🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links

Allow users to add custom tags to links.

Dit zijn versies van het script waarin de code is bijgewerkt. Alle versies tonen.

  • v0.9.7 22-11-2023
    • 0.9.7
      • fix: mp.weixin.qq.com issue
  • v0.9.6 06-11-2023
    • 0.9.6
      • Update style
  • v0.9.5 01-11-2023
    • 0.9.5
      • Add emoji tags 👍
      • Increase the size of the list of candidate tags
      • Enable the select/find feature on the tag management page
      • Use CSS custom properties to define the width of the text tag border
  • v0.9.4 25-10-2023
    • 0.9.4
      • Update selectors for GitHub, now can add tags to issues, pulls and discussions
      • Define utags font-size and icon size with CSS custom properties
      • See more
  • v0.9.3 24-10-2023
    • 0.9.3
      • Update selectors and style
      • Apply utags to douban.com
      • Apply utags to myanimelist.net
      • Change the injection moment to 'document_start'
  • v0.9.2 19-10-2023
    • 0.9.2
      • Improve copy button
  • v0.9.1 18-10-2023
    • 0.9.1
      • Add the copy button in the prompt UI
  • v0.9.0 18-10-2023
    • 0.9.0
      • Use advanced tag input prompt UI
      • Define utag ul styles with css custom properties
  • v0.8.11 21-09-2023
    • 0.8.11
      • fix bugs
  • v0.8.10 21-09-2023
    • 0.8.10
      • Apply utags to rebang.today
  • v0.8.9 19-09-2023
    • 0.8.9
      • Update bilibili.com, greasyfork.org, youtube.com, douyin.com, pornhub.com style and matching rules
  • v0.8.8 11-09-2023
    • 0.8.8
      • Apply utags to podcasts.google.com
      • Apply utags to douyin.com
      • Apply utags to sspai.com
  • v0.8.7 07-09-2023
    • 0.8.7
      • Apply utags to weibo.com, weibo.cn
      • Apply utags to pornhub.com
  • v0.8.6 06-09-2023
    • 0.8.6
      • Apply utags to xiaohongshu.com
  • v0.8.5 06-09-2023
    • 0.8.5
      • Apply utags to zhihu.com
  • v0.8.4 05-09-2023
    • 0.8.4
      • Fix a bug on YouTube, compare keys when reusing utags elements
      • Update youtube selectors and style
  • v0.8.3 29-08-2023
    • 0.8.3
      • apply utags to exhentai.org
  • v0.8.2 18-08-2023
    • 0.8.2
      • Fix twitter style
  • v0.8.1 18-08-2023
    • 0.8.1
      • 添加 e-hentai.org 网站的规则
  • v0.8.0 17-08-2023
    • 0.8.0
      • Implement multi-language support, currently supports English and Chinese
      • 实现多语言支持,目前支持英文和中文
  • v0.7.7 17-08-2023
    • 0.7.7
      • Update instagram.com, threads.net
      • Improve performance, update tags when document is not hidden
  • v0.7.6 15-08-2023
    • 0.7.6
      • use svg element instead of background-image with data: url to fix CSP issue
      • (v2ex): handle cited replies generated by ve2x.rep userscript
  • v0.7.5 02-08-2023
    • 0.7.5
      • 处理 chrome extension 和 firefox addon 的默认网站规则
      • 添加在当前站点上启用/禁用 utags 的设置选项
      • 更新 bilibili, github 匹配规则
      • bilibili 问题似乎已解决,在测试观察一段时间,需要在设置里启用后才能使用
  • v0.7.4 31-07-2023
    • 0.7.4
      • 临时 bilibili 禁用 utags,有问题还没找到原因
  • v0.7.3 28-07-2023
    • 0.7.3
      • Update bilibili selectors
      • Update merging logic
  • v0.7.2 26-07-2023
    • 0.7.2
      • Apply utags to 52pojie.cn
      • Apply utags to juejin.cn
  • v0.7.1 25-07-2023
    • 0.7.1
      • Apply utags to tiktok.com
      • Apply utags to bilibili.com
      • Apply utags to youtube.com
      • Apply utags to facebook.com
  • v0.7.0 24-07-2023
    • 0.7.0
      • Apply utags to threads.net
      • Apply utags to instagram.com
      • Apply utags to mp.weixin.qq.com
  • v0.6.8 21-07-2023
    • 0.6.8
      • fix v2ex bug
  • v0.6.7 21-07-2023
    • 0.6.7
      • Apply utags to twitter.com
  • v0.6.6 21-07-2023
    • 0.6.6
      • [github] Match username in issues, PRs and commits
      • Prevent utags elements from being remade when the tags have not changed
  • v0.6.5 21-07-2023
    • 0.6.5
      • Apply utags to reddit.com
  • v0.6.4 20-07-2023
    • 0.6.4
      • Apply utags to github.com
  • v0.6.3 20-07-2023
    • 0.6.3
      • Apply utags to lobste.rs
      • Move focus on utags elements through the TAB key
      • Show utags with vimium hint marker on Firefox
  • v0.6.2 19-07-2023
    • 0.6.2
      • fix: change getTags from async to sync
  • v0.6.1 19-07-2023
    • 0.6.1
      • Fix style
      • fix: resolve touch device click issues
  • v0.6.0 18-07-2023
    • 0.6.0
      • Apply utags to hacker news (news.ycombinator.com)
  • v0.5.2 18-07-2023
    • 0.5.2
      • Improve performance
      • Prevent tag content from being copied together when copying HTML text
  • v0.5.1 17-07-2023
    • 0.5.1
      • [V2EX] 调整主题页主题标签的显示位置
      • [V2EX] 允许给回复添加标签
  • v0.5.0 16-07-2023
    • 0.5.0
      • Apply utags to greasyfork.org and sleazyfork.org
      • [V2EX] 允许给所有外部链接添加标签
  • v0.4.5 14-07-2023
    • 0.4.5
      • 取消点击空白区域时显示标签按钮的延迟效果
      • 连续点击区域相同时,隐藏标签按钮
  • v0.4.3 14-07-2023
    • 0.4.3
      • Update value of z-index to fix v2ex 超级增强 issue
  • v0.4.2 13-07-2023
    • 0.4.2
      • Handle ESC key, refactoring codes
  • v0.4.1 13-07-2023
    • 0.4.1
      • 更新标签图标与样式
  • v0.4.0 12-07-2023
    • 0.4.0
      • 支持触屏设备
  • v0.3.1 12-07-2023
    • 0.3.1
      • 提高可访问性, 修改 v2ex 超级增强兼容问题
  • v0.3.0 11-07-2023
    • 0.3.0
      • 修复楼中楼回复模式时,隐藏或半透明效果影响整个楼的问题
  • v0.2.1 11-07-2023
    • 0.2.1
      • 设置中添加打开标签列表,导出数据/导入数据链接
  • v0.2.0 11-07-2023
    • 0.2.0
      • 添加设置功能,可以设置是否显示被隐藏的内容,是否去除半透明效果
  • v0.1.10 10-07-2023
    • 兼容 Violentmonkey, Greasemonkey(Firefox), Userscripts(Safari) 等脚本管理器

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