Reddit comment faces helper JS - Allows you to easily add comment faces from those subreddits: r/awwnime, r/pantsu, r/Moescape, r/TwoDeeArt, r/Patchuu, r/visualnovels, r/kemonomimi, r/manga, r/anime, r/SuperSonico, r/KanMusu, r/KanMusuNights, r/SchoolIdolFestival, r/LoveLive, r/OneTrueIdol, r/fatestaynight, r/saber, r/Nisekoi, r/OneTrueBiribiri, r/gamindustri, r/Esdeath, r/OneTrueTohsaka, r/kancolle, r/leagueoflegends and r/Chibi
XKCD enhancments JS - Displays the xkcd mouse-hover text when you click the comic (+date of comic submission), also adds a link to
XKCD What-if mouse-hover text JS - This script displays mouse-hover text of what-if images as simple image captions.
Reddit highlight newest comments JS - Highlights new comments in a thread since your last visit
Jeph Jacques comics bookmark JS - Adds a bookmark to the comic you've read last.