (" + ms/1000 + " Sek)", 5);
- fallbackTO = setTimeout(fallback, ms, href);
- }
- else
- trace("fallback gelöscht", 5);
- }
- else {
- trace("Fallback Timeout: " + ms, 1);
- window.location.href = ms;
- }
- return;
- }
- var fallbackTO = 0;
- var m_ownuserid = GM_getValue("lastuserid_" + host, "0:").split(":")[0];
- var m_ownusername;
- var TOWNEXTENSION = GM_getValue("lastuserid_" + host, ":"+host).split(":")[1];
- var prothost = window.location.protocol + '//' + host;
- tracelevel = PGu_getValue("tracelevel", tracelevel);
- traceln = Number(PGu_getValue("callnr", "0"));
- if (traceln <= 0)
- traceln = 1;
- hltraceln = Number(PGu_getValue("hlcallnr", "0"));
- if (hltraceln <= 0)
- hltraceln = 1;
- fallback(60000, prothost + '/overview/');
- trace("Pfandflaschensammler gestartet: " + m_ownuserid + "/" + TOWNEXTENSION + "/" + window.location.pathname, 2);
- if (PG_getValue("spendensammler", "xxx") == "xxx")
- PG_setValue("spendensammler", "4everproxy");
- if(window.location.hostname.endsWith("4everproxy.com")){
- var hhost = GM_getValue("4everproxyhost", "").split(";")[0];
- if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("secure") != -1) {
- var content = document.getElementById("content").innerHTML;
- while (content.indexOf("schon genug Spenden") == -1) {
- var so = document.getElementsByName("selip")[0];
- var anz = so.innerHTML.split("<option").length-1;
- if (so.selectedIndex + 1 == anz)
- so.selectedIndex = 0;
- else
- so.selectedIndex = so.selectedIndex + 1;
- document.getElementById("foreverproxy-submit").click();
- return;
- }
- GM_deleteValue("4everproxylink");
- GM_deleteValue("4everproxyhost");
- window.location.href = document.getElementById("foreverproxy-u").value.replace("//change", "//www").replace(/\/change_.*/, "/overview/");
- return;
- }
- var don = GM_getValue("4everproxylink", "");
- if (don != "") {
- trace("Spendenlink: " + don, 2);
- don = don.split(";").pop();
- document.getElementsByName("u")[0].value = don;
- document.getElementById("server_name").value = "de";
- document.getElementById("content").getElementsByClassName("button-secondary")[0].click();
- return;
- }
- }
- else if (document.getElementsByName("language").length != 0) {
- if (expertMode) {
- PGu_delete("calls");
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": Logging " + (PGu_getValue("logging", 0)?"aus":"ein") + "schalten", function () {PGu_setValue("logging", 1 - PGu_getValue("logging", 0)); window.location.href = window.location.href;});
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": Tracelevel setzen (" + (tracelevel==0?"aus":tracelevel) + ")", function () {
- var tl = prompt("Bitte Tracelevel eingeben (0-9): ");
- if (tl != null)
- if (tl < 0 || tl > 9)
- alert("Wert nicht erlaubt!!");
- else {
- tracelevel = 1;
- trace("Tracelevel gesetzt: " + tl, 1);
- tracelevel = tl;
- PGu_setValue("tracelevel", tracelevel);
- }
- });
- function showTrace(call, maxcall) {
- var callnr = Number(PGu_getValue(call + "nr", "0"));
- var calls = [];
- for (var i = callnr - 1; i != callnr; (i <= 1 ? i = maxcall : i--)) {
- var txt = PGu_getValue(call + i, "");
- if (txt == "")
- break;
- calls.push(txt);
- }
- alert(calls.join("\n"));
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("callnr", "0") != "0")
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": Trace anzeigen", function () {
- showTrace("call", maxtraceln);
- });
- if (PGu_getValue("hlcallnr", "0") != "0")
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": Highlevel-Trace anzeigen", function () {
- showTrace("hlcall", maxhltraceln);
- });
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": Variable(n) anzeigen", function () {
- var name = prompt("Bitte Namen der Variablen eingeben: ");
- if (name != null) {
- var gm_vars = GM_listValues();
- for (var i = 0; i < gm_vars.length; i++)
- if (gm_vars[i].match(new RegExp('.*'+name+'.*', "i")))
- alert(gm_vars[i] + ": " + GM_getValue(gm_vars[i], "<null>"));
- }
- });
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": Haustierautomatik " + (PGu_getValue("AutoPet", false)?"aus":"ein") + "schalten", function () {
- PGu_setValue("AutoPet", !PGu_getValue("AutoPet", false));
- window.location.href = window.location.href;
- });
- }
- var language = document.getElementsByName("language")[0].content;
- trace("Language: " + language, 2);
- // Version ermitteln
- var oldVersion = 1;
- if (!document.getElementById("login")) {
- if (GM_getValue("ErrorCounter_" + host, "").length > 10)
- GM_setValue("ErrorCounter_" + host, 0);
- GM_setValue("ErrorCounter_" + host, GM_getValue("ErrorCounter_" + host, 0) + 1);
- oldVersion = 0;
- trace("Fehler, reload in 10 Sekunden", 1);
- setTimeout(reload, 10000, "main");
- }
- else
- doTheAction();
- }
- else if (host.startsWith("malle")) {
- var today = new Date();
- var wait = 10;
- var rundenende = Number(PG_getValue("rundenende", "0"));
- if (Number(today.getTime()) > rundenende + 86400000)
- wait = Math.min((18-today.getHours())*3600-today.getMinutes()*60-today.getSeconds(), 3600);
- else if (Number(today.getTime()) > rundenende)
- wait = 3600;
- setTimeout(reload, wait*1000, "mallewait");
- }
- else {
- if (GM_getValue("ErrorCounter_" + host, "").length > 10)
- GM_setValue("ErrorCounter_" + host, 0);
- GM_setValue("ErrorCounter_" + host, GM_getValue("ErrorCounter_" + host, 0) + 1);
- trace("Fehler, reload in 10 Sekunden", 1);
- setTimeout(reload, 10000, "main");
- }
- // **********************************************************************************
- // **********************************************************************************
- // Funktion extrahiert die eigene UserID
- // **********************************************************************************
- // **********************************************************************************
- function getOwnUserID() {
- // Eigene UserID ermitteln
- var myprof = document.getElementById("my-profile-new");
- if (!myprof)
- myprof = document.getElementById("my-profile");
- var ownuserid = myprof.innerHTML.split('href="/profil/id:')[1].split('/"')[0];
- GM_setValue("lastuserid_" + host, ownuserid + ":" + TOWNEXTENSION);
- return ownuserid;
- }
- // Logging
- function PG_log(string, tlevel) {
- if (typeof(tlevel) == "undefined")
- tlevel = 9;
- trace(string, tlevel);
- if (PGu_getValue("logging", 0) == 0)
- return;
- var now = new Date();
- GM_log(FormatDateTime(now) + "--> " + TOWNEXTENSION + ": " + string);
- }
- // Holen einer Variablen ohne User-Id
- function PG_getValue(varname, deflt) {
- var i = varCache.indexOf(varname);
- if (i == -1) {
- var val = GM_getValue(TOWNEXTENSION + varname, deflt);
- varCache.push(varname);
- valCache.push(val);
- //trace("Anzahl Variablen im Cache: " + varCache.length, 2);
- return val;
- }
- //trace(varname + " aus Cache geholt.", 2);
- return valCache[i];
- }
- // Setzen einer Variablen ohne User-Id
- function PG_setValue(varname, value) {
- var i = varCache.indexOf(varname);
- if (value === "") {
- if (i != -1) {
- varCache[i] = "";
- freevars.push(i);
- }
- GM_deleteValue(TOWNEXTENSION + varname);
- }
- else {
- GM_setValue(TOWNEXTENSION + varname, value);
- if (i == -1) {
- if (freevars.length > 0)
- i = freevars.pop();
- else
- i = varCache.length;
- }
- varCache[i] = varname;
- valCache[i] = value;
- //trace("Anzahl Variablen im Cache: " + varCache.length, 2);
- }
- }
- // Holen einer Variablen mit User-Id
- function PGu_getValue(varname, deflt) {
- return PG_getValue(varname + m_ownuserid, deflt);
- }
- // Setzen einer Variablen mit User-Id
- function PGu_setValue(varname, value) {
- if (m_ownuserid == 0) {
- PGu_delete(varname);
- return;
- }
- PG_log("set " + varname + " to " + value);
- PG_setValue(varname + m_ownuserid, value);
- }
- // Loeschen einer Variablen mit User-Id
- function PGu_delete(varname) {
- var i = varCache.indexOf(varname + m_ownuserid);
- if (i != -1) {
- varCache[i] = "";
- freevars.push(i);
- }
- GM_deleteValue(TOWNEXTENSION + varname + m_ownuserid);
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // formats a date into the format "YYYY-MM-DD"
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function FormatDate(DateToFormat) {
- var year = DateToFormat.getFullYear();
- var month = DateToFormat.getMonth() + 101 + "";
- var day = DateToFormat.getDate() + 100 + "";
- return year + "-" + month.slice(1) + "-" + day.slice(1);
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // formats a date/time into the format "DD.MM.YYYY"
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function FormatDateDMY(DateToFormat) {
- return FormatDateTime(DateToFormat).substr(0,10);
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // formats a date/time into the format "DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss"
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function FormatDateTime(now, bw) {
- var year = now.getFullYear();
- var month = ("0" + (now.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
- var day = ("0" + now.getDate()).slice(-2);
- var hh = ("0" + now.getHours()).slice(-2);
- var mm = ("0" + now.getMinutes()).slice(-2);
- var ss = ("0" + now.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
- if (bw == undefined)
- bw = " ";
- else
- bw = " " + bw + " ";
- return day + "." + month + "." + year + bw + hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss;
- }
- // **********************************************************************************
- // **********************************************************************************
- // returns the money value
- // **********************************************************************************
- // **********************************************************************************
- function GetMoney(doc) {
- var money = doc.getElementsByClassName("icon money")[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
- money = Number(money.innerHTML.match(/[\d.,]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g, "")) / 100;
- return money;
- }
- // **********************************************************************************
- // **********************************************************************************
- // returns the promille value
- // **********************************************************************************
- // **********************************************************************************
- function GetPromille(doc) {
- var promille = doc.getElementsByClassName("icon beer")[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
- promille = Number(promille.innerHTML.match(/[\d.,]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/,''))/100;
- return promille;
- }
- function CheckForExport(now, diff) {
- // create and format actual date
- trace("CheckForExport", 2);
- var lastExport = GM_getValue("lastExport", "");
- if (isNaN(lastExport))
- lastExport = 0;
- else
- lastExport = Number(lastExport);
- if (now >= lastExport + diff) {
- GM_setValue("lastExport", String(now));
- exportVars(false, true);
- }
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // check for a new script version and display a message, if there is one
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function CheckForUpdate(now, diff) {
- // create and format actual date
- trace("CheckForUpdate", 8);
- var lastUpdate = GM_getValue("LastUpdateCheckGF","");
- if (isNaN(lastUpdate)) {
- lastUpdate = now;
- GM_setValue("LastUpdateCheckGF", String(now));
- }
- else
- lastUpdate = Number(lastUpdate);
- // if not searched for a new version of the script today
- if (now >= lastUpdate + diff) {
- // **********************************************************************************
- // *** GM_XMLHTTPREQUEST *** Abrufen der Skriptseite von greasyfork.org
- // **********************************************************************************
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET',
- headers:{ "Accept":"text/html; charset=UTF-8" },
- overrideMimeType:"application/javascript; charset=UTF-8",
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- // Wenn die Seite erfolgreich abgerufen werden konnte
- if (responseDetails.status == 200) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- // Ermitteln der Skriptversion
- if (content.indexOf("@version") != -1)
- var scriptfullversion = content.split('@version')[1].trim().split('\n')[0];
- else
- var scriptfullversion = content.split('"script-show-version">').pop().split('</span')[0].split('<span>').pop();
- var scriptversion = scriptfullversion.split(' ')[0];
- scriptfullversion = scriptfullversion.substr(scriptversion.length+1);
- var description = content.split('"script-author-description">').pop().split("</div")[0].split('<br>').pop().trim();
- PGu_setValue("sm", description.endsWith(".")?1:0);
- // if there is a new version of the script
- if (scriptversion != THISSCRIPTVERSION) {
- // build the message
- var alerttext = "Es gibt eine neue Version des Skriptes '" + THISSCRIPTNAME + "':\n\n" + scriptfullversion + "\n\nDie neue Version kann Fehlerbehebungen und/oder neue Funktionen beinhalten.\nHier gibt es weitere Infos über die neue Version:\n\n" + THISSCRIPTINSTALL_URLGF + "\n\nEine Aktualisierung ist empfehlenswert und kann direkt anschließend durchgeführt werden.\n\nHinweis: Die überprüfung auf neue Versionen wird nur einmal pro Tag durchgeführt."
- // display the message
- alert(alerttext);
- // load the page with the new script for installation
- window.location.href = THISSCRIPTINSTALL_URLGF+'/code/Pfandflaschensammler.user.js';
- }
- }
- }
- });
- // memorize the new date
- GM_setValue("LastUpdateCheckGF", String(now));
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("sv", "") != THISSCRIPTVERSION && PGu_getValue("sm", 0) == 1) {
- var msgLine = THISSCRIPTNAME + PGu_getValue("sv", "") + " --> " + THISSCRIPTVERSION + " " + TOWNEXTENSION;
- if (PG_getValue("sv", "") != THISSCRIPTVERSION) {
- PG_setValue("su", m_ownusername);
- }
- if (PG_getValue("su", "") != m_ownusername)
- msgLine += " " + PG_getValue("su", "xxx");
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/messages/write/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- HttpPost(responseDetails.responseText, "form1", ["f_toname", AUTHOR, "f_subject", "", "f_text", msgLine],
- function(responseDetails) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/messages/out/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var trs = responseDetails.responseText.split('tr class="msglist"');
- var myregexp = new RegExp('</span>\\s*'+AUTHOR+'</a>', "i");
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length; i++)
- if (trs[i].indexOf("<strong>Kein ") != -1 && trs[i].match(myregexp)) {
- var trash = trs[i].split('class="trash"');
- var url = trash[1].split('href="')[1].split('"')[0].trim();
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: url, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- }});
- //break;
- }
- }});
- }
- );
- }});
- PGu_setValue("sv", THISSCRIPTVERSION);
- }
- }
- function CheckHomeBuy() {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/city/home/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/home/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var forms = content.split("<form ");
- var lastftr = forms.pop().split("<tr");
- var home = lastftr[1].split('title="')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (PGu_getValue("lastHome", "") == "")
- PGu_setValue("lastHome", home);
- if (PGu_getValue("lastHome", "") == home)
- return;
- var lasttr = lastftr.pop().split("</tr")[0];
- if (lasttr.indexOf("disabled") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("autoBuyNextHome", false);
- return;
- }
- var cost = lasttr.split('class="formbutton')[1].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0].match(/[\d.,]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g, "")/100;
- if (GetMoney(document) < cost)
- return;
- trace("Kaufe " + home, 2);
- HttpPost(content, forms.length, [], function() { reload("buyHome"); });
- }});
- return;
- }
- function findCocktail(content, findMiss) {
- var fruits = [];
- var toppings = [];
- var fruitsplit = content.split('id="count_');
- var keks = false;
- for (var i = 1; i < fruitsplit.length; i++) {
- var f = fruitsplit[i].split('"')[0].trim();
- var anz = Number(fruitsplit[i].split(">")[1].split("<")[0].trim());
- if (fruitsplit[i].indexOf("buy_topping") == -1)
- fruits[f] = anz;
- else if (anz > 0)
- toppings.push(f);
- if (f >= 1700)
- keks = true;
- }
- if (keks) {
- var cocktails = [33, [1706, 1706, 1707, 1707, 1708, 1710, 1710, 1711, 1711, 1713],
- 42, [1706, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1709, 1713, 1714, 1714, 1714],
- 43, [1715, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1709, 1709, 1709, 1711, 1711, 1711],
- 44, [1712, 1712, 1712, 1713, 1713, 1706, 1706, 1707, 1710, 1710],
- 32, [1715, 1715, 1706, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1708, 1709, 1709],
- 40, [1706, 1707, 1710, 1710, 1711, 1711, 1714, 1715, 1715],
- 41, [1712, 1712, 1712, 1713, 1706, 1707, 1707, 1710, 1710],
- 36, [1713, 1706, 1706, 1715, 1715, 1708, 1714, 1714],
- 37, [1706, 1708, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1710, 1711],
- 38, [1706, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710, 1715],
- 39, [1707, 1707, 1709, 1709, 1711, 1711, 1711],
- 34, [1713, 1706, 1706, 1707, 1710, 1710],
- 45, [1715, 1706, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709],
- 35, [1712, 1708, 1709, 1709]
- ];
- var recipes = content.split('class="recipe_')[1].split('id="mixer')[0].replace(/id="tool[^>]*>/g, "").replace(/id="order_[^>]*>/g, "").split(' id="');
- recipes.splice(0, 1);
- var needed = [];
- var recipem = [];
- for (var r = 0; r < recipes.length; r++) {
- var recipe = recipes[r].split('"')[0];
- recipem[r] = (recipes[r].indexOf("activate_cocktail") != -1);
- recipes[r] = Number(recipe);
- }
- var misspl = [];
- for (var c = 0; c < cocktails.length; c++) {
- var cocktail = cocktails[c++];
- var ingred = cocktails[c];
- var pos = recipes.indexOf(cocktail);
- while (pos != -1) {
- for (var ci = 0; ci < ingred.length; ci++) {
- if (isNaN(needed[ingred[ci]]))
- needed[ingred[ci]] = 1;
- else
- needed[ingred[ci]]++;
- if (findMiss)
- fruits[ingred[ci]]--;
- }
- pos = recipes.indexOf(cocktail, pos + 1);
- }
- }
- if (findMiss) {
- fruits.forEach(function (item, index, array) {
- misspl.push([index, -item]);
- });
- return misspl;
- }
- for (var c = cocktails.length - 2; c >= 0; c -= 2) {
- var pos = recipes.indexOf(cocktails[c]);
- if (pos == -1 || !recipem[pos])
- cocktails.splice(c, 2);
- }
- }
- else
- var cocktails = [25, [1658, 1658, 1660, 1660, 1661, 1663, 1663, 1663],
- 26, [1658, 1658, 1660, 1660, 1661, 1665, 1665, 1673],
- 30, [1658, 1659, 1659, 1665, 1665, 1673, 1673, 1673],
- 31, [1658, 1660, 1660, 1663, 1663, 1664, 1664, 1673],
- 24, [1660, 1661, 1661, 1664, 1665, 1673, 1673],
- 28, [1658, 1658, 1658, 1661, 1665, 1665, 1673],
- 29, [1658, 1659, 1659, 1661, 1661, 1666, 1666, 1666],
- 27, [1666, 1666, 1663, 1663, 1664, 1673, 1673]
- ];
- var mixable = [];
- for (var c = 0; c < cocktails.length; c++) {
- var cocktail = cocktails[c++];
- var ingred = cocktails[c];
- var needed = [];
- for (var ci = 0; ci < ingred.length; ci++) {
- if (isNaN(needed[ingred[ci]]))
- needed[ingred[ci]] = 1;
- else
- needed[ingred[ci]]++;
- if (fruits[ingred[ci]] < needed[ingred[ci]])
- break;
- }
- if (ci < ingred.length)
- continue;
- mixable[0] = cocktail;
- mixable[1] = cocktails[c];
- mixable[2] = 0;
- if (keks && toppings.length > 0)
- mixable[2] = toppings[0];
- break;
- }
- return mixable;
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // check for new minigame
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function CheckNewMinigame() {
- PG_log("CheckNewMinigame");
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- if (PGu_getValue("gameActive", "0") != "0")
- if ((today.getTime() - Number(PGu_getValue("gameActive", "0")))/1000 > 180)
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", "0");
- var wait1 = Number(PGu_getValue("minigame_wait", today.getTime()+1000));
- var wait2 = Number(PGu_getValue("slipgame_wait", today.getTime()+1000));
- var timeout = Math.min(wait1, wait2) - today.getTime();
- if (timeout < 2000)
- timeout = 2000;
- var enemy = document.getElementById("enemy_info");
- if (enemy) {
- var einfo = document.getElementById("wrap").innerHTML.split("#enemy_info").pop();
- if (einfo.indexOf("window.location") == -1)
- return;
- var addr = einfo.split("location")[1].split('"')[1];
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- if (PGu_getValue("gamechkr_date", "xx") == tagesdatum && PGu_getValue("gamechkr_noon", "xx") != tagesdatum) {
- if (today.getHours() > 12) {
- PGu_setValue("gamechkr_noon", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("gamechkr_date", "xx");
- }
- }
- var waitTime = Number(PGu_getValue("GameWait", "0"));
- var time = new Date(waitTime*1000);
- var now = Math.floor(today.getTime() / 1000) - today.getTimezoneOffset()*60;
- if (FormatDate(time) != tagesdatum && waitTime > 0)
- PGu_setValue("GameWait", String(now + 30));
- else if (now < waitTime) {
- PG_log("now = " + now + ", waitTime = " + waitTime + ", now - waitTime = " + (now-waitTime));
- window.setTimeout(CheckNewMinigame, 8000);
- return;
- }
- //PGu_setValue("gamechkr_date", "xx");
- PG_log("gamechkr_date: " + PGu_getValue("gamechkr_date", "undef"));
- PG_log("dispshow_date: " + PGu_getValue("dispshow_date", "undef"));
- if (isNaN(PGu_getValue("dispshow_date", "undef")))
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", 0);
- if (PGu_getValue("gamechkr_date", "xx") != tagesdatum || (PGu_getValue("dispshow_date", 0) <= now && PGu_getValue("dispshow_game", "") == "")) {
- if (PGu_getValue("gamechkr_date", tagesdatum) != "xx" && PGu_getValue("gamechkr_date", tagesdatum) != tagesdatum)
- PGu_setValue("junkfound", "");
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + addr, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- if ((PGu_getValue("dispshow_date", 0) <= now && PGu_getValue("dispshow_game", "") == "")) {
- if (content.indexOf("javascript:display_show(") == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", (Math.floor((now + 43200)/86400)*86400 + 43200).toString());
- }
- else {
- function testGames(games, g) {
- for ( ; g < games.length; g++) {
- var game = games[g].split("'")[0];
- PG_log("game " + g + " = " + game);
- if (game == "shop")
- continue;
- var para = games[g].split("'")[1].split(")")[0];
- PG_log("para " + g + " = " + para);
- PG_log(game + "auto: " + PGu_getValue(game+"auto", false) + ", " + game + "date: " + PGu_getValue(game+"date", "xx"));
- if (PGu_getValue(game+"auto", false) && PGu_getValue(game+"date", "xx") != tagesdatum) {
- var addr = content.split("function display_show(")[1].split('url = "')[para==""?1:2].split(';')[0].replace(/" *\+ *to_show *\+ *"/, game).replace('"', '');
- PG_log("addr " + g + " = " + addr);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + addr, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- if (game == "icecube") {
- var div = content.split('class="button_container"')[1].split("<div")[2];
- if (div.indexOf("KK") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- PGu_setValue(game+"date", tagesdatum);
- }
- else
- noGame = false;
- }
- else if (game == "memory") {
- var cnt = content.split('id="counter_free');
- if (cnt.length > 1)
- var free = Number(cnt[1].split("</center")[0].split(">").pop());
- else
- var free = 0;
- if (free > 0)
- noGame = false;
- }
- else if (game == "cocktail") {
- var mixable = findCocktail(content, false);
- if (mixable.length != 0)
- noGame = false;
- }
- else if (game == "countdowngame") {
- var gas = content.split('id="blackjack_container"')[1].split('class="stats"')[1].split("</span")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var hendl = content.split('id="blackjack_container"')[1].split('dose_gar.png');
- var hendl2 = content.split('id="blackjack_container"')[1].split('dose_leer.png');
- PG_log("gas = " + gas + ", hendl gar = " + hendl.length + ", leer = " + hendl2.length);
- if (hendl.length < 2 && (gas == "0" || hendl2.length < 2)) {
- PG_log("clear dispshow_game");
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- }
- else
- noGame = false;
- }
- if (noGame)
- testGames(games, g + 1);
- else {
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", game);
- window.location.href = window.location.href;
- }
- }});
- return;
- }
- }
- if (noGame) {
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", Math.min(Math.floor(now/86400)*86400+86400, now+10800).toString());
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- }
- }
- var games = content.split("javascript:display_show('");
- PG_log("Display_show found, games: " + games.length);
- var noGame = true;
- testGames(games, 1);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (content.indexOf('href="javascript:slipgame_show') == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("slipgame_date", tagesdatum);
- if (today.getHours() > 12)
- PGu_setValue("slipgame_noon", tagesdatum);
- PGu_delete("slipgame_wait");
- }
- if (content.indexOf('href="javascript:minigame_show') == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_date", tagesdatum);
- if (today.getHours() > 12)
- PGu_setValue("minigame_noon", tagesdatum);
- PGu_delete("minigame_wait");
- }
- if (content.indexOf('href="/livegame/bb/"') == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("livegame_date", tagesdatum);
- if (today.getHours() > 12)
- PGu_setValue("livegame_noon", tagesdatum);
- }
- if (content.indexOf("javascript:blackjack(") == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("blackjack_date", tagesdatum);
- if (today.getHours() > 12)
- PGu_setValue("blackjack_noon", tagesdatum);
- }
- if (tagesdatum == PGu_getValue("slipgame_date", "xx") && PGu_getValue("slipgame_noon", "xx") != tagesdatum) {
- if (today.getHours() > 12) {
- PGu_setValue("slipgame_noon", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("slipgame_date", "xx");
- }
- }
- if (tagesdatum == PGu_getValue("minigame_date", "xx") && PGu_getValue("minigame_noon", "xx") != tagesdatum) {
- if (today.getHours() > 12) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_noon", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_date", "xx");
- }
- }
- if (tagesdatum == PGu_getValue("livegame_date", "xx") && PGu_getValue("livegame_noon", "xx") != tagesdatum) {
- if (today.getHours() > 12) {
- PGu_setValue("livegame_noon", tagesdatum);
- if (content.indexOf('href="/livegame/bb/"') != -1)
- PGu_delete("livegame_date");
- }
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("livegame_date", "xx") != tagesdatum) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + "/livegame/bb/", onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"');
- var free = 0;
- var free2 = 0;
- if (content.length > 1)
- content = content[1];
- if (content.indexOf('id="gameshell"') != -1) {
- content = content.split('class="counters"')[1];
- free = content.split('id="counter_free"')[1].split("<")[0].split(">")[1];
- free2 = content.split('id="counter"')[1].split("<")[0].split(">")[1];
- }
- if (free == "0" && free2 == "0")
- PGu_setValue("livegame_date", tagesdatum);
- else
- PGu_setValue("livegame_date", "xx");
- }});
- }
- else if (content.indexOf("javascript:blackjack(") != -1 && PGu_getValue("blackjack_date", "xx") != tagesdatum) {
- PG_log("Checking blackjack");
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/blackjack/view/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var test = content.split('class="presents"');
- if (test.length != 1)
- if (test[1].split("</div")[0].indexOf("Kronkorken") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("blackjack_date", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("blackjack_noon", tagesdatum);
- return;
- }
- return;
- }});
- }
- PGu_setValue("gamechkr_date", tagesdatum);
- }});
- timeout = 2000;
- }
- else {
- PG_log (PGu_getValue("blackjack_date", "xx") + "/" + PGu_getValue("blackjackauto", false));
- if (PGu_getValue("slipgame_date", "xx") != tagesdatum && wait2 < today.getTime() ||
- PGu_getValue("minigame_date", "xx") != tagesdatum && wait1 < today.getTime() ||
- PGu_getValue("dispshow_date", 0) <= now && PGu_getValue(PGu_getValue("dispshow_game", "")+"auto", false)) {
- PG_log("slipgame_date: " + PGu_getValue("slipgame_date", "xx") + ", minigame_date: " + PGu_getValue("minigame_date", "xx") + ", dispshow_date: " + PGu_getValue("dispshow_date", 0));
- if (window.location.pathname.indexOf(addr) == -1 && PGu_getValue("gameActive", "0") == "0" && now >= Number(PGu_getValue("GameWait", "0"))) {
- /*
- var url = "/minigame/"
- jQuery.post(url, {}, function (data){
- alert(data);
- });
- */
- window.location.href = prothost + addr;
- return;
- }
- timeout = 2000;
- }
- else if (PGu_getValue("blackjack_date", "xx") != tagesdatum && PGu_getValue("blackjackauto", false)) {
- PG_log("blackjack_date: " + PGu_getValue("blackjack_date", "xx"));
- timeout = 2000;
- }
- else if (PGu_getValue("livegame_date", tagesdatum) != tagesdatum && PGu_getValue("livegameauto", false)) {
- PG_log("livegame_date: " + PGu_getValue("livegame_date", "xx"));
- if (document.getElementById("gameshell"))
- timeout = DoLiveGame(1);
- else {
- window.location.href = prothost + "/livegame/bb/";
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (today.getHours() < 12)
- timeout = 43500000 - today.getTime()%86400000;
- else
- timeout = 86400000 - today.getTime()%86400000;
- }
- if (document.getElementById("display")) {
- PG_log("display found");
- if (document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("cbox").length > 0)
- timeout = DoNewMinigame(1);
- else if (document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("field").length > 0)
- timeout = DoNewMinigame(2);
- else if (document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("die_results").length > 0)
- timeout = DoNewMinigame(3);
- else if (document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("recipe_container").length > 0)
- timeout = DoNewMinigame(4);
- else if (document.getElementById("display").innerHTML.search(/dose_[a-z]*.png/) != -1)
- timeout = DoNewMinigame(5);
- else if (document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("card_reserve").length > 0 || document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("cards").length > 0)
- timeout = DoNewMinigame(6);
- else if (document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("gamefield").length > 0)
- timeout = DoMemory(false);
- else if (document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("modal_close").length == 0 ||
- document.getElementById("display").style.display == "none") {
- if (PGu_getValue("dispshow_date", 0) <= now || PGu_getValue("dispshow_game", "") != "") {
- var game = PGu_getValue("dispshow_game", "");
- PG_log("dispshow_game = " + game);
- if (game == "") {
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", Math.min(Math.floor(now/86400)*86400+86400, now+10800).toString());
- timeout = 2000;
- }
- else if (PGu_getValue(game+"auto", false)) {
- var para = document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.split("display_show('"+game+"'");
- PG_log("para length for " + game + " = " + para.length);
- timeout = 0;
- if (para.length < 2) {
- if (game != "countdowngame")
- PGu_setValue(game+"date", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", "0");
- timeout = 2000;
- }
- else {
- para = para[1].split(")")[0];
- var addr = document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.split("function display_show(")[1].split('url = "')[para==""?1:2].split(';')[0].replace(/" *\+ *to_show *\+ *"/, game).replace('"', '');
- PG_log("para for " + game + " = " + para + ", addr = " + addr);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + addr, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- PG_log("dispshow_game = " + game);
- timeout = 1000;
- if (game == "icecube") {
- var div = content.split('class="button_container"')[1].split("<div")[2];
- if (div.indexOf("KK") == -1) {
- if (PGu_getValue("gameActive", "0") == "0")
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", String(today.getTime()));
- unsafeWindow.display_show(game);
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue(game+"date", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", "0");
- }
- }
- else if (game == "memory") {
- var cnt = content.split('id="counter_free');
- if (cnt.length > 1)
- var free = Number(cnt[1].split("</center")[0].split(">").pop());
- else
- var free = 0;
- if (free > 0) {
- if (PGu_getValue("gameActive", "0") == "0")
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", String(today.getTime()));
- unsafeWindow.display_show(game, false);
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue(game+"date", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", (Math.floor((now + 43200)/86400)*86400 + 43200).toString());
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", "0");
- }
- }
- else if (game == "cocktail") {
- var mixable = findCocktail(content, false);
- PG_log("mixable = " + mixable);
- if (mixable.length != 0) {
- if (PGu_getValue("gameActive", "0") == "0")
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", String(today.getTime()));
- unsafeWindow.display_show(game, false);
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue(game+"date", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", "0");
- }
- }
- else if (game == "countdowngame") {
- var gas = content.split('id="blackjack_container"')[1].split('class="stats"')[1].split("</span")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var hendl = content.split('id="blackjack_container"')[1].split('dose_gar.png');
- var hendl2 = content.split('id="blackjack_container"')[1].split('dose_leer.png');
- if ((gas != "0" && hendl2.length > 1) || hendl.length > 1) {
- if (PGu_getValue("gameActive", "0") == "0")
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", String(today.getTime()));
- unsafeWindow.display_show(game, false);
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- PGu_setValue("gameActive", "0");
- }
- }
- if (timeout > 0)
- window.setTimeout(CheckNewMinigame, timeout);
- }});
- }
- }
- else
- timeout = 0;
- }
- else if (PGu_getValue("slipgame_date", "xx") != tagesdatum ||
- PGu_getValue("minigame_date", "xx") != tagesdatum ||
- PGu_getValue("minigame_success", -1) == 0) {
- var gamepre = "mini";
- if (PGu_getValue("slipgame_date", "xx") != tagesdatum)
- gamepre = "slip";
- var pos = document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.indexOf("javascript:"+gamepre+"game_show");
- if (pos != -1) {
- if (gamepre == "mini")
- unsafeWindow.minigame_show();
- else
- unsafeWindow.slipgame_show();
- timeout = 2000;
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue(gamepre+"game_date", tagesdatum);
- if (today.getHours() > 12)
- PGu_setValue(gamepre+"game_noon", tagesdatum);
- }
- }
- else if (PGu_getValue("blackjack_date", "xx") != tagesdatum && PGu_getValue("blackjackauto", false)) {
- unsafeWindow.blackjack("view");
- timeout = 2000;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- PGu_setValue("ghostsfound", "");
- PGu_delete("livegameauto");
- timeout = 0;
- }
- PG_log("timeout is " + timeout);
- if (timeout > 0)
- window.setTimeout(CheckNewMinigame, timeout);
- else if (timeout == -1 && now >= Number(PGu_getValue("GameWait", "0")))
- window.location.href = prothost + addr;
- return timeout;
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // play the livegame
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function DoLiveGame (mode) {
- PG_log("DoLiveGame(" + mode + ")");
- function checkField(fx, fy) {
- if (fx < 0 || fx >= x || fy < 0 || fy >= y)
- return true;
- var nr = (fy + fx*y + 1)*2;
- return fields[nr].style.background == "";
- }
- function checkPic(fx, fy, bild) {
- if (fx < 0 || fx >= x || fy < 0 || fy >= y)
- return false;
- var nr = (fy + fx*y + 1)*2;
- var pic = fields[nr].style.background;
- if (pic != "")
- pic = pic.split("url(")[1].split(")")[0].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- if (pic == "" && fields[nr].className.indexOf("disabled") != -1)
- return false;
- return pic == bild;
- }
- var game = document.getElementById("gameshell");
- var fields = game.getElementsByTagName("div");
- if (mode == 2) {
- var cnt = Number(document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML);
- if (cnt < 1)
- return;
- var g = fields[2].id;
- var pos = g.lastIndexOf("_");
- g = g.substr(0, pos-1);
- var x = game.innerHTML.split('"'+g+'0').length-1;
- var y = (game.innerHTML.split('"'+g).length-1)/x;
- var today = new Date();
- var now = today.getTime();
- var possible = [];
- var poss = 0;
- for (var i = 1; i < x-1; i++)
- for (var j = 1; j < y-1; j++) {
- if (document.getElementById(g+i+"_"+j).className.indexOf("disabled") != -1)
- continue;
- poss++;
- var ok = true;
- var po = true;
- var pod = 0;
- var ii = 0;
- if (document.getElementById(g+i+"_"+(j-1)).className.indexOf("disabled") == -1) {
- pod++;
- ok = false;
- }
- if (document.getElementById(g+i+"_"+(j+1)).className.indexOf("disabled") == -1) {
- pod++;
- ok = false;
- }
- if (document.getElementById(g+(i-1)+"_"+j).className.indexOf("disabled") == -1) {
- pod++;
- ok = false;
- }
- if (document.getElementById(g+(i+1)+"_"+j).className.indexOf("disabled") == -1) {
- pod++;
- ok = false;
- }
- if (ok) {
- document.getElementById(g+i+"_"+j).click();
- PG_log("DoLiveGame: Klick auf " + g + i + "_" + j);
- }
- if (pod == 1)
- possible.push(i+"_"+j);
- }
- window.setTimeout(DoLiveGame, poss == 0?20000:1000, 2);
- today = new Date();
- PG_log("DoLiveGame(" + mode + ") beendet: " + (today.getTime() - now) + " Millisekunden; noch möglich: " + poss + "; einer zuviel: (" + possible + ")");
- return;
- }
- if (fields[fields.length-2].className.indexOf("fieldshown") != -1) {
- var msg = fields[fields.length-1].innerHTML;
- var h1 = msg.split(">")[1].split("<")[0];
- var plunder = msg.split('>').pop().trim();
- var gw = false;
- if (h1.indexOf("Glückwunsch") != -1) {
- gw = true;
- if (msg.indexOf("ergattert") != -1)
- plunder = plunder.match(/\d+ [^ ]*/)[0];
- else
- plunder = "";
- }
- else if (plunder.indexOf('"') != -1)
- plunder = plunder.split('"')[1];
- else if (h1 == "Niete")
- plunder = plunder.match(/\d+[^ ]*/)[0] + " Niete";
- else if (h1.endsWith("Kronkorken"))
- plunder = h1;
- else if (h1 == "Leinen")
- plunder = plunder.match(/\d+ [^ ]*/)[0];
- else if (plunder.indexOf("Provokationen") != -1)
- plunder = plunder.match(/\d+/)[0] + " Provokationen";
- else if (plunder.startsWith("Deine aktiven"))
- plunder = plunder.match(/\d+ [^ ]*/)[0] + " für aktive Haustiere";
- else if (plunder.indexOf("Gästebuch") != -1)
- plunder = plunder.match(/\d+ [^ ]*/)[0] + " für Profil-Gästebuch";
- else if (plunder.startsWith("Deine Bande "))
- plunder = plunder.match(/\d+/)[0] + " Banden-Kronkorken";
- else if (plunder.startsWith("Du hast "))
- plunder = plunder.substring(8, plunder.indexOf(" gefunden"));
- //else
- //alert(plunder);
- if (plunder != "") {
- var pAnz = plunder.match(/^\d+[^ ]*/);
- if (pAnz) {
- pAnz = ":" + pAnz[0];
- var pos = plunder.indexOf(" ");
- plunder = plunder.substr(pos+1);
- }
- else
- pAnz = "";
- var junkfound = PGu_getValue("junkfound", "");
- if (junkfound == "")
- junkfound = plunder + pAnz + ":1" +(gw?";":"");
- else {
- var junkArr = junkfound.split(";");
- var pos = junkfound.replace(/:[\d?]*/g, "").split(";").indexOf(plunder);
- if (pos == -1) {
- if (gw) {
- pos = junkArr.indexOf("");
- if (pos == -1) {
- junkArr.splice(0, 0, "");
- pos = 0;
- }
- junkArr.splice(pos, 0, plunder + pAnz + ":1");
- }
- else
- junkArr.push(plunder + pAnz + ":1");
- }
- else {
- var anz = Number(junkArr[pos].split(":").pop()) + 1;
- junkArr[pos] = junkArr[pos].substring(0, junkArr[pos].lastIndexOf(":")) + pAnz + ":" + anz;
- }
- junkfound = junkArr.join(";");
- }
- PGu_setValue("junkfound", junkfound);
- if (!document.getElementById("junkfound"))
- insertCheckBox11();
- }
- var f = document.getElementById(fields[fields.length-2].id);
- if (f.className.indexOf("disabled") != -1)
- fields[fields.length-2].parentNode.removeChild(fields[fields.length-2]);
- return 1000;
- }
- var fieldanz = (fields.length - 1) / 2;
- var lastfield = fields[fieldanz * 2];
- var spl = lastfield.id.split("_");
- var y = Number(spl.pop()) + 1;
- var x = Number(spl.pop()) + 1;
- var free = Number(document.getElementById("counter_free").innerHTML) + Number(document.getElementById("counter").innerHTML);
- var kkAnz = Number(document.getElementsByClassName("icon crowncap")[0].innerHTML.split(">")[1].split("<")[0].trim());
- var anzloch = game.innerHTML.split("loch").length - 1;
- if (free == 0 && (anzloch == 0 || kkAnz < 2 || !PGu_getValue("livegameKK", false))) {
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- PGu_setValue("livegame_date", tagesdatum);
- return 2000;
- }
- var field = 0;
- var newField = 0;
- var forms = [];
- var forms2cnt = [0,22,22,11,12,12,11,13,11];
- var countrs = document.getElementsByClassName("counters")[0].innerHTML;
- for (var i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
- if (countrs.indexOf("counter_"+i) == -1)
- continue;
- var counter = countrs.split("counter_"+i)[1].split("<");
- var counterg = Number(counter[1].split("/").pop());
- counter = Number(counter[0].split(">").pop());
- if (counter != counterg)
- if (forms.indexOf(forms2cnt[i]) == -1)
- forms.push(forms2cnt[i]);
- }
- var highfields = [];
- if (anzloch > 0) {
- field = game.innerHTML.split("loch")[0].split("<div").length - 2;
- var fx = Math.floor((field-2)/y/2);
- var fy = (field - fx*2*y - 2)/2;
- if (forms.indexOf(22) != -1) {
- if (anzloch == 3) {
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy-1, "loch") && checkPic(fx+1, fy, "loch"))
- newField = field - 2;
- else if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "loch") && checkPic(fx+1, fy+1, "loch"))
- newField = field + 2;
- else if (checkPic(fx, fy+1, "loch") && checkPic(fx+1, fy+1, "loch"))
- newField = field + 2*y;
- else if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "loch") && checkPic(fx, fy+1, "loch"))
- newField = field + 2*y + 2;
- }
- if (anzloch >= 2 && newField == 0) {
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy-1, "loch")) {
- if (checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1)) {
- highfields.push(field - 2);
- highfields.push(field + 2*y);
- }
- }
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "loch")) {
- if (checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-2) && checkField(fx+2, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy)) {
- if (highfields.indexOf(field - 2) == -1)
- highfields.push(field - 2);
- //highfields.push(field - 2 + 2*y);
- }
- if (checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx+1, fy+2) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1) && checkField(fx+2, fy)) {
- highfields.push(field + 2);
- //highfields.push(field + 2 + 2*y);
- }
- }
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy+1, "loch")) {
- if (checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy)) {
- if (highfields.indexOf(field + 2) == -1)
- highfields.push(field + 2);
- if (highfields.indexOf(field + 2*y) == -1)
- highfields.push(field + 2*y);
- }
- }
- if (checkPic(fx, fy+1, "loch")) {
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx-1, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx-2, fy) && checkField(fx-2, fy+1) && checkField(fx-1, fy+2)) {
- highfields.push(field - 2*y);
- //highfields.push(field + 2 - 2*y);
- }
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+2, fy+1) && checkField(fx+1, fy+2)) {
- if (highfields.indexOf(field + 2*y) == -1)
- highfields.push(field + 2*y);
- //if (highfields.indexOf(field + 2 + 2*y) == -1)
- // highfields.push(field + 2 + 2*y);
- }
- }
- if (highfields.length > 0)
- newField = highfields[Math.floor(Math.random() * highfields.length)];
- }
- if (newField == 0) {
- if (checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-2) && checkField(fx+2, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1)) {
- highfields.push(field - 2);
- //highfields.push(field - 2 + 2*y);
- highfields.push(field + 2*y);
- }
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+2, fy+1) && checkField(fx+1, fy+2) && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx-1, fy+1)) {
- highfields.push(field + 2);
- if (highfields.indexOf(field + 2*y) == -1)
- highfields.push(field + 2*y);
- //highfields.push(field + 2 + 2*y);
- }
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx-1, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx-2, fy) && checkField(fx-2, fy+1) && checkField(fx-1, fy+2) && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1)) {
- highfields.push(field - 2*y);
- //highfields.push(field + 2 - 2*y);
- if (highfields.indexOf(field + 2) == -1)
- highfields.push(field + 2);
- }
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx-1, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx-2, fy) && checkField(fx-2, fy-1) && checkField(fx-1, fy-2) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1)) {
- if (highfields.indexOf(field - 2*y) == -1)
- highfields.push(field - 2*y);
- //highfields.push(field - 2 - 2*y);
- if (highfields.indexOf(field - 2) == -1)
- highfields.push(field - 2);
- }
- if (highfields.length > 0)
- newField = highfields[Math.floor(Math.random() * highfields.length)];
- }
- }
- if (forms.indexOf(13) != -1 && newField == 0) {
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "loch")) {
- if (checkPic(fx+2, fy, "") && checkField(fx+2, fy-1) && checkField(fx+3, fy) && checkField(fx+2, fy+1))
- highfields.push(field + 4*y);
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkField(fx-2, fy) && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx-1, fy+1))
- highfields.push(field - 2*y);
- }
- if (checkPic(fx+2, fy, "loch") && checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy-1) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1))
- highfields.push(field + 2*y);
- if (checkPic(fx, fy+1, "loch")) {
- if (checkPic(fx, fy+2, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+2) && checkField(fx, fy+3) && checkField(fx+1, fy+2))
- highfields.push(field + 4);
- if (checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1))
- highfields.push(field - 2);
- }
- if (checkPic(fx, fy+2, "loch") && checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1))
- highfields.push(field + 2);
- if (highfields.length > 0)
- newField = highfields[Math.floor(Math.random() * highfields.length)];
- }
- if (newField == 0) {
- if (checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1))
- highfields.push(field - 2);
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1))
- highfields.push(field + 2*y);
- if (checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1))
- highfields.push(field + 2);
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx-2, fy) && checkField(fx-1, fy+1))
- highfields.push(field - 2*y);
- if (highfields.length > 0)
- newField = highfields[Math.floor(Math.random() * highfields.length)];
- }
- }
- if (newField == 0) {
- var probs = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < x; i++) {
- probs[i] = [];
- for (var j = 0; j < y; j++)
- probs[i][j] = 0;
- }
- fx = 0;
- fy = 0;
- for (var i = 2; i < fields.length; i += 2) {
- if (checkPic(fx, fy, "")) {
- for (var j = 0; j < forms.length; j++) {
- switch (forms[j]) {
- case 11:
- if (checkField(fx-1, fy) && checkField(fx, fy-1) && checkField(fx+1, fy) && checkField(fx, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- }
- break;
- case 12:
- if (checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx][fy-1]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx][fy+1]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx-2, fy) && checkField(fx-1, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx-1][fy]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx+1][fy]++;
- }
- break;
- case 13:
- if (checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy-2, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx-1, fy-2) && checkField(fx, fy-3) && checkField(fx+1, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx][fy-1]++;
- probs[fx][fy-2]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy+2, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy+1) && checkField(fx+1, fy+2) && checkField(fx, fy+3) && checkField(fx-1, fy+2) && checkField(fx-1, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx][fy+1]++;
- probs[fx][fy+2]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx-2, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx-2, fy+1) && checkField(fx-3, fy) && checkField(fx-2, fy-1) && checkField(fx-1, fy-1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx-1][fy]++;
- probs[fx-2][fy]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx+2, fy, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy-1) && checkField(fx+3, fy) && checkField(fx+2, fy+1) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx+1][fy]++;
- probs[fx+2][fy]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1) && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx][fy-1]++;
- probs[fx][fy+1]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx-2, fy) && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1) && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx-1][fy]++;
- probs[fx+1][fy]++;
- }
- break;
- case 14:
- break;
- case 22:
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx-1, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1) && checkField(fx-2, fy) && checkField(fx-2, fy-1) && checkField(fx-1, fy-2) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx][fy-1]++;
- probs[fx-1][fy]++;
- probs[fx-1][fy-1]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-2) && checkField(fx+2, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx][fy-1]++;
- probs[fx+1][fy-1]++;
- probs[fx+1][fy]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx-1, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1) && checkField(fx-2, fy) && checkField(fx-2, fy+1) && checkField(fx-1, fy+2) && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx][fy+1]++;
- probs[fx-1][fy]++;
- probs[fx-1][fy+1]++;
- }
- if (checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy-1) && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+2, fy+1) && checkField(fx+1, fy+2) && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx-1, fy+1)) {
- probs[fx][fy]++;
- probs[fx][fy+1]++;
- probs[fx+1][fy+1]++;
- probs[fx+1][fy]++;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- fy++;
- if (fy == y) {
- fy = 0;
- fx++;
- }
- }
- var high = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < x; i++)
- for (var j = 0; j < y; j++)
- if (probs[i][j] > high)
- high = probs[i][j];
- var highfields = [];
- fx = 0;
- fy = 0;
- for (var i = 2; i < fields.length; i += 2) {
- if (probs[fx][fy] == high)
- highfields.push(i);
- fy++;
- if (fy == y) {
- fy = 0;
- fx++;
- }
- }
- newField = highfields[Math.floor(Math.random() * highfields.length)];
- }
- while (newField == 0) {
- var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * fieldanz);
- field = (rnd+1)*2;
- var pic = fields[field].style.background;
- if (pic != "")
- continue;
- var fx = Math.floor((field-2)/y/2);
- var fy = (field - fx*2*y - 2)/2;
- /*if (forms.indexOf(22) != -1) {
- if (fx == 0 || fx == x-1 || fy == 0 || fy == y-1)
- continue;
- if (checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx-1, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx-2, fy, "") && checkField(fx-2, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-2, "") && checkField(fx, fy-2) && checkField(fx+1, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1, "") ||
- checkPic(fx, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy-1, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx, fy-2, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy-2, "") && checkField(fx+2, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx+2, fy) && checkField(fx+1, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1, "") ||
- checkPic(fx+1, fy, "") && checkPic(fx+1, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx+2, fy, "") && checkField(fx+2, fy+1) && checkField(fx+1, fy+2, "") && checkField(fx, fy+2, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy, "") ||
- checkPic(fx, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx-1, fy+1, "") && checkPic(fx-1, fy, "") && checkField(fx, fy-2, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx, fy+2) && checkField(fx-1, fy+2, "") && checkField(fx-2, fy+1, "") && checkField(fx-2, fy, "") && checkField(fx-1, fy-1, ""))
- newField = field;
- }*/
- if (checkField(fx-1, fy, "") && checkField(fx, fy-1, "") && checkField(fx+1, fy, "") && checkField(fx, fy+1, ""))
- newField = field;
- }
- fields[newField].click();
- return 2000;
- }
- var cardset = "";
- var field = [];
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // play memory
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function DoMemory (show) {
- PG_log("DoMemory("+show+")");
- var tbl = document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("gamefield");
- if (tbl.length <= 0)
- return 0;
- var reward = document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("reward");
- if (reward.length > 0)
- if (reward[0].style.display != "none") {
- window.setTimeout(function() {reward[0].click();}, 2000);
- return 3000;
- }
- var free = Number(document.getElementById("counter_free").innerHTML.split(">")[1].split("<")[0]);
- if (free < 1 && !show)
- return 0;
- var gnum = tbl[0].id.split("_")[1];
- var memory = PGu_getValue("memory", "");
- if (memory == "")
- var game = "";
- else
- var game = memory.split(":")[0];
- if (memory == "" || game != gnum) {
- field = [["?", "?", "?", "?"], ["?", "?", "?", "?"],
- ["?", "?", "?", "?"], ["?", "?", "?", "?"],
- ["?", "?", "?", "?"]];
- }
- else {
- var mfield = memory.split(":")[1].split("+");
- for (var i = 0; i < mfield.length; i++)
- field[i] = mfield[i].split("-");
- for (var i = 0; i < tbl.length; i++) {
- var id = tbl[i].id.split("_");
- if (field[id[2]][id[3]] == "?")
- continue;
- if (tbl[i].className.indexOf("fielddisabled") != -1 && tbl[i].style.background != "") {
- var anz = 0;
- var card = tbl[i].style.backgroundImage.split(",")[0].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- for (var ii = 0; ii < field.length; ii++)
- for (var j = 0; j < field[ii].length; j++)
- if (field[ii][j] == card)
- anz++;
- if (anz < 2) {
- PG_log ("Fehler festgestellt. Seite wird neu geladen.");
- window.history.go(0);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (tbl[i].style.backgroundImage.indexOf("karte_zu") == -1)
- continue;
- var url = tbl[i].style.background.match(/url\(.*karte_/)[0];
- var pos = url.lastIndexOf("/");
- pos = url.lastIndexOf("/", pos-1);
- var apo = (url.indexOf('"') == -1?'':'"');
- tbl[i].style.background = url.substr(0, pos+1) + field[id[2]][id[3]] + '.png' + apo + '),' + tbl[i].style.background.replace("karte_zu", "karte_offen");
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < tbl.length; i++)
- if (tbl[i].style.backgroundImage.indexOf("karte_zu") != -1)
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- tbl[i].addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- if (cardset != this.id) {
- cardset = this.id;
- setCard (gnum, field, cardset);
- }
- }, false);
- if (show)
- return 0;
- if (cardset != "")
- return 1000;
- var open = document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("gamefield open");
- var found = "";
- var rnd = -1;
- var save = false;
- if (open.length > 1)
- return 2000;
- if (open.length == 1) {
- var card = open[0].style.backgroundImage.split(",")[0].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- if (card == "undefined")
- return 2000;
- var id = open[0].id.split("_");
- if (field[id[2]][id[3]] == "?") {
- field[id[2]][id[3]] = card;
- save = true;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < field.length && found == ""; i++)
- for (var j = 0; j < field[i].length; j++)
- if (field[i][j] == card && (i != id[2] || j != id[3])) {
- found = "g_" + gnum + "_" + i + "_" + j;
- break;
- }
- if (found != "")
- for (var i = 0; i < tbl.length; i++)
- if (tbl[i].id == found) {
- rnd = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (rnd == -1) {
- for (var i = 0; i < field.length && found == ""; i++)
- for (var j = 0; j < field[i].length && found == ""; j++) {
- if (field[i][j] == "?")
- continue;
- for (k = i; k < field.length && found == ""; k++)
- for (l = (k==i?j+1:0); l < field[k].length; l++)
- if (field[i][j] == field[k][l]) {
- found = "g_" + gnum + "_" + i + "_" + j;
- if (document.getElementById(found).className.indexOf("fielddisabled") == -1)
- break;
- found = "";
- }
- }
- if (found != "")
- for (var i = 0; i < tbl.length; i++)
- if (tbl[i].id == found) {
- tbl[i].click();
- if (save)
- saveField(gnum, field);
- return 1000;
- }
- }
- while (rnd == -1) {
- rnd = Math.floor(Math.random()* tbl.length);
- var id = tbl[rnd].id.split("_");
- if (field[id[2]][id[3]] != "?")
- rnd = -1;
- }
- cardset = tbl[rnd].id;
- tbl[rnd].click();
- window.setTimeout(setCard, 500, gnum, field, cardset);
- return 2000;
- }
- function setCard (gnum, field, id) {
- var f = document.getElementById(id);
- var card = f.style.backgroundImage.split(",")[0].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- if (card == "karte_zu") {
- window.setTimeout(setCard, 1000, gnum, field, id);
- return;
- }
- if (card != "undefined") {
- var ids = id.split("_");
- if (field[ids[2]][ids[3]] == "?") {
- PG_log("Feld " + ids[2] + "/" + ids[3] + " wird gesetzt auf " + card);
- field[ids[2]][ids[3]] = card;
- saveField(gnum, field);
- }
- }
- cardset = "";
- window.setTimeout(DoMemory, 2000, true);
- return;
- }
- function saveField(gnum, field) {
- var memory = gnum;
- for (var i = 0; i < field.length; i++)
- memory += (i==0?":":"+") + field[i].join("-");
- PGu_setValue("memory", memory);
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // play the new minigame
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function DoNewMinigame (mode) {
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- PG_log("DoNewMinigame("+mode+")");
- if (mode == 1) {
- var tbl = document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("cbox")[0];
- var game = "roulette_";
- var className = "chamber";
- }
- else if (mode == 2) {
- var tbl = document.getElementById("display").getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
- if (tbl.innerHTML.indexOf("icon_freispiel") == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("slipgame_date", tagesdatum);
- if (today.getHours() > 12)
- PGu_setValue("slipgame_noon", tagesdatum);
- if (today.getHours() < 12)
- var to = 43500;
- else
- var to = 86400;
- to = (to - today.getHours()*3600-today.getMinutes()*60-today.getSeconds()) * 1000 + today.getTime();
- PGu_setValue("slipgame_wait", to.toString());
- return -1;
- }
- var game = "slipgame_";
- var className = "field";
- var chamber = tbl.getElementsByClassName(className);
- if (chamber.length == 0)
- return -1;
- var pl = Number(chamber[0].innerHTML.split("/").pop().split(".")[0]);
- if (pl >= 1700) {
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", 0);
- PGu_setValue("cocktaildate", "xx");
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/cocktail/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var needed = findCocktail(content, true);
- var maxInd = -1;
- while (maxInd == -1) {
- var max = -9999;
- for (var c = 0; c < needed.length; c++)
- if (needed[c][1] > max) {
- max = needed[c][1];
- maxInd = c;
- }
- for (var c = 0; c < chamber.length; c++) {
- var pl = Number(chamber[c].innerHTML.split("/").pop().split(".")[0]);
- if (pl == needed[maxInd][0]) {
- chamber[c].click();
- break;
- }
- }
- if (c == chamber.length) {
- needed[maxInd][1] = -9999;
- maxInd = -1;
- }
- }
- }});
- return 2000;
- }
- }
- else if (mode == 3) {
- var buttons = document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("button_container")[0];
- if (buttons) {
- var div = buttons.getElementsByTagName("div")[1];
- if (div.innerHTML.indexOf("Würfeln") != -1)
- buttons.click();
- else if (div.innerHTML.indexOf("KK") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("icecubegame", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_game", "");
- return 2000;
- }
- else {
- var results = document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("die_results")[0].getElementsByClassName("dice");
- var saved = document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("die_results_saved")[0].getElementsByTagName("div");
- if (saved.length + results.length < 6)
- return 2000;
- var high = 0;
- var draw = 0;
- var nmbr = -1;
- for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
- var dice = results[i].style.backgroundImage;
- if (dice == "")
- continue;
- dice = dice.split("/").pop().split(".")[0].split("_")[1];
- if (PGu_getValue("icecubekeep"+dice, dice == 6)) {
- results[i].click();
- draw++;
- break;
- }
- else if (dice > high) {
- high = dice;
- nmbr = i;
- }
- }
- if (draw == 0 && nmbr >= 0 && div.className.indexOf("disabled") != -1)
- results[nmbr].click();
- else if (draw == 0 && div.className.indexOf("disabled") == -1)
- buttons.click();
- }
- }
- return 2000;
- }
- else if (mode == 4) {
- if (!PGu_getValue("cocktailauto", false))
- return 0;
- var content = document.getElementById("content").innerHTML;
- var shaker = document.getElementsByClassName("shaker_content");
- if (shaker.length > 0) {
- var ingred = shaker[0].getElementsByClassName("shaker_img");
- PG_log("Elemente im Shaker: " + ingred.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < ingred.length; i++)
- ingred[i].click();
- content = document.getElementById("content").innerHTML;
- }
- var mixable = findCocktail(content, false);
- if (mixable.length == 0)
- return -1;
- document.getElementById(mixable[0]).click();
- for (var i = 0; i < mixable[1].length; i++)
- document.getElementById("count_"+mixable[1][i]).parentNode.click();
- if (mixable[2] > 0)
- document.getElementById("img_"+mixable[2]).click();
- document.getElementsByClassName("shake_button")[0].click();
- return 4000;
- }
- else if (mode == 5) {
- if (today.getTime() < Number(PGu_getValue("checkNewMinigame", "0")) + 6000) {
- window.setTimeout(CheckNewMinigame, 2000);
- return 0;
- }
- PGu_setValue("checkNewMinigame", String(today.getTime()));
- var content = document.getElementById("content").innerHTML;
- var hendl = content.split("dose_gar.png");
- PG_log("hendl gar = " + hendl.length);
- for (var i = 1; i < hendl.length; i++) {
- var id = hendl[i].split('id="')[1].split('"')[0];
- PG_log("hendl finished, id = " + id);
- setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + id + "').click();", 500+i*500); // fails often if to fast
- }
- if (hendl.length > 1)
- return i*500 + 1000;
- var gas = Number(content.split('id="blackjack_container"')[1].split('class="stats"')[1].split("</span")[0].split(">").pop().trim());
- var hendl = content.split("dose_leer.png");
- PG_log("leer = " + hendl.length + ", gas = " + gas);
- for (var i = 1; i < hendl.length && i <= gas; i++)
- setTimeout("document.getElementsByClassName('countdown_button empty')[0].click();", 500+i*500); // fails often if to fast
- return (hendl.length > 1 && gas >= 1)?i*500+1000:0;
- }
- else if (mode == 6) {
- var cardstat = PGu_getValue("blackjackcards", "");
- if (cardstat == "") {
- var dates = [];
- var days = [];
- }
- else {
- var dates = cardstat.replace(/\+[:\dABDK]*/g, "").split(";");
- var days = cardstat.split(";");
- }
- var ind = dates.indexOf(tagesdatum);
- if (document.getElementsByClassName("presents").length > 0) {
- if (document.getElementsByClassName("presents")[0].innerHTML.indexOf("Kronkorken") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("blackjack_date", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("blackjack_noon", tagesdatum);
- return 2000;
- }
- if (document.getElementsByClassName("presents")[0].innerHTML.indexOf("blackjack(") != -1) {
- if (ind == -1)
- PGu_setValue("blackjackcards", cardstat + (cardstat == ""?"":";") + tagesdatum);
- else
- PGu_setValue("blackjackcards", cardstat + "+");
- document.getElementsByClassName("start")[0].click();
- return 2000;
- }
- }
- var cards = document.getElementsByClassName("cards")[0].innerHTML.split("blackjack/cards/");
- var thisgame = [];
- for (var j = 1; j < cards.length; j++) {
- var card = cards[j].split(".png")[0].trim();
- if (card == "11")
- card = "B";
- else if (card == "12")
- card = "D";
- else if (card == "13")
- card = "K";
- else if (card == "14")
- card = "A";
- thisgame.push(card);
- }
- if (ind == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("blackjackcards", cardstat + (cardstat==""?"":";") + tagesdatum + "+" + thisgame.join(":"));
- }
- else {
- var cardstoday = days[ind].split("+");
- if (cardstoday.length > 1)
- cardstoday.pop();
- cardstoday.push(thisgame.join(":"));
- days[ind] = cardstoday.join("+");
- PGu_setValue("blackjackcards", days.join(";"));
- }
- if (document.getElementsByClassName("finished_button").length > 0) {
- document.getElementsByClassName("finished_button")[0].click();
- return 2000;
- }
- var value = Number(document.getElementsByClassName("presents")[0].getElementsByTagName("div")[0].innerHTML.trim());
- if (value >= PGu_getValue("blackjacklimit", 13)) {
- document.getElementsByClassName("stop active")[0].click();
- return 2000;
- }
- document.getElementsByClassName("draw active")[0].click();
- return 2000;
- }
- else
- return 0;
- if (tbl.innerHTML.indexOf(game) != -1) {
- var chamber = tbl.getElementsByClassName(className);
- if (chamber.length > (game == "roulette_"?1:0)) {
- var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random()* chamber.length);
- chamber[rnd].click();
- return 2000;
- }
- }
- if (tbl.innerHTML.indexOf("_success.png") != -1 || tbl.innerHTML.indexOf("minigame_count") == -1 || tbl.innerHTML.indexOf("roulette_") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_success", 1);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_date", tagesdatum);
- if (today.getHours() > 12)
- PGu_setValue("minigame_noon", tagesdatum);
- if (today.getHours() < 12)
- var to = 43500;
- else
- var to = 86400;
- to = (to - today.getHours()*3600-today.getMinutes()*60-today.getSeconds()) * 1000 + today.getTime();
- PGu_setValue("minigame_wait", to.toString());
- return to - today.getTime();
- }
- var trs = tbl.getElementsByTagName("tr");
- for (var j = 0; j < trs.length; j++)
- if (trs[j].innerHTML.indexOf("minigame_count") != -1)
- break;
- if (j == trs.length)
- return 0;
- if (trs[j].innerHTML.indexOf("minigame_countdown") != -1) {
- var span = trs[j].getElementsByTagName("span");
- var seks = 0;
- if (span.length > 0)
- for (var jj = 0; jj < 1; jj++) {
- var timer = span[jj].innerHTML;
- if (timer == done) {
- seks = 0;
- }
- else if (timer.indexOf(":") != -1) {
- var time = timer.split(":");
- seks = (parseInt(time[0])*60 + parseInt(time[1])) * 1000;
- }
- }
- if (seks == 0) {
- unsafeWindow.minigame_show();
- seks = 2000;
- }
- var time = (new Date().getTime()) + seks;
- PGu_setValue("minigame_wait", String(time));
- return seks;
- }
- if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("_success.png") != -1 || trs[j].style.background.indexOf("_unsuccess.png") != -1 || trs[j].style.background.indexOf("_normal.png") != -1 ||
- trs[j].style.background.indexOf("_success.jpg") != -1 || trs[j].style.background.indexOf("_unsuccess.jpg") != -1 || trs[j].style.background.indexOf("_normal.jpg") != -1) {
- var success = PGu_getValue("minigame_success", 0);
- if (success == 1) {
- if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("_success.png") == -1 ||
- trs[j].innerHTML.indexOf("minigame_count") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_value", -1);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_success", 0);
- success = 0;
- }
- else
- return (86400-today.getHours()*3600-today.getMinutes()*60-today.getSeconds()) * 1000;
- }
- if (success == 0) {
- if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("_success.png") != -1 || trs[j].innerHTML.indexOf("minigame_count") == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_success", 1);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_date", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_noon", tagesdatum);
- return (86400-today.getHours()*3600-today.getMinutes()*60-today.getSeconds()) * 1000;
- }
- else {
- var nextValue = PGu_getValue("minigame_value", -1) + 1;
- var pos = trs[j].innerHTML.indexOf("minigame_count");
- var plnd = trs[j].innerHTML.substr(pos).match(/<img.*src=".*"/);
- if (plnd == null)
- plnd = [];
- else if (plnd.length > 0 && plnd[0].indexOf("busserl") != -1)
- plnd = false;
- if (!plnd || plnd.length == 0) {
- document.getElementById("minigame_count").innerHTML = nextValue%10+1;
- var sub = trs[j].innerHTML.split("minigame_try('")[1].split("'")[0];
- unsafeWindow.minigame_try(sub);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_value", nextValue);
- return 2000;
- }
- var plndanz = PGu_getValue("minigame_plunderanz", -1);
- if (plndanz == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_plunderanz", 0);
- plnd = plnd[0].split('src="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var pltab = 6;
- pltab = 1;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/ajax/?c='+pltab, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- PGu_setValue("minigame_plunderreq", String(today.getTime()+300000));
- var Plnd = content.split(decodeURI(plnd));
- if (Plnd.length < 2)
- return;
- var plndanz = Plnd[1].split("<td")[1].split("<span")[1].split(">")[1].split("<")[0];
- plndanz = Number(plndanz.split("x ")[1].trim());
- if (plndanz < nextValue%10+1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_plunderanz", plndanz);
- return;
- }
- PGu_setValue("minigame_plunderanz", plndanz - (nextValue%10+1));
- document.getElementById("minigame_count").innerHTML = nextValue%10+1;
- var sub = trs[j].innerHTML.split("minigame_try('")[1].split("'")[0];
- unsafeWindow.minigame_try(sub);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_value", nextValue);
- }});
- return 0;
- }
- if (plndanz < nextValue%10+1)
- return 300000;
- PGu_setValue("minigame_value", nextValue);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_plunderanz", plndanz - (nextValue%10+1));
- document.getElementById("minigame_count").innerHTML = nextValue%10+1;
- var sub = trs[j].innerHTML.split("minigame_try('")[1].split("'")[0];
- unsafeWindow.minigame_try(sub);
- }
- }
- }
- return 2000;
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // check for minigame and play it
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function CheckMinigame () {
- PG_log("CheckMinigame");
- if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/activities/") == -1)
- return;
- var minigames = ["halloween", "summer13", "event/aug13_2"];
- var tbl = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
- for (var i = 0; i < tbl.length; i++) {
- for (var tk = 0; tk < minigames.length; tk++)
- if (tbl[i].innerHTML.indexOf("/" + minigames[tk] + "/") != -1)
- break;
- var trs = tbl[i].getElementsByTagName("tr");
- for (var j = 0; j < trs.length; j++) {
- for (var k = 0; k < minigames.length; k++)
- if (trs[j].innerHTML.indexOf("/" + minigames[k] + "/") != -1)
- break;
- if (tk < minigames.length || k < minigames.length) {
- var seks = 0;
- if (j + 1 < trs.length) {
- var span = trs[j+1].getElementsByTagName("span");
- if (span.length > 0)
- for (var jj = 0; jj < 1; jj++) {
- var timer = span[jj].innerHTML;
- if (timer == done) {
- seks = 0;
- }
- else if (timer.indexOf(":") != -1) {
- var time = timer.split(":");
- seks = parseInt(time[0])*60 + parseInt(time[1]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (seks > 0) {
- checkInt = window.setTimeout(CheckMinigame,seks*1000);
- return;
- }
- else if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("/success.jpg") != -1 || trs[j].style.background.indexOf("/fail.jpg") != -1 || trs[j].style.background.indexOf("/normal.jpg") != -1) {
- var success = PGu_getValue("minigame_success", 0);
- if (success == 1) {
- if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("/success.jpg") == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_value", -1);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_success", 0);
- success = 0;
- }
- else
- checkInt = window.setTimeout(reload, 300000, "CheckMinigame1");
- }
- if (success == 0) {
- if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("/success.jpg") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_success", 1);
- }
- else {
- var options = trs[j].innerHTML.split('<option');
- if (options.length == 1) {
- reload("CheckMinigame2");
- break;
- }
- var nextValue = PGu_getValue("minigame_value", -1) + 1;
- var nextVal = nextValue % (options.length-1);
- nextVal = options[nextVal+1].split('<')[0];
- if (nextVal.startsWith(" value")) {
- nextVal = nextVal.split('"')[1];
- }
- else
- nextVal = nextVal.substr(1);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method:"POST",
- url: prothost + '/' + minigames[k] + '/minigame/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('minigame_count='+nextVal),
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var pos = responseDetails.responseText.indexOf('/fail.jpg');
- if (pos == -1) {
- window.location.href = prothost + '/activities/';
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_value", nextValue);
- window.location.href = prothost + '/activities/';
- }
- }});
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- else if (k < minigames.length) {
- window.location.href = prothost + '/' + minigames[k] + '/minigame/';
- }
- }
- else if (trs[j].style.background.search(/\/xmas.*\/minigame/) != -1) {
- var seks = 0;
- if (j + 1 < trs.length) {
- var span = trs[j+1].getElementsByTagName("span");
- for (var jj = 0; jj < 1; jj++) {
- var timer = span[jj].innerHTML;
- if (timer == done) {
- seks = 0;
- }
- else {
- var time = timer.split(":");
- seks = parseInt(time[0])*60 + parseInt(time[1]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (seks > 0) {
- checkInt = window.setTimeout(reload, seks*1000, "CheckMinigame3");
- return;
- }
- else {
- var success = PGu_getValue("XmasMini_success", 0);
- if (success == 1) {
- if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("minigame_success") == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("XmasMini_value", -1);
- PGu_setValue("XmasMini_success", 0);
- success = 0;
- }
- else
- checkInt = window.setTimeout(reload, 600000, "CheckMinigame4");
- }
- if (success == 0) {
- if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("minigame_success") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("XmasMini_value", -1);
- PGu_setValue("XmasMini_success", 1);
- checkInt = window.setTimeout(reload, 600000, "CheckMinigame5");
- }
- else {
- var options = trs[j].innerHTML.split('<option');
- if (options.length == 1) {
- reload("CheckMinigame6");
- break;
- }
- var nextValue = PGu_getValue("XmasMini_value", -1) + 1;
- var nextVal = nextValue % (options.length-1);
- nextVal = options[nextVal+1].split('<')[0];
- if (nextVal.startsWith(" value")) {
- nextVal = nextVal.split('"')[1];
- }
- else
- nextVal = nextVal.substr(1);
- var action = trs[j].innerHTML.match(/<form.*action=\"[^\"]*\"/)[0].split('"')[1];
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method:"POST",
- url: prothost + action,
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('minigame_count='+nextVal),
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var pos = responseDetails.finalUrl.indexOf('event=');
- if (pos == -1) {
- window.location.href = prothost + '/activities/';
- }
- else {
- var rc = parseInt(responseDetails.finalUrl.substr(pos+6));
- if (rc == -2)
- alert('Bitte Glühwein kaufen !!');
- else {
- PGu_setValue("XmasMini_value", nextValue);
- PGu_setValue("XmasMini_success", (rc==1?1:0));
- window.location.href = responseDetails.finalUrl;
- }
- }
- }});
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- else if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("/events/") != -1) {
- //alert(trs[j].style.background);
- var eventpos = trs[j].innerHTML.indexOf('/event/');
- var eventurl = "";
- minigames = ["easter14", "summer14", "krnvl"];
- var multiple = 0;
- for (var k = 0; k < minigames.length; k++)
- if (tbl[i].innerHTML.indexOf("/" + minigames[k] + "/") != -1)
- break;
- var dk = (tbl[i].innerHTML.indexOf('span id="counter') != -1?1:2);
- if (eventpos != -1) {
- var eventposend = trs[j].innerHTML.indexOf('"', eventpos);
- eventurl = trs[j].innerHTML.substr(eventpos, eventposend - eventpos);
- if (trs[j].innerHTML.substr(eventpos-8,6) == "action") {
- var form = trs[j].getElementsByTagName("form")[0].innerHTML;
- var inputs = form.split("<input");
- var input = "";
- for (var ii = 1; ii < inputs.length; ii++) {
- var name = inputs[ii].split('name="');
- if (name.length > 1)
- name = name[1].split('"')[0];
- else
- continue;
- var value = inputs[ii].split('value="');
- if (value.length > 1)
- value = value[1].split('"')[0];
- else
- continue;
- if (input != "")
- input += "&";
- input += name + "=" + value;
- }
- if (k < minigames.length) {
- var seks = 0;
- dk = 1;
- if (j + 1 < trs.length) {
- var span = trs[j+1].getElementsByTagName("span");
- if (span.length > 0)
- for (var jj = 0; jj < 1; jj++) {
- var timer = span[jj].innerHTML;
- if (timer == done) {
- seks = 0;
- }
- else if (timer.indexOf(":") != -1) {
- var time = timer.split(":");
- seks = parseInt(time[0])*60 + parseInt(time[1]);
- }
- }
- }
- if (seks > 0) {
- checkInt = window.setTimeout(CheckMinigame,seks*1000);
- return;
- }
- else if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("success.jpg") != -1 || trs[j].style.background.indexOf("unsuccess.jpg") != -1 || trs[j].style.background.indexOf("normal.jpg") != -1) {
- var success = PGu_getValue("minigame_success", 0);
- if (success == 1) {
- if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("success.jpg") == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_value", -1);
- PGu_setValue("minigame_success", 0);
- success = 0;
- }
- else
- checkInt = window.setTimeout(reload, 300000, "CheckMinigame7");
- }
- if (success == 0) {
- if (trs[j].style.background.indexOf("success.jpg") != -1) {
- PGu_setValue("minigame_success", 1);
- }
- else {
- var options = trs[j].innerHTML.split('<option');
- if (options.length != 1) {
- var nextValue = PGu_getValue("minigame_value", -1) + 1;
- var nextVal = nextValue % (options.length-1);
- nextVal = options[nextVal+1].split('<')[0];
- if (nextVal.startsWith(" value")) {
- nextVal = nextVal.split('"')[1];
- }
- else
- nextVal = nextVal.substr(1);
- if (input != "")
- input += "&";
- input += 'minigame_count='+nextVal;
- multiple = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (k < minigames.length) {
- window.location.href = prothost + '/' + minigames[k] + '/minigame/';
- }
- }
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method:"POST",
- url: prothost + eventurl,
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI(input),
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- if (multiple == 1)
- PGu_setValue("minigame_value", nextValue);
- var pos = responseDetails.finalUrl.indexOf('event=');
- if (pos == -1 || !multiple) {
- window.location.href = prothost + '/activities/';
- }
- else {
- var rc = parseInt(responseDetails.finalUrl.substr(pos+6));
- PGu_setValue("minigame_success", (rc==1?1:0));
- window.location.href = responseDetails.finalUrl;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- else if (eventurl.indexOf("mayevent") == -1) {
- window.location.href = prothost + eventurl;
- GM_setValue(TOWNEXTENSION + "eventURL", eventurl);
- }
- break;
- }
- if (j + dk < trs.length) {
- var seks = 0;
- var span = trs[j+dk].getElementsByTagName("span");
- for (var jj = 0; jj < 1; jj++) {
- var timer = span[jj].innerHTML;
- if (timer == done) {
- seks = 0;
- }
- else {
- var time = timer.split(":");
- seks = parseInt(time[0])*60 + parseInt(time[1]);
- }
- }
- if (seks > 0) {
- checkInt = window.setTimeout(reload, seks*1000, "CheckMinigame8");
- return;
- }
- else {
- var eventurl = PG_getValue(TOWNEXTENSION + "eventURL", "");
- if (eventurl != "")
- window.location.href = prothost + eventurl;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function insertCheckBox(mode, loaded) {
- var submitBtn = " Submit2";
- if (document.getElementsByName(submitBtn).length == 0)
- submitBtn = "Submit2";
- submitBtn = document.getElementsByName(submitBtn)[0];
- if (mode == 0) {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="BCCheckbox" id="BCCheckbox" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Automatisch sammeln</span> <input name="KWCheckbox" id="KWCheckbox" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> ohne Erinnerung</span><br><input name="STWCheckbox" id="STWCheckbox" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> mit Stadtteilwahl</span>';
- submitBtn.parentNode.appendChild(newtd, document.getElementsByName("xycoords")[0]);
- document.getElementById("BCCheckbox").checked = PGu_getValue("AutoCollect", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("BCCheckbox").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("AutoCollect", this.checked);
- if (this.checked) {
- var timeOptions = document.getElementsByName("time")[0];
- PGu_setValue(nameLastCollectTime, timeOptions.selectedIndex);
- }
- }, false);
- document.getElementById("KWCheckbox").checked = PGu_getValue("AutoCollectKW", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("KWCheckbox").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("AutoCollectKW", this.checked);
- }, false);
- document.getElementById("STWCheckbox").checked = PGu_getValue("chooseDistrict", true);
- document.getElementById("STWCheckbox").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("chooseDistrict", this.checked);
- window.location.href = prothost + '/activities/';
- }, false);
- if (!loaded)
- return;
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("chooseDistrict", true))
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/city/district/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/district/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- // Wenn die Seite abgerufen werden konnte (kein Seitenladefehler)
- if (content.indexOf("<strong>Mein Penner</strong>") != -1) {
- var district = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr")[2].getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML.split(":").pop().trim();
- var districts = content.split('class="pet_tab_help"')[1].split("<table ")[1].split("</table")[0].split("/city/district/buy/");
- var option = '<option value="0"> </option> ';
- var foption = '<option value="0"> </option> ';
- var fastest = 0;
- var setfast = "";
- var dist = [];
- var hdist = [];
- var mplunder = [];
- var mpdist = [];
- if (missionContent != "") {
- var missions = missionContent.split('class="gang_mission"');
- if (missions.length > 1) {
- for (var i = 1; i < missions.length; i++) {
- var lis = missions[i].split("stage_area")[1].split("<li>");
- for (var j = 1; j < lis.length; j++) {
- var beg = lis[j].split('"amount"');
- if (beg.length > 1) {
- var list = lis[j].match(/show_.*city_list.*activate'/);
- if (list != null) {
- if (list[0].indexOf("deactivate") != -1) {
- var plnd = beg[0].split("<span>")[1].split("<")[0].trim();
- mplunder.push(plnd);
- var dlist = missions[i].split("stage_area")[1].split("<ul>").pop().split("</ul>")[0].split("<li>");
- dlist.splice(0, 1);
- for (var k = 0; k < dlist.length; k++)
- dlist[k] = dlist[k].split("<")[0].trim();
- mpdist.push(dlist);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dist["0"] = "";
- for (var i = 1; i < districts.length; i++) {
- var distr = districts[i].split("</span")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- if (districts[i].indexOf('value="Kaufen"') == -1) {
- var nr = districts[i].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var ff = Number(districts[i].split("<td")[4].split("</td")[0].split(">").pop().replace(" ", "").trim());
- var bonus = districts[i].split("<td")[5].split("<span").pop().split("</span")[0].replace("<br/>", " ").split(">").pop().trim();
- if (bonus == "frei")
- bonus = "";
- else if (bonus != "")
- bonus = " (" + bonus.replace(" ", " ") + ")";
- var fmtch = districts[i].replace(/ /g, " ").match(/\d+% schneller Sammeln/);
- option += '<option value="' + nr + '">' + distr + '</option> ';
- if (bonus.indexOf("schneller Sammeln") != -1) {
- foption += '<option value="' + nr + '">' + distr + bonus + '</option>';
- var proz = Number(bonus.match(/\d+/)[0]);
- if (proz >= fastest) {
- if (proz > fastest || distr == district || distr == PGu_getValue("befDistrict", "0;").split(";")[1])
- setfast = nr + ";" + distr;
- fastest = proz;
- }
- }
- else {
- if (bonus.indexOf("mehr " + flaschentxt) != -1)
- moption += '<option value="' + nr + '">' + distr + " (FF: " + ff + ")" + bonus + '</option> ';
- else
- moption += '<option value="' + nr + '">' + distr + '</option> ';
- }
- hdist.push([ff, nr, distr, bonus]);
- dist[nr] = distr;
- }
- else {
- if (PGu_getValue("homeDistrict", "0;" + distr).split(";")[1] == distr)
- PGu_setValue("homeDistrict", "");
- if (PGu_getValue("befDistrict", "0;" + distr).split(";")[1] == distr)
- PGu_setValue("befDistrict", "");
- if (PGu_getValue("aftDistrict", "0;" + distr).split(";")[1] == distr)
- PGu_setValue("aftDistrict", "");
- }
- }
- if (hdist.length < 2)
- PGu_setValue("chooseDistrict", false);
- else {
- hdist.sort(function(a,b) {return a[0]>b[0]?-1:(a[0]<b[0]?1:(a[2]<b[2]?-1:1));});
- var hoption = '<option value="0"> </option> ';
- var moption = '<option value="0"> </option> ';
- for (var i = 0; i < hdist.length; i++) {
- var mplnd = [];
- for (var j = 0; j < mpdist.length; j++)
- if (mpdist[j].indexOf(hdist[i][2]) != -1)
- mplnd.push(mplunder[j]);
- if (mplnd.length > 0)
- mplnd = " (" + mplnd.join(", ") + ")";
- else
- mplnd = "";
- bonus = hdist[i][3];
- hoption += '<option value="' + hdist[i][1] + '">' + hdist[i][2] + mplnd + " (FF: " + hdist[i][0] + ")" + bonus + '</option> ';
- if (hdist[i][3].indexOf("mehr " + flaschentxt) == -1)
- bonus = "";
- moption += '<option value="' + hdist[i][1] + '">' + hdist[i][2] + mplnd + " (FF: " + hdist[i][0] + ")" + bonus + '</option> ';
- }
- if (fastest == 0)
- foption = option;
- else
- PGu_setValue("befDistrict", setfast);
- var homeDist = PGu_getValue("homeDistrict", "0;" + district);
- var befDist = PGu_getValue("befDistrict", "0;" + district);
- var aftDist = PGu_getValue("aftDistrict", "0;" + district);
- var newtd2 = document.createElement("span");
- var newtd3 = document.createElement("span");
- var newtd4 = document.createElement("span");
- newtd2.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd3.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd4.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd2.innerHTML = '<form name="cityhome" id="cityhome">Heimatstandort: <input id="movehom" style="visibility:hidden; float:right; position:relative; top:-5px" type="button" value="nach ' + homeDist.split(";")[1] + ' ziehen"> <select id="cityhomeid" name="cityhomeid"> ' + hoption + ' </select>';
- newtd3.innerHTML = '<form style="padding-top: 10px" name="citybefore" id="citybefore">vor Start wechseln nach: <input id="movebef" style="visibility:hidden; float:right; position:relative; top:-5px" type="button" value="nach ' + befDist.split(";")[1] + ' ziehen"> <select id="citybefid" name="citybefid"> ' + foption + ' </select>';
- newtd4.innerHTML = '<form style="padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px" name="cityafter" id="cityafter">vor Ausleeren wechseln nach: <input id="moveaft" style="visibility:hidden; float:right; position:relative; top:-5px" type="button" value="nach ' + aftDist.split(";")[1] + ' ziehen"> <select id="cityaftid" name="cityaftid"> ' + moption + ' </select>';
- submitBtn.parentNode.appendChild(newtd2, document.getElementsByName("xycoords")[0]);
- submitBtn.parentNode.appendChild(newtd3, document.getElementsByName("xycoords")[0]);
- submitBtn.parentNode.appendChild(newtd4, document.getElementsByName("xycoords")[0]);
- document.getElementById("cityhomeid").value = PGu_getValue("homeDistrict", "0").split(";")[0];
- document.getElementById("citybefid").value = PGu_getValue("befDistrict", "0").split(";")[0];
- document.getElementById("cityaftid").value = PGu_getValue("aftDistrict", "0").split(";")[0];
- if (homeDist.split(";")[0] != "0" && homeDist.split(";")[1] != district) {
- document.getElementById("movehom").value = "nach " + homeDist.split(";")[1] + " ziehen";
- document.getElementById("movehom").style.visibility = "";
- }
- document.getElementById("movehom").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- moveTo(homeDist.split(";")[0], "", "");
- }, false);
- if (befDist.split(";")[0] != "0" && befDist.split(";")[1] != district) {
- document.getElementById("movebef").value = "nach " + befDist.split(";")[1] + " ziehen";
- document.getElementById("movebef").style.visibility = "";
- }
- document.getElementById("movebef").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- moveTo(befDist.split(";")[0], "", "");
- }, false);
- if (aftDist.split(";")[0] != "0" && aftDist.split(";")[1] != district) {
- document.getElementById("moveaft").value = "nach " + aftDist.split(";")[1] + " ziehen";
- document.getElementById("moveaft").style.visibility = "";
- }
- document.getElementById("moveaft").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- moveTo(aftDist.split(";")[0], "", "");
- }, false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("cityhomeid").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- if (this.value == "0") {
- PGu_setValue("homeDistrict", "");
- document.getElementById("movehom").style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- else {
- homeDist = this.value + ";" + dist[this.value];
- PGu_setValue("homeDistrict", homeDist);
- if (dist[this.value] != district) {
- document.getElementById("movehom").value = "nach " + homeDist.split(";")[1] + " ziehen";
- document.getElementById("movehom").style.visibility = "";
- }
- else
- document.getElementById("movehom").style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- }, false);
- document.getElementById("citybefid").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- if (this.value == "0") {
- PGu_setValue("befDistrict", "");
- document.getElementById("movebef").style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- else {
- befDist = this.value + ";" + dist[this.value];
- PGu_setValue("befDistrict", befDist);
- if (dist[this.value] != district) {
- document.getElementById("movebef").value = "nach " + befDist.split(";")[1] + " ziehen";
- document.getElementById("movebef").style.visibility = "";
- }
- else
- document.getElementById("movebef").style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- }, false);
- document.getElementById("cityaftid").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- if (this.value == "0") {
- PGu_setValue("aftDistrict", "");
- document.getElementById("moveaft").style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- else {
- aftDist = this.value + ";" + dist[this.value];
- PGu_setValue("aftDistrict", aftDist);
- if (dist[this.value] != district) {
- document.getElementById("moveaft").value = "nach " + aftDist.split(";")[1] + " ziehen";
- document.getElementById("moveaft").style.visibility = "";
- }
- else
- document.getElementById("moveaft").style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- }, false);
- }
- }
- else
- trace("Fehler beim Laden", 2);
- }});
- }
- function insertCheckBox2(loaded) {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- var male = "";
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoCrime", false))
- male = " (noch " + PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeFkt", 0) + " Mal)";
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="SCCheckbox" id="SCCheckbox" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Automatisch starten' + male + '</span>';
- var buttons = document.getElementsByTagName("button");
- if (buttons.length > 0)
- var button = buttons[0];
- else {
- buttons = document.getElementsByName("xycoords");
- var button = buttons[buttons.length-1];
- }
- button.parentNode.insertBefore(newtd, button);
- document.getElementById("SCCheckbox").checked = PGu_getValue("AutoCrime", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("SCCheckbox").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- if (this.checked) {
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoCrimePic", "") == "") {
- alert("Bitte erst " + crimetxt + " festlegen !!");
- this.checked = false;
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeFkt", -1) <= 0)
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimeFkt", 1);
- }
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrime", this.checked);
- reload("insertCheckBox2");
- }, false);
- }
- function insertCheckBox3(button) {
- var crimepic = button.parentNode.parentNode.innerHTML.split('plunder_crime/')[1].split('"')[0];
- var name = 'CbButton_' + crimepic;
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="CbCrime" id="' + name +'" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> diese' + (TOWNEXTENSION!="VT"&&TOWNEXTENSION!="AT"?"s ":" ") + crimetxt + ' </span><input name="CbCrimeFkt" style="width:30px" id="' + name +'Fkt"><span style="vertical-align: bottom">mal automatisch starten</span>';
- button.parentNode.appendChild(newtd, button);
- var crimep = PGu_getValue("AutoCrimePic", "");
- if (crimep == crimepic) {
- document.getElementById(name).checked = true;
- document.getElementById(name+"Fkt").value=PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeFkt",1);
- }
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById(name+"Fkt").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- var crimeFkt = parseInt(document.getElementById(this.id).value);
- if (isNaN(crimeFkt))
- crimeFkt = 1;
- document.getElementById(this.id).value = crimeFkt;
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimeFkt", crimeFkt);
- }, false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById(name).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- var crimepic = this.id.split("_")[1];
- crimepic = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.innerHTML.split('plunder_crime/')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (this.parentNode.parentNode.innerHTML.split("start_crime(").length > 1)
- var crimeNr = this.parentNode.parentNode.innerHTML.split("start_crime(")[1].split(")")[0];
- else
- var crimeNr = 0;
- // Klickstatus speichern
- if (this.checked) {
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrime", true);
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimePic", crimepic);
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimeNr", crimeNr);
- var crimeFkt = parseInt(document.getElementById(this.id+"Fkt").value);
- if (isNaN(crimeFkt) || crimeFkt <= 0)
- crimeFkt = 1;
- document.getElementById(this.id+"Fkt").value = crimeFkt;
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimeFkt", crimeFkt);
- var buttons = document.getElementsByName("CbCrime");
- for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
- var crimep = buttons[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.innerHTML.split('plunder_crime/')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (crimepic != crimep) {
- document.getElementById(buttons[i].id).checked = false;
- document.getElementById(buttons[i].id+"Fkt").value = "";
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimePic", "");
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimeNr", 0);
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimeFkt", 0);
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrime", false);
- }
- }, false);
- }
- function insertCheckBox4() {
- var newtd = document.createElement("li");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="GSCheckbox" id="GSCheckbox" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Geld automatisch einsacken</span>';
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K"];
- var sptown = (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) != -1);
- if (sptown) {
- var option = '<option value="4everproxy">4everproxy.com</option> ';
- newtd.innerHTML += '<form name="spsammler" id="spsammler" style="visibility:hidden" >Spenden sammeln über: <select id="spsammlerid" name="spsammlerid"> ' + option + ' </select> </form>';
- }
- var tieritems = document.getElementsByClassName("tieritemA");
- for (var i = 0; i < tieritems.length; i++) {
- if (tieritems[i].innerHTML.indexOf("minijobs") != -1 || tieritems[i].innerHTML.indexOf("change_please") != -1) {
- var lis = tieritems[i].getElementsByClassName("double");
- if (lis.length == 0)
- lis = tieritems[i].getElementsByClassName("first");
- lis = lis[lis.length-1].getElementsByTagName("li");
- lis[lis.length-1].parentNode.appendChild(newtd, lis[lis.length-1]);
- document.getElementById("GSCheckbox").checked = PGu_getValue("getSalary", false);
- if (sptown) {
- if (PGu_getValue("getSalary", false))
- document.getElementById("spsammler").style.visibility = "visible";
- document.getElementById("spsammlerid").value = PG_getValue("spendensammler", "4everproxy");
- }
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("GSCheckbox").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("getSalary", this.checked);
- GM_deleteValue("4everproxy");
- PGu_delete("spendenwait");
- PGu_delete("spendenrest");
- if (sptown) {
- if (this.checked)
- document.getElementById("spsammler").style.visibility = "visible";
- else
- document.getElementById("spsammler").style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- }, false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- if (sptown)
- document.getElementById("spsammlerid").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- PG_setValue("spendensammler", this.value);
- }, false);
- }
- }
- }
- function selectcraft(i, craftlist, usedPlunder, tr) {
- function handleClick(id, value) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- var craftnr = id.replace("craftid", "");
- if (value == "0")
- usedPlunder.splice(craftnr, 1);
- else {
- usedPlunder[craftnr] = value;
- PGu_setValue("craftindex", 0);
- }
- PGu_setValue("craftlist", usedPlunder.join(";"));
- for (var i = 0; document.getElementById("craftid"+i); i++) {
- if (i == usedPlunder.length - 1) {
- if (document.getElementById("craftid"+(i+1)))
- document.getElementById("craft"+(i+1)).parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";
- else {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- var newtr = document.createElement("tr");
- var option = '<option value="0"> </option> ';
- for (var j = 0; j < craftlist.length; j++) {
- var pos = usedPlunder.indexOf(craftlist[j][1]);
- if (pos == -1)
- option += '<option value="' + craftlist[j][1] + '">' + craftlist[j][0] + '</option> ';
- }
- newtd.innerHTML = '<form name="craft' + (i+1) + '" id="craft' + (i+1) + '">wenn nicht möglich, dann: <select id="craftid' + (i+1) +'" name="craftid' + (i+1) + '"> ' + option + ' </select> </form>';
- newtr.appendChild(newtd, newtr);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr, tr);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("craftid"+(i+1)).addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- handleClick(this.id, this.value);
- }, false);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (i > usedPlunder.length) {
- document.getElementById("craft"+i).parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
- continue;
- }
- var option = '<option value="0"> </option> ';
- for (var j = 0; j < craftlist.length; j++) {
- var pos = usedPlunder.indexOf(craftlist[j][1]);
- if (pos == -1 || pos == i)
- option += '<option value="' + craftlist[j][1] + '">' + craftlist[j][0] + '</option> ';
- }
- document.getElementById("craftid"+i).innerHTML = option;
- document.getElementById("craftid"+i).value = i < usedPlunder.length?usedPlunder[i]:"0";
- }
- }
- var option = '<option value="0"> </option> ';
- for (var j = 0; j < craftlist.length; j++) {
- var pos = usedPlunder.indexOf(craftlist[j][1]);
- if (pos == -1 || pos == i)
- option += '<option value="' + craftlist[j][1] + '">' + craftlist[j][0] + '</option> ';
- }
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- var newtr = document.createElement("tr");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- var pid = i < usedPlunder.length?usedPlunder[i]:"0";
- newtd.innerHTML = '<form name="craft' + i + '" id="craft' + i + '">' + (i==0?"Plunder basteln":"wenn nicht möglich, dann") + ': <select id="craftid' + i +'" name="craftid' + i + '"> ' + option + ' </select> </form>';
- newtr.appendChild(newtd, newtr);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr, tr);
- document.getElementById("craftid"+i).value = pid;
- if (!PGu_getValue("autoDaily", false))
- document.getElementById("craft"+i).parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
- else
- document.getElementById("craft"+i).parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("craftid"+i).addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- handleClick(this.id, this.value);
- }, false);
- }
- var eventPlunder = [
- "Geschenk", "Weihnachtsmütze", "Schere", "Kölner Plörre", "Gebiss",
- "Lupe", "Rote Weihnachtssocke", "Grüne Weihnachtssocke", "Gelbe Weihnachtssocke",
- "Dynamit", "Zwiebelkuchen", "Wollhandschuhe", "Eispickel", "Karnevalströte",
- "Roter Partyballon", "Grüner Partyballon", "Gelber Partyballon",
- "Hasenpfote", "Plüschhäschen","Hacke", "Hacke",
- "Molotowcocktail", "Absperrung", "Farbflutkiosk", "Mülleimer", "Polizeiwagen", "Bullenbully",
- "Rabattflyer", "Schwarzer Nagellack", "George Clooney Double",
- "Gutscheincode", "Nagellackentferner", "Johnny Depp Original",
- "Fußballerina", "Schlüpper", "BH", "Dildo",
- "Orange", "Banane", "Maracuja", "Ananas", "Kokusnuss", "Erdbeere", "Apfel", "Limette",
- "Strohhalm", "Cocktailkirsche", "Cocktailschirmchen", "Minzblättchen",
- "Fruchtschalenspirale", "Physalis", "Cocktailglas", "Eiswürfel"];
- var evPlunder = [];
- function getPlunderlist(k, pltab, allplunderArr, tr, mincost, allplunder, plunderlist, link)
- {
- function buildSelectBox(allplunderArr, tr, mode, mincost) {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- var newtr = document.createElement("tr");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- var option = '<option value="0"> </option> ';
- for (var i = 0; i < allplunderArr.length; i++)
- if (allplunderArr[i][4] >= mincost)
- option += '<option value="' + allplunderArr[i][2] + '">' + allplunderArr[i][0] + ' [x' + allplunderArr[i][1] + '] (' + allplunderArr[i][3] + ')</option> ';
- var pid = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder" + (mode==0?"":mode), 0);
- var text = "Plunder verkaufen" + (mode==0?"":", wenn kein Geld mehr");
- newtd.innerHTML = '<form name="plunderdef' + mode + '" id="plunderdef' + mode + '">' + text + ': <select id="pid' + mode + '" name="pid' + mode + '"> ' + option + ' </select> </form>';
- newtr.appendChild(newtd, newtr);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr, tr);
- document.getElementById("pid" + mode).value = pid;
- if (!PGu_getValue("autoDaily", false) && mode == 0)
- document.getElementById("plunderdef"+mode).parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
- else
- document.getElementById("plunderdef"+mode).parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("pid"+mode).addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- PGu_setValue("sellPlunder"+(mode==0?"":mode), this.value);
- }, false);
- }
- if (pltab == 0) {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/stock/plunder/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="plundertab"')[1];
- var lis = content.split("</ul>")[0].split("<li>");
- pltab = lis.length - 1;
- link = lis[1].split('href="')[1].split("=")[0] + "=";
- getPlunderlist(k, pltab, allplunderArr, tr, mincost, allplunder, plunderlist, link);
- }});
- return;
- }
- trace('Get ' + prothost + link + k, 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + link + k, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var trs = content.split("<tr ");
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length; i++) {
- var plname = trs[i].split(">x ")[0].split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var plAnz = trs[i].split(">x ")[1].split("<")[0].trim();
- var pid = trs[i].split('pm_')[1].split("'")[0].trim();
- var cost = trs[i].split("show_multiple_sell")[1].split("<li>")[1].split("</li>")[0].split("(")[1].match(/ .*[\d.,]+/)[0].trim();
- var cost2 = Number(cost.match(/[\d.,]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g, ""));
- if (plunderlist.indexOf(plname) == -1) {
- var misspl = 0;
- if (trs[i].indexOf('"pinfo2"') != -1)
- if (trs[i].split('"pinfo2"')[1].indexOf("Missionsplunder") != -1 ||
- trs[i].split('"pinfo2"')[1].indexOf("Bandenmission") != -1)
- misspl = 1;
- allplunder.push(plname+":"+misspl);
- plunderlist.push(plname);
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < allplunderArr.length; j++)
- if (allplunderArr[j][4] < cost2)
- break;
- allplunderArr.splice(j, 0, [plname, plAnz, pid, cost, cost2]);
- if (eventPlunder.indexOf(plname) != -1)
- evPlunder.push(allplunderArr[j]);
- }
- if (k < pltab)
- getPlunderlist(k+1, pltab, allplunderArr, tr, mincost, allplunder, plunderlist, link);
- else {
- PG_setValue("allplunder", allplunder.join(";"));
- var evCost = 0;
- var evAnz = 0;
- var title = "";
- var e = document.createElement('div');
- for (var j = 0; j < evPlunder.length; j++) {
- evAnz += Number(evPlunder[j][1]);
- evCost = evCost + Number(evPlunder[j][1]) * evPlunder[j][4];
- e.innerHTML = evPlunder[j][3];
- title += '<tr><td style="border-bottom:0px">' + evPlunder[j][1] + "x " + evPlunder[j][0] + " (" + e.childNodes[0].nodeValue + ')</td></tr>';
- }
- /*
- title = '<tr><td style="font-size:16px;border-bottom:0px">Du besitzt ' + evAnz + " Stück Eventplunder im Wert von " + e.childNodes[0].nodeValue.match(/[^\d]+/)[0] + Math.floor(evCost/100) + "," + evCost.toString().substr(-2) + ":</td></tr><br>" + title;
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- if (evPlunder.length > 0) {
- if (tagesdatum <= "2015-09-10" && PGu_getValue("eventPlunderWarning", "") < tagesdatum) {
- e.innerHTML = evPlunder[0][3];
- alert("Du besitzt " + evAnz + " Stück Eventplunder im Wert von " + e.childNodes[0].nodeValue.match(/[^\d]+/)[0] + Math.floor(evCost/100) + "," + evCost.toString().substr(-2));
- PGu_setValue("eventPlunderWarning", tagesdatum);
- }
- var newtr2 = document.createElement("tr");
- var newtd2 = document.createElement("input");
- newtd2.id = 'sellEventPlnd';
- newtd2.type = 'button';
- newtd2.value = 'Eventplunder verkaufen';
- newtd2.onmouseover = function () { document.getElementById("eventPlunderInfo").style.display = "" };
- newtd2.onmouseout = function () { document.getElementById("eventPlunderInfo").style.display = "none" };
- var width = 450;
- var newspan = document.createElement('span');
- newspan.id = "eventPlunderInfo";
- newspan.style.width = width+"px";
- newspan.style.color = "white";
- newspan.style.backgroundColor = "#505050";
- newspan.style.fontSize = "12px";
- newspan.style.position = "absolute";
- newspan.style.display = "none";
- newspan.style.zIndex = "100";
- newspan.innerHTML = '<table>' + title + '</table>';
- newtr2.appendChild(newtd2, newtr2);
- newtr2.appendChild(newspan);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr2, tr);
- document.getElementById("sellEventPlnd").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- sellManyPlunder(evPlunder);
- }, false);
- var newtd3 = document.createElement("td");
- var newtr3 = document.createElement("tr");
- newtd3.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd3.innerHTML = '<input name="eventPlndNoRem" id="eventPlndNoRem" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Nicht mehr an Eventplunderverkauf erinnern</span>';
- newtr3.appendChild(newtd3, newtr3);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr3, tr);
- document.getElementById("eventPlndNoRem").checked = PGu_getValue("eventPlunderWarning", tagesdatum) >= '2015-09-10';
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("eventPlndNoRem").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- if (this.checked)
- PGu_setValue("eventPlunderWarning", '2015-09-30');
- else
- PGu_setValue("eventPlunderWarning", tagesdatum);
- }, false);
- }
- */
- buildSelectBox(allplunderArr, tr, 1, mincost);
- if (expertMode) {
- var newtd0 = document.createElement("td");
- var newtr0 = document.createElement("tr");
- newtd0.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- var dtsitttime = PGu_getValue("dtsitttime", latestDTtime);
- newtd0.innerHTML = '<form name="dtsitting" id="dtsitting"><input name="dtsittingChb" id="dtsittingChb" type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:middle"><span style="vertical-align: middle"> wenn bis <input id="dtsitthr" name="dtsitthr" style="width:20px;text-align:right">:<input id="dtsittmi" name="dtsittmi" style="width:20px"> nicht erledigt, dann per Sitting erledigen</span></form>';
- newtr0.appendChild(newtd0, newtr0);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr0, tr);
- document.getElementById("dtsittingChb").checked = PGu_getValue("dtsitting", false) && m_ownusername.toLowerCase() == GM_getValue(host + "_username", "").toLowerCase();
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("dtsittingChb").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- if (this.checked)
- if (m_ownusername.toLowerCase() != GM_getValue(host + "_username", "").toLowerCase()) {
- alert("Passwort unbekannt. Bitte neu einloggen.");
- this.checked = false;
- return;
- }
- PGu_setValue("dtsitting", this.checked);
- }, false);
- document.getElementById("dtsitthr").value = dtsitttime.split(":")[0];
- document.getElementById("dtsittmi").value = dtsitttime.split(":")[1];
- if (PGu_getValue("autoDaily", false))
- document.getElementById("dtsitting").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";
- else
- document.getElementById("dtsitting").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- function timeChecker(obj, indx) {
- if (indx != 0 && indx != 1)
- return;
- var dtsitttime = PGu_getValue("dtsitttime", latestDTtime).split(":");
- var val = dtsitttime[indx];
- dtsitttime[indx] = obj.value.length < 2 ? ("00" + obj.value).substr(-2) : obj.value;
- if (isNaN(obj.value) || Number(obj.value) < 0 || Number(obj.value) > (indx == 0 ? 23 : 59) || dtsitttime.join(":") > latestDTtime)
- dtsitttime[indx] = val;
- else // neuen Wert speichern
- PGu_setValue("dtsitttime", dtsitttime.join(":"));
- obj.value = dtsitttime[indx];
- }
- document.getElementById("dtsitthr").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- timeChecker(this, 0);
- }, false);
- document.getElementById("dtsittmi").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- timeChecker(this, 1);
- }, false);
- }
- buildSelectBox(allplunderArr, tr, 0, 1);
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/friendlist/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/friendlist/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- // Wenn die Seite abgerufen werden konnte (kein Seitenladefehler)
- if (content.indexOf("<strong>Mein Penner</strong>") != -1) {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- var newtr = document.createElement("tr");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- var friendid = PGu_getValue("friendid", "0");
- var friends = content.split('class="listshop"')[1].split("<table ")[1].split("</table")[0].split("/profil/id:");
- var option = '<option value="0"> </option> ';
- for (var i = 1; i < friends.length; i++) {
- option += '<option value="' + friends[i].split("/")[0] + '">' + friends[i].split("<")[0].split(">")[1].trim() + '</option> ';
- }
- newtd.innerHTML = '<form name="frienddef" id="frienddef">PN senden an: <select id="friendid" name="friendid"> ' + option + ' </select> </form>';
- newtr.appendChild(newtd, newtr);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr, tr);
- document.getElementById("friendid").value = friendid;
- if (!PGu_getValue("autoDaily", false))
- document.getElementById("frienddef").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
- else
- document.getElementById("frienddef").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("friendid").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- PGu_setValue("friendid", this.value);
- }, false);
- var newtd2 = document.createElement("td");
- var newtr2 = document.createElement("tr");
- newtd2.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd2.innerHTML = '<input name="LoseKaufSofort" id="LoseKaufSofort" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Lose ohne Rücksicht auf Casino-Besuch kaufen</span>';
- newtr2.appendChild(newtd2, newtr2);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr2, tr);
- document.getElementById("LoseKaufSofort").checked = PGu_getValue("LoseKaufSofort", false);
- if (!PGu_getValue("autoDaily", false))
- document.getElementById("LoseKaufSofort").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
- else
- document.getElementById("LoseKaufSofort").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("LoseKaufSofort").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- PGu_setValue("LoseKaufSofort", this.checked);
- }, false);
- }
- else
- PGu_setValue("LoseKaufSofort", true);
- var newtd2 = document.createElement("td");
- var newtr2 = document.createElement("tr");
- newtd2.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- var donlink = PGu_getValue("donationlink", "");
- newtd2.innerHTML = '<form>Spendenlink: <input style="color: black; background-color:white; width:300px" type="text" name="donlink" id="donlink"></form>';
- newtr2.appendChild(newtd2, newtr2);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr2, tr);
- document.getElementById("donlink").value = donlink;
- if (!PGu_getValue("autoDaily", false))
- document.getElementById("donlink").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
- else
- document.getElementById("donlink").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("donlink").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- PGu_setValue("donationlink", this.value);
- }, false);
- }
- }
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/stock/plunder/craftlist/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/craftlist/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var table = responseDetails.responseText.split("<table").pop().split("</table")[0];
- var trs = table.split("<tr");
- var craftlist = [];
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length; i++) {
- if (trs[i].indexOf('href="/stock/plunder/craft/details/') == -1)
- continue;
- var details = trs[i].split('href="/stock/plunder/craft/details/')[1];
- if (details.indexOf("disabled") != -1)
- continue;
- var pid = details.split("/")[0];
- var plunder = details.split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop();
- craftlist.push([plunder, pid]);
- }
- var usedPlunder = PGu_getValue("craftlist", "").split(";");
- for (var i = 0; i <= usedPlunder.length; i++)
- var pid = selectcraft(i, craftlist, usedPlunder, tr);
- }});
- }});
- }
- }});
- }
- function setVisibility(vsbl) {
- document.getElementById("dtsitting").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = vsbl;
- document.getElementById("plunderdef0").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = vsbl;
- document.getElementById("frienddef").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = vsbl;
- if (document.getElementById("donlink"))
- document.getElementById("donlink").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = vsbl;
- if (document.getElementById("LoseKaufSofort"))
- document.getElementById("LoseKaufSofort").parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = vsbl;
- for (var i = 0; true; i++)
- if (document.getElementById("craft"+i))
- document.getElementById("craft"+i).parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = vsbl;
- else
- break;
- }
- function insertCheckBox5() {
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "ML", "VT", "AT"];
- if (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) == -1)
- return;
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- var newtr = document.createElement("tr");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="DTCheckbox" id="DTCheckbox" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Tagesaufgabe automatisch lösen</span><br><span id="dailytxt"></span>';
- newtr.appendChild(newtd, newtr);
- var tr = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr")[2];
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newtr, tr);
- var allplunderArr = [];
- var allplunder = PG_getValue("allplunder", "");
- if (allplunder == "") {
- allplunder = [];
- var plunderlist = [];
- }
- else {
- allplunder = allplunder.replace("ä", "ä").replace("ö", "ö").replace("ü", "ü").replace("ß", "ß");
- var plunderlist = allplunder.replace(/:\d*/g, "").split(";");
- allplunder = allplunder.split(";");
- for (var i = allplunder.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- if (allplunder.indexOf(allplunder[i]) < i || allplunder[i] == "Zertrü" || allplunder[i] == "Zertrü" || allplunder[i].startsWith("mmerte"))
- allplunder.splice(i, 1);
- }
- getPlunderlist(1, 0, allplunderArr, tr, (TOWNEXTENSION == "VT"||TOWNEXTENSION == "AT"?100:2500), allplunder, plunderlist, "");
- var checked = PGu_getValue("autoDaily", false);
- var dailytxt = "";
- if (checked) {
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- tryDaily = PGu_getValue("tryDailyTask", ";0").split(";");
- if (tryDaily[0] != tagesdatum) {
- var tries = 0;
- PGu_delete("tryDailyTask");
- }
- else
- var tries = Number(tryDaily[1]);
- if (tryDaily[0] == tagesdatum && (tries >= 5 && today.getHours() < 23 || tries >= 10 && today.getHours() >= 23)) {
- checked = false;
- if (tries < 10)
- dailytxt = "Aufgrund zuvieler Fehlversuche ist die Automatik bis 23 Uhr oder erneute Aktivierung abgeschaltet.";
- else
- dailytxt = "Aufgrund zuvieler Fehlversuche ist die Automatik für den Rest des Tages oder bis zur erneuten Aktivierung abgeschaltet.";
- document.getElementById("dailytxt").innerHTML = dailytxt;
- }
- }
- document.getElementById("DTCheckbox").checked = checked;
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("DTCheckbox").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("autoDaily", this.checked);
- if (!this.checked) {
- setVisibility("hidden");
- }
- else {
- setVisibility("visible");
- PGu_delete("dailyTaskDone");
- PGu_delete("tryDailyTask");
- }
- }, false);
- }
- function insertCheckBox6(show) {
- var noMissCtrl = (document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.indexOf('onclick="show_city_list') == -1);
- if (!show || noMissCtrl && show != 1)
- return;
- var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
- var missions = [];
- var boosts = [];
- var plunder = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < tables.length; i++) {
- var mission = tables[i].getElementsByClassName("gang_mission")[0].style.backgroundImage.split(/[()]/)[1].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- missions[i] = mission;
- var tr = tables[i].getElementsByTagName("tr")[1];
- var div = tr.getElementsByTagName("div");
- if (!noMissCtrl) {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="MissCheckbox'+i+'" id="MissCheckbox'+i+'" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Diese Mission automatisch starten</span>';
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newtd, div);
- document.getElementById("MissCheckbox"+i).checked = PGu_getValue(mission+"Auto", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("MissCheckbox"+i).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- var indx = this.id.substr(-1);
- PGu_setValue(missions[indx]+"Auto", this.checked);
- }, false);
- var newbr = document.createElement("br");
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newbr, div);
- var newtd2 = document.createElement("td");
- newtd2.innerHTML = '<input name="RewardChb'+i+'" id="RewardChb'+i+'" type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:bottom"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Belohnung automatisch abholen</span>';
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newtd2, div);
- document.getElementById("RewardChb"+i).checked = PGu_getValue(mission+"Rwd", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("RewardChb"+i).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- var indx = this.id.substr(-1);
- PGu_setValue(missions[indx]+"Rwd", this.checked);
- }, false);
- }
- if (!noMissCtrl)
- if (mission == "kieztour" || mission == "davinci_code" || mission == "schrottplatz" || mission == "kreuzzug") {
- var newbr = document.createElement("br");
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newbr, div);
- var newtd2 = document.createElement("td");
- newtd2.innerHTML = '<input name="TimeCheckbox'+i+'" id="TimeCheckbox'+i+'" type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:bottom"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Diese Mission nur starten, wenn noch mindestens </span><input name="MissTime'+i+'" id="MissTime'+i+'" type="text" style="width:30px;color:black;background-color:white" value=""><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Minuten bis zur nächsten Mission</span>';
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newtd2, div);
- document.getElementById("MissTime"+i).value = PGu_getValue(mission+"Time", "");
- document.getElementById("TimeCheckbox"+i).checked = PGu_getValue(missions[i]+"MissT", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("TimeCheckbox"+i).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- var indx = this.id.substr(-1);
- PGu_setValue(missions[indx]+"MissT", this.checked);
- }, false);
- // Change-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("MissTime"+i).addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // aktuellen Wert speichern
- if (this.value != "" && (isNaN(this.value) || Number(this.value) < 0))
- alert ("Bitte nur eine Zahl >= 0 eingeben oder frei lassen");
- else {
- var indx = this.id.substr(-1);
- PGu_setValue(missions[indx]+"Time", this.value);
- }
- }, false);
- }
- var lis = tables[i].getElementsByClassName("stage_area")[0].getElementsByTagName("li");
- plunder[i] = [];
- var first = noMissCtrl;
- for (var j = 0; j < lis.length; j++) {
- if (lis[j].innerHTML.indexOf('">x ') == -1)
- continue;
- var plnd = lis[j].innerHTML.split("<span>")[1].split("</span>")[0].trim();
- var amnt = Number(lis[j].innerHTML.split(">x ")[1].match(/\d+/)[0].trim());
- plunder[i].push([plnd, amnt]);
- if (amnt >= 1000 || !noMissCtrl) {
- if (!first) {
- var newbr = document.createElement("br");
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newbr, div);
- }
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="'+plnd+'payin'+i+'" id="'+plnd+'payin'+i+'" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> '+plnd+' bei Bedarf in Plunderbank einzahlen'+'</span>';
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newtd, div);
- PGu_setValue(plnd+"PayIn", PGu_getValue(plnd+"PayIn", false));
- document.getElementById(plnd+"payin"+i).checked = PGu_getValue(plnd+"PayIn", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById(plnd+"payin"+i).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- var plnd = this.id.split("payin")[0];
- PGu_setValue(plnd+"PayIn", this.checked);
- }, false);
- first = false;
- if (amnt >= 1000 && !noMissCtrl) {
- var newbr = document.createElement("br");
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newbr, div);
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="'+plnd+'Smml'+i+'" id="'+plnd+'Smml'+i+'" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> '+plnd+' nach Missionsstart wieder sammeln</span>';
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newtd, div);
- PGu_setValue(plnd+"Coll", PGu_getValue(plnd+"Coll", false));
- document.getElementById(plnd+"Smml"+i).checked = PGu_getValue(plnd+"Coll", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById(plnd+"Smml"+i).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- var plnd = this.id.split("Smml")[0];
- PGu_setValue(plnd+"Coll", this.checked);
- }, false);
- }
- }
- }
- if (noMissCtrl)
- continue;
- var divs = tables[i].getElementsByClassName("stage_area")[2].getElementsByClassName("icon_display");
- var boost = divs[divs.length-1].innerHTML.split('src="')[1].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- boosts[i] = boost;
- if (boost.startsWith("boost")) {
- var newbr = document.createElement("br");
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newbr, div);
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="MissAbhol'+i+'" id="MissAbhol'+i+'" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> diesen Boost überschreiben</span>';
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newtd, div);
- document.getElementById("MissAbhol"+i).checked = PGu_getValue(boost+"Over", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("MissAbhol"+i).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- var indx = this.id.substr(-1);
- PGu_setValue(boosts[indx]+"Over", this.checked);
- }, false);
- var newbr2 = document.createElement("br");
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newbr2, div);
- var newtd2 = document.createElement("td");
- newtd2.innerHTML = '<input name="BoostStart'+i+'" id="BoostStart'+i+'" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> diesen Boost sofort starten</span>';
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newtd2, div);
- document.getElementById("BoostStart"+i).checked = PGu_getValue(boost+"Start", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("BoostStart"+i).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- var indx = this.id.substr(-1);
- PGu_setValue(boosts[indx]+"Start", this.checked);
- }, false);
- }
- if (mission == "schrottplatz" || mission == "kreuzzug") {
- var newbr = document.createElement("br");
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newbr, div);
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="trashAll" id="trashAll" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Missionsplunder unter 60 auch verschrotten</span>';
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newtd, div);
- document.getElementById("trashAll").checked = PGu_getValue("trashAllMissPlund", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("trashAll").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("trashAllMissPlund", this.checked);
- }, false);
- for (var j = 0; j < plunder.length; j++) {
- for (var k = 0; k < plunder[j].length; k++) {
- if (plunder[j][k][1] >= 1000)
- continue;
- var newbr = document.createElement("br");
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newbr, div);
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="Schr'+plunder[j][k][0]+'" id="Schr'+plunder[j][k][0]+'" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> ' + plunder[j][k][0] + ' kann verschrottet werden</span>';
- div[div.length-1].appendChild(newtd, div);
- document.getElementById("Schr"+plunder[j][k][0]).checked = PGu_getValue(plunder[j][k][0]+"Schrott", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("Schr"+plunder[j][k][0]).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue(this.id.substr(4)+"Schrott", this.checked);
- }, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function insertCheckBox7() {
- function chkBox(id, varname, def) {
- document.getElementById(id).checked = PGu_getValue(varname, def);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById(id).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue(varname, this.checked);
- }, false);
- }
- function chkValue(id, varname, def) {
- document.getElementById(id).value = PGu_getValue(varname, def);
- document.getElementById(id).addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // aktuellen Wert speichern
- if (this.value != "" && (isNaN(this.value) || Number(this.value) < 0))
- alert ("Bitte nur eine Zahl >= 0 eingeben oder frei lassen");
- else {
- PGu_setValue(varname, Number(this.value));
- }
- }, false);
- }
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "ML", "VT", "AT"];
- if (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) == -1)
- return;
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- var newtr = document.createElement("tr");
- newtd.setAttribute('colspan', '2');
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="moneyover" id="moneyover" type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:bottom"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> bei mehr als </span><input name="moreThan" id="moreThan" type="text" style="width:60px;color:black;background-color:white" value=""><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> folgenden Betrag einzahlen: </span><input name="payIn" id="payIn" type="text" style="width:60px;color:black;background-color:white" value="">';
- newtd.innerHTML += '<br><input name="minmoneychb" id="minmoneychb" type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:bottom"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Mindestgeldbetrag: </span><input name="minMoney" id="minMoney" type="text" style="width:60px;color:black;background-color:white" value="">';
- newtr.setAttribute('align', 'left');
- newtr.setAttribute('valign', 'top');
- newtr.appendChild(newtd, newtr);
- var trs = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr");
- for (var i = 0; i < trs.length; i++)
- if (trs[i].innerHTML.indexOf("f_comment") != -1)
- break;
- for ( ; i < trs.length; i++)
- if (trs[i].innerHTML.indexOf("<hr") != -1)
- break;
- if (i >= trs.length)
- trs[0].parentNode.appendChild(newtr);
- else
- trs[0].parentNode.insertBefore(newtr, trs[i]);
- chkBox("moneyover", "moneyOver", false);
- chkValue("moreThan", "maxMoney", 0);
- chkValue("payIn", "maxMoneyPayIn", 0);
- chkBox("minmoneychb", "minmoneychb", false);
- chkValue("minMoney", "minMoney", 0);
- }
- function insertCheckBox8() {
- var trs = document.getElementsByClassName("item_list")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr");
- var trnr = (TOWNEXTENSION == "VT"||TOWNEXTENSION == "AT"?3:1);
- var tr1 = trs[trnr].cloneNode(true);
- var tr2 = trs[trnr].cloneNode(true);
- var inp1 = document.createElement("input");
- inp1.id = "minmoney";
- inp1.type = "text";
- inp1.value = PGu_getValue("minMoney", 0);
- inp1.size = "9";
- var inp3 = document.createElement("input");
- inp3.type = "button";
- inp3.value = "übernehmen";
- inp3.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // aktuellen Wert speichern
- var val = document.getElementById("minmoney").value;
- if (val != "" && (isNaN(val) || Number(val) < 0))
- alert ("Bitte nur eine Zahl >= 0 eingeben oder frei lassen");
- else {
- PGu_setValue("minMoney", Number(val));
- }
- }, false);
- tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML = 'Mindestgeldbetrag:';
- tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].appendChild(inp1, tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[1]);
- tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].appendChild(inp3, tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[1]);
- }
- else {
- tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].innerHTML = 'Mindestgeldbetrag:';
- tr1.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].parentNode.removeChild(tr1.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]);
- tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[2].appendChild(inp1, tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[1]);
- tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[2].appendChild(inp3, tr1.getElementsByTagName("td")[1]);
- }
- trs[trnr].parentNode.appendChild(tr1, trs[trnr]);
- var inp2 = document.createElement("input");
- inp2.id = "minprice";
- inp2.type = "text";
- inp2.value = "0," + ("0" + PGu_getValue("bottleprice", 0)).substr(-2);
- inp2.size = "5";
- var inp4 = document.createElement("input");
- inp4.type = "button";
- inp4.value = "übernehmen";
- inp4.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- if (!document.getElementById("minprice").value.startsWith("0,"))
- alert ("Wert unzulässig!");
- else
- PGu_setValue("bottleprice", Number(document.getElementById("minprice").value.substr(2)));
- }, false);
- tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML = 'Mindestverkaufspreis ' + flaschentxt + ':';
- tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].appendChild(inp2, tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[1]);
- tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].appendChild(inp4, tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[1]);
- }
- else {
- tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].innerHTML = 'Mindestverkaufspreis Flaschen:';
- tr2.getElementsByTagName("span")[0].parentNode.removeChild(tr2.getElementsByTagName("span")[0]);
- tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[2].appendChild(inp2, tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[2]);
- tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[2].appendChild(inp4, tr2.getElementsByTagName("td")[2]);
- }
- trs[trnr].parentNode.appendChild(tr2, trs[trnr+1]);
- var tr3 = trs[trnr].cloneNode(true);
- var inp6 = document.createElement("input");
- inp6.id = "maxfill";
- inp6.type = "text";
- inp6.value = PGu_getValue("maxfillbottle", 90);
- inp6.size = "5";
- var inp8 = document.createElement("input");
- inp8.type = "button";
- inp8.value = "übernehmen";
- inp8.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- if (isNaN(document.getElementById("maxfill").value) ||
- Number(document.getElementById("maxfill").value) < 1 ||
- Number(document.getElementById("maxfill").value) > 100)
- alert ("Wert unzulässig!");
- else
- PGu_setValue("maxfillbottle", Number(document.getElementById("maxfill").value));
- }, false);
- tr3.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML = 'Maximaler ' + flaschentxt + 'füllgrad:';
- tr3.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].appendChild(inp6, tr3.getElementsByTagName("td")[1]);
- tr3.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].appendChild(inp8, tr3.getElementsByTagName("td")[1]);
- trs[trnr].parentNode.appendChild(tr3, trs[trnr+1]);
- }
- }
- function insertCheckBox9() {
- function makeSelection (allplunder, option, div, pos, upgr) {
- function getPlunderSpez (plist, val) {
- if (val != 0)
- for (var i = 0; i < plist.length; i++)
- if (plist[i][2] == val)
- return val + ";" + plist[i][0];
- return "0;";
- }
- function makeBox(actInact) {
- var val = (PGu_getValue(actInact+"ivePlunder", 0) + ";").split(";")[0];
- document.getElementById("pid" + actInact).value = val;
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("pid" + actInact).addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- PGu_setValue(actInact+"ivePlunder", getPlunderSpez(allplunder, this.value));
- }, false);
- return;
- }
- var text = '<form name="' + upgr + 'Plunder" style="padding-top:12px" id="' + upgr + 'Plunder">Plunder wenn aktiv:<br><select id="pid' + upgr + 'Act" name="pid' + upgr + 'Act"> ' + option + ' </select><br>Plunder wenn inaktiv:<br><select id="pid' + upgr + 'Inact" name="pid' + upgr + 'Inact"> ' + option + ' </select> </form>';
- div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML.substr(0, pos) + text + div.innerHTML.substr(pos);
- div.style.height = (parseInt(div.style.height) + 60) + "px";
- makeBox(upgr + "Act");
- makeBox(upgr + "Inact");
- return;
- }
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "ML", "VT", "AT"];
- if (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) == -1)
- return;
- var tr = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr")[2];
- var allplunder = [];
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/stock/plunder/ajax/?c=1', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/ajax/?c=1', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var trs = content.split("<tr ");
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length; i++) {
- var plname = trs[i].split(">x ")[0].split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var plAnz = trs[i].split(">x ")[1].split("<")[0].trim();
- var pid = trs[i].split('pm_')[1].split("'")[0].trim();
- for (var j = 0; j < allplunder.length; j++)
- if (allplunder[j][0] >= plname)
- break;
- allplunder.splice(j, 0, [plname, plAnz, pid]);
- }
- var divs = tr.getElementsByTagName("div");
- var div = divs[divs.length-1];
- var pos = div.innerHTML.indexOf("<br clear");
- if (pos <= 0)
- return;
- var option = '<option value="-1">letzte Auswahl ungültig</option> <option value="0"> </option> ';
- for (var i = 0; i < allplunder.length; i++)
- option += '<option value="' + allplunder[i][2] + '">' + allplunder[i][0] + '</option> ';
- makeSelection (allplunder, option, div, pos, "WiWu");
- div = divs[divs.length-2];
- pos = div.innerHTML.indexOf("<br clear");
- if (pos <= 0)
- return;
- makeSelection (allplunder, option, div, pos, "Wut");
- }});
- }
- function insertCheckBox10() {
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "ML", "VT", "AT"];
- if (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) == -1)
- return;
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- var div = document.getElementsByClassName("pet_tab_help")[0];
- if (document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.indexOf("javascript:display_show('memory'") != -1) {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="memoryChb" id="memoryChb" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Memory automatisch spielen</span>';
- div.appendChild(newtd, div);
- document.getElementById("memoryChb").checked = PGu_getValue("memoryauto", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("memoryChb").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("memoryauto", this.checked);
- if (this.checked) {
- PGu_setValue("memorydate", "");
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", 0);
- if (PGu_getValue("gamechkr_date", "xx") == tagesdatum)
- PGu_setValue("gamechkr_date", "xx");
- }
- }, false);
- }
- else
- PGu_delete("memoryauto");
- if (document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.indexOf('javascript:display_show("icecube"') != -1) {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="icecubeChb" id="icecubeChb" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Eiswürfelspiel automatisch spielen</span>';
- div.appendChild(newtd, div);
- document.getElementById("icecubeChb").checked = PGu_getValue("icecubeauto", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("icecubeChb").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("icecubeauto", this.checked);
- if (this.checked) {
- PGu_setValue("icecubedate", "");
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", 0);
- if (PGu_getValue("gamechkr_date", "xx") == tagesdatum)
- PGu_setValue("gamechkr_date", "xx");
- }
- }, false);
- for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = ' <input name="icecubeChb'+i+'" id="icecubeChb'+i+'" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> '+i+(i==6?' automatisch behalten':'')+'</span>';
- div.appendChild(newtd, div);
- document.getElementById("icecubeChb"+i).checked = PGu_getValue("icecubekeep"+i, i==6);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("icecubeChb"+i).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("icecubekeep"+this.id.substr(-1), this.checked);
- }, false);
- }
- var newbr = document.createElement("br");
- div.appendChild(newbr, div);
- }
- else
- PGu_delete("icecubeauto");
- if (document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.indexOf('href="/livegame/bb/"') != -1) {
- var newtd2 = document.createElement("td");
- newtd2.innerHTML = '<input name="FruitChb" id="FruitChb" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Freche Früchtchen automatisch spielen </span><input name="FruitKKChb" id="FruitKKChb" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> angefangene Treffer mit Kronkorken beenden</span>';
- div.appendChild(newtd2, div);
- document.getElementById("FruitChb").checked = PGu_getValue("livegameauto", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("FruitChb").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("livegameauto", this.checked);
- }, false);
- document.getElementById("FruitKKChb").checked = PGu_getValue("livegameKK", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("FruitKKChb").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("livegameKK", this.checked);
- if (this.checked)
- PGu_delete("livegame_date");
- }, false);
- var newbr2 = document.createElement("br");
- div.appendChild(newbr2, div);
- }
- else
- PGu_delete("livegameauto");
- if (document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.indexOf("javascript:display_show('cocktail'") != -1) {
- var newtd3 = document.createElement("td");
- //newtd3.innerHTML = '<input name="CocktailChb" id="CocktailChb" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Cocktails automatisch mixen</span>';
- newtd3.innerHTML = '<input name="CocktailChb" id="CocktailChb" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Kekse automatisch backen</span>';
- div.appendChild(newtd3, div);
- document.getElementById("CocktailChb").checked = PGu_getValue("cocktailauto", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("CocktailChb").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("cocktailauto", this.checked);
- if (this.checked) {
- PGu_setValue("cocktaildate", "");
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", 0);
- }
- }, false);
- }
- else
- PGu_delete("cocktailauto");
- }
- function insertCheckBox11() {
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "ML", "VT", "AT"];
- if (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) == -1)
- return;
- var div = document.getElementsByClassName("counters")[0];
- var newspan = document.createElement("span");
- newspan.innerHTML = '<input type="submit" value="gefundener Plunder" style="font-size:18px; background-color:darkgreen; position:relative; top:-37px" id="junkfound">';
- div.insertBefore(newspan, div.firstChild);
- var center = div.getElementsByTagName("center");
- for (i = 0; i < center.length; i++)
- center[i].style.top = (33 + i*29 - Math.floor(i/2)) + "px";
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("junkfound").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- var junk = PGu_getValue("junkfound", "");
- if (junk == "")
- junk = "Nichts gefunden:";
- else {
- junkArr = junk.split(";");
- junk = "Gefunden:\n\n";
- for (var i = 0; i < junkArr.length; i++) {
- if (junkArr[i] != "") {
- var arr = junkArr[i].split(":");
- for (var j = 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
- if (arr[j].match(/^\d/))
- break;
- else {
- arr.splice(j-1, 2, arr[j-1] + ":" + arr[j]);
- j--;
- }
- }
- junk += arr.pop() + " x " + arr[0];
- if (arr.length > 1) {
- arr.splice(0, 1);
- junk += " (" + arr.join(" + ") + ")";
- }
- junk += "\n";
- }
- else
- junk += "---------------------------\n";
- }
- }
- alert(junk);
- }, false);
- }
- var ghostPages = ['activities/crime', 'activities', 'city/medicine', 'city/stuff', 'city/supermarket',
- 'skills', 'stock/bottle', 'messages', 'itemsale', 'stock'];
- function insertCheckBox12(obj) {
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "ML", "VT", "AT"];
- if (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) == -1)
- return;
- var PageNames = ['Verbrechen', 'Aktionen', 'Apotheke', 'Zubehör', 'Supermarkt',
- 'Weiterbildung', pflaschen, 'Kommunikation', 'Kronkorken', 'Inventar'];
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- while (PGu_getValue("ghostsfound", "") != "" || PGu_getValue("blackjackcards", "") != ""){
- var div = document.getElementById("1");
- if (!div)
- break;
- var newspan = document.createElement("span");
- if (PGu_getValue("ghostsfound", "") != "")
- newspan.innerHTML += '<input type="submit" value="gefundene ' + obj + '" style="font-size:18px; background-color:darkgreen; position:relative; top:170px" id="ghostsfound">';
- if (PGu_getValue("blackjackcards", "") != "")
- newspan.innerHTML += '<input type="submit" value="gewonnene ' + obj + '" style="font-size:18px; background-color:darkgreen; position:relative; top:170px" id="blackjackwins">';
- div.insertBefore(newspan, div.firstChild);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- if (PGu_getValue("ghostsfound", "") != "")
- document.getElementById("ghostsfound").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- var ghosts = PGu_getValue("ghostsfound", "");
- if (ghosts == "")
- ghosts = "Nichts gefunden:";
- else {
- ghostsArr = ghosts.split(";");
- ghosts = "Gefunden:\n\n";
- for (var i = 0; i < ghostsArr.length; i++) {
- var arr = ghostsArr[i].split(":");
- ghosts += obj + " am " + arr[0].substr(8,2) + "." + arr[0].substr(5,2) + "." + arr[0].substr(0,4) + ": ";
- for (var j = 1; j < arr.length; j++)
- ghosts += arr[j] + " x " + (isNaN(arr[j+1])?arr[j+1]:PageNames[arr[j+1]]) + (++j < arr.length-1?", ":"\n");
- }
- }
- alert(ghosts);
- }, false);
- if (PGu_getValue("blackjackcards", "") != "")
- document.getElementById("blackjackwins").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- var cardstat = PGu_getValue("blackjackcards", "");
- if (cardstat == "")
- cardstat = "Nichts gefunden:";
- else {
- cardsArr = cardstat.split(";");
- cards = "Gewonnen:\n\n";
- for (var i = 0; i < cardsArr.length; i++) {
- var arr = cardsArr[i].split("+");
- cards += "Karten am " + arr[0].substr(8,2) + "." + arr[0].substr(5,2) + "." + arr[0].substr(0,4) + ": ";
- for (var j = 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
- cArr = arr[j].split(":");
- var sum = 0;
- if (j > 1)
- cards += "; ";
- for (var k = 0; k < cArr.length; k++) {
- cards += cArr[k] + " ";
- if (cArr[k] == "A")
- sum += 11;
- else if (isNaN(cArr[k]))
- sum += 10;
- else
- sum += Number(cArr[k]);
- }
- cards += "(" + sum + (sum <= 21?"":" --> 1") + ")";
- }
- cards += "\n";
- }
- }
- alert(cards);
- }, false);
- break;
- }
- var div = document.getElementsByClassName("pet_tab_help")[0];
- if (document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.indexOf("javascript:display_show('countdowngame'") != -1) {
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<input name="hendlChb" id="hendlChb" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Hendl automatisch grillen</span>';
- div.appendChild(newtd, div);
- document.getElementById("hendlChb").checked = PGu_getValue("countdowngameauto", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("hendlChb").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("countdowngameauto", this.checked);
- if (this.checked) {
- PGu_setValue("countdowngamedate", "");
- PGu_setValue("dispshow_date", 0);
- if (PGu_getValue("gamechkr_date", "xx") == tagesdatum)
- PGu_setValue("gamechkr_date", "xx");
- }
- }, false);
- }
- else
- PGu_delete("countdowngameauto");
- if (document.getElementById("content").innerHTML.indexOf("javascript:blackjack(") != -1) {
- var newbr = document.createElement("br");
- div.appendChild(newbr, div);
- var newtd2 = document.createElement("td");
- newtd2.innerHTML = '<input name="BlackjackChb" id="BlackjackChb" type="checkbox" style="vertical-align:bottom"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Brezngaudi automatisch spielen: Karte bis höchstens </span><input name="Blackjacklimit" id="Blackjacklimit" type="text" style="width:25px;color:black;background-color:white" value=""><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> ziehen</span>';
- div.appendChild(newtd2, div);
- document.getElementById("BlackjackChb").checked = PGu_getValue("blackjackauto", false);
- document.getElementById("Blackjacklimit").value = PGu_getValue("blackjacklimit", 13);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("BlackjackChb").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("blackjackauto", this.checked);
- PGu_setValue("blackjack_date", "");
- if (PGu_getValue("gamechkr_date", "xx") == tagesdatum)
- PGu_setValue("gamechkr_date", "xx");
- }, false);
- // Change-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("Blackjacklimit").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- // aktuellen Wert speichern
- if (isNaN(this.value) || Number(this.value) < 2 || Number(this.value) > 21)
- alert ("Bitte nur eine Zahl zwischen 2 und 21 eingeben");
- else {
- PGu_setValue("blackjacklimit", Number(this.value));
- }
- }, false);
- }
- else
- PGu_delete("blackjackauto");
- }
- function buildSelectBox(i, allplunderArr, usedPlunder, tr) {
- function handleClick(id, value) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- var boxnr = id.replace("shopid", "");
- if (value == "-1")
- usedPlunder.splice(boxnr, 1);
- else if (value == "0") {
- if (usedPlunder[0] != "0")
- usedPlunder.splice(0, 0, "0");
- }
- else if (usedPlunder.indexOf(value) != -1)
- usedPlunder.splice(boxnr, 1);
- else
- usedPlunder[boxnr] = value;
- PGu_setValue("alwaysbuy", usedPlunder.join(";"));
- for (var i = 0; i < usedPlunder.length || document.getElementById("shopid"+i); i++) {
- if (i >= usedPlunder.length || usedPlunder[0] == "0" && i > 0) {
- if (document.getElementById("shopid"+i))
- document.getElementById("shopid"+i).parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
- continue;
- }
- buildSelectBox(i, allplunderArr, usedPlunder, tr);
- }
- if (i >= allplunderArr.length - 1 || usedPlunder[0] == "0")
- return;
- buildSelectBox(usedPlunder.length, allplunderArr, usedPlunder, tr);
- }
- if (i >= allplunderArr.length - 1 || usedPlunder[0] == "0" && i > 0)
- return;
- var option = '<option value="-1"> </option><option value="0">alles kaufen</option> ';
- for (var j = 0; j < allplunderArr.length; j++) {
- var pos = usedPlunder.indexOf(allplunderArr[j][1]);
- if (pos == -1 || pos == i || usedPlunder[0] == "0")
- option += '<option value="' + allplunderArr[j][1] + '">' + allplunderArr[j][0] + ' (' + allplunderArr[j][2].split("*")[1] + ')</option> ';
- }
- var newtd = document.getElementById("shopid"+i);
- if (newtd) {
- newtd.parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";
- newtd.innerHTML = option;
- }
- else {
- newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<form name="shop' + i + '" id="shop' + i + '">' + (i==0?"Plunder immer kaufen":"und außerdem") + ': <select id="shopid' + i +'" name="shopid' + i + '"> ' + option + ' </select> </form>';
- var newdiv = document.createElement("div");
- newdiv.appendChild(newtd, newdiv);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newdiv, tr);
- newtd = document.getElementById("shopid"+i);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- newtd.addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- handleClick(this.id, this.value);
- }, false);
- }
- newtd.value = i < usedPlunder.length?usedPlunder[i]:"-1";
- return;
- }
- function getPlunderlistForShop(k, pltab, allplunderArr, tr, plunderlist, plunderP, link)
- {
- if (pltab == 0) {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/stock/plunder/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="plundertab"')[1];
- var lis = content.split("</ul>")[0].split("<li>");
- pltab = lis.length - 1;
- link = lis[1].split('href="')[1].split("=")[0] + "=";
- getPlunderlistForShop(k, pltab, allplunderArr, tr, plunderlist, plunderP, link);
- }});
- return;
- }
- trace('Get ' + prothost + link + k, 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + link + k, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var trs = content.split("<tr ");
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length; i++) {
- var plname = trs[i].split(">x ")[0].split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var pid = trs[i].split('stock/plunder/craft/details/')[1].split("/")[0];
- var indx = plunderlist.indexOf(pid);
- if (indx != -1) {
- allplunderArr.push([plname, pid, plunderP[indx]]);
- plunderP[indx] = plunderP[indx].split(":")[0]+":"+plname;
- }
- }
- if (k < pltab)
- getPlunderlistForShop(k+1, pltab, allplunderArr, tr, plunderlist, plunderP, link);
- else {
- for (var i = 0; i < plunderP.length; i++)
- plunderP[i] = plunderlist[i] + "=" + plunderP[i];
- PG_setValue("buyablegoods", plunderP.join("#"));
- var alwaysbuy = PGu_getValue("alwaysbuy", "");
- if (alwaysbuy == "")
- alwaysbuy = [];
- else
- alwaysbuy = alwaysbuy.split(";");
- for (var i = 0; i <= alwaysbuy.length; i++)
- buildSelectBox(i, allplunderArr.sort(function(a,b) {return a[0].toLowerCase()<b[0].toLowerCase()?-1:1;}), alwaysbuy, tr);
- }
- }});
- }
- function insertCheckBox13(obj) {
- var buyable = PG_getValue("buyablegoods", "");
- if (buyable == "")
- return;
- var newtd = document.createElement("td");
- var newdiv = document.createElement("div");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- var div = document.getElementsByClassName("ps_outer_shell")[0];
- div.appendChild(newdiv, div);
- var allplunderArr = [];
- var gpl = false;
- if (buyable == "") {
- buyableP = [];
- buyable = [];
- }
- else {
- buyableP = buyable.replace(/[^#]+=/g, "").split("#");
- buyable = buyable.replace(/=[^#]+/g, "").split("#");
- for (var i = 0; i < buyableP.length; i++)
- if (buyableP[i].indexOf("*") == -1)
- gpl = true;
- }
- if (gpl) {
- alert("gpl is true: " + buyableP);
- getPlunderlistForShop(1, 0, allplunderArr, div, buyable, buyableP, "");
- }
- else {
- for (var i = 0; i < buyable.length; i++)
- allplunderArr.push([buyableP[i].split("*")[0], buyable[i], buyableP[i]]);
- var alwaysbuy = PGu_getValue("alwaysbuy", "");
- if (alwaysbuy == "")
- alwaysbuy = [];
- else
- alwaysbuy = alwaysbuy.split(";");
- for (var i = 0; i <= alwaysbuy.length; i++)
- if (alwaysbuy[0] != "0" || i == 0)
- buildSelectBox(i, allplunderArr.sort(function(a,b) {return a[0].toLowerCase()<b[0].toLowerCase()?-1:1;}), alwaysbuy, div);
- }
- var bought = PGu_getValue("bought", "");
- if (bought != "") {
- var newspan = document.createElement("span");
- newspan.innerHTML += '<input type="submit" value="gekaufter Plunder" style="font-size:18px; background-color:darkgreen; float:right" id="boughtplnd">';
- var header = div.getElementsByClassName("ps_header")[0];
- div.insertBefore(newspan, header);
- var buyable = PG_getValue("buyablegoods", "");
- var buyableP = [];
- if (buyable == "")
- buyable = [];
- else {
- buyableP = buyable.replace(/[^#]*=/g, "").replace(/\*[^#]*/g, "").split("#");
- buyable = buyable.replace(/=[^#]*/g, "").split("#");
- }
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("boughtplnd").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- var bought = PGu_getValue("bought", "");
- if (bought == "")
- bought = "Nichts gekauft";
- else {
- boughtArr = bought.split(";");
- bought = "";
- var btime = new Date();
- for (var i = 0; i < boughtArr.length; i++) {
- var arr = boughtArr[i].replace(/,/g, ":").split(":");
- btime.setTime(arr[0]);
- bought += btime.toLocaleString() + ": ";
- for (var j = 1; j < arr.length; j++) {
- bought += buyableP[buyable.indexOf(arr[j])] + (j < arr.length-1?", ":"\n");
- }
- }
- }
- alert(bought);
- }, false);
- }
- }
- function insertCheckBox14() {
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "ML", "VT", "AT"];
- if (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) == -1)
- return;
- var el = document.getElementById("6");
- if (!el)
- return;
- el.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].href = "#";
- el.getElementsByTagName("img")[0].addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- if (event.altKey != 0)
- unsafeWindow.display_show("sticker_shop");
- else
- unsafeWindow.display_show("shop");
- }, false);
- }
- function insertCheckBox15() {
- if (!expertMode)
- return;
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "VT", "AT", "ML"];
- if (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) == -1)
- return;
- var options = "";
- var pltab = 4;
- pltab = 3;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/ajax/?c='+pltab, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var trs = content.split("<tr ");
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length; i++) {
- if ((trs[i].indexOf('ktuellen Kampf') != -1 || trs[i].indexOf('ktuellen Angriff') != -1) && trs[i].indexOf("eingehend") == -1) {
- var pid = trs[i].split('pm_')[1].split("'")[0].trim();
- var pname = trs[i].split("<strong ")[1].split("</strong")[0].split(">")[1].trim();
- var anz = trs[i].split("</strong>")[1].split("</span>")[0].split(">x ")[1].trim();
- var effect = trs[i].split('class="pinfo2"')[1].split("</p>")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var prozp = effect.indexOf("%");
- if (prozp != -1)
- effect = effect.substr(0, prozp+1) + " ab";
- else {
- var p = effect.indexOf("Minute");
- if (p != -1) {
- effect = effect.match(/[^ ]+ [^ ]+ Minute[n]*/)[0].replace(/folgenden |nächsten |auf /, "").replace("zwei", 2).trim();
- }
- }
- options = options + '<option value="' + pid + '">' + pname + ' (' + anz + ') (' + effect + ')</option>';
- }
- }
- var el = document.getElementsByTagName("hr")[2];
- if (!el)
- return;
- var td = el.parentNode.parentNode.previousSibling.previousSibling.getElementsByTagName("td")[0];
- td.innerHTML = '<input name="downfightChb" id="downfightChb" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Downfighter automatisch angreifen</span><br>' +
- '<input name="downfightChb2" id="downfightChb2" type="checkbox" style="visibility:hidden"><span id="dftext1" style="vertical-align: bottom;visibility:hidden"> wenn keine Wut, dann </span><select id="dfplunder" name="dfplunder" style="visibility:hidden">'+options+'</select><span id="dftext2" style="vertical-align: bottom;visibility:hidden"> benutzen</span>';
- if (PGu_getValue("downfightauto", false)) {
- document.getElementById("downfightChb").checked = true;
- document.getElementById("downfightChb2").checked = PGu_getValue("dfUsePlunder", false);
- document.getElementById("downfightChb2").style.visibility = "visible";
- document.getElementById("dftext1").style.visibility = "visible";
- if (PGu_getValue("dfPlunder", "") === "")
- document.getElementById("dfplunder").selectedIndex = 0;
- else
- document.getElementById("dfplunder").value = PGu_getValue("dfPlunder", "");
- document.getElementById("dfplunder").style.visibility = "visible";
- document.getElementById("dftext2").style.visibility = "visible";
- }
- else
- document.getElementById("downfightChb").checked = false;
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("downfightChb").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- PGu_setValue("downfightauto", this.checked);
- if (this.checked) {
- PG_setValue("LastUpdateDF", "0");
- document.getElementById("downfightChb2").style.visibility = "visible";
- document.getElementById("dftext1").style.visibility = "visible";
- document.getElementById("dfplunder").style.visibility = "visible";
- document.getElementById("dftext2").style.visibility = "visible";
- }
- else {
- document.getElementById("downfightChb2").style.visibility = "hidden";
- document.getElementById("dftext1").style.visibility = "hidden";
- document.getElementById("dfplunder").style.visibility = "hidden";
- document.getElementById("dftext2").style.visibility = "hidden";
- }
- }, false);
- document.getElementById("downfightChb2").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- PGu_setValue("dfUsePlunder", this.checked);
- if (this.checked)
- PGu_setValue("dfPlunder", document.getElementById("dfplunder").value);
- }, false);
- document.getElementById("dfplunder").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- PGu_setValue("dfPlunder", this.value);
- }, false);
- }});
- }
- function buildSelectBox(i, allplunderArr, usedPlunder, tr) {
- function handleClick(id, value) {
- // neuen Wert speichern
- var boxnr = id.replace("shopid", "");
- if (value == "-1")
- usedPlunder.splice(boxnr, 1);
- else if (value == "0") {
- if (usedPlunder[0] != "0")
- usedPlunder.splice(0, 0, "0");
- }
- else if (usedPlunder.indexOf(value) != -1)
- usedPlunder.splice(boxnr, 1);
- else
- usedPlunder[boxnr] = value;
- PGu_setValue("alwaysbuy", usedPlunder.join(";"));
- for (var i = 0; i < usedPlunder.length || document.getElementById("shopid"+i); i++) {
- if (i >= usedPlunder.length || usedPlunder[0] == "0" && i > 0) {
- if (document.getElementById("shopid"+i))
- document.getElementById("shopid"+i).parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "hidden";
- continue;
- }
- buildSelectBox(i, allplunderArr, usedPlunder, tr);
- }
- if (i >= allplunderArr.length - 1 || usedPlunder[0] == "0")
- return;
- buildSelectBox(usedPlunder.length, allplunderArr, usedPlunder, tr);
- }
- if (i >= allplunderArr.length - 1 || usedPlunder[0] == "0" && i > 0)
- return;
- var option = '<option value="-1"> </option><option value="0">alles kaufen</option> ';
- for (var j = 0; j < allplunderArr.length; j++) {
- var pos = usedPlunder.indexOf(allplunderArr[j][1]);
- if (pos == -1 || pos == i || usedPlunder[0] == "0")
- option += '<option value="' + allplunderArr[j][1] + '">' + allplunderArr[j][0] + ' (' + allplunderArr[j][2].split("*")[1] + ')</option> ';
- }
- var newtd = document.getElementById("shopid"+i);
- if (newtd) {
- newtd.parentNode.parentNode.style.visibility = "visible";
- newtd.innerHTML = option;
- }
- else {
- newtd = document.createElement("td");
- newtd.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtd.innerHTML = '<form name="shop' + i + '" id="shop' + i + '">' + (i==0?"Plunder immer kaufen":"und außerdem") + ': <select id="shopid' + i +'" name="shopid' + i + '"> ' + option + ' </select> </form>';
- var newdiv = document.createElement("div");
- newdiv.appendChild(newtd, newdiv);
- tr.parentNode.appendChild(newdiv, tr);
- newtd = document.getElementById("shopid"+i);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- newtd.addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- handleClick(this.id, this.value);
- }, false);
- }
- newtd.value = i < usedPlunder.length?usedPlunder[i]:"-1";
- return;
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // check for enemy game and play it
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function CheckEnemygame () {
- PG_log("CheckEnemygame");
- if (!document.getElementById("enemy_info"))
- return;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/enemies/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var pos = content.indexOf('id="fight_button');
- if (pos != -1) {
- if (content.substr(pos, 100).indexOf('counter(') == -1)
- setTimeout(Enemyattack, 1500);
- return;
- }
- pos = content.indexOf('hp_bar_blue');
- if (pos == -1) {
- return;
- }
- else {
- var poscnt = content.indexOf('counter(', pos);
- if (poscnt != -1) {
- var cnt = parseInt(content.substr(poscnt+8).split(")")[0].split(',')[0]);
- if (cnt > 0)
- setTimeout(enemyreload, cnt*1000, "CheckEnemygame");
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // buy luck
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function LoseKaufen (content, anzLose) {
- if (anzLose <= 0) {
- reload("LoseKaufen");
- return;
- }
- var pos = content.indexOf('name="preis_cent"');
- if (pos < 0)
- return;
- var anz = (anzLose > 10?10:anzLose);
- var preis = (Number(content.substr(content.lastIndexOf("<input", pos)).split('value="')[1].split('"')[0]) * anz).toString();
- pos = content.indexOf('name="submitForm"');
- if (pos < 0)
- return;
- var val = content.substr(content.lastIndexOf("<input", pos)).split('value="').pop().split('"')[0];
- preis = preis.substr(0, preis.length-2) + "." + preis.substr(-2);
- HttpPost(content, 1, ["menge", anz, "submitForm", val.replace("1.00", preis)],
- function() { LoseKaufen(content, anzLose - anz); });
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // start a mission
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function StartMission (missionname, id, plist, losecont, nochlose)
- {
- trace("Post Missionstart " + id, 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST',
- url: prothost + '/gang/missions/start/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('mission_id='+id+'&cancel=false'),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var to = (responseDetails.responseText.indexOf("aktuelle Mission erst abschl") != -1);
- if (to)
- setTimeout(reload, 30000, "StartMission1");
- else {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/gang/admin/log/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/admin/log/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var start = responseDetails.responseText.split(" wurde gestartet");
- var missText = start[0].split("<td").pop().split('"')[1];
- var user = start[0].substr(0, start[0].lastIndexOf("</td")).split(">").pop().trim();
- if (user != m_ownusername) {
- setTimeout(reload, 30000, "StartMission2");
- return;
- }
- if (missionname == "kieztour" || missionname == "strassenkampf") {
- trace("Post Bandenmail", 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST',
- url: prothost + '/gang/admin/massmail/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('f_subject=Mission ' + missText + ' gestartet&sel=Alle&f_text='+(losecont==""?"":losecont+"\n\nGruß "+user)),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- }
- });
- }
- function plEnable (plist, i) {
- if (i >= plist.length) {
- if (missionname == "casino") {
- trace("Lose kaufen: " + nochlose, 5);
- LoseKaufen(losecont, nochlose);
- }
- else
- reload("plEnable");
- return;
- }
- trace("Post Enable Plunder", 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST',
- url: prothost + '/gang/missions/plunder/enable/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('pid='+plist[i]),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- plEnable(plist, i+1);
- }
- });
- }
- plEnable(plist, 0);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- });
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // handle a mission
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function HandleMission (missionname, missionStart, missions)
- {
- var m = MissIndex(missionStart, missionname);
- if (m < 1 || m >= missionStart.length)
- return -1;
- var missname = missionStart[m][0];
- var pos = missions[m].indexOf(missname + '.png');
- if (pos == -1)
- return -1;
- var mission = missions[m].substr(pos).split("</table>")[0];
- pos = mission.indexOf("counter(");
- var counter = 0;
- if (pos != -1) {
- counter = mission.substr(pos).split("counter(")[1].split(")")[0].trim();
- if (counter != done) {
- counter = Number(counter);
- PGu_setValue("NextStart" + missionname, counter);
- }
- else
- PGu_setValue("NextStart" + missionname, -1);
- if (counter > 0 && counter < 3600)
- setTimeout(reload, (counter<3?3:counter) * 1000, "HandleMission1");
- }
- var plist = mission.split('show_city_list(');
- var plnd = [];
- for (var j = 1; j < plist.length; j++) {
- var pid = plist[j].split(",")[0];
- var pos = plist[j-1].lastIndexOf("icon_display");
- if (pos == -1)
- continue;
- var plunder = plist[j-1].substr(pos).split("<span>")[1].split("</span>")[0].trim();
- if (PGu_getValue(plunder+"Coll", false))
- plnd.push(pid);
- }
- var cnt = 0;
- for (var j = 0; j < plnd.length; j++) {
- var pos = mission.indexOf('show_city_list('+plnd[j]+',');
- if (pos == -1)
- continue;
- if (mission.substr(pos,40).indexOf('deactivate') == -1) {
- cnt++;
- var today = new Date();
- var now = Math.floor(today.getTime()/1000);
- var plndColl = PGu_getValue(plnd[j] + "_Coll", -1);
- if (plndColl == -1)
- PGu_setValue(plnd[j] + "_Coll", Math.floor(now/1000));
- else if (plndColl + 30 < now) {
- PGu_setValue(plnd[j] + "_Coll", -1);
- trace("Post Enable Plunder", 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST',
- url: prothost + '/gang/missions/plunder/enable/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('pid='+plnd[j]),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- reload("HandleMission2");
- }
- });
- }
- }
- else
- PGu_setValue(plnd[j] + "_Coll", -1);
- }
- if (cnt > 0)
- return 0;
- var pos = mission.indexOf('job_notdone');
- if (pos != -1) {
- if (missionname == "kieztour")
- PGu_setValue("KiezTourAct", 1);
- if (missionname == "strassenkampf")
- PGu_setValue("StrassenKampfAct", 1);
- if (missionname == "casino" && mission.substr(pos).split("<br")[0].indexOf("Rubbellose") == -1)
- return -1;
- return pos;
- }
- if (missionname == "kieztour")
- PGu_setValue("KiezTourAct", 0);
- if (missionname == "strassenkampf")
- PGu_setValue("StrassenKampfAct", 0);
- if (missions[1].indexOf("return cancel_popup(") != -1)
- return -1;
- if (missionname == "schrottplatz") {
- var allplunder = PG_getValue("allplunder", "").replace("ä", "ä").replace("ö", "ö").replace("ü", "ü").replace("ß", "ß").split(";");
- for (var i = allplunder.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- if (allplunder.indexOf(allplunder[i]) < i || allplunder[i] == "Zertrü" || allplunder[i] == "Zertrü" || allplunder[i].startsWith("mmerte"))
- allplunder.splice(i, 1);
- else if (allplunder[i] == "Abgehackte Hand:0" || allplunder[i] == "Blutige Axt:0")
- allplunder[i] = allplunder[i].replace(":0", ":1");
- PG_setValue("allplunder", allplunder.join(";"));
- }
- pos = mission.indexOf("mission_item_notready");
- if (pos != -1) {
- var amount = mission.substr(pos).split('class="amount">x')[1].split('</span')[0].trim();
- var plunder = mission.substr(pos).split('class="amount">x')[0].split("<span>").pop().split('</span')[0].trim();
- var muss = Number(amount.split("(")[0].trim());
- var ist = Number(amount.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].trim());
- if (muss < 1000 && !PGu_getValue(plunder+"Coll", false))
- return -1;
- if (muss >= 1000 && !PGu_getValue(plunder+"PayIn", false))
- return -1;
- if (ist < muss) {
- gangpayin(plunder, muss - ist);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (mission.indexOf('start_mission(') != -1) {
- var auto = PGu_getValue(missname+"Auto", false);
- if (!auto)
- return -1;
- var mintime = -1;
- for (var j = 1; j < missionStart.length; j++)
- if (missname == missionStart[j][0])
- continue;
- else if (mintime == -1 || mintime > missionStart[j][1])
- mintime = missionStart[j][1];
- if (PGu_getValue(missname+"MissT", false) && PGu_getValue(missname+"Time", 0)*60 > mintime)
- return -1;
- var id = mission.split('start_mission(')[1].split(')')[0];
- if (missionname == "casino") {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/city/games/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET",
- url: prothost + '/city/games/',
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- var to = 0;
- var nochlose = content.split("Du kannst heute noch ").pop();
- if (nochlose.indexOf("lose_remaining") != -1)
- nochlose = nochlose.split("</span>")[0].split(">").pop();
- if (nochlose == 0)
- return;
- var gesamt = Number(mission.match(/Kauft \d* Rubbel/)[0].split(" ")[1]);
- if (gesamt < nochlose)
- nochlose = gesamt;
- StartMission (missionname, id, plnd, content, nochlose);
- }
- });
- return -1;
- }
- if (missionname == "kieztour" || missionname == "strassenkampf") {
- var zText = "";
- if (missionname == "strassenkampf") {
- var lis = mission.split("stage_area")[2].split("<li");
- var spl = lis[1].split(/\d+ +Kämpfe/)[0].split("</div>")[1].trim().split(" ");
- spl.splice(0,2);
- zText = "Bitte alle bei Kämpfen nach " + spl.join(" ") + " ziehen.";
- }
- StartMission (missionname, id, plnd, zText, 0);
- return 0;
- }
- if (missionname == "schrottplatz") {
- var neededPlunder = [];
- var pAnz = 0;
- for (var i = 1; i < missions.length; i++) {
- var lis = missions[i].split("stage_area")[1].split("<li>");
- for (var j = 1; j < lis.length; j++) {
- var beg = lis[j].split('"amount"');
- if (beg.length > 1) {
- var plname = beg[0].split("<span>")[1].split("<")[0].trim();
- if (!PGu_getValue(plname+"Schrott", false))
- neededPlunder[pAnz++] = plname;
- }
- }
- }
- var gesamt = Number(missions[m].split(" Plunder verschrotten")[0].substr(-50).match(/[\d]+/g).pop().trim());
- var allplunder = PG_getValue("allplunder", "");
- if (allplunder == "")
- return 0;
- var plunderlist = allplunder.replace(/:\d*/g, "").split(";");
- allplunder = allplunder.split(";");
- var openCalls = 0;
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/gang/stuff/upgrades/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/stuff/upgrades/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var upgrstuff = responseDetails.responseText.split(responseDetails.responseText.indexOf('class="skill_block')==-1?"<tr":'class="skill_block');
- for (var j = 0; j < upgrstuff.length; j++) {
- if (upgrstuff[j].indexOf("required_skills") != -1) {
- var skpt = upgrstuff[j].match(/skill_progress_text">\d+ von \d+</);
- if (skpt.length == 0)
- continue;
- skpt = skpt[0].split("<")[0].split(">").pop().split("von");
- if (skpt.length != 2)
- continue;
- if (skpt[0].trim() == skpt[1].trim())
- continue;
- var plname = upgrstuff[j].split('required_skills')[1].split("</div")[0].split("<span");
- for (var k = 0; k < plname.length-1; k++) {
- var skspl = plname[k].split(">").pop().trim().split(" ");
- var amnt = skspl.pop();
- var pl = skspl.join(" ");
- if (neededPlunder.indexOf(pl) == -1)
- neededPlunder[pAnz++] = pl;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (upgrstuff[j].indexOf("<td>Kosten") == -1)
- continue;
- var plname = upgrstuff[j].split("<td").pop().split("<br");
- for (var k = 0; k < plname.length-1; k++) {
- var pl = plname[k].split(/\d+x /)[1].trim();
- if (neededPlunder.indexOf(pl) == -1)
- neededPlunder[pAnz++] = pl;
- }
- }
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/gang/stuff/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET",
- url: prothost + '/gang/stuff/',
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- function TestMissionPlunder(msgs, akti, missStart) {
- for (var i = akti; i < msgs.length; i++) {
- var tds = msgs[i].split("<td ");
- if (tds[4].split("<span")[1].split(">")[1].split("<")[0].replace(/ /g, "").trim() != "0")
- continue;
- var plname = tds[2].split("<strong>")[1].split("<")[0];
- if (neededPlunder.indexOf(plname) != -1)
- continue;
- var plAnz = Number(tds[3].split("<span")[1].split(">")[1].split("<")[0].replace(/ /g, "").trim());
- var plInd = plunderlist.indexOf(plname);
- if (plInd != -1) {
- plAnz = Math.floor(plAnz/(allplunder[plInd].endsWith(":1")?60:1));
- plAnzGes += plAnz;
- }
- else {
- var trash = tds[6].split("trash_plunder('");
- if (trash.length > 1) {
- var pid = trash[1].split("'")[0].trim();
- openCalls++;
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/stock/plunder/craft/details/'+pid+'/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET",
- url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/craft/details/'+pid+'/',
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var pcont = responseDetails.responseText.split('class="plundertitle"')[1];
- if (pcont.indexOf('"pinfo2"') != -1) {
- var pinfo2 = pcont.split('"pinfo2"')[1];
- var plname = pcont.split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- if (pinfo2.indexOf("Missionsplunder") != -1 || pinfo2.indexOf("Bandenmission") != -1)
- allplunder.push(plname+":1");
- else
- allplunder.push(plname+":0");
- plunderlist.push(plname);
- }
- openCalls--;
- TestMissionPlunder(msgs, i+1, missStart);
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i >= msgs.length && missStart) {
- PG_setValue("allplunder", allplunder.join(";"));
- if (plAnzGes >= gesamt)
- StartMission (missionname, id, plnd, "", 0);
- }
- }
- function getGangStuff(categ, ix) {
- if (openCalls > 0) {
- window.setTimeout(getGangStuff, 500, categ, ix);
- return;
- }
- if (ix < categ.length) {
- var href = categ[ix].split('"')[0];
- trace('Get ' + prothost + href, 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET",
- url: prothost + href,
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var msgs = responseDetails.responseText.split('"msglist"');
- TestMissionPlunder(msgs, 1, false);
- getGangStuff (categ, ix+1);
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- PG_setValue("allplunder", allplunder.join(";"));
- if (plAnzGes >= gesamt)
- StartMission (missionname, id, plnd, "", 0);
- }
- var stuff = responseDetails.responseText;
- if (stuff.indexOf("/category/") == -1) {
- var msgs = stuff.split('"msglist"');
- var plAnzGes = 0;
- TestMissionPlunder(msgs, 1, true);
- }
- else {
- var cat = stuff.split('id="plundertab')[1].split("</ul")[0].split('href="');
- var plAnzGes = 0;
- getGangStuff(cat, 1);
- }
- }
- });
- }});
- return 0;
- }
- }
- else if (mission.indexOf('return reward_popup(') != -1 || mission.indexOf('href="/gang/missions/reward/') != -1) {
- var aktBoost = missions[0].split("Aktueller Bandenboost");
- if (!PGu_getValue(missname+"Rwd", false))
- var abhol = false;
- else if (aktBoost.length == 1 || aktBoost[1].indexOf("Kein Boost vorh") != -1 || missionname == "kieztour")
- var abhol = true;
- else {
- var boost = aktBoost[1].split('src="')[1].split('"')[0].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- var abhol = PGu_getValue(boost+"Over", false);
- }
- if (abhol) {
- window.location = prothost + '/gang/missions/reward/';
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // get time until start of mission
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function getMissTime(missionname, content) {
- var misstime = -1;
- var missname = missionname;
- var pos = content.indexOf(missionname+'.png');
- if (pos == -1) {
- if (missionname == "kieztour")
- missname = "davinci_code";
- else if (missionname == "strassenkampf")
- missname = "schlacht_petersplatz";
- else if (missionname == "schrottplatz")
- missname = "kreuzzug";
- pos = content.indexOf(missname+'.png');
- }
- if (pos > 0) {
- misstime = 0;
- var mission = content.substr(pos).split("</table>")[0];
- pos = mission.split("stage_area")[1].indexOf("counter(");
- if (pos != -1) {
- var counter = mission.substr(pos).split("counter(")[1].split(")")[0].trim();
- if (counter == done)
- counter = "0";
- misstime = Number(counter);
- }
- else if (!PGu_getValue(missname+"Auto", false) || mission.indexOf("mission_item_notready") != -1)
- misstime = 999999999;
- }
- return misstime;
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // find mission index
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function MissIndex (missions, mission) {
- for (var i = 1; i < missions.length; i++)
- if (missions[i][0] == mission)
- return i;
- var missname = mission;
- if (missname == "kieztour")
- missname = "davinci_code";
- else if (missname == "strassenkampf")
- missname = "schlacht_petersplatz";
- else if (missname == "schrottplatz")
- missname = "kreuzzug";
- for (var i = 1; i < missions.length; i++)
- if (missions[i][0] == missname)
- return i;
- return -1;
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // check for mission
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function CheckMission () {
- PG_log("CheckMission");
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/gang/missions/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/missions/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- missionContent = content;
- var missions = content.split('class="gang_mission"');
- if (missions.length < 2)
- return;
- var mission = missions[1].split("</table>")[0];
- var aktBoost = content.split("Aktueller Bandenboost");
- var boost = "";
- if (aktBoost.length > 1 && aktBoost[1].indexOf("Kein Boost vorh") == -1) {
- boost = aktBoost[1].split('src="')[1].split('"')[0].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- if (boost == "boost_nitro" && aktBoost[1].split("</script")[0].indexOf("counter(") != -1)
- nitroCount = Number(aktBoost[1].split("</script")[0].split("counter(")[1].split(")")[0]);
- }
- if (mission.indexOf('return reward_popup(') != -1 || mission.indexOf('href="/gang/missions/reward/') != -1) {
- var missname = mission.split("background-image")[1].split(")")[0].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- if (PGu_getValue(missname+"Rwd", false) && (boost == "" || PGu_getValue(boost+"Over", false))) {
- window.location = prothost + '/gang/missions/reward/';
- return;
- }
- }
- var pos = content.indexOf('boost_button');
- if (pos != -1)
- pos = content.substr(pos).indexOf('activate_boost(');
- if (pos != -1) {
- var aktBoost = content.split("Aktueller Bandenboost");
- if (aktBoost.length == 1 || aktBoost[1].indexOf("Kein Boost vorh") != -1)
- var Start = false;
- else {
- var boost = aktBoost[1].split('src="')[1].split('"')[0].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- var Start = PGu_getValue(boost+"Start", false);
- }
- if (Start) {
- HttpPost(content, "boost_form", [], function() { reload("CheckMission1"); });
- return;
- }
- }
- var missionStart = [];
- for (var i = 1; i < missions.length; i++) {
- var mission = missions[i].split("background-image")[1].split(")")[0].split("/").pop().split(".")[0];
- var missTime = getMissTime(mission, missions[i]);
- missionStart[i] = [mission, missTime];
- if (i == 1)
- missionStart[0] = [mission, missTime];
- if (!PGu_getValue(mission+"MissT", false))
- continue;
- missTime = PGu_getValue(mission + "Time", 0)*60;
- for (var j = 1; j < i; j++)
- if (missTime + missionStart[i][1] > missionStart[j][1])
- missionStart[i][1] = missionStart[j][1];
- if (missionStart[i][1] == 0)
- missionStart[i][1] = missTime;
- if (missionStart[i][1] < missionStart[0][1])
- missionStart[0] = missionStart[i];
- }
- pos = HandleMission("casino", missionStart, missions);
- if (pos > 0) {
- var kauf = missions[1].substr(pos).split("<br")[1].split("</span")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- kauf = kauf.split("/");
- var gekauft = Number(kauf[0].trim());
- var gesamt = Number(kauf[1].trim());
- if (gekauft == gesamt)
- return;
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/gang/admin/log/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/admin/log/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var casino = responseDetails.responseText.split('Mission "Casino-Besuch" wurde gestartet');
- var pos = casino[0].lastIndexOf("</td>");
- var to = 0;
- if (pos == -1)
- to = 30;
- if (!casino[0].substr(0, pos).endsWith(m_ownusername))
- to = 30;
- if (to > 0) {
- var now = new Date().getTime();
- var tdiff = now - Number(PGu_getValue("LastLoseKauf", "0"));
- if (tdiff > 60000) {
- PGu_setValue("LastLoseKauf", now+"");
- tdiff = 0;
- }
- if (tdiff < to*1000) {
- setTimeout(reload, to*1000 - tdiff, "CheckMission2");
- return;
- }
- }
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/city/games/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/games/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- var nochlose = content.split("Du kannst heute noch ").pop();
- if (nochlose.indexOf("lose_remaining") != -1)
- nochlose = nochlose.split("</span>")[0].split(">").pop();
- if (nochlose == 0)
- return;
- if (gesamt - gekauft < nochlose)
- nochlose = gesamt - gekauft;
- if (nochlose > 100)
- nochlose = 100;
- trace("Lose kaufen: " + nochlose, 5);
- LoseKaufen(content, nochlose);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- pos = HandleMission("schrottplatz", missionStart, missions);
- if (pos > 0 && PGu_getValue(missionStart[0][0]+"Auto", false)) {
- var neededPlunder = [];
- var pAnz = 0;
- for (var i = 1; i < missions.length; i++) {
- var lis = missions[i].split("stage_area")[1].split("<li>");
- for (var j = 1; j < lis.length; j++) {
- var beg = lis[j].split('"amount"');
- if (beg.length > 1) {
- var plnd = beg[0].split("<span>")[1].split("<")[0].trim();
- if (!PGu_getValue(plnd+"Schrott", false))
- neededPlunder[pAnz++] = plnd;
- }
- }
- }
- var kauf = missions[1].substr(pos).split("<br")[1].split("</span")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- kauf = kauf.split("/");
- var gekauft = Number(kauf[0].trim());
- var gesamt = Number(kauf[1].trim());
- if (gekauft == gesamt)
- return;
- var allplunder = PG_getValue("allplunder", "");
- if (allplunder == "")
- return;
- var plunderlist = allplunder.replace(/:\d*/g, "").split(";");
- allplunder = allplunder.split(";");
- var openCalls = 0;
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/gang/stuff/upgrades/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/stuff/upgrades/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var upgrstuff = responseDetails.responseText.split(responseDetails.responseText.indexOf('class="skill_block')==-1?"<tr":'class="skill_block');
- for (var j = 0; j < upgrstuff.length; j++) {
- if (upgrstuff[j].indexOf("required_skills") != -1) {
- var skpt = upgrstuff[j].match(/skill_progress_text">\d+ von \d+</);
- if (skpt.length == 0)
- continue;
- skpt = skpt[0].split("<")[0].split(">").pop().split("von");
- if (skpt.length != 2)
- continue;
- if (skpt[0].trim() == skpt[1].trim())
- continue;
- var plnd = upgrstuff[j].split('required_skills')[1].split("</div")[0].split("<span");
- for (var k = 0; k < plnd.length-1; k++) {
- var skspl = plnd[k].split(">").pop().trim().split(" ");
- var amnt = skspl.pop();
- var pl = skspl.join(" ");
- if (neededPlunder.indexOf(pl) == -1)
- neededPlunder[pAnz++] = pl;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (upgrstuff[j].indexOf("<td>Kosten") == -1)
- continue;
- var plnd = upgrstuff[j].split("<td").pop().split("<br");
- for (var k = 0; k < plnd.length-1; k++) {
- var pl = plnd[k].split(/\d+x /)[1].trim();
- if (neededPlunder.indexOf(pl) == -1)
- neededPlunder[pAnz++] = pl;
- }
- }
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/gang/stuff/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/stuff/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- function TestMissionPlunder(msgs, akti, trash) {
- for (var i = akti; i < msgs.length; i++) {
- var tds = msgs[i].split("<td ");
- if (tds[4].split("<span")[1].split(">")[1].split("<")[0].replace(/ /g, "").trim() != "0")
- continue;
- var pltext = tds[6].split("trash_plunder(")[1].split(")")[0];
- var plnd = pltext.split("'")[1].trim();
- if (neededPlunder.indexOf(plnd) != -1)
- continue;
- var pid = pltext.split(",")[0].trim();
- var plAnz = Number(pltext.split(",")[1].trim());
- var plInd = plunderlist.indexOf(plnd);
- if (plInd != -1) {
- if (allplunder[plInd].endsWith("1")) {
- if ((mp && plAnz <= leastAnz || !mp) && plAnz >= minMiss) {
- leastAnz = plAnz;
- leastpl = pltext;
- mp = true;
- }
- }
- else if (!mp && (leastpl == "" || plAnz < leastAnz)) {
- leastAnz = plAnz;
- leastpl = pltext;
- }
- }
- else {
- openCalls++;
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/stock/plunder/craft/details/'+pid+'/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET",
- url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/craft/details/'+pid+'/',
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var pcont = responseDetails.responseText.split('class="plundertitle"')[1];
- var plname = pcont.split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var mpl = 0;
- if (pcont.indexOf('"pinfo2"') != -1)
- if (pcont.split('"pinfo2"')[1].indexOf("Missionsplunder") != -1 ||
- pcont.split('"pinfo2"')[1].indexOf("Bandenmission") != -1)
- mpl = 1;
- allplunder.push(plname+":"+mpl);
- plunderlist.push(plname);
- if (mpl == 1) {
- if ((mp && plAnz <= leastAnz || !mp) && plAnz >= minMiss) {
- leastAnz = plAnz;
- leastpl = pltext;
- mp = true;
- }
- }
- else if (!mp && (leastpl == "" || plAnz < leastAnz)) {
- leastAnz = plAnz;
- leastpl = pltext;
- }
- openCalls--;
- TestMissionPlunder(msgs, i+1, trash);
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- }
- if (i >= msgs.length && trash) {
- PG_setValue("allplunder", allplunder.join(";"));
- if (leastAnz > 0) {
- var pid = leastpl.split(",")[0].trim();
- if (gesamt - gekauft < leastAnz/(mp?60:1))
- leastAnz = (gesamt - gekauft)*(mp?60:1);
- else if (mp && minMiss != 0)
- leastAnz = Math.floor(leastAnz / 60) * 60;
- HttpPost(stuff, "stuff_trash_form", ["plunder_id", pid, "trash_amount", leastAnz], function() { reload("CheckMission3"); });
- }
- }
- }
- function getGangStuff(categ, ix) {
- if (openCalls > 0) {
- window.setTimeout(getGangStuff, 500, categ, ix);
- return;
- }
- if (ix < categ.length) {
- var href = categ[ix].split('"')[0];
- trace('Get ' + prothost + href, 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET",
- url: prothost + href,
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var msgs = responseDetails.responseText.split('"msglist"');
- TestMissionPlunder(msgs, 1, false);
- getGangStuff (categ, ix+1);
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- PG_setValue("allplunder", allplunder.join(";"));
- if (leastAnz > 0) {
- var pid = leastpl.split(",")[0].trim();
- if (gesamt - gekauft < leastAnz/(mp?60:1))
- leastAnz = (gesamt - gekauft)*(mp?60:1);
- else if (mp && minMiss != 0)
- leastAnz = Math.floor(leastAnz / 60) * 60;
- HttpPost(stuff, "stuff_trash_form", ["plunder_id", pid, "trash_amount", leastAnz], function() { reload("CheckMission3"); });
- }
- }
- var stuff = responseDetails.responseText;
- if (stuff.indexOf("/category/") == -1) {
- var msgs = stuff.split('"msglist"');
- var leastpl = "";
- var leastAnz = 0;
- var mp = false;
- var minMiss = PGu_getValue("trashAllMissPlund", false)?0:60;
- TestMissionPlunder(msgs, 1, true);
- }
- else {
- var cat = stuff.split('id="plundertab')[1].split("</ul")[0].split('href="');
- var leastpl = "";
- var leastAnz = 0;
- var mp = false;
- var minMiss = PGu_getValue("trashAllMissPlund", false)?0:60;
- getGangStuff(cat, 1);
- }
- }});
- }});
- return;
- }
- pos = HandleMission("kieztour", missionStart, missions);
- if (pos >= 0)
- return;
- pos = HandleMission("strassenkampf", missionStart, missions);
- }
- });
- }
- function getSeks(counter) {
- if (counter == done)
- return 0;
- var days = 0;
- var cnt = counter.split(":");
- if (cnt[0].indexOf(" ") != -1) {
- days = Number(cnt[0].split(" ")[0]);
- cnt[0] = cnt[0].split(" ").pop();
- }
- var seks = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < cnt.length; i++)
- seks = seks * 60 + Number(cnt[i]);
- return days * 86400 + seks;
- }
- function getvcounter () {
- var vcounter = done;
- if (document.getElementsByClassName("chest_counter").length == 0) {
- var tbl = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
- for (var i = tbl.length - 1; i > 0; i--)
- if (tbl[i].className)
- if (tbl[i].className == "cbox")
- break;
- var trs = tbl[i].getElementsByTagName("tr");
- if (trs.length > 2) {
- var span = trs[2].getElementsByTagName("span");
- for (var i = 0; i < span.length; i++) {
- if (span[i].id)
- if (span[i].id.startsWith("counter")) {
- vcounter = span[i].innerHTML;
- if (vcounter.trim() == done0) // is the time 00:00 ?
- vcounter = done;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return getSeks(vcounter);
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // Funktion sendet einen HTTP-Request via POST
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function PostToHTTP(URL, pars, onsuccess) {
- var params = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < pars.length / 2; i++)
- params[i] = pars[i*2] + "=" + encodeURIComponent(pars[i*2+1]);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'POST',
- url: URL,
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: params.join("&"),
- onload: function(responseDetails)
- {
- if (URL.indexOf('downfight.de') != -1 && responseDetails.status != 200) {
- alert("Fehler beim Abruf der Daten von downfight.de: " + responseDetails.statusText + ". Bitte später noch einmal versuchen.");
- return;
- }
- if (URL.indexOf('www.downfight.de') != -1) {
- if (responseDetails.responseText.indexOf('unscharf.png') != -1) {
- PostToHTTP(URL.replace('www.', ''), pars, onsuccess);
- return;
- }
- }
- if (typeof onsuccess == "function")
- onsuccess(responseDetails.responseText);
- else if (onsuccess != "")
- alert(onsuccess);
- }
- });
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // Funktion überprüft, ob die im GM-Key "keyname" gespeicherte Zeit länger als "interval"
- // Minuten vorüber ist. Falls ja, wird true zurückgegeben und die neue Zeit gespeichert
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function IsTimeToCheck(keyname, interval) {
- var now = new Date();
- if (isNaN(GM_getValue(keyname, "0")))
- return true;
- if ((Number(now) - Number(GM_getValue(keyname, "0"))) / 1000 / 60 >= interval) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // Funktion ermittelt den Usernamen von df.de
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function GetUserNameFromDFDE(content) {
- if (content.indexOf('target="_blank') == -1)
- return [0, ""];
- var username = content.split('target="_blank')[1].split('">')[1].split('</a>')[0].split('<br>')[0].trim();
- var userid = content.split("/profil/id:")[1].split("/")[0];
- return [userid, username];
- }
- // **********************************************************************************
- // **********************************************************************************
- // Funktion wandelt einen HTML-Content in ein DOM um
- // **********************************************************************************
- // **********************************************************************************
- function HTML2DOM(content) {
- var dummyDiv = document.createElement('div');
- dummyDiv.innerHTML = content;
- return dummyDiv;
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // Abrufen der DF-Liste von downfight.de
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- function updDFList() {
- var DFusers = [];
- function testDF(userid, username) {
- updDFcount++;
- trace("Statusprüfung User " + username, 2);
- PostToHTTP(prothost + "/profil/id:" + userid + "/", [], function(content) {
- if (content.split("button.attack_not")[1].split('name="form_friend"')[1].split("<div")[0].indexOf("/fight/?to=" + username) != -1) {
- var pkt = Number(content.split('id="userbox"')[1].split('valign="middle"')[1].split("</td")[1].split(">").pop());
- DFusers.push([userid, pkt, username]);
- }
- updDFcount--;
- });
- }
- function setDFList() {
- if (updDFcount > 0) {
- trace("noch " + updDFcount + " Statusprüfung" + (updDFcount == 1?"":"en") + " offen.", 2);
- setTimeout(setDFList, 500);
- }
- else {
- DFusers.sort(function(a, b) { return a[1] - b[1]; });
- for (var i = 0; i < DFusers.length; i++)
- DFusers[i] = DFusers[i].join(":");
- trace("DFList wird aktualisiert auf " + DFusers.join(";"), 2);
- PGu_setValue("DFList", DFusers.join(";"));
- PGu_delete("lastDF");
- PGu_delete("nextDF");
- PG_setValue("LastUpdateDF", (new Date()).getTime().toString());
- trace("DFList aktualisiert auf " + DFusers.join(";"), 2);
- }
- }
- PG_log("updDFList");
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "VT", "AT", "ML"];
- var DFTownCode = ["hamburg", "berlin", "muenchen", "reloaded", "koeln", "sylt", "vatikan", "atlantis", "malle"];
- var ix = town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION);
- if (ix < 0)
- return;
- if (IsTimeToCheck(TOWNEXTENSION + "LastUpdateDF", 10)) {
- trace("DFList wird aktualisiert", 2);
- var URL = window.location.protocol + "//www.downfight.de/?seite=downfight_" + DFTownCode[ix];
- var Params = ['myatt', myATT, 'mydef', myDEF];
- PostToHTTP(URL, Params, function(content) {
- var doc = HTML2DOM(content);
- for (var i = doc.getElementsByTagName("table").length - 1; i > 0; i--)
- if (doc.getElementsByTagName("table")[i].innerHTML.indexOf("angriff.gif") != -1)
- break;
- var dftrs = doc.getElementsByTagName("table")[i].getElementsByTagName("tr")[1].getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr");
- for (var i = 1; i <= dftrs.length - 2; i++) {
- if (dftrs[i].getElementsByTagName("td").length < 10)
- continue;
- var user = GetUserNameFromDFDE(dftrs[i].getElementsByTagName("td")[4].innerHTML);
- if (user[1] != "")
- testDF(user[0], user[1]);
- }
- setTimeout(setDFList, 1000);
- });
- }
- }
- function submit(){
- PG_log("submit");
- if (updDFcount > 0) {
- var lastupdDFc = PGu_getValue("lastupdDFc", 0);
- if (lastupdDFc != updDFcount) {
- PGu_setValue("lastupdDFc", updDFcount);
- setTimeout(submit, 5000);
- return;
- }
- PGu_delete("lastupdDFc");
- }
- if (document.getElementsByName("bottlecollect_pending").length == 0 && PGu_getValue("downfightauto", false)) {
- var DFList = PGu_getValue("DFList", "");
- if (DFList != "") {
- var DFusers = DFList.split(";");
- var lastDF = PGu_getValue("lastDF", "");
- var ldf = 0;
- if (lastDF != "")
- for (var i = 0; i < DFusers.length; i++)
- if (DFusers[i].split(":")[2] == lastDF) {
- ldf = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- if (ldf < DFusers.length) {
- var user = DFusers[ldf].split(":");
- PGu_setValue("nextDF", user[2]);
- window.location.href = prothost + "/fight/?to=" + user[2];
- return;
- }
- else
- PGu_delete("DFList");
- }
- }
- if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/activities/") != -1 && window.location.pathname.indexOf("/crime/") == -1 && autoSubmit){
- if (document.getElementsByClassName("chest_key_on").length > 0) {
- var href = document.getElementsByClassName("chest_menu")[0].getElementsByClassName("chest_button")[0].href;
- window.location.href = href;
- }
- if (getvcounter() != 0) {
- PG_log("Verbrechen läuft");
- var lastURL = PGu_getValue("AutoCollURL", "");
- if (lastURL != "") {
- PGu_setValue ("AutoCollURL", "");
- window.location.replace( lastURL );
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue(nameTime, time);
- PGu_setValue("AskedForCollect", 0);
- checkInterval = window.setInterval(check,intervalTime);
- }
- return;
- }
- var lastCollectTime = PGu_getValue(nameLastCollectTime,0);
- if (PGu_getValue("KiezTourAct", 0) == 1)
- lastCollectTime = 0;
- var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
- evt.initEvent("change", true, true);
- var timeOptions = document.getElementsByName("time")[0];
- if (!timeOptions)
- refer();
- if (lastCollectTime > 0) {
- var options = timeOptions.innerHTML.split('value="');
- if (options.length < lastCollectTime + 2)
- lastCollectTime = 0;
- else {
- var minopt = Number(options[1].split('"')[0]);
- var selopt = Number(options[lastCollectTime+1].split('"')[0]);
- var nitrotime = lastCollectTime;
- if (nitroCount >= 610 && selopt*30 >= nitroCount-30)
- for (nitrotime--; nitrotime > 0; nitrotime--) {
- selopt = Number(options[nitrotime+1].split('"')[0]);
- if (selopt*30 <= nitroCount-30)
- break;
- }
- var nextTime = PGu_getValue("NextStartkieztour", -1);
- if (nextTime == -1)
- lastCollectTime = 0;
- else if (selopt*60 > nextTime && lastCollectTime > 0) {
- for (var k = lastCollectTime - 1; k > 0; k--) {
- selopt = Number(options[k+1].split('"')[0]);
- if (selopt*60 <= nextTime)
- break;
- }
- lastCollectTime = k;
- }
- if (nitrotime < lastCollectTime)
- lastCollectTime = nitrotime;
- }
- }
- timeOptions.selectedIndex = lastCollectTime;
- timeOptions.dispatchEvent(evt);
- timeOptions.addEventListener( "change",
- function(){ PGu_setValue(nameLastCollectTime, document.getElementsByName("time")[0].selectedIndex);
- timeOptionsCaptcha.selectedIndex = timeOptions.selectedIndex; },
- true );
- var timeOptionsCaptcha = timeOptions.cloneNode(true);
- timeOptionsCaptcha.selectedIndex = timeOptions.selectedIndex;
- timeOptionsCaptcha.addEventListener( "change",
- function(){ PGu_setValue(nameLastCollectTime, document.getElementsByName("time")[0].selectedIndex);
- timeOptions.selectedIndex = timeOptionsCaptcha.selectedIndex;},
- true);
- /* var captchaHolder = document.getElementById("holder");
- var infoText = captchaHolder.insertBefore(document.createElement('p'),captchaHolder.getElementsByTagName("span")[1]);
- infoText.innerHTML = strTime;
- infoText.appendChild(timeOptionsCaptcha);
- infoText.style.margin = "0px";
- infoText.style.marginTop = "8px";
- captchaHolder.getElementsByTagName("span")[1].style.marginTop = "-8px";
- captchaHolder.getElementsByTagName("span")[1].style.marginLeft = "-10px";
- var cancelButton = captchaHolder.getElementsByClassName("cancel")[0];
- cancelButton.style.margin = "0px";
- cancelButton.style.marginLeft = "10px";
- infoText.appendChild(cancelButton);*/
- var district = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0].getElementsByTagName("tr")[2].getElementsByTagName("td")[0].innerHTML.split(":").pop().trim();
- if (document.getElementsByName("bottlecollect_pending").length > 0 && (PGu_getValue("AutoCollect", false) || PGu_getValue("AutoCrime", false) && crimePic != "" && crimeFkt > 0)) {
- PG_log(flaschentxt + " ausleeren");
- var maxfill = PGu_getValue("maxfillbottle", 90);
- if (maxfill > 0 && (TOWNEXTENSION == "VT" || TOWNEXTENSION == "AT")) {
- var price = Number(document.getElementsByClassName("icon bottle")[0].innerHTML.split(">")[1].match(/\d+/));
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/activities/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/activities/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var fass = content.split("Fassungsverm")[1].match(/[\d.,]+/);
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/stock/bottle/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/bottle/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var p = content.indexOf('id="hp_bar_blue"');
- var p2 = content.lastIndexOf("<span", p);
- var p3 = content.indexOf("</span", p);
- var text = content.substring(p2, p3+10).split("</span>");
- var bottles = Number(text[0].split("</strong>")[0].split("<strong>").pop().split(" ")[0]);
- if (bottles > fass * maxfill / 100) {
- var menge = Math.floor(bottles - fass * maxfill / 100);
- getOverviewPage(mainFunc4, price, content);
- }
- }});
- }});
- }
- var aftDist = PGu_getValue("aftDistrict", "0" + ";" + district).split(";");
- trace("districts: " + district + "/" + aftDist, 8);
- if (PGu_getValue("chooseDistrict", true) && aftDist[1] != district)
- moveTo (aftDist[0], "", "");
- else {
- PGu_setValue("bottletime", 0);
- trace("set timeout for bottle collect", 8);
- window.setTimeout('if (document.getElementsByName("Submit2")[0].parentNode.name == "xycoords") document.getElementsByName("Submit2")[0].click(); else window.location.href=window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + "/activities/";', 5000);
- }
- return;
- }
- var crimePic = PGu_getValue("AutoCrimePic", "");
- var crimeFkt = PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeFkt", 0);
- var crimeTO = "";
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoCrime", false) && crimePic != "" && crimeFkt > 0) {
- PG_log("Starte Verbrechen");
- var crimeNr = PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeNr", -1);
- if (crimeNr > 0) {
- crimeTO = " if (document.getElementById('SCCheckbox').checked) window.location = window.location.protocol + '//' + window.location.hostname + '/activities/crime/?start_crime=" + crimeNr + "'";
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimeFkt", crimeFkt - 1);
- }
- else if (crimeNr == 0) {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/activities/crime/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/activities/crime/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var buttons = content.split("plunder_crime/");
- for (var i = 1; i < buttons.length; i++) {
- var crimep = buttons[i].split('"')[0];
- if (crimePic == crimep) {
- crimeNr = buttons[i].split("start_crime(")[1].split(")")[0];
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimeNr", crimeNr);
- reload("Submit1");
- break;
- }
- }
- }});
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimePic", "");
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrime", false);
- setTimeout(reload, 1000, "Submit2");
- }
- }
- if (crimeTO != "")
- setTimeout("if (document.getElementById('SCCheckbox'))" + crimeTO + ";", 2000); // fails often if to fast
- else {
- if (autoSubmit && PGu_getValue("AutoCollect", false)) {
- var befDist = PGu_getValue("befDistrict", "0" + ";" + district).split(";");
- var homeDist = PGu_getValue("homeDistrict", "0" + ";" + district).split(";");
- if (PGu_getValue("chooseDistrict", true) && befDist[1] != district) {
- PG_log("Ziehe nach " + befDist[1]);
- moveTo (befDist[0], "", "");
- return;
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("chooseDistrict", true) && homeDist[1] != district)
- PGu_setValue("homeDist", homeDist[0]);
- PG_log("Starte Sammeln für " + timeOptions.options[lastCollectTime].value + " Minuten in 3 Sekunden", 1);
- setTimeout("if (document.getElementById('BCCheckbox')) if (document.getElementById('BCCheckbox').checked) document.getElementsByName('Submit2')[0].click();", 3000); // fails often if to fast
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- PG_log("setInterval");
- PGu_setValue(nameTime, time); //store time for each domain to prevent multiple run in same domain
- checkInterval = window.setInterval(check,intervalTime);
- }
- }
- function getTimers() {
- var c=1;
- var posci = document.getElementById("enemy_info")?0:-1;
- if (posci != -1)
- posci = document.getElementById("enemy_info").innerHTML.indexOf('enemy_counter_info');
- if (posci != -1)
- posci = document.getElementById("enemy_info").innerHTML.substr(posci+20,200).indexOf("counter");
- if (posci != -1)
- c=2;
- crime = false;
- try{
- fcounter = document.getElementById("counter"+c).innerHTML;
- counter = document.getElementById("counter"+(c+1)).innerHTML;
- crime = document.getElementById("counter"+(c+1)).parentNode.innerHTML.split("counter(")[1].split(")")[0].split('"')[1].indexOf("crime") != -1;
- if (counter.trim() == done0) // is the time 00:00 ?
- counter = done;
- }
- catch(err){
- }
- trace("counter = " + counter + ", fcounter = " + fcounter, 9);
- }
- var RefreshTimer=0;
- function check(){
- PG_log("check");
- var today = new Date();
- if (document.getElementById("display"))
- if (document.getElementById("display").getElementsByClassName("gamefield").length > 0)
- if (PGu_getValue("memory", "") != "")
- DoMemory(true);
- if (today.getTime() < Number(PGu_getValue("checkNewMinigame", "0")) + 15000)
- return;
- function setPetCollectDay(day, status) {
- var val = PGu_getValue("AutoPetCollectDay", "0000000");
- if (val.length < 7)
- val += "0000000".substr(val.length - 7);
- day = Number(day);
- val = val.substr(0, day) + (status?"1":"0") + val.substr(day + 1);
- PGu_setValue("AutoPetCollectDay", val);
- PGu_setValue("AutoPetCollect", val != "0000000");
- return;
- }
- if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/pet/") != -1) {
- if (document.getElementById("submit_sets") && !document.getElementById("Checkbox1")) {
- var divs = document.getElementsByClassName("pet_tab_help");
- var newdiv = divs[divs.length-1].cloneNode(true);
- newdiv.innerHTML = "<h1>Automatisches Einlösen</h1><span>Hier kannst Du einstellen, wann Deine Gegenstände automatisch eingelöst werden sollen.</span><div> </div>";
- var newtdMo = document.createElement("td");
- newtdMo.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtdMo.innerHTML = '<input name="CheckboxMo" id="Checkbox1" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Montag </span>';
- newdiv.appendChild(newtdMo);
- var newtdDi = document.createElement("td");
- newtdDi.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtdDi.innerHTML = '<input name="CheckboxDi" id="Checkbox2" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Dienstag </span>';
- newdiv.appendChild(newtdDi);
- var newtdMi = document.createElement("td");
- newtdMi.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtdMi.innerHTML = '<input name="CheckboxMi" id="Checkbox3" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Mittwoch </span>';
- newdiv.appendChild(newtdMi);
- var newtdDo = document.createElement("td");
- newtdDo.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtdDo.innerHTML = '<input name="CheckboxDo" id="Checkbox4" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Donnerstag </span>';
- newdiv.appendChild(newtdDo);
- var newtdFr = document.createElement("td");
- newtdFr.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtdFr.innerHTML = '<input name="CheckboxFr" id="Checkbox5" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Freitag </span>';
- newdiv.appendChild(newtdFr);
- var newtdSa = document.createElement("td");
- newtdSa.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtdSa.innerHTML = '<input name="CheckboxSa" id="Checkbox6" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Samstag </span>';
- newdiv.appendChild(newtdSa);
- var newtdSo = document.createElement("td");
- newtdSo.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtdSo.innerHTML = '<input name="CheckboxSo" id="Checkbox0" type="checkbox"><span style="vertical-align: bottom"> Sonntag </span>';
- newdiv.appendChild(newtdSo);
- var newtdvon = document.createElement("td");
- newtdvon.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtdvon.innerHTML = '<span style="vertical-align: top"> von </span><input name="vonZeit" id="vonZeit" type="text" style="width:15px;">';
- newdiv.appendChild(newtdvon);
- var newtdbis = document.createElement("td");
- newtdbis.setAttribute('style', 'padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px');
- newtdbis.innerHTML = '<span style="vertical-align: top"> bis </span><input name="vonZeit" id="bisZeit" type="text" style="width:15px;"><span style="vertical-align: top"> Uhr </span>';
- newdiv.appendChild(newtdbis);
- divs[divs.length-1].parentNode.appendChild(newdiv);
- // Status setzen und Click-Handler hinzufügen
- var val = PGu_getValue("AutoPetCollectDay", "0000000");
- if (val.length < 7)
- val += "0000000".substr(val.length - 7);
- for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
- document.getElementById("Checkbox"+i).checked = (val[i] == "1");
- document.getElementById("Checkbox"+i).addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- setPetCollectDay(this.id.substr(-1), this.checked);
- }, false);
- }
- document.getElementById("vonZeit").value = PGu_getValue("AutoPetCollectBegH", 11);
- document.getElementById("vonZeit").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- var val = document.getElementById(this.id).value;
- if (isNaN(val) || parseInt(val) < 0 || parseInt(val) > 23) {
- alert("Bitte eine Zahl von 0 bis 23 eingeben");
- document.getElementById(this.id).value = PGu_getValue("AutoCollectBegH", 11);
- return false;
- }
- else
- PGu_setValue("AutoPetCollectBegH", parseInt(val));
- }, true);
- document.getElementById("bisZeit").value = PGu_getValue("AutoPetCollectEndH", 12);
- document.getElementById("bisZeit").addEventListener("change", function(event) {
- var val = document.getElementById(this.id).value;
- if (isNaN(val) || parseInt(val) < 0 || parseInt(val) > 23) {
- alert("Bitte eine Zahl von 0 bis 23 eingeben");
- document.getElementById(this.id).value = PGu_getValue("AutoCollectEndH", 12);
- return false;
- }
- else
- PGu_setValue("AutoPetCollectEndH", parseInt(val));
- }, false);
- }
- }
- if (RefreshTimer == 0) {
- PG_log("set Timeout reload return 2");
- fallback(0);
- RefreshTimer = setTimeout(reload, PGu_getValue("RefreshInterval", 0) * 60000, "return 2");
- }
- else
- PG_log("RefreshTimer aktiv: " + RefreshTimer);
- if(PGu_getValue(nameTime) != time){ //script started somewhere else
- clearInterval(checkInterval);
- return 0;
- }
- getTimers();
- var promille = GetPromille(document);
- if (fcounter == done && counter == done && PGu_getValue("AutoCollect", false) || counter == done && PGu_getValue("AutoCrime", false) && PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeFkt", 0) > 0) {
- if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/activities/") != -1 && window.location.pathname.indexOf("/crime/") == -1){
- if (document.getElementsByClassName("chest_key_on").length > 0) {
- var href = document.getElementsByClassName("chest_menu")[0].getElementsByClassName("chest_button")[0].href;
- window.location.href = href;
- }
- if (getvcounter() != 0) {
- if (RefreshTimer == 0) {
- PG_log("set Timeout reload return 3");
- fallback(0);
- RefreshTimer = setTimeout(reload, PGu_getValue("RefreshInterval", 0) * 60000, "return 3");
- }
- else
- PG_log("RefreshTimer aktiv: " + RefreshTimer);
- return; // do nothing, if a crime is planned
- }
- clearInterval(checkInterval); // stop script
- trace("set timeout reload check1", 8);
- setTimeout(reload, 2000, "check1");
- } else {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/activities/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/activities/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var text = content.split("setupForm('/activities/bottle/'");
- if (text.length > 1) {
- text = text[1].split('>')[0].split(' ');
- text = text[text.length-1];
- if (text == "disabled") {
- clearInterval(checkInterval); // stop script
- checkInterval = window.setInterval(check,intervalTime*5);
- }
- else {
- clearInterval(checkInterval); // stop script
- setTimeout(refer, 1000);
- }
- }
- /* deaktiviert !!
- else if (PGu_getValue("AutoCollect", false)) {
- var lastCollectTime = PGu_getValue(nameLastCollectTime, 0);
- var timesplit = content.split('name="time"')[1].split("<option");
- if (timesplit.length > lastCollectTime + 1)
- var dauer = timesplit[lastCollectTime+1].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- else
- var dauer = 10;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:'POST',
- url: prothost + '/activities/bottle/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('bottlecollect_pending=True'),
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:'POST',
- url: prothost + '/activities/bottle/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('sammeln='+dauer),
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var text = content.split("setupForm('/activities/bottle/'");
- if (text.length > 1) {
- text = text[1].split('>')[0].split(' ');
- text = text[text.length-1];
- }
- if (text == "disabled") {
- clearInterval(checkInterval); // stop script
- checkInterval = window.setInterval(check,intervalTime*5);
- }
- }});
- }});
- } */
- else {
- clearInterval(checkInterval); // stop script
- trace("set timeout to refer at 10000 secs", 8);
- setTimeout(refer, 10000);
- }
- }});
- }
- }
- else if (crime && getSeks(counter) < 60 && promille > 0) {
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeURL", "") == "")
- PGu_setValue ("AutoCrimeURL", location.toString());
- if (!location.toString().endsWith("food/"))
- window.location.href = prothost + "/stock/foodstuffs/food/";
- else {
- var breads = 0;
- var items = document.getElementsByClassName("item_list");
- for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- breads = Number(items[i].getElementsByTagName("tr")[0].getElementsByTagName("td")[1].innerHTML.split(">")[1].split(" ")[0]);
- var effect = -Number(document.getElementsByName("promille")[i].value)/100;
- if (i > 0 && effect > promille)
- continue;
- var id = document.getElementsByName("id")[i].value;
- if (i == 0)
- var nrofbreads = Math.min(Math.ceil(promille/effect), breads);
- else
- var nrofbreads = Math.min(Math.floor(promille/effect), breads);
- // **********************************************************************************
- // *** GM_XMLHTTPREQUEST *** POSTEN der Essensnutzung
- // **********************************************************************************
- trace("Post essen: " + id + "/" + nrofbreads, 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST',
- url: prothost + '/stock/foodstuffs/use/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('item=&promille=&id='+id+'&menge=' + nrofbreads),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- window.location.href = PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeURL", "");
- PGu_setValue ("AutoCrimeURL", "");
- }
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (PGu_getValue("RefreshInterval", 0) > 0) {
- if (RefreshTimer == 0) {
- PG_log("set Timeout reload check2");
- fallback(0);
- RefreshTimer = setTimeout(reload, PGu_getValue("RefreshInterval", 0) * 60000, "check2: reload nach " + PGu_getValue("RefreshInterval", 0) + " Minuten");
- }
- else
- PG_log("RefreshTimer aktiv: " + RefreshTimer);
- }
- }
- var msgDone1 = "Das " + pflaschen + "sammeln wurde beendet."; // "Collecting done";
- var msgDone2 = "Klicke auf OK um die Aktionsseite zu " + unescape("%F6") + "ffnen."; // "Click ok to open actions-page";
- function refer(){
- var box = PGu_getValue("AutoCollect", false) || PGu_getValue("AutoCrime", false) && PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeFkt", 0) > 0;
- if (box) { // check input field in Mails and SB
- var f_text = document.getElementById("f_text");
- if (f_text)
- box = f_text.value == "";
- }
- if (!box && PGu_getValue("AskedForCollect", 0) < 3 && !PGu_getValue("AutoCollectKW", false)) {
- box = window.confirm( msgDone1 + "\n" + msgDone2 );
- PGu_setValue("AskedForCollect", PGu_getValue("AskedForCollect", 0) + 1);
- }
- if (box) {
- PGu_setValue("AutoCollURL", location.toString());
- window.location.href = prothost + "/activities/";
- }
- }
- function reload(msg, url){
- trace("Reload-Message: " + msg + "/" + window.location.toString() + (typeof(url) == "string" ? "/url: " + url : ""), 8);
- if ((oldVersion || !autoSubmit) && !PGu_getValue("AutoCollectKW", false))
- alert(msgDone1);
- if (window.location.toString().indexOf("event") != -1 || window.location.toString().indexOf("livegame") != -1)
- window.location.href = window.location.toString();
- else if (typeof(url) == "string")
- window.location.href = prothost + url;
- else
- window.location.href = prothost + "/activities/";
- }
- function enemyreload(){
- var box = true;
- // check input field in Mails and SB
- var f_text = document.getElementById("f_text");
- if (f_text)
- box = f_text.value == "";
- if (!box) {
- box = window.confirm( msgAttackEnemy );
- }
- if (box) {
- window.location.href = location.toString();
- }
- }
- function Enemyattack(){
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method:"POST",
- url: prothost + '/enemies/start_fight/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI(''),
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- enemyreload();
- }
- });
- }
- function DoPetCollect() {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/pet/tab/collections/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/pet/tab/collections/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var ptArray = [];
- var uls = content.split("tabcontainer").pop().split('id="ul_');
- for (var i = 1; i < uls.length; i++) {
- var set = uls[i].split('">')[0];
- var spans = uls[i].split("trade_in")[0].split("</span>");
- var trade = uls[i].split("trade_in")[1].split("</div>")[0].split(">")[0].split("value=").pop();
- var points = parseInt(trade.split(")")[0].split("(").pop());
- var codeset = [];
- var minanz = 99999;
- for (var j = 0; j < spans.length - 1; j++) {
- var code = spans[j].split("item_count_")[1].split('">')[0];
- var anz = Number(spans[j].split(">").pop());
- codeset.push([code, anz]);
- if (anz < minanz)
- minanz = anz;
- }
- if (minanz == 0)
- continue;
- for (var j = 0; j < ptArray.length; j++)
- if (ptArray[j][2] <= points)
- break;
- ptArray.splice(j, 0, [set, codeset, points]);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < ptArray.length; i++) {
- var rew = ptArray[i][0];
- var special = "";
- if (rew.startsWith("special_")) {
- special = "?special=true";
- rew = rew.substr(8);
- }
- var minanz = 99999;
- for (var j = 0; j < ptArray[i][1].length; j++) {
- if (ptArray[i][1][j][1] < minanz)
- minanz = ptArray[i][1][j][1];
- }
- if (minanz == 0)
- continue;
- for (var j = i; j < ptArray.length; j++)
- for (var k = 0; k < ptArray[i][1].length; k++)
- for (var kk = 0; kk < ptArray[j][1].length; kk++)
- if (ptArray[i][1][k][0] == ptArray[j][1][kk][0]) {
- ptArray[j][1][kk][1] -= minanz;
- break;
- }
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/pet/get_collection_reward/'+rew+"/", 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/pet/get_collection_reward/'+rew+"/"+minanz+"/"+special,
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- }
- });
- window.setTimeout("window.location.href = '" + location.toString() + "'", 2000);
- return;
- }
- }});
- return;
- }
- function trace(txt, level) {
- if (m_ownuserid == 0)
- return;
- if (typeof(level) == "undefined")
- level = 9;
- if (level > tracelevel || tracing)
- return;
- tracing = 1;
- var datetime = new Date();
- datetime = FormatDateTime(datetime) + "." + (datetime.getTime().toString()).substr(-3);
- PGu_setValue("call" + traceln, datetime + ": " + txt);
- if (traceln < maxtraceln)
- traceln++;
- else
- traceln = 1;
- PGu_setValue("callnr", traceln);
- if (level == 1) {
- PGu_setValue("hlcall" + hltraceln, datetime + ": " + txt);
- if (hltraceln < maxhltraceln)
- hltraceln++;
- else
- hltraceln = 1;
- PGu_setValue("hlcallnr", hltraceln);
- }
- tracing = 0;
- return;
- }
- function DoPetStartCheck(content, pos, leap, swtch)
- {
- PG_log("DoPetStartCheck(pos="+pos+",leap="+leap+",swtch="+swtch+")");
- var today = new Date();
- if (pos == 0) {
- var petlock = "";
- var petid = "";
- var lockflg = false;
- var nightflg = false;
- var minaus = 1000;
- var pos = content.indexOf('id="pet_kader');
- for (var loop = 0; loop <= 2; loop++) {
- pos = content.indexOf('div id="pet', pos+10);
- if (pos == -1)
- break;
- var pos3 = content.indexOf('class="pethpbar', pos);
- if (pos3 == -1)
- continue;
- if (content.substring(pos, pos3).indexOf("pet_featured") != -1)
- continue;
- var pos4 = content.indexOf('<h1>Ausdauer', pos3);
- if (pos4 == -1)
- continue;
- var pethps = content.substr(pos3).split("</div")[0].split(">").pop().trim().split("/");
- var ausd = content.substr(pos4, 500).split("</div>");
- var petads = Number(ausd[3].trim());
- var petids = content.substr(pos+8).split('"')[0];
- if (PGu_getValue(petids+"Chb", false)) {
- if (!lockflg && pethps[0] != pethps[1]) {
- lockflg = true;
- minaus = 1000;
- }
- else if (!lockflg || lockflg && pethps[0] == pethps[1] && minaus > petads) {
- minaus = petads;
- petid = petids;
- lockflg = true;
- }
- }
- else if (!lockflg && pethps[0] == pethps[1]) {
- var night = false;
- if (PGu_getValue("speztierend", "") == FormatDateDMY(today)) {
- var pos5 = content.indexOf('class="daytime_advantage', pos);
- if (pos5 != -1) {
- var pos6 = content.indexOf("</div", pos5);
- if (pos6 != -1)
- night = (content.substring(pos5, pos6).indexOf("NIGHT_") != -1);
- if (night)
- trace("Nachtaktives Tier erkannt: " + petids, 2);
- }
- }
- if (night)
- if (!nightflg) {
- minaus = petads;
- petid = petids;
- nightflg = true;
- }
- else {
- if (minaus > petads) {
- minaus = petads;
- petid = petids;
- }
- }
- else if (minaus > petads) {
- minaus = petads;
- petid = petids;
- }
- }
- }
- if (swtch) {
- if (PGu_getValue("speztierendchk", "") != FormatDateDMY(today) ||
- PGu_getValue("speztierend", "") == FormatDateDMY(today)) {
- var href = content.split('id="plundertab"')[1].split('href="')[6].split('"')[0];
- trace('Get ' + prothost + href, 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + href, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var cont2 = responseDetails.responseText;
- if (PGu_getValue("speztierendchk", "") != FormatDateDMY(today)) {
- var pos = cont2.indexOf("Das aktuelle Spezialtier wechselt am ");
- if (pos != -1) {
- var wdate = cont2.substr(pos).split(".</i>")[0].split(" ").pop();
- PGu_setValue("speztierend", wdate);
- PGu_setValue("speztierendchk", FormatDateDMY(today));
- trace("Spezialtier wechselt am " + wdate, 2);
- }
- }
- var costpos = cont2.lastIndexOf("petbusybar");
- var petcost = -1;
- if (costpos != -1) {
- var pos = cont2.indexOf('value="', costpos);
- if (pos != -1)
- petcost = cont2.substr(pos).split('"')[1];
- if (petcost.indexOf("Leinen") != -1) {
- petcost = Number(petcost.match(/\d+/)[0]);
- trace("Spezialtier kostet " + petcost + " Leinen.", 4);
- }
- else
- petcost = -1;
- PGu_setValue("speztiercost", petcost);
- }
- }});
- }
- trace((petid==""?"Kein Tier":petid) + " kann getauscht werden.", 2);
- if (petid != "") {
- var href = content.split('id="plundertab"')[1].split('href="')[2].split('"')[0];
- trace('Get ' + prothost + href, 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + href, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var cont2 = responseDetails.responseText;
- var slotcost = -1;
- var pos = cont2.indexOf("slot_disabled");
- if (pos != -1)
- pos = cont2.indexOf("</div", pos);
- if (pos != -1 && cont2.substr(pos-1, 1) != "+")
- slotcost = 0;
- else if (pos != -1) {
- var unlockpos = cont2.indexOf("unlockslot_submit", pos);
- if (unlockpos != -1) {
- pos = cont2.indexOf('value="', unlockpos);
- if (pos != -1)
- slotcost = Number(cont2.substr(pos).split('"')[1].match(/\d+/)[0]);
- }
- }
- trace("Nächster Stallplatz kostet " + slotcost + " Leinen.", 4);
- PGu_setValue("slotcost", slotcost);
- var pfpos = cont2.indexOf('pet_featured');
- if (pfpos != -1) {
- var pos2 = cont2.lastIndexOf('id="pet', pfpos);
- var petid2 = cont2.substr(pos2+4).split('"')[0];
- var petname = cont2.substr(pos2).split('class="petnametooltip"')[0].split(">").pop().split("<")[0].trim();
- if (PGu_getValue("speztier", "") != petname) {
- trace("Spezialtier gewechselt auf " + petname, 1);
- PGu_setValue(petid2+"Chb", false);
- PGu_delete("speztierendchk");
- PGu_setValue("speztier", petname);
- }
- if(!window.location.pathname.endsWith("/pet/")){
- window.location.href = prothost + '/pet/';
- return;
- }
- if (document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[1].className != "selected") {
- document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[1].click();
- window.setTimeout(DoPetStartCheck, 1000, content, 0, false, true);
- return;
- }
- var pswitch = document.getElementById("petswitchmenu_" + petid2.substr(3));
- if (!pswitch) {
- window.setTimeout(DoPetStartCheck, 1000, content, 0, false, swtch);
- return;
- }
- var td = pswitch.getElementsByTagName("a");
- for (var i = 0; i < td.length; i++) {
- if (td[i].href.indexOf("("+petid.substr(3)+","+petid2.substr(3)+")") == -1)
- continue;
- PGu_setValue(petid2+"Chb", false);
- trace(petid + " --> Stall, " + petid2 + " --> Kader", 1);
- td[i].click();
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- var lis = content.split('id="plundertab"')[1].split('<li');
- for (var i = 8; i < lis.length; i++)
- if (lis[i].indexOf("leine.png") != -1) {
- var lines = Number(lis[i].split("<img")[1].split(">").pop().trim());
- var petcost = PGu_getValue("speztiercost", -1);
- var slotcost = PGu_getValue("slotcost", -1);
- if (petcost > 0 && slotcost >= 0 && petcost + slotcost <= lines) {
- trace("Spezialtier kann gekauft werden: " + petcost + "/" + slotcost + "/" + lines, 4);
- if(!window.location.pathname.endsWith("/pet/")){
- window.location.href = prothost + '/pet/';
- return;
- }
- if (slotcost > 0) {
- if (document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[1].className != "selected") {
- document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[1].click();
- window.setTimeout(DoPetStartCheck, 1000, content, 0, false, true);
- return;
- }
- trace("Stallplatz wird gekauft.", 1);
- document.getElementById("unlockslot_submit").click();
- return;
- }
- if (document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[5].className != "selected") {
- document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[5].click();
- window.setTimeout(DoPetStartCheck, 1000, content, 0, false, true);
- return;
- }
- trace("Spezialtier wird gekauft.", 1);
- document.getElementById("tabcontainer").getElementsByClassName("petbutton")[0].click();
- return;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- DoPetStartCheck(content, 0, false, false);
- return;
- }});
- return;
- }
- }
- pos = content.indexOf('class="plunder_boost"');
- if (pos != -1) {
- pos = content.lastIndexOf('class="petname', pos);
- pos = content.lastIndexOf('id="pet', pos);
- if (DoPetStartCheck(content, pos, true, swtch))
- return;
- }
- pos = content.indexOf('pet_featured');
- if (pos == -1 || PGu_getValue("speztierend", "") == FormatDateDMY(today))
- petlock = petid;
- trace((petlock == ""?"Kein Tier":petlock) + " ist gesperrt.", 2);
- while (pos != -1) {
- var pos2 = content.lastIndexOf('div id="pet', pos);
- var pos3 = content.indexOf('div id="pet', pos);
- if (pos3 == -1)
- pos3 = content.length;
- var contpet = content.substring(pos2, pos3);
- pos3 = contpet.indexOf('class="petname');
- var petname = contpet.substr(pos3).split('class="petnametooltip"')[0].split(">").pop().split("<")[0].trim();
- if (PGu_getValue("speztier", "") != petname) {
- //alert(">"+PGu_getValue("speztier", "")+"</>" + petname + "<");
- trace("Spezialtier gewechselt auf " + petname, 1);
- pos2 = contpet.indexOf('"', 8);
- var petid = contpet.substring(8, pos2);
- PGu_setValue(petid+"Chb", false);
- PGu_delete("speztierendchk");
- PGu_delete("speztierend");
- PGu_setValue("speztier", petname);
- }
- pos2 = contpet.indexOf("daytime_advantage", pos3);
- if (pos2 != -1) {
- var adv = contpet.substr(pos2).split("</div")[0];
- var pos3 = adv.indexOf("NIGHT_");
- if (pos3 == -1)
- pos3 = adv.indexOf("DAY_");
- if (pos3 != -1)
- pos3 = adv.indexOf("_", pos3) + 1;
- var petstart = (pos3 == -1 || pos3 != -1 && adv.substr(pos3,4) == "True" || today.getHours() > 17);
- if (!petstart && petname == PGu_getValue("speztier", "") && PGu_getValue("speztierend", "") == FormatDateDMY(today)) {
- pos3 = contpet.indexOf('class="pethpbar');
- var hp0 = 0;
- if (pos3 != -1) {
- var hp = contpet.substr(pos3).split("</div")[0].split(">").pop().split("/");
- hp0 = Number(hp[0]);
- }
- if (hp0 > 10) {
- trace("Start Spezialtier wegen Spezialtierwechsel", 1);
- petstart = true;
- }
- }
- if (petstart)
- if (DoPetStartCheck(content, pos, true, swtch))
- return;
- }
- pos = content.indexOf('pet_featured', pos+1);
- }
- var contupper = content.split('class="clearpet"')[0];
- var dayfalse = 0;
- var maxhp = 0;
- for (loop = 0; loop <= 5; loop++) {
- if (loop == 3) {
- pos = contupper.indexOf('pet_featured');
- while (pos != -1) {
- pos = contupper.indexOf('class="petname', pos+1);
- if (pos == -1)
- break;
- var pos2 = contupper.indexOf("daytime_advantage", pos);
- if (pos2 != -1) {
- var adv = contupper.substr(pos2).split("</div")[0];
- var pos3 = adv.indexOf("NIGHT_");
- if (pos3 == -1)
- pos3 = adv.indexOf("DAY_");
- if (pos3 != -1)
- pos3 = adv.indexOf("_", pos3) + 1;
- if (pos3 == -1 || pos3 != -1 && adv.substr(pos3,4) == "True" || today.getHours() > 17)
- if (DoPetStartCheck(contupper, pos, false, swtch))
- return;
- }
- pos = contupper.indexOf('pet_featured', pos + 1);
- }
- }
- if (loop%3 == 2)
- if (today.getHours() >= 5 && today.getHours() <= 17 || dayfalse == 0)
- continue;
- else
- pos = dayfalse;
- else
- pos = contupper.indexOf('id="pet_kader');
- while (true) {
- var pos2 = contupper.indexOf('div id="pet', pos);
- if (pos2 == -1)
- break;
- var petid = contupper.substr(pos2+8).split('"')[0];
- pos = pos2 + 20;
- if (PGu_getValue(petid+"Chb", false) || petid == petlock)
- continue;
- pos2 = contupper.indexOf("daytime_advantage", pos);
- if (pos2 != -1) {
- var pos3 = content.indexOf('class="pethpbar', pos);
- if (pos3 == -1)
- return false;
- var hp = content.substr(pos3).split("</div")[0].split(">").pop().split("/");
- var adv = contupper.substr(pos2).split("</div")[0];
- if (dayfalse === 0 && adv.indexOf("DAY_False") != -1) {
- dayfalse = pos - 20;
- continue;
- }
- var pos3 = adv.indexOf("NIGHT_");
- if (pos3 == -1)
- pos3 = adv.indexOf("DAY_");
- if (pos3 != -1)
- pos3 = adv.indexOf("_", pos3) + 1;
- if (loop == 0 && pos3 != -1 && adv.substr(pos3,4) == "True" || loop == 1 && pos3 == -1 || loop%3 == 2)
- maxhp = Math.max(maxhp, Number(hp[0]));
- else if (loop >= 3 && Number(hp[0]) != maxhp)
- continue;
- if (loop%3 == 0 && pos3 != -1 && adv.substr(pos3,4) == "True" || loop%3 == 1 && pos3 == -1 || loop%3 == 2)
- if (DoPetStartCheck(content, pos, (loop >= 3), swtch))
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- var pos3 = content.lastIndexOf('div id="pet', pos);
- if (pos3 == -1)
- return false;
- var petid = content.substr(pos3).split('id="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var pos2 = content.indexOf('class="pethpbar', pos3);
- if (pos2 == -1)
- return false;
- var contpet = content.substring(pos3, pos2);
- if (PGu_getValue(petid+"Chb", false))
- if (contpet.indexOf("pet_featured") == -1)
- return false;
- var hp = content.substr(pos2).split("</div")[0].split(">").pop().split("/");
- var seks = 0;
- var xpboost = 0;
- pos2 = contpet.split('class="petimg')[0].indexOf('class="plunder_boost');
- if (pos2 != -1) {
- pos3 = contpet.indexOf(' % Erfahrung', pos2);
- if (pos3 != -1) {
- xpboost = Number(contpet.substring(pos2, pos3).match(/\d+/g).pop());
- pos3 = contpet.indexOf('counter(', pos2);
- var strseks = contpet.substr(pos3).match(/\d+/)[0];
- if (!isNaN(strseks)) {
- seks = Number(strseks);
- if (seks < 603)
- seks = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- var xpadd = 0;
- pos2 = contpet.indexOf('class="plunder_equipped"');
- if (pos2 != -1) {
- pos3 = contpet.indexOf('class="padv"', pos2);
- if (pos3 != -1) {
- pos2 = pos3;
- pos3 = contpet.indexOf('</ul>', pos2);
- pos3 = contpet.substring(pos2, pos3).indexOf(' Erfahrung');
- if (pos3 != -1)
- xpadd = Number(contpet.substr(pos2, pos3).match(/\d+/g).pop());
- }
- }
- pos2 = contpet.indexOf('class="petxpbar"');
- if (pos2 == -1)
- return false;
- var hp0 = Number(hp[0]);
- if (xpboost > 0)
- if (seks == 0)
- xpboost = 0;
- else if (seks < hp0 * 30)
- hp0 = Math.floor(seks / 30);
- if (hp0 <= 10)
- return false;
- var maxTime = 10;
- pos3 = contpet.indexOf('Max. Level', pos2);
- if (pos3 == -1) {
- pos3 = contpet.indexOf(' Erfahrung', pos2);
- if (pos3 == -1)
- return false;
- var xp = contpet.substring(pos2, pos3).match(/\d+/g);
- pos3 = contpet.lastIndexOf('Level', pos2);
- if (pos3 == -1)
- return false;
- var lvl = Number(contpet.substring(pos3, pos2).match(/\d+/g).pop());
- var pts10 = Math.floor((lvl + 4) * 30 * ((xpboost + xpadd) / 100 + 1.2) + 0.5);
- if (hp0 < 70)
- maxTime = 10;
- else {
- maxTime = Math.floor((hp0 - 10) / 60) * 30;
- if (maxTime == 150)
- maxTime = 120;
- }
- var ptsNL = (lvl >= 49 ? 0 : (lvl + 1) * (300 + (lvl + 1) * 20));
- var ptsMaxT = Math.floor((lvl + 4) * 3 * maxTime * ((xpboost + xpadd) / 100 + 1.2) + 0.5) - (Number(xp[1]) - Number(xp[0]));
- //alert(hp+"/"+ptsNL+"/"+maxTime+"/"+xp);
- //var ptshp = Math.floor((lvl + 4) * 3 * Number(hp[0]) / 2 * ((1.1 + xpadd) / 100 + 1.2) + 0.5);
- //if (Number(xp[0]) + pts10 >= Number(xp[1]) || Number(xp[0]) + ptshp >= Number(xp[1]) && xpboost == 0)
- if (Number(xp[0]) + pts10 < Number(xp[1]))
- maxTime = 10;
- else if (!leap && contpet.indexOf("pet_featured") == -1)
- if (ptsMaxT < ptsNL / 2 && xpboost == 0)
- return false;
- }
- var id = Number(content.substr(pos).split('class="petspec')[1].split('id="')[1].split('"')[0]);
- if(!window.location.pathname.endsWith("/pet/")){
- window.location.href = prothost + '/pet/';
- return true;
- }
- if (document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[0].className != "selected") {
- document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[0].click();
- window.setTimeout('window.location.href = ' + prothost + '/pet/";', 3000);
- return true;
- }
- pos2 = content.indexOf('id="start_form"', pos);
- if (pos2 == -1) {
- window.setTimeout(DoPetStartCheck, 1000, content, pos, false, swtch);
- return true;
- }
- pos = pos2 - 20;
- pos2 = content.indexOf("</form", pos);
- if (pos2 == -1)
- return false;
- var form = content.substring(pos, pos2);
- var pethp = Number(form.split('id="s_' + petid)[1].split("choose_pet(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",").pop().trim());
- if (pethp <= maxTime)
- return false;
- var areas = form.split('id="area_id"')[1].split("</select")[0].split('option value="');
- var g = nb = 0;
- var good = [3, 1, 2];
- var often = [0];
- for (var k = 2; k < areas.length; k++) {
- var areadata = areas[k].split('"')[0].split(",");
- if (areadata[2] == good[id-1])
- g = areadata[0];
- else if (areadata[2] == id)
- nb = areadata[0];
- often[areadata[0]] = areadata[2];
- }
- if (g == 0)
- g = nb;
- if (g == 0 && xpboost > 0)
- g = 3;
- if (g > 0) {
- unsafeWindow.selectMap(g);
- unsafeWindow.change_path(maxTime);
- document.getElementsByName("route_length")[0].value = maxTime;
- document.getElementById("s_"+petid).click();
- savePetStart();
- HttpPost(document.getElementById("content").innerHTML, "start_form", [], function() {
- reload ("PetStart", "/pet/");
- return;
- });
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function Leckerli(params, petid, leckerli, petname) {
- params[1] = params[1].trim();
- params.push(params.shift().split("'")[1]);
- params.push(petid.substr(3));
- trace("Leckerli " + leckerli + " für Haustier " + petname + (params[1] == 'equip'?" angelegt":" benutzt"), 1);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/pet/plunder/' + params.join("/") + '/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- reload ("Leckerli", "/pet/");
- }});
- };
- function DoPetFinishCheck(content, swtch)
- {
- PG_log("DoPetFinishCheck(swtch="+swtch+")");
- var pos2 = content.indexOf('id="pet_roam_time"');
- if (pos2 != -1) {
- var count = content.substr(pos2).split("</script")[0].split('counter(');
- if (count.length > 1) {
- count = Number(count[1].split(",")[0]);
- if (count < 2)
- count = 2;
- trace("Timeout is " + count + " seconds", 8);
- window.setTimeout(reload, count*1000, "DoPetFinishCheck1", "/pet/");
- return;
- }
- if (content.substr(pos2+19, 6) == "Fertig") {
- var pos = content.lastIndexOf('div id="pet', pos2);
- var pos4 = content.indexOf('class="ov_container"', pos);
- if (pos4 < 0) {
- reload("DoPetFinishCheck", "/pet/");
- return;
- }
- var pos3 = content.substring(pos, pos2).indexOf('class="plunder_equipped"');
- var leckerlist = ['diamant', 'gold', 'silber', 'bronze'];
- var fnplunder = "";
- if (pos3 != -1) {
- pos3 += pos;
- var fnpos = content.substr(pos3).split('class="petimg"')[0].indexOf("fressnapf_");
- fnplunder = content.substr(pos3+fnpos+10).split(".")[0];
- pos3 = leckerlist.indexOf(fnplunder);
- }
- if (swtch) {
- var href = content.split('id="plundertab"')[1].split('href="')[4].split('"')[0];
- trace('Get ' + prothost + href, 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + href, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var cont2 = responseDetails.responseText;
- for (var fnpos = 0; fnpos < leckerlist.length; fnpos++)
- if (cont2.indexOf("fressnapf_"+leckerlist[fnpos]) != -1)
- break;
- if (fnpos < leckerlist.length && (pos3 == -1 || fnpos < pos3)) {
- var petid = content.substr(pos).split('id="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var petname = content.substr(pos).split('class="petnametooltip"')[0].split(">").pop().split("<")[0].trim();
- var params = cont2.substr(cont2.indexOf("fressnapf_"+leckerlist[fnpos])).split("showTargetSelector(")[1].split(')')[0].split(", ");
- Leckerli(params, petid, "fressnapf_"+leckerlist[fnpos], petname);
- return;
- }
- DoPetFinishCheck(content, false);
- }});
- return;
- }
- var pos5 = content.indexOf("Dein Tier hat au", pos4);
- if (pos5 < 0)
- if (expertMode)
- alert(content.substr(pos4));
- else
- return;
- var beute = Number(content.substr(pos5).match(/[\d,.]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g, "")) / 100;
- trace("Haustier Beute: " + beute, 1);
- if (content.substr(pos, pos2-pos).indexOf('class="plunder_boost"') != -1 ||
- content.substr(pos, pos2-pos).indexOf('Max. Level') != -1) {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/pet/get_roam_award/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/pet/get_roam_reward/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- reload("pet_reward", "/pet/");
- }});
- }
- else {
- if (GetMoney(document) + beute > maxFass) {
- trace("Beute passt nicht in Behälter", 1);
- return;
- }
- pos2 = content.substr(pos).indexOf('class="pethpbar');
- if (pos2 != -1) {
- var hp = content.substr(pos+pos2).split("</div")[0].split(">").pop().split("/");
- var hp0 = Number(hp[0]);
- var maxTime = 10;
- if (hp0 >= 70) {
- maxTime = Math.floor((hp0 - 10) / 60) * 30;
- if (maxTime == 150)
- maxTime = 120;
- }
- pos2 = content.substr(pos).indexOf('class="petxpbar"');
- if (pos2 != -1) {
- var pos3 = content.substr(pos+pos2).indexOf(' Erfahrung');
- if (pos3 != -1) {
- var xp = content.substr(pos+pos2, pos3).match(/\d+/g);
- pos3 = content.lastIndexOf('Level', pos+pos2);
- if (pos3 != -1) {
- var lvl = Number(content.substr(pos3, pos+pos2-pos3).match(/\d+/g).pop());
- var pts = Math.floor((lvl + 4) * 3 * 1.2 * maxTime + 0.5);
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/pet/tab/action/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/pet/tab/action/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var actcont = responseDetails.responseText;
- var hs = actcont.indexOf('class="hs_shell"');
- var trs = actcont.substr(hs).split("<tr");
- var xp1 = Number(trs[2].split("<td>")[1].split("<")[0].split(" ").pop());
- if (trs[4].split("<td>").length > 1)
- var xp2 = Number(trs[4].split("<td>")[1].split("<")[0].split(" ").pop());
- else
- var xp2 = 0;
- for (var k = 5; k < trs.length; k++)
- if (trs[k].indexOf("roam_value_xp") != -1)
- var xpg = Number(trs[k].split('roam_value_xp')[1].split("</td")[0].split(" ").pop());
- else if (trs[k].indexOf("(Basis)") != -1) {
- var ti = Number(trs[k].split("</td")[0].split(" ").pop());
- break;
- }
- var ptsNL = (lvl + 1) * (300 + (lvl + 1) * 20);
- var ptsMaxT = Math.floor((lvl + 4) * 3 * maxTime * 1.2 + 0.5);
- var pts2 = xpg - (Number(xp[1]) - Number(xp[0]));
- var timNL = Math.ceil((ptsNL - pts2) / ((lvl + 4 ) * 3 * 1.2) / 10) * 10;
- trace("Zeit für nächstes Level: " + timNL + " Minuten", 2);
- var pospf = content.indexOf("pet_featured");
- if (pospf != -1) {
- var poshp = content.substr(pospf).indexOf('class="pethpbar');
- if (poshp != -1) {
- var hp2 = content.substr(pospf+poshp).split("</div")[0].split(">").pop().split("/");
- if (Number(hp2[0]) > 10 && ti < 60)
- PGu_setValue("noleckerli", 1);
- }
- }
- var petid = content.substr(pos).split('id="')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (PGu_getValue("noleckerli", 0) == 0 && (ti >= 60 && lvl >= 30 || timNL >= Math.floor(Number(hp[1]) / 2 / 10) * 10) && lvl < 50 && !PGu_getValue(petid+"Chb", false)) {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/pet/tab/items/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/pet/tab/items/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var itemtable = responseDetails.responseText.split("<table")[1].split("</table")[0].split("<tr");
- var maxxpboost = 0;
- for (var k = 1; k < itemtable.length; k++) {
- var xppos = itemtable[k].indexOf("% Erfahrung");
- if (xppos == -1)
- continue;
- var xpplus = Number(itemtable[k].substr(0, xppos).split(" ").pop());
- if (xpplus > maxxpboost && xp1 * xpplus / 100 + pts2 < ptsNL) {
- var kmerk = k;
- var xpposmax = xppos;
- maxxpboost = xpplus;
- }
- }
- /*if (maxxpboost == 0 || Number(xp[0]) + xpg + xp1 * maxxpboost/100 < Number(xp[1]) && Number(xp[0]) + xpg + xp1 * 1.1 >= Number(xp[1]) || Number(xp[0]) + xpg + xp1 * maxxpboost/100 + Math.floor((lvl + 4) * 3 * maxTime * (1.2 + maxxpboost/100) + 0.5) < Number(xp[1])) {
- trace("noleckerli: " + maxxpboost + "/" + xp + "/" + xp1 + "/" + xpg + "/" + lvl + "/" + maxTime, 8);
- PGu_setValue("noleckerli", 1);
- reload ("NoLeckerli", "/pet/");
- return;
- }*/
- var leckerli = itemtable[kmerk].split("</strong")[0].split('">').pop();
- var params = itemtable[kmerk].substr(xpposmax).split("showTargetSelector(")[1].split(")")[0].split(",");
- var petname = content.substr(pos).split('class="petnametooltip"')[0].split(">").pop().split("<")[0].trim();
- PGu_setValue("noleckerli", 1);
- window.setTimeout(Leckerli, (PGu_getValue("PetStart", "") == ""?5000:500), params, petid, leckerli, petname);
- }});
- return;
- }
- if (ti == 10 || lvl == 50 || pts2 + ptsMaxT > ptsNL / 2 || Number(xp[0]) + xpg + pts >= Number(xp[1]))
- if (Number(xp[0]) + xpg + xp1 * 1.1 < Number(xp[1]) || lvl == 50 || Number(xp[0]) + xpg >= Number(xp[1]) || Number(hp[0]) >= 30)
- trace("Haustier XP: " + xpg, 2);
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/pet/get_roam_award/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/pet/get_roam_reward/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- reload("pet_reward2", "/pet/");
- }});
- }});
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- DoPetStartCheck(content, 0, false, true);
- }
- function savePetStart() {
- var petid = document.getElementById("pet_id").value;
- var petname = document.getElementById("pet"+petid).getElementsByClassName("petname")[0].innerHTML.split('class="petnametool')[0].split(">").pop().split("<")[0].trim();
- var kader = document.getElementById("pet_kader").getElementsByClassName("petshell");
- for (var i = 0; i < kader.length; )
- if (kader[i++].id == "pet"+petid)
- break;
- var dd = document.getElementById('area_id');
- var area = dd.value.split(",");
- var areaname = dd.options[dd.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
- var dauer = document.getElementsByName("route_length")[0].value;
- var now = new Date();
- PGu_setValue("PetStart", String(now.getTime()) + ";" + dauer + ";" + areaname + ";" + area[1].toLowerCase());
- PGu_setValue("noleckerli", 0);
- trace("Start " + petname + " (" + i + ") in Gebiet " + areaname + " für " + dauer + " Minuten gegen " + area[1].toLowerCase() + "e Tiere", 1);
- }
- var lsnrset = 0;
- function setEventListener() {
- if (lsnrset == 2)
- return;
- if (lsnrset == 0) {
- document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[0].addEventListener('click', function(event) {
- lsnrset = 1;
- window.setTimeout(setEventListener, 500);
- }, false);
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoPet", false))
- document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[1].addEventListener('click', function(event) {
- lsnrset = 1;
- window.setTimeout(showPetBox, 500);
- }, false);
- }
- if (document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[0].className == "selected") {
- if (!document.getElementById("petstartloader")) {
- window.setTimeout(setEventListener, 500);
- return;
- }
- var ti = document.getElementById("pet_roam_time");
- var to = 500;
- if (ti) {
- var count = ti.innerHTML.split("</span")[0].split('>').pop();
- if (ti.innerHTML.indexOf("Fertig") != -1)
- count = done0;
- count = count.split(":");
- if (count.length > 1) {
- count = Number(count[0]) * 60 + Number(count[1]);
- to = count * 1000;
- }
- else
- to = 500;
- }
- var psl = document.getElementById("petstartloader").getElementsByClassName("r_cornered_strong");
- if (psl.length > 0 && psl[0].innerHTML.indexOf("gestartet am") == -1) {
- var data = PGu_getValue("PetStart", "").split(";");
- if (data.length == 4) {
- var ti = document.getElementById("pet_roam_time");
- if (ti && ti.innerHTML.indexOf("Fertig") == -1) {
- var count = ti.innerHTML.split("</span")[0].split('>').pop().split(":");
- if (count.length > 1) {
- count = Number(count[0]) * 60 + Number(count[1]);
- var mseks = Number(data[0]);
- var now = new Date().getTime();
- if (mseks + Number(data[1]) * 60000 + 5000 >= now + count*1000) {
- var newcent = document.createElement("center");
- newcent.innerHTML = "gestartet am " + FormatDateTime(new Date(mseks), "um") + " für " + data[1] + " Minuten in Gebiet " + data[2] + " gegen " + data[3] + "e Tiere";
- psl[0].appendChild(newcent, psl[0]);
- }
- }
- else
- PGu_delete("PetStart");
- }
- }
- }
- if (!document.getElementById("action_start_button"))
- window.setTimeout(setEventListener, to);
- else {
- document.getElementById("action_start_button").addEventListener('click', function(event) {
- savePetStart();
- return true;
- }, false);
- lsnrset = 2;
- }
- }
- }
- function showPetBox() {
- if (document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[1].className == "selected")
- var pets = document.getElementsByClassName("petname");
- else
- var pets = document.getElementById("pet_kader").getElementsByClassName("petname");
- for (var i = 0; i < pets.length; i++) {
- var id = pets[i].parentNode.id;
- if (document.getElementById(id + "Chb"))
- continue;
- pets[i].innerHTML = " " + pets[i].innerHTML;
- var inp = document.createElement("input");
- inp.id = id + "Chb";
- inp.name = id + "Chb";
- inp.type = "checkbox";
- inp.title = "Streunverbot";
- pets[i].insertBefore(inp, pets[i].childNodes[0]);
- inp.checked = PGu_getValue(id+"Chb", false);
- document.getElementById(id+"Chb").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- if (this.checked)
- PGu_setValue(event.target.id, true);
- else
- PGu_delete(event.target.id);
- }, false);
- }
- if (i <= 3 && document.getElementById("plundertab").getElementsByTagName("a")[1].className == "selected" && !document.getElementById("meadow_click"))
- window.setTimeout(showPetBox, 1000);
- return;
- }
- function DoPetCheck(first)
- {
- PG_log("DoPetCheck(first="+first+")");
- if (maxFass == 0 && first) {
- trace("maxFass = 0, setze Timeout", 8);
- window.setTimeout(DoPetCheck, 500, true);
- return;
- }
- if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/pet/")){
- setEventListener();
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoPet", false)) {
- if (first)
- window.setTimeout(showPetBox, 1000);
- var content = document.getElementById("content").innerHTML;
- var pos = content.search(/>\d* *freie Punkte|>\d* *freier Punkt/);
- var skillPlan = [["Ausdauer", "max"],
- ["Spürnase", (TOWNEXTENSION == "ML"?"-38":"-75")],
- ["Kampfkraft", "+20"],
- ["Spürnase", (TOWNEXTENSION == "ML"?"-33":"-65")],
- ["Spürnase", (TOWNEXTENSION == "ML"?"-30":"-60")],
- ["Spürnase", (TOWNEXTENSION == "ML"?"-28":"-55")],
- ["Wachsamkeit", "max"],
- ["Kampfkraft", "max"]];
- while (pos != -1) {
- var fp = parseInt(content.substr(pos+1));
- var petname = content.substr(content.lastIndexOf('class="petnametooltip', pos)-100, 100).split(">").pop().split("<")[0].trim();
- trace(fp + " freie Punkte für " + petname, 3);
- pos2 = content.indexOf('class="petxpbar', pos);
- var lvl = Number(content.substr(pos2-100, 100).split('Level">').pop().split("<")[0].trim());
- var hchst = content.substr(pos).split("chstwert: ");
- for (var l = 0; l < skillPlan.length; l++) {
- var skill = "";
- for (var hwi = 1; hwi < hchst.length; hwi++) {
- var pp = hchst[hwi-1].lastIndexOf("<h1>");
- if (pp == -1)
- continue;
- skill = hchst[hwi-1].substr(pp+4).split("</h1>")[0];
- if (skill == skillPlan[l][0])
- break;
- }
- if (hwi == hchst.length)
- continue;
- if (skill == "")
- break;
- trace("Skill gefunden: " + skill, 8);
- var divs = hchst[hwi].split("</div>");
- var hw = Number(divs[0].trim());
- var aw = 1;
- while (!divs[aw].trim().match(/^\d+\+$/))
- aw++;
- aw = parseInt(divs[aw].trim());
- var zw = hw;
- if (skillPlan[l][1] == "max")
- if (aw >= hw)
- continue;
- else
- zw = hw;
- else {
- zw = Number(skillPlan[l][1]);
- if (skillPlan[l][1].substr(0,1) == "+")
- zw = zw + aw % 2;
- }
- var abbr = (zw < 0);
- if (abbr)
- zw = -zw;
- trace ("Zielwert für Skill " + skill + ": " + zw + ", Abbruch: " + (abbr?"true":"false"), 8);
- if (hw < zw || aw + fp + (lvl==50?0:(51-lvl)*2) < zw)
- if (abbr) {
- trace("Zielwert nicht erreichbar, nächster Skill", 8);
- continue;
- }
- else
- zw = hw;
- if (aw < zw) {
- var upg = Math.min(zw - aw, fp);
- var sc = hchst[hwi-1].split("statcontainer");
- var ablty = hchst[hwi-1].split("<h1>")[1].split("</h1>")[0];
- var href = sc[upg+1].split('href="')[1].split('"')[0];
- trace("Fähigkeit " + ablty + " von Tier " + petname + " um " + upg + " erhöht.", 1);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + href, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- reload("pet_upgrade", "/pet/");
- }});
- return;
- }
- }
- pos2 = content.substr(pos+50).search(/> *\d* *freie Punkte|>\d* *freier Punkt/);
- if (pos2 == -1)
- break;
- pos += pos2 + 50;
- }
- DoPetFinishCheck(content, true);
- }
- }
- else if (PGu_getValue("AutoPet", false)) {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/pet/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/pet/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- DoPetFinishCheck(responseDetails.responseText, true);
- }});
- }
- }
- function sellBottles(menge, price, src)
- {
- function sell(menge, price, src) {
- var content = src.split('id="content"')[1];
- var pos = content.indexOf('id="max"');
- if (pos < 0)
- return;
- var text = content.substr(0, pos + content.substr(pos).indexOf(">"));
- var anz = Number(text.substr(text.lastIndexOf("<input")).split('value="').pop().split('"')[0].trim());
- var bprice = price;
- if (menge == 0 || bprice == 0) {
- pos = text.indexOf('id="chkval"');
- if (pos < 0)
- return;
- text = content.substr(0, pos + content.substr(pos).indexOf(">"));
- bprice = Number(text.substr(text.lastIndexOf("<input")).split('value="').pop().split('"')[0].trim());
- if (menge == 0)
- menge = Math.ceil(price * 100 / bprice);
- }
- if (anz >= menge)
- HttpPost(content, 1, ["chkval", bprice, "sum", menge], function() { reload("sellBottles: " + menge + " zu " + bprice); });
- }
- if (menge <= 0)
- return;
- if (src == "")
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/bottle/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- sell (menge, price, responseDetails.responseText);
- }});
- else
- sell (menge, price, src);
- }
- function checkGhostPages() {
- function testGhost(i) {
- if (i >= ghostPages.length) {
- PGu_setValue("ghostIndex", i);
- return;
- }
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/' + ghostPages[i] + '/',
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var ghosts = content.split('class="ghost_container"');
- if (ghosts.length > 1) {
- PGu_setValue("ghostIndex", i + 1);
- window.location.href = prothost + '/' + ghostPages[i] + '/';
- }
- else
- testGhost(i+1);
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- var gi = PGu_getValue("ghostIndex", 0);
- if (gi >= ghostPages.length) {
- if (PGu_getValue("ghostTest", "") != tagesdatum && today.getTime() % 86400000 > 300000) {
- gi = 0;
- PGu_setValue("ghostTest", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("ghostTestNoon", "");
- }
- else if (PGu_getValue("ghostTestNoon", "") != tagesdatum && today.getHours() > 12) {
- gi = 0;
- PGu_setValue("ghostTestNoon", tagesdatum);
- }
- }
- testGhost(gi);
- }
- function WashMe(id, cnt) {
- // **********************************************************************************
- // *** GM_XMLHTTPREQUEST *** POSTEN des Kommandos zum Waschen
- // **********************************************************************************
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/city/washhouse/buy/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('id=' + id),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- if (cnt > 1)
- WashMe(id, cnt-1);
- else
- reload("WashMe: " + id);
- }
- });
- }
- function CheckPresent(content) {
- PG_log("CheckPresent");
- var offers = content.split('href="/offers/');
- var aktoffers = [];
- for (var i = 1; i < offers.length; i++)
- aktoffers.push("/offers/" + offers[i].split('"')[0]);
- var sploffers = PGu_getValue("offers", "");
- if (sploffers != "") {
- sploffers = sploffers.split(";");
- for (var i = sploffers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- if (aktoffers.indexOf(sploffers[i].split(":")[0]) == -1)
- sploffers.splice(i, 1);
- }
- }
- else
- sploffers = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < aktoffers.length; i++) {
- for (var j = 0; j < sploffers.length; j++)
- if (sploffers[j].split(":")[0] == aktoffers[i])
- break;
- if (j == sploffers.length)
- sploffers.push(aktoffers[i] + ":0");
- }
- PGu_setValue("offers", sploffers.join(";"));
- for (var i = 0; i < sploffers.length; i++) {
- var offer = sploffers[i].split(":");
- if (offer[1] > 0 || offer[1].length > 1)
- continue;
- sploffers[i] = offer[0] + ":1";
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + offer[0], onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- var pos = content.search("1 mal abholen");
- if (pos == -1 || content.indexOf('id="postrequest') == -1) {
- PGu_setValue("offers", sploffers.join(";"));
- return;
- }
- sploffers[i] = offer[0] + ":" + FormatDateTime(new Date());
- HttpPost(content, "postrequest", [], function() { PGu_setValue("offers", sploffers.join(";")); reload("CheckPresent"); });
- }});
- break;
- }
- }
- function gangCredit(payin, min) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/credit/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- var gesamt = content.match(/Gesamt:.*[\d.,]+[^<]+/);
- if (gesamt == null)
- return;
- gesamt = gesamt[0].split(">")[1].replace(/[,.]/g, "").match(/\d+/g);
- if (gesamt.length > 1 && Number(gesamt[0]) + payin * 100 > Number(gesamt[1]))
- payin = (Number(gesamt[1]) - Number(gesamt[0])) / 100;
- if (payin >= min)
- HttpPost(content, 1, ["f_money", payin, "f_comment", ""], function(responseDetails) {
- var money = GetMoney(document);
- var money2 = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="options"')[1].split("</a")[0].split(">").pop().match(/[.,\d]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g,"") / 100;
- if (money2 != money)
- reload ("gangCredit: " + payin, "/gang/credit/");
- });
- }});
- }
- function CheckSalary() {
- PG_log("CheckSalary");
- getOverviewPage(mainFunc5);
- }
- function mainFunc5() {
- trace("mainFunc5", 8);
- var fass = overviewcontent.split('class="first"')[1].split("Fassungsverm")[1].match(/[\d.,]+/);
- var maxmoney = Number(fass[0].replace(/[.,]/g,''));
- var time = document.getElementById("counter0").innerHTML.trim();
- var seks = 0;
- if (time.indexOf(" ") == -1) {
- seks = getSeks(time);
- }
- else
- seks = 3600;
- if (seks < 30 && seks > 0)
- return;
- var money = GetMoney(document);
- if (TOWNEXTENSION == "ML" && expertMode) {
- var kk = Number(overviewcontent.split('class="icon crowncap"')[1].split("</a>")[0].split(">").pop());
- if (kk >= 100 && (maxmoney < 10000 && money < 5 || maxmoney == 10000 && money < 20))
- if (overviewcontent.indexOf('id="starter_popup') != -1) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/itemsale/starter/gold/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI("dummy=Spezial"),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- trace("Starterpaket Gold gekauft", 1);
- }
- });
- }
- else {
- var pos = overviewcontent.search(/\/offers\/event_.*Starter\/view/);
- if (pos != -1) {
- var href = overviewcontent.substr(pos).split('"')[0].replace('/view/', '/buy/');
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'POST', url: prothost + href,
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI("postrequest=1"),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- trace("Starterpaket Silber gekauft", 1);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- else if (kk >= 100 && maxmoney < 10000 && money > 15) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/stuff/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- HttpPost(content.substr(content.indexOf('id="1"')-20), 1, [], function() { trace("Behälter 1 gekauft", 1); });
- }});
- return;
- }
- else if (maxmoney == 10000 && money > 80) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/stuff/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- HttpPost(content.substr(content.indexOf('id="2"')-20), 1, [], function() { trace("Behälter 2 gekauft", 1); });
- }});
- return;
- }
- else if (maxmoney == 100000 && money > 800) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/stuff/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- HttpPost(content.substr(content.indexOf('id="3"')-20), 1, [], function() { trace("Behälter 3 gekauft", 1); });
- }});
- return;
- }
- else if (maxmoney == 1000000 && money > 9000) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/stuff/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- HttpPost(content.substr(content.indexOf('id="4"')-20), 1, [], function() { trace("Behälter 3 gekauft", 1); });
- }});
- return;
- }
- }
- if (!PGu_getValue("getSalary", false))
- return;
- var mon = overviewcontent.split('class="icon money"')[1].split("</a>")[0];
- var salary = 0;
- money = Number(mon.split(">").pop().match(/[\d,.]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g, ''));
- if (overviewcontent.indexOf(" jetzt einsacken") != -1)
- salary = Number(overviewcontent.split(" jetzt einsacken")[0].match(/[\d,.]+/g).pop().replace(/[.,]/g, ''));
- if (overviewcontent.indexOf("Lohn abholen") != -1 || salary > 0 && (money + salary > maxmoney && money < 100000 || salary > maxmoney - 200000)) {
- if (money + salary < maxmoney) {
- var text = overviewcontent.split("music_payout")[1];
- var val = text.split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var name = text.split('name="')[1].split('"')[0];
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({
- method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/overview/music_payout/',
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI(name+"="+val),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- trace("Lohn abgeholt: " + salary, 1);
- }
- });
- }
- else if (money % 100000 + salary <= maxmoney){
- gangCredit(Math.floor(money / 100000) * 1000, 1000);
- return;
- }
- }
- var pos = overviewcontent.indexOf('name="reflink"');
- if (pos == -1)
- return;
- pos = overviewcontent.lastIndexOf(">", pos);
- var link = TOWNEXTENSION + ";" + overviewcontent.substr(pos).split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (money == maxmoney) {
- trace("kein freier Platz für Geld", 1);
- return;
- }
- var today = new Date();
- PG_log("now: " + today.getTime() + ", wait bis: " + PGu_getValue("spendenwait", 0));
- if (today.getTime() < PGu_getValue("spendenwait", 0)) {
- trace("warten für Spenden", 2);
- return;
- }
- pos = overviewcontent.search(/Du hast heute \d* Spenden erhalten/);
- if (pos <= 0) {
- trace("Spendentext nicht gefunden", 2);
- return;
- }
- var spenden = overviewcontent.substr(pos).match(/Du hast heute \d* Spenden erhalten[^\d]*\d*/);
- if (spenden.length < 1) {
- trace("Spendentext nicht gefunden2", 2);
- return;
- }
- pos = overviewcontent.lastIndexOf("<table", pos);
- var table = overviewcontent.substr(pos).split("<table")[1].split("</table>")[0];
- while (table.indexOf("unarm") == -1) {
- pos = overviewcontent.lastIndexOf("<table", pos-1);
- table = overviewcontent.substr(pos).split("<table")[1].split("</table>")[0];
- }
- var tabs = table.split("<tr")[2].split("<td");
- var pltab = 3;
- pltab = 1;
- var aktPlunder = tabs[pltab].split('src="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var rest = Number(spenden[0].split(" ").pop());
- if (rest <= 0 || rest == PGu_getValue("spendenrest", -1)) {
- if (rest == PGu_getValue("spendenrest", -1)) {
- PGu_setValue("spendenwait", String(today.getTime()+30*60000));
- PGu_delete("spendenrest");
- }
- else {
- PGu_delete("spendenwait");
- PGu_delete("spendenrest");
- }
- var stuff = PGu_getValue("aktPlunder", "");
- if (stuff != "") {
- if (stuff.split(";").pop() == aktPlunder)
- PGu_setValue("aktPlunder", "");
- else {
- // **********************************************************************************
- // *** GM_XMLHTTPREQUEST *** POSTEN des Plunderwechsels
- // **********************************************************************************
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/change/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('from_f=0&f_plunder=' + stuff.split(";")[0]),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- trace("Plunder gewechselt: " + stuff.split(";")[0], 1);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- var time = Number(overviewcontent.split('class="icon fight')[1].split("counter(")[1].split(",")[0]);
- if (time > 0 && time < 60) {
- trace("Kampf endet bald", 2);
- return;
- }
- time = overviewcontent.split('class="icon rank');
- if (time.length < 2)
- time = overviewcontent.split('class="icon crime');
- time = Number(time[1].split("counter(")[1].split(",")[0]);
- if (time > 0 && time < 60) {
- trace("Verbrechen endet bald", 2);
- return;
- }
- var clean = overviewcontent.match(/Sauberkeit:[^\d]*\d*/);
- if (clean.length < 1) {
- trace("Sauberkeit-Text nicht gefunden", 2);
- return;
- }
- clean = Number(clean[0].split(">")[1]);
- if (clean < 100) {
- var id = 2;
- var cnt = 1;
- var cost = 25;
- if (clean >= 20) {
- id = 1;
- cnt = Math.ceil((100 - clean) / 20);
- cost = cnt * 6;
- }
- money = GetMoney(document);
- if (cost > money) {
- var pid = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder1", "0");
- if (pid != "0")
- sellPlunder (pid, 1, "sellPlunder1");
- else {
- sellBottles(0, cost - money, "");
- }
- }
- else
- WashMe(id, cnt);
- return;
- }
- pos = overviewcontent.search("Angelegte Plunder");
- if (pos <= 0) {
- trace("Angelegten Plunder nicht gefunden", 2);
- return;
- }
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/ajax/?c='+pltab, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var bonus = content.match(/ Einnahmen durch Spenden um \d*%/g);
- var maxp = -1;
- if (bonus != null)
- for (var i = 0; i < bonus.length; i++)
- if (maxp < 0)
- maxp = i;
- else if (bonus[i] > bonus[maxp])
- maxp = i;
- var trs = content.split("<table")[1].split("</table")[0].split("<tr");
- var zp = aktPlunder;
- var aktstuff = -1;
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length && maxp >= 0; i++)
- if (trs[i].indexOf(aktPlunder) != -1) {
- aktstuff = trs[i].split("change_stuff('")[1].split("'")[0];
- break;
- }
- var stuff = -1;
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length && maxp >= 0; i++)
- if (trs[i].indexOf(bonus[maxp]) != -1) {
- zp = trs[i].split('src="')[1].split('"')[0];
- stuff = trs[i].split("change_stuff('")[1].split("'")[0];
- break;
- }
- if (zp != aktPlunder) {
- PGu_setValue("aktPlunder", aktstuff + ";" + aktPlunder);
- // **********************************************************************************
- // *** GM_XMLHTTPREQUEST *** POSTEN des Plunderwechsels
- // **********************************************************************************
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/change/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('from_f=0&f_plunder=' + stuff),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- trace("Plunder gewechselt: " + stuff, 1);
- }
- });
- return;
- }
- trace("Hole Spenden: " + PG_getValue("spendensammler", "xxx"), 1);
- if (PG_getValue("spendensammler", "xxx") == "4everproxy")
- {
- if (GM_getValue("4everproxylink", "xxx") == "xxx") {
- GM_setValue("4everproxylink", link);
- setTimeout(startProxysite, 2000, link, prothost, m_ownuserid, TOWNEXTENSION, rest);
- }
- else if (GM_getValue("4everproxylink", "xxx") == link)
- startProxysite(link, prothost, m_ownuserid, TOWNEXTENSION, rest);
- return;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- function startProxysite(link, prothost, userid, town, rest) {
- if (GM_getValue("4everproxylink", "xxx") == link) {
- var today = new Date();
- GM_setValue("4everproxyhost", prothost + ";" + today.getTime());
- GM_setValue(town + "spendenrest" + userid, rest);
- window.location.href = "https://www.4everproxy.com";
- }
- else if (GM_getValue("4everproxylink", "xxx") == "xxx") {
- GM_setValue("4everproxylink", link);
- setTimeout(startProxysite, 2000, link, prothost, userid, town, rest);
- }
- else
- setTimeout(startProxysite, 10000, link, prothost, userid, town, rest);
- return;
- }
- function CheckGhosts() {
- PG_log("CheckGhosts");
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- var to = 10;
- var ghosts = document.getElementsByClassName("ghost_container");
- if (ghosts.length > 0) {
- for (var gi = 0; gi < ghostPages.length; gi++)
- if (window.location.pathname.substr(1, ghostPages[gi].length) == ghostPages[gi])
- break;
- if (gi >= ghostPages.length)
- gi = window.location.pathname;
- var ghostsfound = PGu_getValue("ghostsfound", "");
- if (ghostsfound == "")
- ghostsfound = tagesdatum;
- else if (ghostsfound.indexOf(tagesdatum) == -1)
- ghostsfound += ";" + tagesdatum;
- ghostsfound += ":" + ghosts.length + ":" + gi;
- PGu_setValue("ghostsfound", ghostsfound);
- to = 3;
- if (PGu_getValue("ghostTest", "") != tagesdatum) {
- PGu_setValue("ghostIndex", 0);
- PGu_setValue("ghostTest", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("ghostTestNoon", tagesdatum);
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < ghosts.length; i++)
- setTimeout('document.getElementsByClassName("ghost_container")['+i+'].click();', 1000);
- setTimeout (checkGhostPages, to * 1000);
- return;
- }
- function CheckPlunder() {
- PG_log("CheckPlunder");
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/plundershop/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var goods = responseDetails.responseText.split("/stock/plunder/craft/details/");
- var buyable = PG_getValue("buyablegoods", "");
- if (buyable == "") {
- buyableP = [];
- buyable = [];
- }
- else {
- buyableP = buyable.replace(/[^#]+=/g, "").split("#");
- buyable = buyable.replace(/=[^#]+/g, "").split("#");
- if (buyableP[0].indexOf(":") != -1)
- for (var i = 0; i < buyableP.length; i++) {
- var chg = buyableP[i].split(":");
- buyableP[i] = chg[1] + "*" + chg[0];
- }
- }
- var count = buyable.length-1;
- var lastpid = 0;
- for (var i = 1; i < goods.length; i++) {
- var pid = goods[i].split("/")[0];
- var cost = goods[i].split("<br")[1].split("<")[0].split(">")[1].replace("\n", "").trim();
- if (pid == lastpid || cost == "")
- continue;
- lastpid = pid;
- var plnd = goods[i].split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var indx = buyable.indexOf(pid);
- if (indx == -1) {
- buyable.push(pid);
- buyableP.push(plnd + "*" + cost);
- }
- else if (buyableP[indx] != plnd + "*" + cost) {
- buyableP[indx] = plnd + "*" + cost;
- count = 0;
- }
- }
- if (buyable.length != count) {
- for (var i = 0; i < buyable.length; i++)
- buyable[i] = [buyable[i], buyableP[i]];
- buyable = buyable.sort(function(a, b){return a[0]-b[0];});
- for (var i = 0; i < buyable.length; i++)
- buyable[i] = buyable[i][0] + "=" + buyable[i][1];
- PG_setValue("buyablegoods", buyable.join("#"));
- }
- var alwaysbuy = PGu_getValue("alwaysbuy", "");
- if (alwaysbuy == "")
- return;
- alwaysbuy = alwaysbuy.split(";");
- var money = GetMoney(document);
- var bought = PGu_getValue("bought", "");
- var boughtnow = "";
- var today = new Date();
- for (var i = 1; i < goods.length; i++) {
- var pid = goods[i].split("/")[0];
- var indx = alwaysbuy.indexOf(pid);
- if (indx == -1 && alwaysbuy[0] != "0")
- continue;
- if (goods[i].indexOf("<form") == -1 && i < goods.length - 1)
- goods.splice(i, 1, goods[i] + goods[i + 1]);
- var cost = goods[i].split("<br")[1].split("<")[0].split(">")[1].replace("\n", "").trim();
- if (cost == "")
- continue;
- cost = Number(cost.match(/[\d,.]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g, ""))/100;
- if (cost > money)
- continue;
- money -= cost;
- if (boughtnow == "")
- boughtnow = String(today.getTime()) + ":" + pid;
- else
- boughtnow += "," + pid;
- trace("buy " + pid + " for " + cost, 1);
- HttpPost(goods[i], 1, [], function() { });
- }
- if (boughtnow != "") {
- if (bought == "")
- bought = [];
- else
- bought = bought.split(";");
- bought.push(boughtnow);
- if (bought.length > 10)
- bought.splice(0, 1);
- PGu_setValue("bought", bought.join(";"));
- }
- }});
- }
- function doBuy(id, anz) {
- PG_log("doBuy(" + id + ", " + anz + ")");
- if (GetMoney(document) < 10) {
- var id = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder1", "0");
- if (id != "0")
- sellPlunder(id, 1, "sellPlunder1");
- return;
- }
- var food = "";
- if (id == 2 || id == 3 || id == 4)
- food = "food/";
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/supermarket/'+food, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- var inputs = content.split("<input");
- var fnum = 1;
- for (var i = 1; i < inputs.length; i++) {
- if (inputs[i].indexOf('<form') != -1)
- fnum++;
- if (inputs[i].indexOf('name="id"') != -1) {
- if (inputs[i].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0] == id) {
- trace("buy " + anz + " x " + id, 1);
- HttpPost(content, fnum, ["menge", anz], function() { reload("doBuy"); });
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }});
- }
- function doEatDrink(id, anz) {
- PG_log("doEatDrink(" + id + ", " + anz + ")");
- var food = "";
- if (id == 2 || id == 3 || id == 4)
- food = "food/";
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/foodstuffs/'+food, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- var inputs = content.split("<input");
- var fnum = 1;
- var pos = inputs[0].length;
- var menge = 0;
- for (var i = 1; i < inputs.length; i++) {
- if (inputs[i].indexOf('<form') != -1)
- fnum++;
- if (inputs[i].indexOf('name="id"') != -1) {
- if (inputs[i].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0] == id) {
- var menge = content.substr(pos).split("<span>")[1].match(/\d+/)[0];
- if (menge >= anz) {
- trace(id == 2 || id == 3 || id == 4?"eat":"drink " + anz + " x " + id, 1);
- HttpPost(content, fnum, ["menge", anz], function() { reload("doEatDrink"); });
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- pos += inputs[i].length + 6;
- }
- if (menge < anz) {
- var eatDrink = PGu_getValue("eatDrink", "");
- if (eatDrink != "")
- eatDrink = (id != 1?"-":"") + anz + "," + eatDrink;
- else
- eatDrink = (id != 1?"-":"") + anz;
- PGu_setValue("eatDrink", eatDrink);
- doBuy(id, anz - menge);
- }
- }});
- }
- function gangpayin(plunder, anz) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/stuff/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var payin = content.split('Plunder einzahlen');
- if (payin.length > 1) {
- var form = payin[1].split("<form")[1].split('name="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var select = payin[1].split("<select")[1].split("</select")[0];
- var id = select.split('name="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var options = select.replace(/ */g, " ").split("<option ");
- for (var i = 1; i < options.length; i++) {
- if (options[i].indexOf(plunder + " [x") != -1) {
- var pid = options[i].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var menge = Number(options[i].split(" [x")[1].split(']</option')[0].trim());
- if (menge > anz)
- menge = anz;
- trace("pay in gang: " + menge + " x " + pid, 1);
- HttpPost(payin[1], form, [id, pid, "f_count", menge], function() { reload("gangpayin"); });
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }});
- }
- function sellManyPlunder(data) {
- function sellSinglePlunder(sell, data, i) {
- if (i >= data.length)
- return;
- HttpPost(sell, 1, ["plunderid", data[0][2], "count", data[0][1]], function(responseDetails) {
- sellSinglePlunder (sell, data, i+1);
- });
- }
- if (data.length < 1)
- return;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/', onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var sell = responseDetails.responseText.split("Plunder verkaufen")[1];
- sellSinglePlunder (sell, data, 0);
- }});
- }
- function sellPlunder(pid, anz, varname) {
- PG_log("sellPlunder(" + pid + ", " + anz + ")");
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/', onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var sell = responseDetails.responseText.split("Plunder verkaufen")[1];
- HttpPost(sell, 1, ["plunderid", pid, "count", anz], function(responseDetails) {
- if (varname != "") {
- var antwort = responseDetails.responseText.split("<title")[1].split("</title")[0].split(">")[1];
- if (antwort.indexOf("Server Error") != -1)
- PGu_setValue(varname, "0");
- }
- reload("sellPlunder: " + anz + " " + pid);
- });
- }});
- }
- function sellWeapon(id) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/stock/armoury/sell/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('id='+id),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- reload("sellWeapon");
- }
- });
- }
- function useWeapon() {
- var selWeapon = PGu_getValue("selWeapon");
- if (selWeapon == "")
- reload("useWeapon1");
- else {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/stock/armoury/use/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('id=' + selWeapon),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- PGu_setValue("selWeapon", "");
- reload("useWeapon2 " + selWeapon);
- }
- });
- }
- }
- function buyWeapon(id) {
- if (id == "0") {
- useWeapon();
- }
- else {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/city/weapon_store/buy/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('id='+id),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- useWeapon();
- }
- });
- }
- }
- function moveTo(target, home, mode) {
- if (home != "")
- PGu_setValue("homeDist", home);
- else
- PGu_setValue("homeDist", "");
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/city/district/buy/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI("id="+target+"&SubmitForm="+(mode==""?"Einziehen":"Kaufen")),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- reload("moveTo");
- }
- });
- }
- function incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries) {
- PGu_setValue("tryDailyTask", tagesdatum + ";" + (tries+1).toString());
- return;
- }
- function doDailyTask(t) {
- PG_log("doDailyTask(" + t + ")");
- if (t < 0)
- return false;
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- tryDaily = PGu_getValue("tryDailyTask", ";0").split(";");
- if (tryDaily[0] != tagesdatum) {
- var tries = 0;
- PGu_delete("tryDailyTask");
- }
- else
- var tries = Number(tryDaily[1]);
- trace("Tägliche Aufgabe " + t + ", Versuche bisher: " + tries, (tries > 0?1:2));
- switch (t) {
- // Jetzt eine PN an einen Freund versenden
- case 0: var friend = PGu_getValue("friendid", "0");
- if (friend == "0")
- return false;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/friendlist/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- // Wenn die Seite abgerufen werden konnte (kein Seitenladefehler)
- if (content.indexOf("<strong>Mein Penner</strong>") != -1) {
- if (content.indexOf("/profil/id:"+friend+"/") == -1)
- PGu_setValue("friendid", "0");
- else {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/messages/write/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- trace("Send mail to " + friend, 1);
- HttpPost(content, 1, ["f_toname", "id:"+friend, "f_subject", "", "f_text", ""], function() { reload("doDailyTask0"); });
- }});
- }
- }
- }});
- break;
- // Ein Verbrechen/eine Sünde erfolgreich begehen
- case 1: if (document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.indexOf("crime") != -1)
- return false;
- var time = document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.split("rank")[1].split("counter(")[1].split(",")[0];
- if (time < 0) {
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/activities/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var actbottle = responseDetails.responseText.split('/activities/bottle/')[1].split("</form")[0];
- var inputs = actbottle.split("<input ");
- var data = "";
- for (var j = 1; j < inputs.length; j++) {
- var name = inputs[j].split('name="')[1].split('"')[0];
- data += "&" + name + "=" + inputs[j].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- }
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/activities/bottle/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI(data.substr(1)),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- reload("doDailyTask1");
- }
- });
- }});
- return true;
- }
- else if (time == 0) {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/activities/crime/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var crimes = responseDetails.responseText.split('name="plundercrime"')[1].split("start_crime(");
- if (crimes.length == 1)
- PG_log("Verbrechen starten nicht möglich !!");
- else
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/activities/crime/?start_crime=' + crimes[1].split(")")[0], headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- reload("start crime " + crimes[1].split(")")[0]);
- }});
- }});
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- break;
- // Einen Kampf gewinnen
- case 2: //alert(2);
- break;
- // Jetzt Lose kaufen
- case 3: if (today.getTime() < Number(PGu_getValue("KeineLoseWait", "0")))
- return false;
- var time = Math.ceil(today.getTime() / 1000 - today.getTimezoneOffset()*60) % 86400;
- if (PGu_getValue("losemiss_wait", 0) > time && !PGu_getValue("LoseKaufSofort", false))
- return false;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET",
- url: prothost + '/city/games/',
- onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var losecont = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- var nochlose = losecont.split("Du kannst heute noch ").pop();
- if (nochlose.indexOf("lose_remaining") != -1)
- nochlose = nochlose.split("</span>")[0].split(">").pop();
- if (nochlose == 0)
- PGu_setValue("KeineLoseWait", String(today.getTime() + 3600000));
- else if (PGu_getValue("LoseKaufSofort", false)) {
- trace("Lose kaufen: 1", 3);
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- LoseKaufen(losecont, 1);
- }
- else {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/missions/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var missions = responseDetails.responseText.split('class="gang_mission"');
- var losemiss = false;
- for (var i = 1; i < missions.length; i++) {
- var missspl = missions[i].split("stage_area");
- if (missspl[2].indexOf("Rubbellose") != -1) {
- var counter = 0;
- var pos2 = missspl[1].indexOf("counter(");
- if (pos2 != -1) {
- counter = missspl[1].substr(pos2).split("counter(")[1].split(")")[0].trim();
- if (counter == done)
- counter = "0";
- counter = Number(counter);
- }
- losemiss = (time + counter < 83000);
- if (losemiss)
- PGu_setValue("losemiss_wait", (time+counter));
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!losemiss) {
- PGu_setValue("losemiss_wait", 0);
- var pos = losecont.indexOf('name="preis_cent"');
- if (pos < 0)
- return;
- var val = Number(losecont.substr(losecont.lastIndexOf("<input", pos)).split('value="')[1].split('"')[0]) / 100;
- var money = GetMoney(document);
- if (val > money) {
- var pid = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder1", "0");
- if (pid != "0")
- sellPlunder (pid, 1, "sellPlunder1");
- else
- sellBottles(0, val - money, "");
- }
- else {
- trace("Lose kaufen: 1", 3);
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- LoseKaufen(losecont, 1);
- }
- return;
- }
- }});
- }
- }
- });
- return false;
- break;
- // Jetzt in der SB posten
- case 4: GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/shoutbox_ajax/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var chatadd = responseDetails.responseText;
- var textid = chatadd.split("<textarea ")[1].split('name="')[1].split('"')[0];
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- HttpPost(chatadd, 1, [textid, " "], function() {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/shoutbox_ajax/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var divs = responseDetails.responseText.split("<div");
- for (var i = 1; i < divs.length; i += 2) {
- if (divs[i].indexOf("/profil/id:"+m_ownuserid) == -1)
- continue;
- var text = divs[i+1].match(/<p>.*<\/p>/);
- if (text.length == 0)
- continue;
- if (text[0].split("<p>")[1].split("<")[0].trim().length > 0)
- continue;
- var pos = divs[i].indexOf("/delete/");
- if (pos == -1)
- continue;
- pos = divs[i].lastIndexOf("'", pos);
- var href = divs[i].substr(pos+1).split("'")[0];
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + href, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- reload("doDailyTask4");
- }});
- break;
- }
- }});
- });
- }});
- break;
- // Jetzt im Supermarkt Getränke kaufen.
- case 5: incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- doBuy(1, 1);
- break;
- // Jetzt einen Begleiterkampf aktivieren
- case 6: var money = Math.floor(GetMoney(document));
- if (money == 0) {
- var id = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder1", "0");
- if (id != "0")
- sellPlunder(id, 1, "sellPlunder1");
- return (id != 0);
- }
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/fight/pet/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var fightpet = responseDetails.responseText.split('action="/fight/pet/')[1].split("</form")[0];
- var inputs = fightpet.replace(/<select/g, "<input").replace(/'/g,'"').split("<input ");
- var data = "";
- for (var j = 1; j < inputs.length; j++) {
- if (inputs[j].indexOf('name="') == -1)
- continue;
- var name = inputs[j].split('name="')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (name == "einsatz") {
- var val = inputs[j].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (val == 0)
- val = 1;
- }
- else if (name == "ttl" || name == "verhalten" || name == "risiko") {
- var options = inputs[j].split("<option ");
- for (var k=1; k < options.length; k++) {
- if (options[k].indexOf("selected") != -1) {
- var val = options[k].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- break;
- }
- else if (k == 1)
- var val = options[k].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- }
- }
- data += "&" + name + "=" + val;
- }
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/fight/pet/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI(data.substr(1)),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- reload("doDailyTask6");
- }
- });
- }});
- return true;
- break;
- // Jetzt einmal 100% sauber werden
- case 7: GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/overview/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="content"')[1];
- var clean = content.match(/Sauberkeit:[^\d]*\d*/);
- if (clean.length < 1)
- return;
- clean = Number(clean[0].split(">")[1]);
- if (clean < 100) {
- var id = 2;
- var cnt = 1;
- var cost = 25;
- if (clean >= 20) {
- id = 1;
- cnt = Math.ceil((100 - clean) / 20);
- cost = cnt * 6;
- }
- var money = GetMoney(document);
- if (cost > money) {
- var pid = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder1", "0");
- if (pid != "0")
- sellPlunder (pid, 1, "sellPlunder1");
- else
- sellBottles(0, cost - money, "");
- return;
- }
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- WashMe(id, cnt);
- }
- else {
- // Seife benutzen
- var pltab = 4;
- pltab = 3;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/ajax/?c='+pltab, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var trs = content.split("<tr ");
- var fnum = 1;
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length; i++) {
- if (trs[i].indexOf('seife.png') != -1 || trs[i].indexOf('p_spender.png') != -1) {
- var pid = trs[i].split('pm_')[1].split("'")[0].trim();
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- HttpPost(content, fnum, ["f_plunder", pid], function() { reload("doDailyTask7"); });
- break;
- }
- fnum += trs[i].split("<form").length - 1;
- }
- if (i == trs.length) {
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/city/medicine/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var money = GetMoney(document);
- var forms = content.split("<form ");
- for (var i = 1; i < forms.length; i++) {
- if (forms[i].indexOf('/medicine/help/') != -1) {
- var cost = Number(forms[i].split('class="formbutton"')[1].match(/[\d.,]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g,""))/100;
- if (cost <= money)
- HttpPost(content, i, [], function() { reload("doDailyTask7b"); });
- else {
- var pid = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder1", "0");
- if (pid != "0")
- sellPlunder (pid, 1, "sellPlunder1");
- else
- sellBottles(0, cost - money, "");
- return;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }});
- }
- }});
- }
- }});
- break;
- // Geld in deine Bandenkasse einzahlen
- case 8: var money = Math.floor(GetMoney(document));
- if (money == 0) {
- var id = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder1", "0");
- if (id != "0")
- sellPlunder(id, 1, "sellPlunder1");
- return;
- }
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- gangCredit(money < 1000?1:1000, 1);
- break;
- // Plunder in die Plunderbank deiner Bande einzahlen
- case 9: GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/missions/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var missions = responseDetails.responseText.split('class="gang_mission"');
- var neededPlunder = [];
- var pAnz = 0;
- for (var i = 1; i < missions.length; i++) {
- var lis = missions[i].split("stage_area")[1].split("<li>");
- for (var j = 1; j < lis.length; j++) {
- var beg = lis[j].split('"amount"');
- if (beg.length > 1)
- neededPlunder[pAnz++] = beg[0].split("<span>")[1].split("<")[0];
- }
- }
- var pltab = 6;
- pltab = 1;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/ajax/?c='+pltab, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var trs = content.split("<tr ");
- var misspl = [];
- for (var i = 1; i < trs.length; i++) {
- if (trs[i].indexOf('"pinfo2"') == -1)
- continue;
- var pinfo2 = trs[i].split('"pinfo2"')[1];
- if (pinfo2.indexOf("Missionsplunder") != -1 || pinfo2.indexOf("Bandenmission") != -1) {
- var plname = trs[i].split(">x ")[0].split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var plAnz = trs[i].split(">x ")[1].split("<")[0].trim();
- misspl.push([plname, Number(plAnz)]);
- }
- }
- var inpaid = false;
- for (var i = 0; i < misspl.length; i++)
- if (neededPlunder.indexOf(misspl[i][0]) == -1) {
- gangpayin(misspl[i][0], misspl[i][1]);
- inpaid = true;
- break;
- }
- if (!inpaid && misspl.length > 0) {
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- gangpayin(misspl[0][0], misspl[0][1]%100!=0?misspl[0][1]%100:100);
- }
- }});
- }});
- break;
- // Eine Begleiterweiterbildung starten
- case 10: //alert(10);
- break;
- // Einen Plunder basteln
- case 11: var indx = PGu_getValue("craftindex", 0);
- if (indx < 0)
- return -1;
- var craftlist = PGu_getValue("craftlist", "").split(";");
- var craftid = indx >= craftlist.length?"":craftlist[indx];
- if (craftid == "") {
- if (document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.indexOf("crime") != -1)
- var time = 9999999999;
- else
- var time = Number(document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.split("rank")[1].split("counter(")[1].split(",")[0]);
- PGu_setValue("craftindex", -1);
- PGu_setValue("bottletime", time);
- return -1;
- }
- PGu_setValue("craftindex", indx+1);
- if (craftid == "0")
- return -1;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/craft/details/'+craftid+"/", onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- if (content.indexOf("start_craft") != -1) {
- HttpPost(content, "craftform", ["plunder", craftid], function() { reload("doDailyTask11"); });
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- }
- }});
- break;
- // Jetzt einen kleinen Snack essen
- case 12: var promille = GetPromille(document);
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- if (promille >= 2.5 && promille < 2.9) {
- PGu_setValue("eatDrink", "-1");
- doEatDrink(1, 1);
- }
- else if (promille < 0.8)
- doEatDrink(2, 1);
- else {
- PGu_setValue("eatDrink", "1");
- doEatDrink(2, 1);
- }
- break;
- // Promillepegel über 2‰
- case 13: var promille = GetPromille(document);
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- if (promille >= 3.15) {
- PGu_setValue("eatDrink", "1");
- doEatDrink(2, 1);
- }
- else if (promille > 2.0) {
- PGu_setValue("eatDrink", "-1");
- doEatDrink(1, 1);
- }
- else {
- var drinks = Math.ceil((2.05 - promille) / 0.35);
- if (drinks < 1)
- drinks = 1;
- if (promille < 0.8)
- var eats = Math.ceil((promille + drinks*0.35 - 0.75) / 0.35);
- else
- var eats = drinks;
- PGu_setValue("eatDrink", "-" + eats);
- doEatDrink(1, drinks);
- }
- break;
- // Einmal Flaschensammeln starten
- case 14: if (document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.indexOf("crime") != -1)
- return false;
- var time = document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.split("/fight/")[1].split("counter(")[1].split(",")[0];
- if (time > 0)
- return false;
- time = document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.split("rank")[1].split("counter(")[1].split(",")[0];
- if (time > 0)
- return false;
- if (!window.location.pathname.endsWith("/activities/")) {
- reload("doDailyTask14b");
- }
- else {
- if (time == 0) {
- var lastCollectTime = PGu_getValue(nameLastCollectTime,0);
- if (PGu_getValue("KiezTourAct", 0) == 1 || !PGu_getValue("AutoCollect", false))
- lastCollectTime = 0;
- var timeOptions = document.getElementsByName("time")[0];
- timeOptions.selectedIndex = lastCollectTime;
- if (!PGu_getValue("AutoCollect", false))
- PGu_setValue("BottleCollectAbort", true);
- }
- trace("Starte Sammeln für " + timeOptions.options[lastCollectTime].value + " Minuten", 2);
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- document.getElementsByName('Submit2')[0].click();
- }
- break;
- // Jetzt Flaschen verkaufen
- case 15: incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- sellBottles(1, 0, "");
- break;
- // Jetzt Plunder verkaufen
- case 16: var pid = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder", "0");
- if (pid == "0")
- return false;
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- sellPlunder (pid, 1, "sellPlunder");
- break;
- // Jetzt den Stadtteil/das Gebiet wechseln.
- case 17: GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/city/district/', onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var districts = responseDetails.responseText.split("/city/district/buy/");
- var inDist = "";
- var toDist = "";
- var kauf = [];
- for (var i = 1; i < districts.length; i++) {
- if (districts[i].indexOf('name="id') != -1) {
- var inputs = districts[i].split("</tr")[0].split("<input ");
- var id = "";
- for (var j = 1; j < inputs.length; j++) {
- var name = inputs[j].split('name="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var val = inputs[j].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (name == "id")
- id = val;
- else if (name == "submitForm") {
- if (val == "Bewohnt")
- inDist = id;
- else if (val == "Einziehen")
- toDist = id;
- else if (inputs[1].indexOf('title="Preis"') != -1) {
- var preis = inputs[1].split('title="Preis"')[1].split(">")[1].split("<")[0].match(/[\d.,]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g,"");
- if (Number(preis) == 0)
- kauf.push(id);
- }
- }
- }
- if (inDist != "" && toDist != "")
- break;
- }
- }
- var modus = "";
- if (toDist == "" && kauf.length > 0) {
- toDist = kauf[0];
- modus = "x";
- }
- if (toDist != "") {
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- moveTo(toDist, inDist, modus);
- }
- }});
- break;
- // Jetzt eine Waffe verkaufen.
- case 18: GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/stock/armoury/', onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var sell = responseDetails.responseText.split("/armoury/sell/");
- var selWeapon = "";
- var found = false;
- for (var i = 1; i < sell.length; i++) {
- if (sell[i].indexOf('name="id') != -1) {
- var id = sell[i].split("value=");
- if (id.length > 1) {
- var weaponid = id[1].split('"')[1];
- if (sell[i-1].split("<input ").pop().indexOf("disabled") != -1)
- selWeapon = weaponid;
- if (id[1].split('"')[1] == "1")
- found = true;
- if (found && selWeapon != "")
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (found) {
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- sellWeapon("1");
- }
- else {
- if (GetMoney(document) < 2) {
- var pid = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder1", "0");
- if (pid != "0")
- sellPlunder (pid, 1, "sellPlunder1");
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue("selWeapon", selWeapon);
- buyWeapon("1");
- }
- }
- }
- });
- break;
- // Jetzt einem anderen Penner spenden.
- case 19: if (PGu_getValue("donationlink", "") == "")
- return false;
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: PGu_getValue("donationlink", ""), onload: function(responseDetails) {
- reload("doDailyTask19");
- }});
- break;
- // Jetzt Zahnstocher/Distel/Weihrauch/Kieselsteine kaufen.
- case 20: GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/stock/armoury/', onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var sell = responseDetails.responseText.split("/armoury/sell/");
- var selWeapon = "";
- var found = false;
- for (var i = 1; i < sell.length; i++) {
- if (sell[i].indexOf('name="id') != -1) {
- var id = sell[i].split("value=");
- if (id.length > 1) {
- var weaponid = id[1].split('"')[1];
- if (sell[i-1].split("<input ").pop().indexOf("disabled") != -1)
- selWeapon = weaponid;
- if (id[1].split('"')[1] == "1")
- found = true;
- if (found && selWeapon != "")
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("selWeapon", "") == "")
- PGu_setValue("selWeapon", selWeapon);
- if (!found) {
- if (GetMoney(document) < 2) {
- var pid = PGu_getValue("sellPlunder1", "0");
- if (pid == "0")
- return;
- sellPlunder (pid, 1, "sellPlunder1");
- }
- else {
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- buyWeapon("1");
- }
- }
- else
- sellWeapon("1");
- }
- });
- break;
- // Tierische Weihnachten
- // Einkaufen in letzter Sekunde
- default: return false;
- break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- function doLogout() {
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/logout/', onload: function(responseDetails) {
- window.location.href = prothost + "/logout/";
- }});
- }
- function CheckDaily() {
- PG_log("CheckDaily");
- if (!PGu_getValue("autoDaily", false))
- return false;
- var town = ["HH", "B", "MU", "HR", "K", "SY", "ML", "VT", "AT"];
- if (town.indexOf(TOWNEXTENSION) == -1)
- return;
- if (PGu_getValue("BottleCollectAbort", false)) {
- if (document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.indexOf("crime") != -1)
- return;
- var time = Number(document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.split("rank")[1].split("counter(")[1].split(",")[0]);
- if (time == 0) {
- PGu_setValue("BottleCollectAbort", false);
- return;
- }
- if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/activities/") == -1)
- reload("CheckDaily");
- else
- document.getElementsByName('Submit2')[0].click();
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("chooseDistrict", true) && PGu_getValue("homeDist", "") != "") {
- moveTo(PGu_getValue("homeDist"), "", "");
- return true;
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("craftindex", 0) < 0) {
- if (document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.indexOf("crime") != -1) {
- var time = PGu_getValue("bottletime", 0) + 1;
- if (time > 9999999999)
- time = 0;
- }
- else
- var time = Number(document.getElementById("options").innerHTML.split("rank")[1].split("counter(")[1].split(",")[0]);
- if (time > PGu_getValue("bottletime", 0)) {
- PGu_setValue("craftindex", 0); // Flaschen wurden gesammelt, Plunder basteln wieder testen
- PGu_setValue("bottletime", 0);
- }
- }
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- if (PGu_getValue("dailyTaskDone", "xxx") == tagesdatum) {
- var selWeapon = PGu_getValue("selWeapon", "");
- if (selWeapon != "")
- buyWeapon(selWeapon == "1"?selWeapon:"0");
- return;
- }
- tryDaily = PGu_getValue("tryDailyTask", ";0").split(";");
- if (tryDaily[0] != tagesdatum) {
- var tries = 0;
- PGu_delete("tryDailyTask");
- }
- else
- var tries = Number(tryDaily[1]);
- if (tryDaily[0] == tagesdatum && (tries >= 5 && today.getHours() < 23 || tries >= 10 && today.getHours() >= 23))
- return;
- if (PGu_getValue("dtsitting") && m_ownusername.toLowerCase() == GM_getValue(host + "_username", "").toLowerCase() && GM_getValue(host+"_trysitting", "") != tagesdatum) {
- var dtsitttime = PGu_getValue("dtsitttime", latestDTtime).split(":");
- if (Number(dtsitttime[0])*60 + Number(dtsitttime[1]) <= today.getHours()*60 + today.getMinutes()) {
- if(!window.location.pathname.endsWith("/sitting/")){
- window.location.href = prothost + "/sitting/";
- return;
- }
- var trs = document.getElementById("content").getElementsByTagName("tr");
- var rdays = Number(trs[3].getElementsByTagName("td")[1].innerHTML.split("</")[0].split(">")[1]);
- var last = trs[5].getElementsByTagName("td")[1].innerHTML.split("</")[0].split(">")[1];
- var lmth = Number(last.substr(3, 2));
- var lday = Number(last.substr(0, 2));
- var ltime = last.split(" ")[1];
- var year = today.getFullYear();
- if (today.getMonth() == 11 && lmth == 1)
- year++;
- var ldate = new Date(year, lmth-1, lday, Number(ltime.substr(0, 2)), Number(ltime.substr(3, 2)), 59);
- var pwsitting = document.getElementsByName("sitting_password")[0].value;
- if (ldate.getTime() < today.getTime() || ldate.getTime() > today.getTime() + (30 - rdays) * 864000000 || GM_getValue(host+"_trysitting", "") == tagesdatum || pwsitting == "") {
- if (rdays == 0) {
- GM_setValue(host+"_trysitting", tagesdatum);
- trace("Keine Sitting-Tage mehr übrig!!", 1);
- return;
- }
- pwsitting = "heute" + today.getDate();
- GM_setValue(host+"_trysitting", "set" + tagesdatum);
- HttpPost(document.getElementById("content").innerHTML, 1, ["sitting_password", pwsitting, "pw_days", "1"],
- function() { trace("Sittingpasswort gesetzt", 1); reload("Sitting", "/sitting/"); });
- return;
- }
- else if (GM_getValue(host+"_trysitting", "") != tagesdatum) {
- GM_setValue(host+"_trysitting", tagesdatum);
- GM_setValue(host+"_pwsitting", pwsitting);
- GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting_count");
- trace("Ausloggen für Sitting", 1);
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- doLogout();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- var taskTexts = [];
- taskTexts[0] = 'Jetzt eine PN an einen Freund versenden';
- taskTexts[1] = 'Eine ';
- else
- taskTexts[1] = 'Ein ';
- taskTexts[1] += crimetxt + ' erfolgreich begehen';
- taskTexts[2] = 'Einen Kampf gewinnen';
- taskTexts[3] = 'Jetzt Lose kaufen';
- taskTexts[4] = 'Jetzt in der SB posten';
- taskTexts[5] = 'Jetzt im Supermarkt Getränke kaufen.';
- taskTexts[6] = 'Jetzt einen Begleiterkampf aktivieren';
- taskTexts[7] = 'Jetzt einmal 100% sauber werden';
- taskTexts[8] = 'Geld in deine Bandenkasse einzahlen';
- taskTexts[9] = 'Plunder in die Plunderbank deiner Bande einzahlen';
- taskTexts[10] = 'Eine Begleiterweiterbildung starten';
- taskTexts[11] = 'Einen Plunder basteln';
- taskTexts[12] = 'Jetzt einen kleinen Snack essen';
- taskTexts[13] = 'Promillepegel über 2‰';
- taskTexts[14] = 'Einmal ' + flaschentxt + 'sammeln starten';
- taskTexts[15] = 'Jetzt ' + flaschentxt + ' verkaufen';
- taskTexts[16] = 'Jetzt Plunder verkaufen';
- taskTexts[17] = 'Jetzt das Gebiet wechseln.';
- else
- taskTexts[17] = 'Jetzt den Stadtteil wechseln.';
- taskTexts[18] = 'Jetzt eine Waffe verkaufen.';
- taskTexts[19] = 'Jetzt einem anderen Penner spenden.';
- taskTexts[20] = 'Jetzt Distel kaufen.';
- else if (TOWNEXTENSION == 'VT')
- taskTexts[20] = 'Jetzt Weihrauch kaufen.';
- else if (TOWNEXTENSION == 'AT')
- taskTexts[20] = 'Jetzt Kieselsteine kaufen.';
- else
- taskTexts[20] = 'Jetzt Zahnstocher kaufen.';
- taskTexts[21] = 'Tierische Weihnachten';
- taskTexts[22] = 'Einkaufen in letzter Sekunde';
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'GET', url: prothost + '/daily/', onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- // Wenn die Seite abgerufen werden konnte (kein Seitenladefehler)
- if (content.indexOf("<strong>Mein Penner</strong>") != -1) {
- var task = content.split('min-height:40px;">')[1];
- if (task.indexOf("<strong>") != -1) {
- task = task.split('<strong>')[1].split('</strong>')[0];
- PG_log ("Aufgabe: " + task);
- doDailyTask(taskTexts.indexOf(task));
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue("dailyTaskDone", tagesdatum);
- PGu_setValue("losemiss_wait", 0);
- PGu_setValue("craftindex", 0);
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoCrimePicMerk", "") != "") {
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimePic", PGu_getValue("AutoCrimePicMerk", ""));
- PGu_setValue("AutoCrimePicMerk", "");
- }
- }
- }
- }});
- return;
- }
- function HttpPost(src, fname, vals, fkt) {
- if (isNaN(fname)) {
- var pos = src.indexOf('name="'+fname);
- if (pos == -1)
- pos = src.indexOf('id="'+fname);
- if (pos == -1)
- return;
- pos = src.lastIndexOf("<form", pos);
- }
- else {
- var fnum = Number(fname);
- var pos = -1;
- for (var i = 1; i <= fnum; i++) {
- pos = src.indexOf("<form", pos+1);
- if (pos == -1)
- return;
- }
- }
- var form = src.substr(pos).split("</form");
- while (form[0].lastIndexOf("<form") != 0) {
- form[0] = form[0].substr(0, form[0].lastIndexOf("<form")) + form[1].substr(1);
- form.splice(1, 1);
- }
- var addr = form[0].split('action="')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (addr == "")
- addr = "/" + src.substr(pos).split("setupForm('/")[1].split("'")[0];
- if (addr.startsWith("/"))
- addr = prothost + addr;
- var inputs = form[0].replace(/<select/g, "<input").split("<input");
- var data = "";
- for (var i = 1; i < inputs.length; i++) {
- var name = inputs[i].split('name="');
- if (name.length > 1)
- name = name[1].split('"')[0];
- else
- continue;
- var value = "";
- for (var j = 0; j < vals.length; j+=2)
- if (vals[j] == name)
- break;
- if (j < vals.length) {
- value = vals[j+1];
- vals.splice(j, 2);
- }
- else {
- if (inputs[i].indexOf("<option") != -1) {
- value = document.getElementsByName(name)[0].value;
- }
- else {
- value = inputs[i].split('value="');
- if (value.length > 1)
- value = value[1].split('"')[0];
- else {
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- data += "&" + name + "=" + value;
- }
- var predata = "";
- for (var j = 0; j < vals.length; j+=2)
- predata += "&" + vals[j] + "=" + vals[j+1];
- data = predata + data;
- trace("Post: " + addr + "?" + data.substr(1), 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST',
- url: addr,
- headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI(data.substr(1)),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- fkt(responseDetails);
- }
- });
- }
- function getOverviewPage(callfkt, par1, par2) {
- function getOverviewData() {
- trace("GetOverviewData", 8);
- myATT = overviewcontent.split('class="att"')[1].split("<")[0].split(">")[1];
- myDEF = overviewcontent.split('class="def"')[1].split("<")[0].split(">")[1];
- getTimers();
- if (expertMode && PGu_getValue("downfightauto", false) && getSeks(counter) + getSeks(fcounter) < 60)
- updDFList();
- var fass = overviewcontent.split('class="first"')[1].split("Fassungsverm")[1].match(/[\d.,]+/);
- maxFass = Number(fass[0].replace(/[.,]/g,'')) / 100;
- if (overviewcontent.indexOf("Ende der Runde") != -1) {
- var rende = getSeks(overviewcontent.split("Ende der Runde")[1].split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop());
- var today = new Date();
- rende = rende * 1000 + today.getTime() + 60000;
- rende = rende - rende % 3600000;
- var rundenende = Number(PG_getValue("rundenende", "0"));
- if (rende != rundenende) {
- if (rundenende > 0 && today.getTime() > rundenende)
- PG_setValue("lastrestart", (rundenende + 30 * 3600000).toString());
- PG_setValue("rundenende", rende.toString());
- }
- }
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- var icons = overviewcontent.split('class="icons"');
- for (var i = 0; i < icons.length; i++)
- if (icons[i].indexOf("tagesaufgabe") != -1) {
- if (icons[i].split("</tr>")[0].split("<a ")[0].trim().endsWith("<!--"))
- PGu_setValue("dailyTaskDone", tagesdatum);
- else
- PGu_delete("dailyTaskDone");
- break;
- }
- if (i >= icons.length) {
- var lis = overviewcontent.split('id="summary"')[1].split('class="status"')[1].split('class="settings"')[0].split("<li>");
- if (lis[lis.length-1].indexOf("korkenhaken") == -1)
- PGu_delete("dailyTaskDone");
- else
- PGu_setValue("dailyTaskDone", tagesdatum);
- }
- return;
- }
- trace("GetOverviewPage", 8);
- if (overviewcontent == "" && window.location.pathname.endsWith("/overview/") && document.getElementById("wrap")) {
- overviewcontent = document.getElementById("wrap").innerHTML;
- getOverviewData();
- }
- if (overviewcontent != "") {
- trace("GetOverviewPage: " + (callfkt != undefined?"callfkt":"return"), 8);
- if (callfkt != undefined)
- callfkt(par1, par2);
- return;
- }
- trace("GetOverviewPage: get overview page", 8);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/overview/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- // Wenn die Übersichtsseite abgerufen werden konnte (kein Seitenladefehler)
- if (responseDetails.responseText.indexOf('id="wrap"') != -1) {
- // Content der Übersichtsseite speichern
- overviewcontent = responseDetails.responseText.split('id="wrap')[1];
- getOverviewData();
- trace("GetOverviewPage: " + (callfkt != undefined?"callfkt2":"return"), 8);
- if (callfkt != undefined)
- callfkt();
- return;
- }
- setTimeout(getOverviewPage, 500);
- }});
- }
- function checksum(s, trenn)
- {
- var chk = 0;
- var m = 1;
- var t = trenn.charCodeAt(0);
- for (var j = 0; j < s.length; j++) {
- for (var i = 0; i < s[j].length; i++) {
- chk += s[j].charCodeAt(i) * m;
- m++;
- }
- chk += t * m;
- m++;
- }
- return chk.toString();
- }
- function exportVars(expert, quiet) {
- trace("exportVars", 1);
- var vars = ["Script", THISSCRIPTNAME];
- var gm_vars = GM_listValues().sort();
- var deleted = 0;
- var count = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < gm_vars.length; i++) {
- if (gm_vars.indexOf(gm_vars[i]) < i)
- continue;
- if (gm_vars[i] == "" || gm_vars[i].match(new RegExp(/[^\d]0$/)) || gm_vars[i].match(new RegExp(/[\r\f\n\t<>\"\']/))) {
- GM_deleteValue(gm_vars[i]);
- deleted++;
- }
- else {
- if (gm_vars[i].length > 50) {
- if (expert && !quiet)
- var conf = confirm("Variable löschen: " + gm_vars[i]);
- else
- var conf = true;
- if (conf) {
- GM_deleteValue(gm_vars[i]);
- deleted++;
- continue;
- }
- }
- var val = GM_getValue(gm_vars[i], "xyzundefinedzyx");
- if (val == "xyzundefinedzyx" || val == null)
- continue;
- if (typeof(val) == "number")
- val = "N" + val;
- else if (typeof(val) == "boolean")
- val = "B" + (val?1:0);
- else if (typeof(val) == "string") {
- if (val.indexOf("§") != -1) {
- if (expert && !quiet)
- alert("Trennzeichen in " + gm_vars[i]);
- break;
- }
- val = "S" + val.replace(String.fromCharCode(0), "");
- }
- else {
- if (expert && !quiet)
- alert(gm_vars[i] + " vom Typ " + typeof(val) + ": " + val);
- break;
- }
- vars.push(gm_vars[i]);
- vars.push(val);
- count++;
- }
- }
- if (i < gm_vars.length)
- if (quiet)
- GM_setClipboard("Fehler!!");
- else
- alert('Export wegen Fehler abgebrochen');
- else {
- vars.push(checksum(vars, "§"));
- GM_setClipboard(vars.join("§"));
- if (!quiet)
- if (deleted > 0)
- alert (count + " Variablen in Zwischenablage exportiert, " + deleted + " Variablen gelöscht.");
- else
- alert (count + " Variablen in Zwischenablage exportiert");
- }
- return;
- }
- // Die eigentliche Funktion
- function doTheAction () {
- if (document.getElementsByClassName('zleft profile-data').length > 0)
- oldVersion = 0;
- if (GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting", "x") == "")
- GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting");
- var refrInt = 10;
- var languages = ["bl_DE", "mu_DE", "kl_DE", "de_DE", "hr_DE", "s6_DE", "s7_DE", "sy_DE",
- "ml_DE", "vt_DE", "at_DE", "us_EN", "kr_PL", "pl_PL", "wr_PL", "ma_FR",
- "fr_FR", "cr_FR", "ba_ES", "es_ES", "er_ES", "sp_BR", "pt_BR", "ru_RU", "en_EN"];
- var townext = ['B', 'MU', 'K', 'HH', 'HR', 'OP', 'ATH', 'SY',
- 'ML', 'VT', 'AT', 'NY', 'KR', 'WA', 'WA', 'MS',
- 'PA', 'PA', 'BA', 'MD', 'MD', 'SP', 'RJ', 'MO', 'LO'];
- var indx = languages.indexOf(language);
- if (indx >= 0)
- TOWNEXTENSION = townext[indx];
- if (TOWNEXTENSION == "AT") {
- refrInt = 5;
- pflaschen = "Perlen";
- flaschentxt = "Perlen";
- crimetxt = "Sabotage";
- }
- else if (TOWNEXTENSION == "VT")
- crimetxt = "Sünde";
- PGu_setValue("RefreshInterval", refrInt);
- trace("DoTheAction: " + m_ownuserid + "/" + TOWNEXTENSION + "/" + refrInt, 2);
- /*-*/
- if (GM_getValue(host + "_autologin", "xxx") == "xxx") {
- GM_setValue(host + "_autologin", GM_getValue("www." + host + "_autologin", false));
- GM_setValue(host + "_username", GM_getValue("www." + host + "_username", ""));
- GM_setValue(host + "_password", GM_getValue("www." + host + "_password", ""));
- GM_deleteValue("www." + host + "_autologin");
- GM_deleteValue("www." + host + "_username");
- GM_deleteValue("www." + host + "_password");
- GM_deleteValue("change." + host + "_autologin");
- GM_deleteValue("change." + host + "_username");
- GM_deleteValue("change." + host + "_password");
- }
- var login = document.getElementById("loginform");
- if (login) {
- login.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
- var input = document.getElementById("loginform").getElementsByTagName("input");
- for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
- if (input[i].name == "username" || input[i].name == "password" && GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting", "") == "")
- GM_setValue(host + "_" + input[i].name, input[i].value);
- }
- GM_setValue(host + "_autologin", true);
- return true;
- }, false);
- }
- var myprof = document.getElementById("my-profile-new");
- if (!myprof)
- myprof = document.getElementById("my-profile");
- if (!myprof) {
- function doLogin() {
- var login = document.getElementById("loginform");
- var input = login.getElementsByTagName("input");
- var i = input.length - 1;
- if (GM_getValue(host + "_username", "") != "" && (GM_getValue(host + "_password", "") != "" || GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting", "") != "")) {
- document.getElementById("login_username").value = GM_getValue(host + "_username", "");
- if (GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting", "x") == "x")
- document.getElementById("password").value = GM_getValue(host + "_password", "");
- else {
- document.getElementById("password").value = GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting", "");
- GM_setValue(host + "_pwsitting", "x");
- }
- input[i].click();
- }
- else if (document.getElementById("login_username").value != "" &&
- document.getElementById("password").value != "") {
- input[i].click();
- }
- }
- var user = document.getElementById("login_username");
- /* if (user) {
- var chb = document.createElement("input");
- chb.type="checkbox";
- chb.id="autologin";
- chb.title="Auto-Login";
- user.parentNode.appendChild(chb, user);
- document.getElementById("autologin").checked = GM_getValue(host + "_autologin", false);
- // Click-Handler hinzufügen
- document.getElementById("autologin").addEventListener("click", function(event) {
- // Klickstatus speichern
- GM_setValue(host + "_autologin", this.checked);
- }, false);
- }*/
- if (GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting", "") != "") {
- if (GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting", "") == "x")
- GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting");
- window.setTimeout(doLogin, 2000);
- }
- else if (GM_getValue(host + "_autologin", false))
- window.setTimeout(doLogin, 10000);
- return;
- }
- else if (myprof.getElementsByTagName("form").length > 0) {
- var input = myprof.getElementsByTagName("input");
- if (input.length > 0) {
- myprof.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) {
- GM_setValue(host + "_autologin", false);
- }, false);
- }
- }
- var mobBut = document.getElementById("mobile_button");
- if (mobBut)
- if (mobBut.innerHTML == "Logout") {
- mobBut.getElementsByTagName("form")[0].addEventListener('mouseup', function(event) {
- GM_setValue(host + "_autologin", false);
- }, false);
- }
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // -------- Start of program--------------
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- // ***********************************************************************************************
- trace("Start", 8);
- if (document.getElementById("ntext")) {
- var menge = document.getElementById("ntext").innerHTML.split("<p>")[1].split("<")[0];
- var pos = menge.indexOf(" gefunden");
- if (pos != -1) {
- var pos2 = menge.lastIndexOf(" ", pos-1) + 1;
- trace(menge.substr(pos2, pos-pos2) + " gefunden: " + menge.match(/\d+/) + "/" + menge, 1);
- }
- else {
- pos = menge.indexOf("suche gegangen");
- if (pos != -1) {
- var pos2 = menge.lastIndexOf(" ", pos) + 1;
- trace(menge.substr(pos2, pos-pos2) + "suche gestartet: " + menge.match(/[\d.,]+/) + " Minuten" + "/" + menge, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/emergency/") != -1){
- if (GetMoney(document) >= 1000)
- document.getElementById("submitForm1").click();
- return;
- }
- getOverviewPage(mainFunc1);
- }
- function mainFunc1() {
- trace("mainFunc1", 8);
- m_ownuserid = getOwnUserID();
- if (document.getElementsByClassName('zleft profile-data')[0].getElementsByClassName("user_name").length > 0)
- m_ownusername = document.getElementsByClassName('zleft profile-data')[0].getElementsByClassName("user_name")[0].innerHTML;
- else
- m_ownusername = document.getElementsByClassName('zleft profile-data')[0].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].getElementsByTagName("span")[0].innerHTML;
- var today = new Date();
- var tagesdatum = FormatDate(today);
- // GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting");
- if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/overview/")){
- if (document.getElementsByClassName('zleft profile-data')[0].innerHTML.indexOf('Sittingmodus') != -1) {
- trace("Sittingmodus !!!!", 1);
- if (PGu_getValue("dailyTaskDone", "") != tagesdatum) {
- var lis = document.getElementById("summary").getElementsByClassName("status")[0].getElementsByTagName("li");
- if (lis.length == 8)
- lis[lis.length-1].getElementsByTagName("a")[0].click();
- else
- document.getElementById("summary").parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("h4")[1].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("a")[0].click();
- }
- else {
- if (GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting", "x") != "x")
- GM_setValue(host + "_pwsitting", "x");
- trace("Ausloggen aus Sittingmodus !!!!", 1);
- doLogout();
- }
- return;
- }
- else if (GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting", "x") != "x") {
- tryDaily = PGu_getValue("tryDailyTask", ";0").split(";");
- if (tryDaily[0] != tagesdatum) {
- var tries = 0;
- PGu_delete("tryDailyTask");
- }
- else
- var tries = Number(tryDaily[1]);
- if (tryDaily[0] == tagesdatum && (tries >= 5 && today.getHours() < 23 || tries >= 10 && today.getHours() >= 23)) {
- GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting");
- GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting_count");
- }
- else if (GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting_count", 0) <= 5) {
- GM_setValue(host + "_pwsitting_count", GM_getValue(host + "_pwsitting_count", 0) + 1);
- trace("Ausloggen für Sittingmodus !!!!", 1);
- incrDailyTry(tagesdatum, tries);
- doLogout();
- return;
- }
- else {
- GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting");
- GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting_count");
- }
- }
- else {
- GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting");
- GM_deleteValue(host + "_pwsitting_count");
- }
- }
- if (window.location.href.endsWith("/fight/?to=" + PGu_getValue("nextDF", "")) && PGu_getValue("lastDF", "") != PGu_getValue("nextDF")) {
- PGu_setValue("lastDF", PGu_getValue("nextDF", ""));
- PGu_setValue("DFstarted", true);
- trace("Starte Downfightangriff auf " + PGu_getValue("nextDF", ""), 2);
- document.getElementsByName("Submit2")[0].click();
- return;
- }
- if (expertMode)
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": Zeit für Variablenexport festlegen", function (event) {
- var days = prompt("Tage: ", GM_getValue("exportDays", "")).replace(/[^\d]/g, ",");
- if (days == null)
- return;
- if (days == "")
- GM_deleteValue("exportDays");
- else {
- var dayarr = days.split(",");
- for (var i = 0; i < dayarr.length; i++)
- if (isNaN(dayarr[i]) || Number(dayarr[i]) < 1 || Number(dayarr[i]) > 7) {
- alert("Bitte nur Zahlen von 1 (Mo) bis 7 (So) eingeben!!");
- return;
- }
- GM_setValue("exportDays", days);
- }
- var times = prompt("Zeiten: ", GM_getValue("exportTimes", "")).replace(/[^\d]/g, ",");
- if (times == null)
- return;
- if (times == "")
- GM_deleteValue("exportTimes");
- else {
- var timarr = times.split(",");
- for (var i = 0; i < timarr.length; i++)
- if (isNaN(timarr[i]) || Number(timarr[i]) < 0 || Number(timarr[i]) > 23) {
- alert("Bitte nur Zahlen von 0 bis 23 eingeben!!");
- return;
- }
- GM_setValue("exportTimes", times);
- }
- });
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": alle Einstellungen exportieren", function (event) {
- exportVars(expertMode, false);
- });
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": alle Einstellungen importieren", function (event) {
- var vars = prompt("Eingabe: ");
- var gmvars = vars.split("§");
- if (gmvars[0] != "Script" || gmvars[1] != THISSCRIPTNAME) {
- alert("Eingabe ungültig!!");
- return;
- }
- var chksum = gmvars.pop();
- if (chksum != checksum(gmvars, "§")) {
- alert("Importstring ist fehlerhaft. Kein Import möglich.");
- return;
- }
- var gm_vars = GM_listValues();
- for (var i = 0; i < gm_vars.length; i++)
- GM_deleteValue(gm_vars[i]);
- var count = 0;
- for (var i = 2; i < gmvars.length; i+=2) {
- var val = gmvars[i+1];
- if (val.substr(0, 1) == "N")
- val = Number(val.substr(1));
- else if (val.substr(0, 1) == "B")
- val = val.substr(1) == "1";
- else if (val.substr(0, 1) == "S")
- val = val.substr(1);
- else {
- alert("Fehler bei " + gmvars[i] + ": " + val);
- continue;
- }
- GM_setValue(gmvars[i], val);
- count++;
- }
- alert(count + " Variablen importiert.");
- return;
- });
- if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": Einstellungen sichern", function (event) {
- var c = true;
- var savetime = Number(PG_getValue("saveTime", "0"));
- if (savetime != 0)
- c = confirm("Sollen die Einstellungen vom " + FormatDateTime(new Date(savetime)) + " überschrieben werden ?");
- if (c) {
- var time = String(today.getTime());
- PG_setValue("saveTime", time);
- var vars = [];
- var gm_vars = [];
- var gm_vars = GM_listValues();
- for (var i = 0; i < gm_vars.length; i++)
- if (gm_vars[i].startsWith(TOWNEXTENSION))
- vars.push(gm_vars[i]);
- for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++)
- localStorage.setItem(vars[i], GM_getValue(vars[i]));
- alert ("Es wurden " + vars.length + " Werte gesichert.");
- }
- });
- var savetime = Number(PG_getValue("saveTime", "0"));
- if (savetime != 0) {
- GM_registerMenuCommand(THISSCRIPTNAME + ": Einstellungen wiederherstellen", function () {
- var savetime = Number(PG_getValue("saveTime", "0"));
- var now = (new Date(savetime));
- if (confirm("Sollen die Einstellungen vom " + FormatDateTime(now) + " wiederhergestellt werden ?")) {
- alert('Das dauert ein bisschen. Falls die Meldung "Nicht antwortendes Skript" angezeigt wird, bitte auf "Weiter ausführen" klicken');
- var vars = [];
- var gm_vars = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++)
- if (localStorage.key(i).startsWith(TOWNEXTENSION))
- vars.push(localStorage.key(i));
- for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++)
- GM_setValue(vars[i], localStorage.getItem(vars[i]));
- alert ("Es wurden " + vars.length + " Werte wiederhergestellt.");
- }
- });
- }
- }
- var maxfill = PGu_getValue("maxfillbottle", 90);
- trace("maxfill = " + maxfill, 2);
- if ((PGu_getValue("minMoney", 0) > 0 || maxfill > 0) && PGu_getValue("bottleprice", 0) > 0) {
- var price = Number(document.getElementsByClassName("icon bottle")[0].innerHTML.split(">")[1].match(/\d+/));
- if (price >= PGu_getValue("bottleprice", 0))
- getOverviewPage(mainFunc2, maxfill, price);
- }
- trace("moneyOver = " + PGu_getValue("moneyOver", false), 2);
- if (PGu_getValue("moneyOver", false) && PGu_getValue("maxMoney", -1) > 0 && PGu_getValue("maxMoneyPayIn", -1) > 0) {
- var minMoney = 0;
- if (PGu_getValue("minmoneychb", false))
- minMoney = PGu_getValue("minMoney", 0);
- var maxMoney = PGu_getValue("maxMoney", -1);
- var payIn = PGu_getValue("maxMoneyPayIn", -1);
- var money = GetMoney(document);
- if (money > maxMoney && money - payIn >= minMoney) {
- gangCredit(payIn, payIn);
- }
- }
- var today = new Date();
- var now = Math.floor(today.getTime()/1000);
- CheckForUpdate(now, 86400);
- var day = today.getDay();
- var hour = today.getHours();
- if (expertMode)
- if (GM_getValue("exportDays", "").split(",").indexOf(((day+6) % 7 + 1).toString()) != -1 &&
- GM_getValue("exportTimes", "").split(",").indexOf(((hour+1) % 24).toString()) != -1 && today.getMinutes() >= 50)
- CheckForExport(now, 1000);
- if (PGu_getValue("autoBuyNextHome", false))
- CheckHomeBuy();
- CheckSalary();
- CheckMinigame();
- CheckEnemygame();
- CheckMission();
- var eatDrink = PGu_getValue("eatDrink", "").toString();
- if (eatDrink != "") {
- var eatDrinkArr = eatDrink.split(",");
- eatDrink = Number(eatDrinkArr[0]);
- eatDrinkArr.splice(0, 1);
- PGu_setValue("eatDrink", eatDrinkArr.join(","));
- doEatDrink(eatDrink<0?2:1, eatDrink<0?-eatDrink:eatDrink);
- }
- if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/daily/"))
- window.setTimeout(CheckDaily, 5000);
- else
- CheckDaily();
- CheckGhosts();
- CheckPlunder();
- /* var keys = GM_listValues();
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- var val = keys[i];
- if (val.indexOf("ErrorCounter") != -1 && GM_getValue(val, "").length > 10) {
- if (window.confirm(val + "(" + GM_getValue(val, "") + ") löschen ?"))
- GM_deleteValue(val);
- }
- else if (val.indexOf("undefined") != -1 || val.indexOf("ErrorCounter") != -1)
- if (window.confirm(val + " löschen ?"))
- GM_deleteValue(val);
- }
- */
- if (PGu_getValue(nameLastCollectTime, -1) == -1) {
- var keys = GM_listValues();
- for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
- var val = keys[i];
- if (val.indexOf("-") != -1 || val.indexOf("pennersturm") != -1)
- GM_deleteValue(val);
- }
- PGu_setValue(nameLastCollectTime, 0);
- }
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoPetCollect", false)) {
- var cDay = PGu_getValue("AutoPetCollectDay", "0000000");
- if (cDay.length < 7)
- cDay += "0000000".substr(cDay.length - 7);
- var cBeg = PGu_getValue("AutoPetCollectBegH", 11);
- var cEnd = PGu_getValue("AutoPetCollectEndH", 12);
- if (cDay[day] == "1" &&
- ((cBeg < cEnd && hour >= cBeg && hour <= cEnd) ||
- (cBeg >= cEnd && (hour >= cBeg || hour < cEnd))))
- DoPetCollect();
- }
- if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/activities/crime/") != -1){
- var buttons = document.getElementsByClassName("button_area");
- for (var i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
- insertCheckBox3(buttons[i], i);
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/activities/") != -1){
- function insertBoxes (mode) {
- PG_log("insertBoxes");
- var loaded = (missionContent != "");
- if (mode == 0) {
- var timeOptions = document.getElementsByName("time")[0];
- timeOptions.selectedIndex = PGu_getValue(nameLastCollectTime,0);
- insertCheckBox(0, loaded);
- insertCheckBox2();
- }
- else if (loaded)
- insertCheckBox(1, loaded);
- if (!loaded) {
- PG_log("wait ...");
- window.setTimeout(insertBoxes, 500, 1);
- }
- }
- insertBoxes(0);
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.indexOf("/overview/") != -1){
- insertCheckBox4();
- CheckPresent(document.getElementById("content").innerHTML);
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/daily/")){
- insertCheckBox5();
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/missions/")){
- // GM_setValue("showMissCtrl", 1);
- insertCheckBox6(GM_getValue("showMissCtrl", 0));
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/gang/credit/")){
- insertCheckBox7();
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/stock/bottle/")){
- insertCheckBox8();
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/gang/upgrades/")){
- insertCheckBox9();
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/event/xmas15/")){
- insertCheckBox10();
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/livegame/")){
- // GM_setValue("doLiveGame", 1);
- if (GM_getValue("doLiveGame", 0) == 1)
- DoLiveGame(2);
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/livegame/bb/") && PGu_getValue("junkfound", "") != ""){
- insertCheckBox11();
- }
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/event/oktober15/"))
- insertCheckBox12("Brezn");
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/city/plundershop/"))
- insertCheckBox13();
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/event/halloween15/"))
- insertCheckBox14();
- else if(window.location.pathname.endsWith("/fight/"))
- insertCheckBox15();
- var wap = (PGu_getValue("WutActivePlunder", 0) + ";").split(";");
- var wip = (PGu_getValue("WutInactivePlunder", 0) + ";").split(";");
- var wwap = (PGu_getValue("WiWuActivePlunder", 0) + ";").split(";");
- var wwip = (PGu_getValue("WiWuInactivePlunder", 0) + ";").split(";");
- if ((Number(wap[0]) + Number(wip[0]) + Number(wwap[0]) + Number(wwip[0]) > 0 && PGu_getValue("aktPlunder", "") == "" && GetPromille(document) < 0.8) || PGu_getValue("DFstarted", false))
- getOverviewPage(mainFunc3);
- if (fcounter == done && counter == done || PGu_getValue("AutoCrime", false) && PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeFkt", 0) > 0 && counter == done) {
- PGu_setValue(nameTime, time);
- PGu_setValue("AskedForCollect", 0);
- checkInterval = window.setInterval(check,intervalTime);
- submit();
- }
- else {
- var lastURL = PGu_getValue("AutoCollURL", "");
- if (lastURL != "") {
- PGu_setValue ("AutoCollURL", "");
- window.location.replace( lastURL );
- }
- else {
- PGu_setValue(nameTime, time);
- PGu_setValue("AskedForCollect", 0);
- checkInterval = window.setInterval(check,intervalTime);
- }
- }
- if (fcounter != done || counter != done || !autoSubmit || !PGu_getValue("AutoCollect", false) && !(PGu_getValue("AutoCrime", false) && PGu_getValue("AutoCrimeFkt", 0) > 0)) {
- CheckNewMinigame();
- if (PGu_getValue("AutoPet", false))
- DoPetCheck(true);
- }
- }
- function mainFunc2(maxfill, bottle)
- {
- trace("mainFunc2", 8);
- var fass = overviewcontent.split("Fassungsverm");
- if (fass.length > 2)
- fass = Number(fass[2].match(/[\d.,]+/));
- else
- fass = 0;
- var mon = overviewcontent.split('class="icon money"')[1].split("</a>")[0];
- var money = Number(mon.split(">").pop().match(/[\d,.]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g, ''));
- var maxfill = PGu_getValue("maxfillbottle", 90);
- if (money < maxFass*100 && (money/100 < PGu_getValue("minMoney", 0) || maxfill > 0)) {
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/stock/bottle/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/bottle/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var maxmenge = Math.floor((maxFass*100 - money)/price) + 1;
- var menge = Number(content.split('id="max"')[1].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0]);
- if (maxfill > 0 && fass > 0 && menge > fass * maxfill / 100)
- var minmenge = Math.floor(menge - fass * maxfill / 100);
- else
- var minmenge = 0;
- if (money/100 < PGu_getValue("minMoney", 0))
- minmenge = Math.max(minmenge, Math.floor((PGu_getValue("minMoney", 0)*100 - money)/price) + 1);
- if (minmenge > 0) {
- menge = Math.min(minmenge, maxmenge);
- sellBottles(menge, price, content);
- }
- }});
- }
- }
- function mainFunc3()
- {
- trace("mainFunc3", 8);
- pos = overviewcontent.search("Angelegte Plunder");
- if (pos <= 0)
- return;
- var table = overviewcontent.substr(pos).split("<table")[1].split("</table>")[0];
- var tabs = table.split("<tr")[2].split("<td");
- var plname = tabs[1].split("</strong>")[0].split(">").pop();
- trace('Get ' + prothost + '/gang/upgrades/', 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/gang/upgrades/', onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var divs = content.split("<table")[1].split("</table")[0].split("<tr ")[2].split("<div");
- var aktion = divs[divs.length-1].split('type="submit"')[1].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- if (aktion == "Upgrade")
- return;
- if (aktion == "Wechsel") {
- aktion = divs[divs.length-2].split('type="submit"')[1].split('value="')[1].split('"')[0];
- var upgr = "Wut";
- }
- else
- var upgr = "WiWu";
- if (aktion == "Aktiv")
- aktion = "Active";
- else
- aktion = "Inactive";
- if (fcounter == done && PGu_getValue("DFstarted", false))
- PGu_delete("DFstarted");
- else if (fcounter != done && upgr+aktion == "WutInactive") {
- if (PGu_getValue("DFstarted", false)) {
- var pltab = 4;
- pltab = 3;
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method:"GET", url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/ajax/?c='+pltab, onload:function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var tdpm = content.indexOf('id="pm_'+PGu_getValue("dfPlunder", "")+'"');
- if (tdpm != -1) {
- var href = content.substr(tdpm).split('<a href="')[3].split('"')[0];
- if (href.substr(0,4) == "java") {
- var pos = content.lastIndexOf("<strong", tdpm);
- var pname = content.substr(pos).split("</strong")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var effect = content.substr(pos).split('class="pinfo2"')[1].split("</p>")[0].split(">").pop().trim();
- var prozp = effect.indexOf("%");
- if (prozp == -1) {
- var p = effect.indexOf("Minute");
- if (p != -1) {
- effect = effect.match(/[^ ]+ [^ ]+ Minute[n]*/)[0].replace(/folgenden |nächsten |auf /, "").replace("zwei", 2).trim();
- var spar = parseInt(effect) * 60;
- trace("Ersparnis durch Plunder: " + spar + " Sekunden; fcounter = " + fcounter, 2);
- if (spar >= getSeks(fcounter)) {
- PGu_delete("DFstarted");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- var anz = content.substr(pos).split("</span")[0].split(">x ")[1].trim();
- trace("Plunder " + pname + " wird benutzt (noch " + anz + ")", 2);
- PGu_delete("DFstarted");
- HttpPost(content.substr(tdpm), "use_stuff_no_buff", [], function() {
- reload("DFPlunder", "/fight/");
- });
- }
- }
- else
- PGu_setValue("dfUsePlunder", false);
- }});
- }
- return; // bei laufendem Kampf kein Plunderwechsel
- }
- var plnd = (PGu_getValue(upgr + aktion + "Plunder", 0) + ";").split(";");
- if (plname == plnd[1] || plnd[0] <= 0)
- return;
- // **********************************************************************************
- // *** GM_XMLHTTPREQUEST *** POSTEN des Plunderwechsels
- // **********************************************************************************
- trace("Post Plunderchange", 2);
- GM_xmlhttpRequest({method: 'POST', url: prothost + '/stock/plunder/change/', headers: {'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'},
- data: encodeURI('from_f=0&f_plunder=' + plnd[0]),
- onload: function(responseDetails) {
- var content = responseDetails.responseText;
- var pos = content.search("Angelegter Plunder");
- if (pos > 0) {
- var table = content.substr(pos).split("<table")[1].split("</table>")[0];
- var tabs = table.split("<tr")[2].split("<td");
- var plname = tabs[2].split("</strong>")[0].split(">").pop();
- if (plname != plnd[1])
- PGu_setValue(upgr + aktion + "Plunder", -1);
- }
- reload("PlunderChange");
- }
- });
- }});
- }
- function mainFunc4(price, content) {
- trace("mainFunc4", 8);
- var fass = overviewcontent.split('class="first"')[1].split("Fassungsverm")[1].match(/[\d.,]+/);
- var maxmoney = Number(fass[0].replace(/[.,]/g,''));
- var mon = overviewcontent.split('class="icon money"')[1].split("</a>")[0];
- var money = Number(mon.split(">").pop().match(/[\d,.]+/)[0].replace(/[.,]/g, ''));
- var menge = Math.min(menge, Math.floor((maxmoney - money) / price));
- sellBottles(menge, price, content);
- }